Lesson 08 - Textbook Use and Adaptation
Lesson 08 - Textbook Use and Adaptation
Lesson 08 - Textbook Use and Adaptation
Since earliest times, the school textbook has always accompanied and guided teachers and learners.
Despite the development in recent decades of audiovisual and computer-based aids, the textbook remains
the didactic instrument par excellence. Textbooks do not only provide a framework for teachers in
achieving the objectives of the course, but also serve as a guide to the teacher when conducting lessons;
they also direct learners to specific learning goals. Thus, the textbook is a tool of vital importance to be
used in the teaching-learning process to facilitate effective and meaningful learning.
1. Definitions:
- A textbook is a book or a manual of instruction used for the study of facts and methods about a certain
subject. Textbooks sometimes have questions to test the knowledge and understanding of the learner.
- A workbook is a type of textbook that has only practice questions and exercises. Workbooks are
designed not to teach but to provide practice and to highlight areas, which need more learning.
- A revision guide is a type of textbook that is used to remind the learner about the subject and give
him/her extra practice, especially before an examination.
- A course book is usually meant for students in schools to accompany a course the school is teaching. At
university, students have to buy the textbooks they need themselves or borrow them from a library.
- Most textbooks are only published in printed format. However, many are now available online as
electronic books.
- Most textbooks are often organized into chapters, each including texts, examples, exercises to check
learners’ progress, lists of key words, and possibly answer keys. An official textbook is often organized
into units, each tackling a specific theme and covering a part of the syllabus in terms of formal language
rules and skill acquisition.
2. Importance of Textbooks
The function of a textbook is essentially pedagogical, to guide the teaching and learning of the curriculum
in a particular subject. A textbook acts as a guide for the syllabus material teachers have to cover in the
entire academic year. Textbooks help teachers (novice or experienced) to design the lesson plan and
enable a successful teaching and learning experience. They provide the basic framework within which
much of the classroom activities occur and give every learner the best possible opportunities for learning.
Textbooks also serve learners’ cognitive and psychological needs because they are a source of language
learning inside and outside the classroom setting, allowing learners to measure their progress and
achievement concretely when they use them (Hycroft, 1998). Richards (2001) posits that the use of a
textbook in a program can guarantee that students in different classes will receive a similar content, and
therefore, they can be evaluated in the same way. In addition, textbooks may include a variety of
accompanying resources, such as workbooks, CDs, and videos. This makes the learning environment
interesting and enjoyable to the learners.
University of Algiers 2/Faculty of Foreign Languages/Department of English/ L3/S5/2022-23/Dr. ARAR
A textbook is an instrument of instruction that facilitates the teaching learning process and meets
students’ cognitive and affective needs. It is written based on a prescribed syllabus in which the major
ideals of the subject matter are selected and summarized judiciously.
A textbook should
However, teachers should not over-rely on textbooks, and consider other aids or other materials for
the classroom. Essentially, teachers should be able to select textbooks that would meet both their
teaching objectives and learners’ needs, as well as be able to evaluate textbooks in order to adapt or
supplement them.
For more details about the strategies for using textbooks effectively in the language classroom,
consult the suggested reading file
In most ELT cases, teachers have to adapt the materials they are using if they want their teaching to
be more effective and more interesting. Textbooks are subject to adaptation when they are actually
used in the classroom if
- they fail to fulfill the goals and objectives specified by national or local syllabuses or curricula,
- they cannot be finished in the time available,
- they require facilities or equipment or other supporting materials that are not available,
- they are not engaging learners’ personality and interests,
- they are detrimental to the learners’ culture
Grant (1987) adds that adaptation is necessary to make learning activities relevant and purposeful,
to meet learners’ different needs, and to provide opportunities for real, authentic language learning. It
should be noted that adaptation often involves supplementation; that is, teachers add materials from
other resources to the textbook they are using. In addition, teachers need to have authority
(permission), appropriate conditions (initiative time and energy, encouragement), as well as know how
abilities (appropriate skills) in order to select, evaluate, and adapt textbooks in the most effective way.
University of Algiers 2/Faculty of Foreign Languages/Department of English/ L3/S5/2022-23/Dr. ARAR
a) Macro adaptation: This is ideally done before starting the language programme. After comparing
what is covered in a textbook and what is required by the syllabus or examination, the teacher may
decide to adapt certain parts of the unit or supplement others. Macro adaptation is very important
because it helps to avoid waste of time and energy of the teacher and the students as well. It also
helps the teacher to see in advance what s/he needs to supplement so that s/he can keep an eye on
materials that could be used.
b) Adapting a unit: This consists in reordering the activities, combining activities, omitting
activities, rewriting or supplementing exercise material, etc. Unit adaptation helps to make the
classroom teaching more smooth and cohesive. It also helps the teacher to better fulfill the aims of
a unit.
c) Adaptation of specific activities: This is required when an activity is not well-designed or it is not
feasible in a particular class.
Maley (cited in Tomlinson, 1998) suggested the following options for materials adaptation:
- Omission: the teacher leaves out things judged inappropriate, offensive, unproductive, etc., for the
particular group.
- Addition: where there seems to be inadequate coverage, teachers may decide to add to textbooks,
either in the form of texts or exercise material.
- Reduction: where the teacher shortens an activity to give it less weight or emphasis.
- Extension: where an activity is lengthened in order to give it an additional dimension.
- Rewriting/modification: teacher may occasionally decide to rewrite material, especially exercise
material, to make it more appropriate, more “communicative”, more demanding, more accessible to
their students, etc.
- Replacement: text or exercise material which is considered inadequate, for whatever reason, may be
replaced by more suitable material.
- Re-ordering: teachers may decide that the order in which the textbooks are presented is not suitable
for their students. They can then decide to plot a different course through the textbooks from the one
the writer has laid down.
- Branching: teachers may decide to add options to the existing activity or to suggest alternative
pathways through the activities.