Advanced Speaking
Advanced Speaking
Advanced Speaking
oppor-tv";+;e.S . . 1· ?
1. Do you have many ...................... to practise your English where you 1ve.
2. What do you think your .5~.~ .~~.~.~ are of passing the Advanced exam?
· a po-.~;
3. Do you know th at th ere 1s b;,,•.::ih11 at th ere m1g
· ht be three cand.d
...................... I at es .myo~r Advanced
speaking test?
4. Do you relish ttie .f.r.:~.e.~«ct of the exam day or are you dreading it?
How would you answer questions 1-8 in exercise la? Try and say two to four sentences in
' ..
~ Track 13 Match the candidate's answers to the examiner's question.s. Then listen
and check. ·
Examiner Candidate
1. What is your favourite a That would be fantastic! Of course, I'd need to save up
free-time activity at d beforehand. And maybe I'd need to do some work to survive
the moment? financially. As I love discovering new places, it would be
-rightup my s:tree.l1
2. What sort of work would you b Well, I'm studying economics, so I guess I'd prefer something
most like to do in the future?b related to finance. Perhaps banking or accounting .
3. If you had the opportunity, c Right now, I'm just hoping to pass this exam! Once I've
would you take a year out finished, ·1suppose I might take up another language.
and travel? . "'- I quite fancy that.
4. What sort of things do you d Currently, I prefer to do outdoor activities, like hiking or
enjoy learning? f' jogging. I try and keep myself fit. Sometimes I go alone
and other times with friends.
5. Do you like to give e. e It depends. I have work ambitions, but outside work
yourself aims and targets? I like to take each day as it comes.
6. Are you planning to do any f Wnen studying] I generally prefer figures to letters, but I do
courses in the near future? c enjoy a good history book. And I find documentaries intriguing.
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In this part, you talk about yourself and things you are interested in to show your ability to use
general and social English.
C>Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2016
Exam task
Q) Track 14 Put the words in order to make examiner's questions. Then listen and check. ·
1. activity / most/ do /what'; free:tirne / enjoy / you ?
.Wh<;;t..t....F ~ e .- .-l-i.rne.. .... 9--<?t;-,~; _+:::i ... olo ...lj.ou .. e ,ryq;;1 'n"\Os+ !'.........................................................
2. ~ork / future / do / like / to·/ what / would / sort/ you / of !_the / in ?
:t .s OE. t..vOr k, ...wo <.:>\d ..~O..:> .. l i;,,_e...+.;;> p{o .. ,,..,,_the. ... 6-d:~.:::~.~ .................
.. .WJ..,,,:,, ,o ....... ...
3. tgli.e / ,if / oppOftunity / travel / you / year / had / y9u / a / w_puld / out / to / t~e ?
....~....;:;1p.e.Q.r.:~.~ -··l./wQ,Y..\..Q... -..!J)O,}. ...±:~.h.~...s. ..;;;.€.e.r......R!.?.±.....:tQ..:tr.~'-'-e..l ~
.. I.E....1:1-.a.u ......l:-:..~
4. learning / sort / do /what/ enjoy / things / you / of ?
..',..1.,;.b.=.-1,.... ~.a.:±...ciE.....±bi~.!!i....di::t.~ .~....e.q,.~ ...\~e,,c;.~ ..?.. .................................................................
5. ideal / your / job / would / be / what ?
..L...l.h.,Q\.,+ .... ,y.,QU\i;::l, .<,, ..-..,,i d..e.p..1 ...Jok..7..................................................................................................
1. Which singers or actors that you know have made a _,,..,--- Have the necessary qualities or
~ recently? What did they do to attract so much talents to do something.
attention? d
.v Be very knowledgeable about ·
2. Which place can you think of that has suddenly been a subject.
put back on the map? 3 e' Share very similar tastes and
3. Would you say that you have what jt takes to cope opinions.
with being famous? c::1..
Gt' Suddenly become suddenly very
4. Are you on the same wavelength as anyone in famous or wel~known.
your family? c::.
,,Ji Try to do something that is too
5. Have you ever bitten off more than J'.OU could i;hew? e difficult or involves too much work.
6. Which person on TV do you think really ( To do the final work or add the final
knows their stuff? b improvements to something so that
7. Would you say that you have an ear for music?~ it's complete or satisfactory.
8. Do you still need to put the finishing touches to ~ Make somewhere or something
something you've made or written? F become popular again.
v Be naturally good at understanding
and picking up sounds.
t::i .
It (1 )<isY will be time to announce a preview of our programmes for the upcoming season, which
(2) Kicks / ~ f f this Friday at 9 p.m. with the premiere of the new comedy series, Sp/it.
If you (3) tfi£s I are liking suspense, (4) tf_QU'[/ove / you'll be loving the serial drama, Damage,
which (5) will be broadcast I will have been broadcast over four nights next week. In ten days'
time, (6) we're showing / ~...s®W ing:,the long-awaited thriller - Underground. No doubt this
classic (7) is continuing/~ to keep you glued to your screen. Amazing to think that
by November, we (8) will watch /SrflThave beelkwatGhiAi=Underground for eight years! Further
programmes (9) <af§.Y are going likely to be confirmed shortly, so sign up to receive updates and
remember to bookmark your favourites!
Exam tips
Answer the examiner's questions promptly and naturally. Don't pause too long to think about
your answers.
Make your answers appropriate in length. Avoid answers of one or two words but don't give long
and detailed answers.
• Try and use a variety of tenses, structures and vocabulary.
1. cross c
2. cutting cj
> a •breaking
3. last e
> b -consuming
4. long f
> C -country
5. record
> d -edge
> I
6. time b
> e -minute
> J·.
> f -term
Complete the sentences with the compound adjectives from exercise la.
1. The live event attracted a .~.~.S9..~~.:. ~.~.~ize of audience. Never before had so many
spectators turned up on the day.
2. cu+-1-;"-"·::~.e..&...~skiing is a fantastic way to explore snowy landscapes.
3. A considerable amount of time and money is spent on the design of £.C?..~.;..:.~f?..'-::'::>t.£1.... sports
equipment using the expertise of aeronautical engineers.
4. The moment you start exercising, you can feel its positive effects . .(,.;.Q.•~·eF·t.~:;::r.:-t.l....~.. benefits
include a reduced risk of disease and increased life expectancy.
5. Training and preparing for a marathon is :h~.::.9?..~.~.~.~i.Z,, exhausting and at times, very dull.
6. Disappointed fans missed seeing their heroes after the team suddenly announced a
.t~.±...: ...=;~.1,1.-tc.. substitution of two of its players due to injury.
1. Once the cause has been identified, doctors can prescribe the@ore suitable treatm§D
.... +~ e......•.rv-,. e:, ~~ .... ;;:.'-->t~t ~ .. -\-.f'~TMe ..t"\t: ...............................-..................................................................
2. The team's performance today was !Qe most clear s}wyet that they are back and ready to
challenge the leaders .
...... ;+:he. .. c..lep.rc;,r + .... s...-go ................................................................................................................................................
3. The medical professioh's@challenge is to deal with the shortage of nursing staff in rural areas .
........b\clf1e~r ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Ticket sales wereanuch more lower an~ han expected .
.........f.:r.).ui:..,.h.... l.c.w..<e.c.....Q.A,lil(,......1..l..C?..Y.!r!.e.C.............................................................................
5. Tennis is the€ fcfs A'leSt favourite individual sport.
...... !i-JC".l.c,<=.-.,-.;Cu r · ~................................................................................................................................
................ .
6. The city hospital is one· of the~ the country.
\:::es-\" ..................................................
: ' . '\ r ; •. ., ~
104 . '(j ~ ' "'\
... ..
f ,..~, ' ·: •
Events, both personal and those which are (1) ...Q..... ~ .~t...,:;1.e..9..1............... more public, can
have _a dramatic impact on our lives. Sometimes, for whatever. reason, an everyday occurrence can
suddenly stop us in our tracks and make us reflect or react: On other occasions, it is something far
(2) .r.nQ.~...e.>:.;:t;r.Q.<?.f..9.!.~e.2:7..•. that captures our attention ·and sticks in our minds.
Artists have been illustrating these effects and reactions for (3) ..l?.l,J;.••.f..~.c..;?.e...~ ............... as we
have records. Cave paintings of birth, illness and death, together with contemporary photographs and
sketches of war or disaster demonstrate the desire and the need to raise awareness of issues and
events by illustrating them and leaving a record. ,
Thanks to the aid of technology, documenting: and sharing events and reactions has become
(4) .....a ~.~ ..... immediate and considerably (5) :::~·...'?..':.~......;::tr::-.~ ..•:,::b..t..f.9..r.<..uo.r-c/
A small plea: Could these reactions be (6) .r.r.:-.Q.f\::-....'.nrJ.ce.±b.Q..~~.I. and slightly .~
(7) ...1.&..s..~...s.p.t::1:::1:±..!!':l;!::\~.~ •.•.. (and edited!)?
Complete the questions with the corre~t form of the verbs in the box.
Exam tip
• Only talk about two of the pictures. Don't just describe them and make sure you answer both
L------------~~~~~~~~~ --'·)'r
• ' ,. • •"" : • { 'C ii-
4. An unpleasant emotion you feel when you are frightened . .f..~:::~c.r....... r--
5. Sad and/or worried ..!:1.e..!:.~!... I
6. A feeling of not being safe or confident. _;"- sec..,,H..J
7. A form of behaviour or feeling in response to an event or situation. r.:~e,;7.:~.~"
8. An extreme (and sometimes irrational) dislike or fear of a particular thing ..r,.~~-~.:.~
1. An obvious example of our lack of personal privacy online is .. b.1.1.n,,1 .....F.1. ....\i;....r.:-.~.~ ....!& .
..o.E.....'?.!.t?.~.~ .... rba.1..>.~.~.«c.~ .1' 1:>.1.J..r... ... ~!:;!.C..e..:b.Q..~ .. .l.~.tar.:r.ei.~ ±i..P...".')., .............
2. We can support people who are suffering in many ways, for instance, by ...l?.ie:\~.................................
;,::1""Pp,.++-,'h< ;, .. --,.., ~~+h,;-r-,., ...,............................................... ·...................................................................
3. It's vital to set aside time every day to do things such as ..!x:-.!?.';.~...<!7cur.:...b......d!,'to;;e..
,@C>iC:::, . +-q ~rk. or .. S Fl-.."9\ .-............................................................................................,_ __
4. Sometimes parents do nothing to control their children's behaviour. A case in point is _ _ _ _
5. Spending time with your family is really important. We can do this in various ways. One way to do
this is ...~ ...-.j.cJ. ~....e .1.1:±i::l,±i~ .....~.':-:?:f.h..l:ll.'ii...h.i.i'.':,i..~ .. ~...,;;;~.<i.~.,.......... ..
___ ........................................................................................................................................................... .............. .
6. Having a down-to-earth approach to life is important. By this, what I mean to say is .. ::l:'.'::-.!?.>..:t.. ...........
..w..e....S.\.:,,c:il.l.~!2: ....~ .. ;~::,9..~~~.:t.:...............................................................................................................................
7. Living mindfully includes living in the present. In other words, .~....~e.e.Q...~....\L~ .....;,.i?..-..r.:.. !;;eS+
(ir-e_ e, 1/ui c:, ' " ~ Q . preSter,.+. ,
. '
11 Q ADVANCED SPEAKING I PARTS 3 & 4 I 1 © Cambridge ,University Press and UC LES 201 B
The environment
Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets to make them less direct. You may need to
make some minor changes.
3. I would like to suggest an alternative. (just) ...\..r.,.:1.<:11,1.\d,.,;.~.i..:t:..J.i~~ ...m ...~.~~.~ .°H'...!?.,.':)..e...t ~ " = ~
4. It's difficult to choose. (sort of) ..1~.~...~~r.:-:t:..o.E....:'!::Lf.E...~~1.:t:...-!;:0..!1..6.~c......................................
5. Could you give more details? (I wonder if),~c.:•.f...~.c;i•...,...~ i : t...e~...~."1.!:e....Q\.~I:. ~
6. I agree. (tend to) ....l...:!~!
7. That is not the case. (necessarily) ..::r.!-::..t1>.t...i~..~ .Q.:t.. f.}.~ ~.e .;.::-i..~r.:'!
8. Temperatures are rising. (It may be argued that) ...l.t.Dr.-..~ ..1:ac...-.r~.e ....t!::~.t..........................
..:t:e.t:le:>p..:=rc=dv r ~ ,. o..r~.. r $i $.\!"'..:, •.............................................................................................................
disagree fair' far look 0)0fe se-e s_µ,e too.Illy Wa<f ~n't
1. That's a ..f..ej :........ point. 6. I'm afraid I have to .'.::'..~~with you here.
r......;)Ou\d."' 't""
2. I .±.er.t-2.b.. agree. 7. But ...................... you say that . . .
3. I .....s:.e..e.-... what you mean. 8. The ..f,.\j.~ ..... I see things, .. .
4. I couldn't agree ...~ :.:~ ... . 9. The way I ....1..~9.!::::.... at it, .. .
5. I'm not ...:!.~a:...... I agree with you. 10. As ..f..~ .r.:....... as I'm concerned, ...
6. Switching off our phones and laptops for a whole day per week would be good for everyone and for
the planet too. How do you feel about this idea? 1 ,., .., c..A <><..+ t::i ou ""'C:c::.." , bu!- wo<-> • d "'+-
::J t °';:I t-1...c,.+ .•• 0,,..,
• .... ,.: f