Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Q.1 (a) Explain Asymptotic notations. 03
(b) What is Principle of Optimality? Explain its use in Dynamic 04
Programming Method.
(c) Explain why algorithm analysis is important. Also explain Worst Case, 07
Best Case & Average Case Complexity of algorithm.
Q.4 (a) Explain Optimal Substructure and Overlapping sub problems with 03
suitable example.
(b) Explain All Pair Shortest Path Algorithm. 04
(c) Given two sequences of characters, M=<A,B,C,D,B,A,C,D,F>, 07
N=<C,B,A,F> Obtain the Longest Common Subsequence. Write
equations and necessary steps.
Q.4 (a) Explain: Articulation Point, Graph, Minimum Spanning Tree. 03
(b) Explain Depth First Search algorithm. 04
(c) Solve the following Knapsack Problem using Dynamic Method. Write 07
the equation and steps for solving above problem. n = 5, W = 100
Object 1 2 3 4 5
Weight (w) 10 20 30 40 50
Value (v) 20 30 66 40 60
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
(c) Explain Breath First Traversal Method for Graph with algorithm 07
with example.
Q.5 (a) What is string-matching problem? Define valid shift and invalid 03
(b) Define P, NP, NP-Hard and NP-Complete Problem 04
(c) Explain Backtracking Method. What is N-Queens Problem? Give 07
solution of 4- Queens Problem using Backtracking Method.
Q.5 (a) Explain “P = NP ?” problem. 03
(b) Explain Minimax principal. 04
(c) What is Finite Automata? Explain use of finite automata for string 07
matching with suitable example.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) What is an algorithm? Why analysis of algorithm is required? 03
(b) What is asymptotic notation? Find out big-oh notation of the f(n)= 04
(c) Write an algorithm for insertion sort. Analyze insertion sort algorithm 07
for best case and worst case.
Q.2 (a) What is the difference between selection sort and bubble sort? 03
(b) Write iterative and recursive algorithm for finding the factorial of N. 04
Derive the time complexity of both algorithms.
(c) Solve following recurrence relation using iterative method 07
T(n)=2T(n / 2) + n
Q.3 (a) How divide and conquer approach work? 03
(b) Trace the quick sort for data A = {6,5,3,11,10,4,7,9} 04
(c) Explain master theorem and solve the recurrence T(n)=9T(n/3)+n with 07
master method
Q.5 (a) How huffman code is memory efficient compare to fixed length code? 03
(b) Give difference between greedy approach and dynamic programming. 04
(c) Find the Huffman code for each symbol in following text 07
Q.7 (a) What is finite automata? How it can be used in string matching? 03
(b) Differentiate BFS and DFS 04
(c) Explain Backtracking Method. What is N-Queens Problem? Give 07
solution of 4-Queens Problem using Backtracking Method.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
(c) Explain in brief Breadth First Search and Depth First Search Traversal 07
techniques of a Graph with Example.
Q.4 (a) Find an optimal Huffman code for the following set of frequency. A : 50, b: 03
20, c: 15, d: 30
(b) Find Minimum Spanning Tree for the given graph using Kruskal Algo. 04
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) Sort the best case running times of all these algorithms in a non-decreasing 03
LCS, Quick-Sort, Merge-Sort, Counting-Sort, Heap-Sort, Selection-Sort,
Insertion-Sort, Bucket-Sort, Strassen’s Algorithm.
(b) State whether the statements are correct or incorrect with reasons. 04
1. O(f(n)) + O(f(n)) = O (2f(n))
2. If 3n + 5 = O(n2) , then 3n + 5 = o(n2)
(c) Explain asymptotic analysis with all the notations and its mathematical 07
Q.2 (a) What is the use of Loop Invariant? What should be shown to prove that an 03
algorithm is correct?
(b) Apply LCS on sequence <A,B,A,C,B,C> for pattern <A,B,C> 04
(c) Write and explain the recurrence relation of Merge Sort. 07
(c) Perform the analysis of a recurrence relation T(n)= 2𝑇 (𝑛) + 𝜃(𝑛2 ) by 07
drawing its recurrence tree.
Graph G(V,E)
Q.3 (a) Consider an array of size 2048 elements sorted in non-decreasing order. 03
Show how the Binary Search will perform on this size by analysis of its
recurrence relation. Derive the running time.
(b) Explain the steps of greedy strategy for solving a problem. 04
(c) Apply Prim’s algorithm on the given graph in Q.3 (C) FIG:1 Graph 07
G(V,E) and step by step generate the MST.
Q.4 (a) Given is the S-table after running Chain Matrix Multiplication algorithm. 03
Calculate the parenthesized output based on
PRINT_OPTIMAL_PARENTHESIS algorithm. Assume the matrix are
names from A1, A2, ….,An
4 1
3 1 2
2 1 3 3
1 2 3
(b) Explain states, constraints types of nodes and bounding function used by 04
backtracking and branch and bound methods.
(c) Apply the algorithm to find strongly connected components from the 07
given graph.
Q.4 (a) Consider a Knapsack with maximum weight capacity M is 7, for the three 03
objects with value <3, 4, 5> with weights <2, 3, 4> solve using dynamic
programming the maximum value the knapsack can have.
(b) Explain the Minimax principle and show its working for simple tic-tac-toe game 04
(c) 07
Given is the DAG, apply the algorithm to perform topological sort and
show the sorted graph.
Q.5 (a) When can we say that a problem exhibits the property of Optimal Sub- 03
(b) Create an example of string P of length 7 such that, the prefix function of KMP 04
string matcher returns π[5] = 3, π[3] = 1 and π[1] = 0
(c) Explain the 3SAT problem and show that it is NP Complete. 07
Q.5 (a) Explain Over-lapping Sub-problem with respect to dynamic 03
(b) Show that if all the characters of pattern P of size m are different, the naïve string 04
matching algorithm can perform better with modification. Write the modified
algorithm that performs better than O(n.m).
(c) Explain with example, how the Hamiltonian Cycle problem can be used to solve 07
the Travelling Salesman problem.