Unit 5 - PGP, Smime
Unit 5 - PGP, Smime
Unit 5 - PGP, Smime
Pretty good privacy
Philip R. Zimmerman is the creator of PGP.
PGP provides a confidentiality and
authentication service that can be used for
electronic mail and file storage applications.
Henric Johnson 3
Zimmermann has done the following:
Henric Johnson 5
The actual operation of PGP, Consist of five
◦ Authentication
◦ Confidentiality
◦ Compression
◦ E-mail compatibility
◦ Segmentation
The sender creates a message.
SHA-1 is used to generate a 160-bit hash code
of the message.
The hash code is encrypted with RSA using the
sender’s private key, and the result is prepended
to the message.
The receiver uses RSA with the sender’s public
key to decrypt and recover the hash code.
The receiver generates a new hash code for the
message and compares it with the decrypted
hash code. If the two match, the message is
accepted as authentic.
The sender generates a message and a random
128-bit number to be used as a session key for
this message only.
The message is encrypted using CAST-128 (or
IDEA or 3DES) with the session key.
The session key is encrypted with RSA using the
recipient’s public key and is prepended to the
The receiver uses RSA with its private key to
decrypt and recover the session key.
The session key is used to decrypt the message.
PGP compresses the message after applying
the signature but before encryption
The placement of the compression algorithm
is critical.
The compression algorithm used is ZIP
The signature is generated before
compression for two reasons:
◦ It is preferable to sign an uncompressed message
so that one can store only the uncompressed
message together with the signature for future
◦ Message encryption is applied after compression to
strengthen cryptographic security. Because the
compressed message has less redundancy than the
original plaintext
Electronic mail systems only permit the use of
blocks consisting of ASCII text.
To accommodate this restriction, PGP provides
the service of converting the raw 8-bit binary
stream to a stream of printable ASCII
The scheme used is radix-64 conversion
The use of radix-64 expands the message by
Both PGP and S/MIME make use of an
encoding technique.
This technique maps arbitrary binary input
into printable character output.
The form of encoding has the following
relevant characteristics:
The range of the function is a character set
that is universally representable at all sites,
not a specific binary encoding of that
character set.
The character set consists of 65 printable
characters, one of which is used for padding.
With 26=64 available characters, each
character can be used to represent 6 bits of
No control characters are included in the set.
The hyphen character “-” is not used. This
character has significance in the RFC 5322
format and should therefore be avoided.
Table shows the mapping of 6-bit input values to
The character set consists of the alphanumeric
characters plus “+ ” and “/”. The “= ” character is
used as the padding character.
Binary input is processed in blocks of 3 octets (24
Each set of 6 bits in the 24-bit block is mapped into a
In the figure, the characters are shown encoded as 8-
bit quantities.
In this typical case, each 24-bit input is expanded to
32 bits of output.
For example,
◦ consider the 24-bit raw text sequence 00100011
01011100 10010001, which can be expressed in
hexadecimal as 235C91.We arrange this input in
blocks of 6 bits:
◦ 001000 110101 110010 010001 = 8 53 50 17
◦ Looking these up in Table yields the radix-64
encoding as the following characters: I1yR. If
these characters are stored in 8-bit ASCII format
with parity bit set to zero, we have
◦ 01001001 00110001 01111001 01010010
Often restricted to a maximum message
length of 50,000 octets.
Longer messages must be broken up into
PGP automatically subdivides a message that
is to large.
The receiver strip of all e-mail headers and
reassemble the block.
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
S/MIME will probably emerge as the industry
PGP for personal e-mail security
a security enhancement to MIME
provides similar services to PGP
based on technology from RSA Security
industry standard for commercial and
organizational use
RFC 2630, 2632, 2633
defines a format for text messages to be sent
using e-mail
Internet standard
structure of RFC 822 compliant messages
◦ header lines (e.g., from: …, to: …, cc: …)
◦ blank line
◦ body (the text to be sent)
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1998 10:37:17 (EST)
From: “Levente Buttyan” <[email protected]>
Subject: Test
To: [email protected]
SMTP Limitations - Can not transmit, or has a
problem with:
◦ executable files, or other binary files (jpeg
◦ “national language” characters (non-ASCII)
◦ messages over a certain size
◦ ASCII to EBCDIC translation problems
◦ lines longer than a certain length (72 to 254
some servers
◦ reject messages over a certain size
◦ delete, add, or reorder CR and LF characters
◦ truncate or wrap lines longer than 76 characters
◦ remove trailing white space (tabs and spaces)
◦ pad lines in a message to the same length
◦ convert tab characters into multiple spaces
Defines new message header fields
Defines a number of content formats
(standardizing representation of multimedia
Defines transfer encodings that protects the
content from alteration by the mail system
MIME-Version: Must be “1.0” -> RFC 2045, RFC 2046
Content-Type: More types being added by developers
◦ describes the data contained in the body
◦ receiving agent can pick an appropriate method to
represent the content
Content-Transfer-Encoding: How message has been
encoded (radix-64)
Content-ID: Unique identifying character string.
Content Description:
◦ description of the object in the body of the message
◦ useful when content is not readable (e.g., audio data)
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: Nathaniel Borenstein <[email protected]>
To: Ned Freed <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 1994 16:15:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: A multipart example
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=unique-boundary-1
This is the preamble area of a multipart message. Mail readers that understand multipart format
should ignore this preamble. If you are reading this text, you might want to consider changing to a mail reader
that understands how to properly display multipart messages.
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
… Some text …
Content-Type: multipart/parallel; boundary=unique-boundary-2
Content-Type: audio/basic
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
... base64-encoded 8000 Hz single-channel mu-law-format audio data goes here ...
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-type: text/enriched
Content-Type: message/rfc822
Enveloped Data: Encrypted content and
encrypted session keys for recipients.
Signed Data: Message Digest encrypted with
private key of “signer.”
Clear-Signed Data: Signed but not
Signed and Enveloped Data: Various
orderings for encrypting and signing.
Message Digesting: SHA-1 and MDS
Digital Signatures: DSS
Secret-Key Encryption: Triple-DES, RC2/40
Public-Private Key Encryption: RSA with key
sizes of 512 and 1024 bits, and Diffie-
Hellman (for session keys).
S/MIME secures a MIME entity with a signature,
encryption, or both.
A MIME entity may be an entire message or one or more
of the subparts of the message.
The MIME entity plus some security related data, such
as algorithm identifiers and certificates, are processed
by S/MIME to produce a PKCS, which refers to a set of
public-key cryptography specifications issued by RSA
A PKCS object is then treated as message content and
wrapped in MIME.
Have a range of S/MIME content-types, as
◦ enveloped data
◦ signed data
◦ clear-signed data
◦ registration request
◦ certificate only message
enveloped data (application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type =
◦ standard digital envelop
signed data (application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type = signed-
◦ standard digital signature (“hash and sign”)
◦ content + signature is encoded using base64 encoding
clear-signed data (multipart/signed)
◦ standard digital signature
◦ only the signature is encoded using base64
◦ recipient without S/MIME capability can read the message
but cannot verify the signature
signed and enveloped data
◦ signed and encrypted entities may be nested in any order
Registration Request
◦ Typically, an application or user will apply to a
certification authority for a public-key certificate.
◦ The application/pkcs10 S/MIME entity is used to
transfer a certification request.
Certificates-only Message
◦ A message containing only certificates or a
certificate revocation list (CRL) can be sent in
response to a registration request.
◦ The message is an application/pkcs7-mime
type/subtype with an smime-type parameter of
S/MIME uses public-key certificates that
conform to version 3 of X.509.
The key-management scheme used by
S/MIME is in some ways a hybrid between a
strict X.509 certification hierarchy and PGP’s
web of trust.
S/MIME user several key management functions to
◦ Key Generation - Diffie-Hellman, DSS, and RSA key-pairs.
◦ Registration - Public keys must be registered with X.509
◦ Certificate Storage - Local (as in browser application) for
different services.
◦ Signed and Enveloped Data - Various orderings for
encrypting and signing.
Example: Verisign (www.verisign.com)
◦ Class-1: Buyer’s email address confirmed by
emailing vital info.
◦ Class-2: Postal address is confirmed as well, and
data checked against directories.
◦ Class-3: Buyer must appear in person, or send
notarized documents.