Firew Mulatu

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This is to certify that this thesis prepared by Firew Mulatu, entitled: Networking

and Business Performance of Medium Sized Enterprises in Addis Ababa and

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Business

Administration (MBA) Degree complies with the regulation of the University and

meets the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality.

Approved by the Examining Committee:

Internal Examiner__________________________ Signature ___________ Date_____________

External Examiner _________________________ Signature ___________ Date_____________

Advisor ________________________________ Signature _________ Date _____________


Chair of department or graduate program coordinator


In order to stay competitive in business and upgrade performance, SMEs need to work in

collaboration with others. To do this in today’s the so-called a “one village” world it is necessary to

create chain that gives value for business through networking. The purpose of this study was to test

the impact of networking on the business performance of medium sized enterprises in Addis Ababa.

The questionnaire survey method was used in this study to collect data from respondents. The data

was collected from 128 samples of respondents identified through stratified random sampling

technique and the collected data was analyzed using ordered probit model: which is one of nonlinear

models used for analyzing data measured on ordinal scale. In this survey study it was found that

networking with financial institutions, business associates, and quality of the relationship in network

positively and significantly related with business performance of medium sized enterprises. In

addition to this, the resource acquisition capability of the network was negatively and significantly

related with business performance of medium sized enterprises. The result of this study suggests that

networking relationship with different types of supporting institutions and business associations

significantly improves the business performance of medium sized enterprises in Addis Ababa.


I wish to acknowledge everyone who has helped me in different aspects in the accomplishment of

this study. First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty God for giving me strength and peace.

Secondly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my research advisor Dr. Zewdie Shibre for

his valuable advice and encouragement to accomplish this research work successfully. Thirdly, I

would like to also express thanks to my friends, colleagues, to Mr. Asres Abitie (MBA program

coordinator, Management Department) and Dr. Mohammed Seid (Chairperson of Management

Department), and to my family for their extensive support throughout the entire process of my study,

and to all others who have contributed directly or indirectly to the successful completion of my

thesis work.

Table of Contents

List of Figures ............................................................................................................viii

List of Tables................................................................................................................ ix

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................................... x

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the Study ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Research Questions ................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 The Objective of the Study ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.4.1 General Objective ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.2 Specific Objective ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Research Hypothesis ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.6 Significance of the Study ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Scope of the Study .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.8 Limitations of the Study ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.9 Organization of the Study ......................................................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITRATURE .................................. 8

2.1 Overview and Concept of Networking ...................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Type of Networking .................................................................................................................................10
2.2.1 Horizontal Networking .....................................................................................................................10
2.2.2 Vertical Networking..........................................................................................................................11
2.3 Theories Related to Networking .............................................................................................................11

2.4 Networking and SMEs .............................................................................................................................11
2.5 Overview and Definition Small and Medium Enterprises .......................................................................12
2.6 Review of Related Previous Studies on Networking and Business Performance of SMEs ....................14
2.7 Conclusion and Knowledge Gap .............................................................................................................21
2.8 Conceptual Framework of the Study .....................................................................................................22

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 24

3.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................24
3.2 Study Area and Subject ...........................................................................................................................24
3.3 Research Design ......................................................................................................................................24
3.4 Instrumentations ....................................................................................................................................25
3.5 Population, Sample and Sample Size Determination .............................................................................26
3.6 Description of Variables for the Study ...................................................................................................29
3.7 Method of Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................30
3.8 Econometrics Model Specification .........................................................................................................30


OF THE FINDINGS……………………………….……………………………… 33

4.1 Descriptive Statistics Analysis .................................................................................................................33

4.2 Reliability and Validity Tests....................................................................................................................41
4.2.1 Construct Reliability .........................................................................................................................41
4.2.2 Validity..............................................................................................................................................41
4.3 Specification Tests of the Model .............................................................................................................44
4.3.1 Heteroskedasticity Test ....................................................................................................................44
4.3.2 Normality Test Using Shapiro Wilk Test ...........................................................................................45
4.3.3 Multicollinarity Test .........................................................................................................................46
4.4 Ordered Probit Model Test Result ..........................................................................................................46
4.5 Marginal Effects of Independent Variables .............................................................................................48
4.6 Discussion of Results ...............................................................................................................................49
4.7 Summary of Findings ...............................................................................................................................50


5.1 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................................52

5.2 Managerial Implications of this Study .....................................................................................................52
5.3 Recommendations for Practical Application ...........................................................................................53
5.3.1 Medium Sized Enterprises................................................................................................................53
5.3.2 The Government ..............................................................................................................................54
5.4 Directions for Future Research ...............................................................................................................56

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................... xi

APPENDICES .........................................................................................................xviii

List of Figures page

Figure 2.1. Conceptual Frame Work for the Study 23

Figure 4.1 Bar Chart of Ordinal Data Using Median 44

List of Tables page

Table 2.1: SMEs definition in Ethiopia based on the paid up capital and number of workers.. 13

Table 3.1: Allocation of samples for early stratum (Planned Sample of Respondents) 29

Table 3.2: Function of control variables 33

Table 4.1: Number of samples actually used in the study 34

Table 4.2: networking problems of sampled firms ………………………………………………….35

Table 4.3: Mean value of firm age and firm size 43

Table 4.4: Reliability analyses of variables of the study using cronbach’s alpha 45

Table 4.5: Factor and reliability test of type of networking 47

Table 4.6: White’s test of heteroskedasticity 50

Table 4.7: Shapiro wilk test of normality 50

Table 4.8: Test of multicollinarity among independent variables 52

Table 4.9: Ordered probit model test result 52

Table 4.9.1: Marginal effects of independent variables 54

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

1. SME’s ………………………………….. Small and Medium Enterprises.

2. FEMSEDA………………………………. Federal Micro and Small Enterprise

Development Agency

3. UNIDO …………………………………...United nation international development


4. CEO ……………………………………….Chief executive officer

5. ICT ……………………………………….. Information Communication Technology


1.1 Background of the Study

The current business environment creates obstacles for SMEs. In order to stay competitive in

business, SMEs need to work in collaboration with others. To do this in today’s the so-called a “one

village” world it is necessary to create chain that gives value for the stakeholders through

networking. Different writers define networking, for our purpose we take some of them. For

example, Easton (1992) defined networking as exchange dimensions in two or more connected

relationships. Lewis, (1990) defined network by dividing in to two parts: vertical network and

horizontal network. Vertical network is formed for the objective of solving for example like:

marketing problems with buyers, suppliers, producers. Vertical networks are also termed as

marketing channel networks. But, horizontal network is formed between competing firms (like:

similar enterprises operating in given sector) for co-operation purpose. In addition to this, Shibre et

al., (2003) also defined horizontal linkage: associations formed with similar enterprises located in a

given geographical area having aim of like: joint purchase of raw materials. While linkage formed

between small scales, medium and large enterprise for purpose of subcontracting network is known

as vertical network (Shibre et al., 2003).

The Ethiopian SMEs in current period is highly influenced by the lack of integration among

SMEs themselves and with other external resources starting from resources like :government in

giving enough training and support on their constraints, suppliers of raw material, customers,

financial institutions and with others stakeholders. Many researchers put their effort on analyzing

the effect of business networking in maximizing performance of SMEs and solving problem

related to their business operation as we can see below.

Tooksoon and Mudor (2012), finding showed that the business network was statistically significant

and positively associated with export success and export penetrations. Institutional network was also

statistically significant but shows a negative association with export performance. However

knowledge network was not associated with both dimensions of export performance. Tooksoon and

Mohamed (2010) also found that external resources that contributed positively to export

performance were: financial institutions, and business associates. Even though the government

agencies were also statistically significant but show a negative association. Trade association and

knowledge association were not associated with export performance. Ge et al., (2009) studied the

impact of networking and resource acquisition on the performance of SMEs. This study was

conducted by taking a total sample of 227 firms from the three cities in china and found that

resource acquisition capability and resource acquisition outcome of the network were positively

related with firm performance.

Even though the previous studies had their own contribution in investigating the networking

performance of SMEs, there were limitations that might affect the reliability and validity of the

result of the study in terms of methodology used, data analysis, and conclusion drawn. The major

one were: the existence of different arguments about the impact of networking on the performance

of SMEs, the use of incorrect statistical tests for the type of measurement scales employed in the

study, the low response rate of the respondents and a focus on a single sector were among the major

ones. In addition to this, many studies have been done on the impact of networking on the

performance of SMEs, but little information available on the impact of networking on the

performance of SMEs investigated in the Ethiopia case. Especially, most of the studies investigated

the networking and export performance relationship on SMEs. But very little is known about the

impact of networking on the domestic business performance of medium sized enterprises (which

were transformed from Micro and Small Enterprises) in Ethiopian case. Thus, the purpose of this

study was to identify the existing networking practice and measuring the effect of networking on the

business performance medium sized enterprises in Addis Ababa. This study may lead to a better

understanding of the impact of networking on the business performance of medium sized enterprises

to the Ethiopian enterprises as well as to the world of literature and for all concerned bodies.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

According to Barney (1991), the major determinants of a firm’s performance and strategy are the

internal organization resources. However, only focusing on internal organizational resources ignores

the advantages that a firm may possess due to its being linked to an external network (Dyer and

Singh, 1998). Because, through business relationship various value chain activities like market

knowledge can be gained by the firms. In turn these speedup growths of firms by maximizing

business performance through identifying customers need and tailoring appropriate solution, being

competent in domestic as well as international market by decreasing uncertainties involved in the

market place (Basile, 2012). Anderson and Narus, (1990) argued that, the scarce resources acquired

through the business relationships are products, services, money, information, know-how and

personnel. Especially for small and medium size enterprises business network relationship is much

important than large business in a way that in solving their constraints like marketing, finance ,

management skills and for sharing resources and capabilities with others (Johnson and

Scholes,2005) .Even though the above is true, according to Ethiopian Federal Micro and Small

Enterprise Development Agency Strategy(FEMSEDA,2010) the aim of the government among

other is creating employment opportunity, increasing export and reduce import through small and

medium size enterprise. But, the sector is hampered by problem of mainly market linkage

between and among other stakeholders (FEMSEDA,2010). Lewis (1990) stressed the opportunities

for co-operation for solving marketing problem, improving production efficiency, or exploiting a
market opportunity through resource mobilization and sharing. To the contrary, in the Ethiopia case,

most of the studies done on networking were exploratory in nature, for example that of Shibrie et al.,

(2003) involved in identifying the networking related problems of enterprises during their operations

specifically, focusing on the form and extent of linkage among firms and with other institutions.

They were not explanatory in nature that investigates the impact of networking on the performance

of small and medium sized enterprises. In addition to this, most of these studies focused on studying

the networking practice and problems of enterprises as general (without focusing on micro, small,

medium or large enterprises). Since medium sized enterprises are a bridge between small and large

firms, knowing in detail about the impact of networking on medium sized enterprises gives insight

for concerned bodies on how to accelerate the growth of small and medium sized enterprises, and to

lay down the base for the expansion of large industries or to bring industrialization. Thus, the

purpose of this study was to understand the current practice of networking relationship and to

measure the effect of networking on the business performance of Medium Sized Enterprises in the

manufacturing sector in Addis Ababa.

1.3 Research Questions

To address the above mentioned issues in the statement of the problem section, this study focuses on

the following research questions:

1) In what type of networking do medium sized enterprises in manufacturing sector involve?

2) How much is the impact of strength of relationship with networking resources on the

performance of medium sized enterprises in manufacturing sector?

3) How much is the impact of quality of relationship in the network on the performance of

medium sized enterprises in the manufacturing sector?

4) How much is the impact of the resource acquisition capability of the network on the

performance of medium sized enterprises in the manufacturing sector?

1.4 The Objective of the Study

1.4.1 General Objective

The aim of this study was to understand the existing networking relationship practice and

investigate the impact of networking on business performance of medium sized enterprises

in manufacturing sector in Addis Ababa.

1.4.2 Specific Objective

 Identifying in what kind of different networking relationships medium sized

enterprises involved.

 Measuring the impact of strength of tie with governmental agencies, financial

institution, trade associations and knowledge institutions on the performance of

medium sized enterprises.

 Analyzing the influence of quality of relationship in the network on the

performance of medium sized enterprises.

 Measuring the resource acquisition capability of the network on the performance

of medium sized enterprises.

1.5 Research Hypothesis

Based upon reviewed related literature on this study’s topic, the following research hypotheses

were formulated from the statement of the problem and research objective sections:

Hypothesis 1: Networking with governmental agencies is significantly related with business

performance of medium sized enterprises.

Hypothesis 2: Networking with financial institutions is significantly related with business

performance of medium sized enterprises.

Hypothesis 3 Networking with business associates is significantly related with business

performance of medium sized enterprises.

Hypothesis 4: Networking with Trade association is significantly related with business

performance medium sized enterprises.

Hypothesis 5: Networking with knowledge institutions is significantly related with business

performance of medium sized enterprises.

. Hypothesis 6: Quality of relationship in the network is significantly related with business

Performance of medium sized enterprises.

Hypothesis 7: Capability in resource acquisition in the network is significantly related with

business performance of medium sized enterprises.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study will provide evidence of a networking and business performance relationship to the

Ethiopian Medium sized enterprises as well as to the world of literature and for all concerned

stakeholders. Further the study will reveal insight for government policy makers in how to solving

networking problems of medium sized enterprises in Addis Ababa.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study confined itself in using only owner manager or manger in order to collect data for the

study through questionnaire. In order to investigate the impact of networking on the business

performance ranging from 2010 up to 2012 year, this study confined to medium sized enterprises

which were operating in the manufacturing sector in Addis Ababa.

1.8 Limitations of the Study
The major limitations of this study that may affect the reliability and validity of the study are: firstly,

the casual relationship between independent and dependent variables were tested with a single time

period on cross sectional study that paved the way for inferring causality based on observed

relationship . Secondly, in this study the mediating variables were not included between independent

and dependent variables .Therefore the relationship between variables might not be explained

directly without the involvement of mediating variables especially in entrepreneurship study.

Thirdly, this study was done only focusing on manufacturing sector. Thus, finding from this study

may not be generalized to other industry or sectors.

1.9 Organization of the Study

This paper was organized into five chapters .The first chapter presents the introduction part of study

that includes the background of the study , statement of the problem, objective of the study, research

hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study. The second chapter presents

review of related literature on the topic of the study composed of both theoretical and empirical

findings. Chapter three presents research methodology of the study that includes research design,

instrumentations, population and sample, description of the variables, method of data analysis and

model specification for the study. Chapter four presents data presentation, analysis and

interpretation. While in chapter five the conclusion and recommendations drawn from the study

depending upon the finding of the study was presented.


2.1 Overview and Concept of Networking

Networks are the arrangement among members of the network in order to receive and disseminate

different kinds of knowledge and resources. (Sternberg; Bechmann, cited in Li et al., 2013). There

are two major issues that determine whether or not a firm in the network really benefited from the

network involved in it: network structural and relational characteristics. Structural characteristics of

the network focuses on the capability of the network in giving to its members a favorable

environment for getting support, resources, and information, the significance of the information and

a network members awareness of partners who can give support and have a required knowledge.

Elements of the network structure are the size of the network (the number of networks a given

enterprise linked with), density of the network (the number of members in each network) and

network centrality: related with whether or not the information within the network is disseminated

among members of the network equally or not (Salaf and Greve; Ghosal and Nahapiet; Granovetter;

Burt, cited in Li et al., 2013). The relational characteristic of the network emphasizes the quality of

the relationship, stability of the network and the strength of the relationship exist between

networking partners (Granovetter; Burt, cited in Li et al., 2013). Doyle (cited in C Kenny, 2009)

defined Networks as systems of relationships between entrepreneurs and the outside world

particularly valuable to the small business sector. Pyke (cited in C Kenny, 2009) found that through

engaging in alliances and other co-operative arrangements, small firms can gain individual strength

and independence. Cooperation among SMEs has various advantages: the advantage of achieving

economies of scale, sharing of information about the latest techniques and technologies of

manufacturing, efficient distribution of activities, increase the size of production capacity (Mitford

Cited in C Kenny, 2009). In order to survive in the business, SMEs have two alternatives: one to

grow, second co-operate in networks. But networks are modern alternative for SMEs to get access to

the resources which they would be unable to obtain by acting alone (Doyle cited in C Kenny, 2009).

Rutashobya and Jaensson (cited in C Kenny, 2009) have shown that the benefit of networks are:

access to foreign market information and access to foreign markets.

Conway et al .,(2001) ;Conway and jones (2006) identified four components for networking this

are: actors, links ,flows and mechanisms . The actors are the individuals that make up the network.

They can be human beings, computers, places and organization .The links are the arches that

connect individuals. The flows indicate the exchanges that occur between the actors within the

network: flows of information, advice, money, goods, power, friendship, etc. The mechanisms of the

network are the modes interaction employed by the actors within the networks. They include: face-

to-face interactions, meetings, planning, and joint participation like in trade fairs or business

seminars. Cooperating with other firms can be an approach to managing internationalization risks

and uncertainties through domestic inter firm networks. According to Lin and Lawton (cited in C

Kenny, 2009), domestic inter firm network positively correlated with a perceived uncertainties and

risks associated with internationalization.

Generally, network includes a variety of different relationships among business units or firms, such

as strategic alliances, joint ventures, long-term supplier–buyer agreements, trade associations,

relationship among similar enterprises, institutional relationship, industrial districts, franchising and

other similar agreements or contracts. And the ultimate aim of the network is to give the firm access

to information, resources, markets and technologies and facilitates the acquisition of advantages

from economies of scale, learning. In addition to this, there are internal firm factors which affect the

networking ability of SMEs in terms of acquiring knowledge which is mainly from outside

environment by the firm by itself .One of these known as absorptive capacity of the firm: it

describes the source of knowledge of the firm in absorbing knowledge (market information) from

external sources. A firm can get knowledge from outside environment through the research and

development activities and by having human power equipped with knowledge, experience related to

scanning changes in technology and market (Giuliani and Bell, 2005). Since SMEs are small in their

size and financial capacity, it is not suitable for them for acquiring knowledge through research and

development activity rather they rely on upgrading their human resources with knowledge and

experience and making them active for searching knowledge through collaborating with external

firms and institutions (Gottardi, 2000). Thus, absorptive capacity of the firm internally increases the

firm networking ability for acquiring knowledge by the business itself other than pushed by other

external body and in turn improves performance of firms (Laursen and Salter, 2004).Because of

long year of existence in the business a firm may have an experience in a networking relationship

with different type of institutions and firms. In the literature reviewed, firm age increases the

networking relationship of SMEs and has an impact in improving business performance firms

(Watson, 2002; Ravichandran and Lertwongsatien, 2005).Firm size also identified as being

improving the performance of enterprises and affects the relationship between networking and

business performance of SMEs, (Maskell, 2001; Goerzen, 2007).

2.2 Type of Networking

In a broad classification networking classified in two major categories: horizontal and vertical

networking with their respective forms of establishments. Two criteria were identified for strategic

networking: the first one is the nature of the agreement among the partners and the second is

position of the networking along the entire value chain ( Inkpen and Tsang ,2005).

2.2.1 Horizontal Networking

Inkpen and Tsang (2005) explained horizontal networks: firms work together that have a similar

core business and join forces to achieve a very specific goal. This network can be among firms

working in the same industry or producing complimentary products . Firms working with this

type of network for example like: retailers linked in franchising networks who are interested in

selling products by adopting a common working system. Ghuari et al., (2003), also defined

horizontal network as “relationship among firms who want to solve a common marketing problem,

improve production efficiency, or exploit a market opportunity through resource mobilization and


2.2.2 Vertical Networking

Ghuari et al., (2003), defined vertical network as relationships between suppliers, producers and

buyers, aiming at a solution for marketing problems, improved production efficiency, or the

exploitation of market opportunities. In other dimension vertical networks are a network of firms

working together that includes a large range of business activities (Inkpen and Tsang, 2005).

2.3 Theories Related to Networking

There are three major types of theories in the firms networking literature: resource dependency

theory, transaction cost theory and social network theory. The resource dependency theory argues

that firms enter in network of relationship in order to gain access to scarce resources. Unlike the

resource dependency theory, transaction cost theory describes that collaboration among firms is

undertaken for the aim of minimizing transaction cost in doing different marketing activities. Social

network theory emphasizes the importance of trust, commitment in investing resources and times for

the network are crucial for the successful relationship within network. (Sahakijicharn, 2007;Casals,


2.4 Networking and SMEs

UNIDO (cited in Zeinalnezhad et al., 2011), scarcity of resources is one of the main problems of

SMEs. These enterprises unable to capture market opportunities that require large production

quantities, homogeneous standards, and regular supply. Also they have difficulties in achieving

economies of scale in the purchase of inputs. UNIDO also argued that SMEs can solve problems

with regard to economies of scale and scope imposed by their size by being linked into national,

regional and global networks of firms and value chains .Networked firms may enjoy higher growth

rates and better performance (Baum, et al., 2000; Zhao and Aram, 1995). Marketing networks also

affects firm’s strategic choices and performance (Batjargal and Liu cited in Hossein et al., 2011;

Peng and Luo, 2000). Networking significantly positively associated with firm survival. In addition

to this, formal and informal network are associated with firm survival, but that only formal networks

are associated with growth (Watson, cited in Hossein et al., 2011).

In Ethiopian case, according to the Federal Micro and Small Enterprise Development Agency[

FEMSEDA](2010):Micro and Small enterprise Development Policy and Strategy under MSE policy

support on market development and marketing supply system the government planned to realize

market network for SMEs and to allow activities in subcontracting networking with medium and

large enterprise. To do this the government adopted the support strategy of inter-firm business


2.5 Overview and Definition Small and Medium Enterprises

There is no generally accepted definition of SMEs. Mostly used definition is the quantitative

definition measures such as the number of employees, total sales, and total assets in the international

context. There is no agreement what constitutes SMEs, because of different countries have their own

definition of what constitutes as SMEs. For example, Australian Bureau of Statistics (cited in

Zeinalnezhad et al., 2011) defined small businesses include sole proprietorships and partnerships.

Businesses employing fewer than five people as micro-businesses and other businesses employing

five or more people but less than 20 people as small ones, while medium-sized businesses were

those employing fewer than 200 people. According to UNIDO (cited in Zeinalnezhad et al.,2011),

the SMEs sector can be a strong pillar of support for regional and economic development, helps in

the generation of employment and income for the general benefit of regional and national

economies. In addition to this it plays important role in poverty alleviation, it stimulates

entrepreneurs to participate in the economic, political and social system of the country.

According to Ethiopian Federal Micro and Small Enterprises Development strategy paper

[FEMSEDA ](2010) ,defined SMEs depending upon the paid up capital and number of workers as

it is shown in the table below:

Table 2.1: SMEs definition in Ethiopia based on the paid up capital and number of workers

Enterprise type Sector Human resource Total asset

Micro enterprise
Manufacturing ≤5 ≤ Br. 100000
≤5 ≤ Br. 50000
Small enterprise 6 - 30 ≤ Br. 1.5 million

6 -30 ≤ Br. 500 million
Source: Revised Federal Micro and Small enterprises Development Strategy (2010).

NOTE: Enterprises that do not belong to table 2.1 above categorized under transformed medium

level enterprises. In addition to this, the official definition of SMEs according to [FEMSEDA]

(2010) is similar to international definition of SMEs in using one of standardized measurement tools

(i.e. total asset and number of workers).But, differs in what constitute SMEs because of the level of

development of countries across the world (i.e. small enterprise in developed country may be

categorized under medium level enterprise in developing countries).

2.6 Review of Related Previous Studies on Networking and Business Performance of
Several writers put their finding on the effect of network relationship on the business

performance of SMEs . It was tried to gather those empirical studies relating this study topic in the

following manner:

Li et al., (2013) studied the impact of network characteristics on the performance of firms in a mold

industry working in the province of china called Zhejiang within cluster. The study investigated the

influence of network structure: centrality and network relational characteristics: tie strength, tie

stability, and tie quality on the performance of firms within cluster ties and extra cluster ties. The

study used a total of 252 sample firms and measured the variables of the study on a multi- item likert

scale ranging from 1= totally disagree to 7=totally agree. The data was analyzed using descriptive

statistics and regression equation .The study finally found that the extra-cluster tie had a significant

effect on performance than in-cluster tie even though in -cluster tie had also positive effect on

performance. Elements of network characteristics had weak impact on the relationship between

extra-cluster ties and performance ,while network structure, network characteristics including tie

strength and tie stability had significant impact on the relationship between in-cluster ties and

performance .But in general speaking , tie stability had a positive influence on performance ,while

tie quality had a negative impact. The major limitation of this study was that the sampling unit in

which the data was collected limited to the specific single sector: mold industry .Thus this situation

might affect the generizability of the result of the study to the other sectors.

Tooksoon and Mudor (2012) studied the relationship between networking resources and export

performance among SMEs in Thai exporting the agro based sector. The objective of the study was to

suggest the idea of how networking resources relate to export performance. To achieve the aim of

the study, the total of 16 organizations were identified as being capable of enhancing exporters
effort to venture into international market . Interview through email was made with managers

resulting 10.09% response rate. The finding showed that the business network statistically

significant and positively associated with export success and export penetrations. While

institutional network was also statistically significant but shows a negative association with

export performance. However knowledge network was not associated with both dimensions of

export performance. The conclusion drawn from this study is questionable in its external validity

because of two reasons: in one hand small number of firms responded to the survey, on the other

hand the study only focused on the single sector: agriculture.

Behyan (2011), on the title of: Conceptualizing Export Performance Influences of Internationalizing

and Social Network , found that social network and foreign partnership had positive effect on the

internationalization process ,knowledge of foreign market opportunities ,international experience

and international knowledge . In addition to this, the relationship between social network and

export performance had positive effect on the export performance and its indicators such as

sales growth, profit growth and so on. But, the study did not tell us the impact of formal networking

relationship (domestic supporting institutions for SMEs) on the performance of SMEs: it was

focused only studying the impact of foreign partnership and interpersonal relationship on the

performance of SMEs.

Hassan and McCarthy (2011),on the study of :Influential capabilities for SMEs export performance,

they found that the capability to develop business networking, innovation capabilities and capability

to meet export standard were crucial for Malaysians SMEs export performance. The SMEs need

to focus on developing their business networking in order to enhance both their innovation

capabilities and their capability to meet export standards which in turn leads to export performance

improvement. The research followed a qualitative research approach by interviewing 23managers of

SMEs. The research design used in the study was exploratory in nature and the data was collected

through in depth interview with CEOs and employees. Since qualitative method of analysis used in

the study it difficult to confirm the reliability and validity of the result of the study statistically.

Che sinik et al., (2010) on their study of: Influential factors for SMEs internationalization: evidence

from Malaysia. They found that firm characteristics like: resources, skill and ability of owner

manager; Industry sector like intense competition and market attractiveness; external influence, and

motivational factors were influential factors for SMEs internationalization in Malaysia. But ,they

found that the most influencing factor was networking that firm has with its relevant institutions

and business associates like government, small or large business , local or foreign partners, friends

,colleagues and relatives .The method of data collection used in the study were expert panel and

exploratory study. The panel consisted of 32 experts including : academicians , policy makers

,governmental agencies , the chamber of commerce and research institutes. The exploratory study

by Delphi technique was used through telephone and e-mails. The limitation of this study was that it

did not used business men actually working in the business as respondents it only used panel of

experts: this may affect the understanding of the impact of networking relationship on performance

of business men. The other limitation of this study was that, the study did not used statistical method

of data analysis this may increase the researcher bias in interpreting the result of the study and may

affect the acceptance of the research finding.

Tooksoon & Mohamed (2010) on the title of : Achieving Financial Export performance the

Contribution of External Resources for the Thailand Manufacturing Exporting Firms in the

Agro based sector .The study identified the five external resources that have an effect on the

export performance of Thailand agro based exporting firms . The research methodology used in

this study was the cross sectional study using structured mail survey. According to the interview

from managers, a total of 15 organization were identified as being capable of enhancing exporters

effort to venture into international market .Finally five dimensions of networking were identified

and respondents were asked to indicate in what extent that they have committed resources

towards establishing relationship with these organizations on five point likert scale ranging from

: 1=not at all to 5= a great extent . The measurement of export performance were : export sales

growth and export profitability using a likert scale of ranging from : 1= much below expectation

, to 5= much above expectation. The collected data analyzed through descriptive statistics, Pearson

correlation and regression. It was finally found that external resources that contributed

positively to export performance were : financial institutions and business associates . Even

though the governmental agencies were also statistically significant, but showed a negative

association. Trade association and knowledge association were not associated with export

performance .The major limitation of this study was related to the questionability of its external

validity because of two reasons: in one hand small number of firms responded to the survey on the

other hand the study only focused on the single agricultural sector.

Nazer and Salem (2009) reviewed literature on firm level determinants of export performance. They

identified that firm’s characteristics: foreign contacts and networking, management characteristics

and marketing strategic capabilities. In the reviewed literature they found that a frequent contact that

an enterprise had with its networking resources had determinant factor for export performance. They

further noted that the foreign networking a firm has with foreign entities had a significant positive

influence on the export performance.

C Kenny(2009),studied the impact of networking capability on the international performance of

Ireland SMEs. The study focused on the three independent variables that make up the networking

capability namely: networking characteristics, networking operation and networking resources .The

networking characteristics comprised of : strong and weak tie form of networking collaboration,

relational capability and the trust exist in the relationship .The second independent variable:

networking operation composed of initiation ,coordination and learning exist in the network. The

third independent variable networking resources measured with human capital resources , synergy

sensitive resources and information sharing ability of the networking capability. The dependent

variable: international performance measured by objective and subjective measures of performance.

The data was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural

equation modeling. All variables were measured through questionnaires designed in seven point

likert scale. Finally it was found that , the strong tie than weak tie , capability in network

coordination and firm network human resources were positively and significantly related to

the international performance , while the other four which were positively but not significantly

related with international performance were synergy sensitive resources, the level of network

initiation capability ,trust between partners and strong tie networking. But, the other element of

hypothesis namely: information sharing ,relational capability of the firm, network learning and

weak tie type of collaboration were negatively and insignificantly related with international

performance. The major limitation of this study was it did not tell us the impact of trade fairs as a

factor of network initiation and its impact on the international performance of Ireland SMEs.

Ge et al., (2009) studied the impact of networking and resource acquisition on the performance of

SMEs. This study was conducted on the three cities in china .A total sample of 227 firms were

surveyed through personal interview and questionnaires designed on a five point likert scale. The

collected data analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation and structural equation modeling and

finally it was found that networking intensity was positively related with resource acquisition

capability and resource acquisition outcome. In addition to this, there was a positive relationship

between networking range and resource acquisitions capability and resource acquisition outcome.

Adding to this, resource acquisition capability and resource acquisition outcome were positively

related with firm performance. The criticism against sampling method employed in this study was:

the study did not present the reason how and why the three cities of china selected for data

collection purpose. In addition to these, the study did not tell us which type of networking resources

had positive or negative impact on the performance of SMEs.

Pongapanich and phitya-Isarakul (2008), on the title of business network and export performance of

Thai exporters, they found that Business network of growers, exporters, freight providers to

importers are important for competitive and export performance of Thai fruit exports. The method of

data collection used for the study was mail survey and interview with Thai fruit exporters.

Parida (2008), studied small firm capabilities for competitiveness empirically by taking samples

from Swedish small ICT related firms. The units of analysis for the study were small firms. The data

was collected by interview and questionnaires from the CEOs of small firms. In this study variables

were measured on a seven point likert scale. The independent variables for the study were ICT

capability and dynamic capability .Dynamic capability in turn composed of absorptive, adaptive and

networking capabilities. Sub elements such as coordination activity, relational skills, partner

knowledge and internal communication within network were constructs for measuring networking

capability using likert type scale. There were two dependent variables namely: entrepreneurial

orientations and firm performance .Finally it was found that dynamic capability had significant

relationship with entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance, specifically networking

capability had strong relationship with firm performance. But, ICT capability had weak relationship

with firm performance and entrepreneurial orientations. The research hypothesis and items for

hquestionnaires were analyzed by hierarchical regression, factor analysis. This study used only two

years of data for analysis purpose this might affect the validity of the result of the study because of

the collected data lacks depth and breadth.

Chen et al.(2007) , by using mail survey of 104 firms in Taiwan, tested the impact of external

network : business network and partners network on the export performance of Taiwan firms. In

their study, they found that business network and network partners were positively and significantly

related with export performance. Babakus and Yavas (2007), studied the impact of foreign and

domestic networking on the performance of firms, and found that foreign networking had a

significant positive impact on performance, while domestic networking did not. They used a total of

193 samples of firms from Finland, Sweden and Norway in order to collect data for the study. Yiu et

al., (2007), by collecting data from the 274 firms in china using mail survey; they argued that

business network ties and institutional network ties were positively related with international

venturing. Sahakijpicharn (2007) studied the impact of social relationship on how it affects the

business performance of Sino-Thai SMEs. The variables investigated under this study were strength

of ties in the type of network, network embededness(quality),business uncertainty and business

performance. A total sample of 298 SMEs were used and the collected data analyzed through

kruskal-walis test, multiple regression, factor analysis and a multiple descriminant analysis .All

variables under the study were measured by questionnaire on seven point likert scale. The result of

the study revealed that family relationship tie strength was stronger than friend relationship. In

addition to this, strength of tie in the network positively related to the network embeddedeness

(quality of relationship) while the network embeddedness (quality) in turn positively related with

business performance. In this study strength of tie and business uncertainty were negatively related

and business uncertainty in turn negatively related with business performance.

Ghauri et al, (2003) on their study of: Using Network to Solve Export Marketing Problems of SMEs

from developing countries, using a qualitative model by reviewing several literature on the export

grouping and subcontracting networks ,they identified that clearly defined marketing problem or

opportunity, commitment for networking and trust based relationship among members were the

determinant factors for successful export network organization.

2.7 Conclusion and Knowledge Gap

Even though the above reviewed literatures on the networking performance of SMEs had its own

contribution in giving insight about the strong correlation between networking and performance of

SMEs, it could not be escape from the following criticism as presented below:

1. Most of the authors in the reviewed related literature had different arguments about the

impact of networking on the performance of SMEs. This may create controversies in

understanding the role of networking in improving the performance of SMEs.

2. The authors used incorrect statistical tests for the type of data they employed in their

research work. As can be known from most of the research method literatures, the first

requirement for selecting the right statistical test for the study is looking the type of data

used (type of measurement) in the study. For instance, in the studies reviewed in the

literature part above, most of the authors utilized ordinal type of data and measured it by

likert scale and analyzed it using mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation and multiple

regression models. Since the distance between ordinal responses is not equal: the use of

linear models for the analysis purpose might create invalid results and incorrect conclusions

might be drawn from the study .Thus the use of non-linear models such as probit model, and

descriptive statistics of like median should be used to draw a right argument(conclusion)

from the study.

3. Most of the authors focused on investigating the effect of networking on the export

performance of SMEs. But, the reviewed studies did not tell us about the impact of

networking in enhancing performance of SMEs in developing countries like Ethiopia which

are mainly focused in doing business locally.

4. The reliability and validity of the result of the studies reviewed above is difficult to accept

surely because of two major reasons: in one hand the low response rate of the respondents

and a focus on a single sector on the other hand. Thus, it is necessary to undertake and see

the result of study in higher response rate and a sampling unit covering at least a single or in

other sector.

5. Most of the studies reviewed above, focused on investigating the impact of networking on

the performance of small and medium sized enterprises (as well micro and small enterprises)

as general. But, none of the studies tried to investigate the impact of networking on the

performance of medium sized enterprises specifically, they focused on micro and small

enterprises. Since medium sized enterprises are a bridge between small and large firms,

knowing in detail about the impact of networking on medium sized enterprises gives insight

for concerned bodies on how to accelerate the growth of small and medium sized enterprises,

and to lay down the base for the expansion of large industries (industrialization).

Thus, this study used the above discussed criticisms as research gab and incorporated in this study to

solve the methodological problems of the previous studies reviewed in literature part.

2.8 Conceptual Framework of the Study

There are many networking factors that have an impact on the business performance of SMEs as

tried to describe briefly in the literature review part. Based upon the literature, the strength (extent)

of relationship with different type of networking resources (formed with: governmental agencies,

financial institutions, trade associations, business associates and knowledge institutions) and
resource acquisitions capability and quality of relationship in network are independent variables for

this study, while dependent variable is business performance. Based upon review of related literature

discussed above the conceptual framework of this study presented below:

Figure 2.1. Conceptual Frame Work for the Study

Strength of the Relationship with:

Governmental Agencies

Financial Institutions

Business Associates

Trade Association Business performance

Knowledge Institutions

Quality of the relationship in

the network

Resource acquisition capability

of the network

Source: Adapted from the Tooksoon & Mohamed (2010); Li et al., (2013); Ge et al., (2009).

3.1 Introduction
In this section of the research: the study area and subject, research design, instrumentations,

population and sample, description of variables and their measurements, method of data analysis and

model specifications for the study were explained.

3.2 Study Area and Subject

This study was conducted in Addis Ababa (without focusing on specific region or sub city) on

medium level enterprises operating in the manufacturing sector. The target population of this study

was medium level enterprises transformed from small and micro enterprises in two rounds: in 2011

and 2013 in Addis Ababa.(Addis Ababa micro and small enterprises bureau,2011 and 2013).In this

study data was collected from the medium level enterprises firstly, because of their better capacity

for wider networking relationship with various types of external resources from domestic to abroad

collaborates resulted from their large size and better growth capacity and opportunities than micro

and small enterprises, secondly they have better experience in networking because of their long year

existence in the business starting from being micro level until they reached to the medium sized

enterprises status in current time, thirdly the exact operational place of micro and small enterprises

is difficult to identify in sub-city and kebele wise because of their large size and lack of clearly

identified address of contact. But, medium sized enterprises have clearly listed address of contact

and operational place based on data gained from Addis Ababa micro and small enterprises bureau.

3.3 Research Design

This study employs quantitative approach in research design by identifying the network relationship

associated with aspects of business performance in Addis Ababa medium sized enterprises and to

investigate how these factors relate to business performance. Survey method of data collection was

used to make inference about population characteristics from statistically selected samples (Babbie,

2001). Comparatively the less cost requirement and rapidity in collection of data are among others

that were reasons for selecting survey method of data collection for this study (Creswell, 2003). This

study designed in cross-sectional research approach since for survey method a cross-sectional

research approach is a best choice than a longitudinal study (Saunders, 2007).

3.4 Instrumentations
The data was collected from the managers of medium sized enterprises in Addis Ababa. There were

two reasons for using managers of medium sized enterprises to collect data for this study: firstly, to

manage respondents more effectively in data collection process. Secondly, mostly in the SMEs case,

owner of the business manages and decides on the business related issue including having

networking with different kind of organization: suitable to gain data for this study. In this study,

primary source of data were used and collected from managers of enterprises through

questionnaires. The likert scale questionnaire was developed by modifying from previous studies

and measured based on ordinal scale. Items for questionnaires for measuring independent variables:

strength (extent)of relationship that medium sized enterprises have with external resources was

measured based on a 5 -point likert scale ranging from 1=not at all, to 5=at a great extent was

modified from the study of (Tooksoon and Mohammed,2010).Quality of relationship in the network

also another independent variable was measured by a multi- item likert scale questionnaire ranging

from 1= strongly disagree to ,5 = strongly agree, which was modified from the study of( Li et

al.,2013). Resource acquisition capability of the network variable was measured by a multi- item

likert scale questionnaire ranging from 1= strongly disagree to, 5 = strongly agree, which was

modified from the study of (Ge et al., 2009). The dependent variable business performance was

measured by a multi- item likert scale questionnaire dealing with financial and no-financial

performance measures (composite measure of performance) ranging from 1= strongly disagree to ,5

= strongly agree, which was modified from the study of( Li et al.,2013). A combination of financial
and no-financial performance measures on a multi-item likert scale employed in this study because

of the following reasons: firstly, it is difficult get quantitative measure of performance a country like

Ethiopia where modern way of recording financial result which is described as profit or loss

statement not experienced (they can guess it, but it may not be exact because it is difficult to verify

it).Secondly, mostly this enterprises are not forced to publish and report their financial results to the

concerned governmental bodies( Li et al.,2013;Watson,2007). Schayek (2011), argued that the use

of composite financial measure of performance have many advantages over using either of the two

measure of performance: in one hand a single type of measures cannot tell us surely whether a firm

operating in a better performance or not, on the other hand composite measure of performance

accelerates the response rate of the respondents. Because of these reasons a composite financial

measures performance was used in this study. In order to insure that the content validity of the study

(to check items of questionnaires accurately measures the constructs), a pilot- testing with 8

university researchers and owners or managers of medium sized enterprises from Addis Ababa (i.e.

three sample from university researchers and 5 from the medium sized enterprises) and their idea for

the improvement of the content of the questionnaires was included in the final revised questionnaire.

3.5 Population, Sample and Sample Size Determination

The sample frame consisted of Ethiopian based medium sized enterprises in the manufacturing

sector. The reasons why manufacturing sector was selected to collect data for this study were:

primarily the manufacturing sector is believed to be a backbone for a given country economic

growth since the sector is a core place for domestic entrepreneurs to upgrade their innovation and

exporting ability to the international a market, secondly a special focus was given by Ethiopian

Federal Micro and Small Enterprise Development Agencies and identified as being a major a source

of economic growth in substituting imported goods and having potential for export market and in

creating a favorable environment for transforming to large scale industries (Federal Micro and

Small Enterprise Development Agency[ FEMSEDA],2010).A total population of 200 enterprises in

the manufacturing sector were identified from the Addis Ababa Micro and Small Scale Enterprise

Bureau which were transformed to medium level enterprises from micro and small enterprises in

2010 and 2012. The key criterion for inclusion in the total population is that they must be

manufacturers of the products they sell and meet the criteria of inclusion under SMEs manufacturing

sector category set by Ethiopian Federal Micro and Small Enterprise Development Agency, 2010.

Since this study has an access to list name of population for the study, a single stage sampling

design (the samples were selected from the total population once at Addis Ababa level without the

need of re-sampling for the sub city or sub region of Addis Ababa) was used in order to sample from

total population (Creswell, 2003). The probabilistic sampling technique was used for this study

because of its ability in giving equal chance for selecting respondents from the total population

(Creswell, 2003). Stratified random sampling method was employed by stratifying the sampling

frame proportional to the size of subsectors in the total population of manufacturing sector that

includes textile and garment, leather and leather products, food and beverage, metal works and

engineering, and wood works: for selecting representative samples having a true proportion of

respondents (look more how it was done in sample size determination part below) from the total

population of 200 enterprises(Creswell, 2003, ([FEMSEDA], 2010). There were two bases of

stratifications of the population in to stratum: firstly, in order to gain in precision of the estimates of

the characteristics of the whole population since the elements of population were heterogeneous in

the type of business they are involved (it needs inclusion of respondents from all types of business).

Secondly, in order to estimate the business type effect on the performance of medium level


3.5.1 Sample Size Determination

To select samples from the total finite population of 200 enterprises in the manufacturing sector, a

formula developed by Rosemary and Chizoba (2011) which is adapted from the Yamane’s formula

was used as can be seen below.

n= = = 133.33 =134 approximately.

Where n = sample size, N = Population, e- margin of error (0.05 at 95% confidence level), 1=


Depending upon the sample size calculated above the number of medium sized enterprises were

selected from each subsector proportional to the size they have in the total population of 200

enterprises which were transformed to medium level enterprises from micro and small enterprises in

2010 and 2012 based on the data gained from the Addis Ababa Micro and Small Scale Enterprise

Bureau. The mechanism used in this study to determine the number of samples from each subsectors

based on their proportion in the total population was presented in the table 3.1 below.

Table 3.1 Allocation of Samples for Early Stratum (Planned Sample of Respondents)

Manufacturing Sector Population Proportionate Stratified Random

Frequencies Percent Frequencies Percent

Textile and Garment 16 0.08 11 0.08

Leather and Leather 8 0.04 5 0.04
Wood products 85 0.425 57 0.425
Metal work and 76 0.38 51 0.38
Food processing and 15 0.075 10 0.075
Total 200 1.00 134 1.00
Source: Developed for the research, 2013.
To select specific respondent from each subsector based on their proportion in the total population: a

lottery method was used. Then a total of 134 questionnaires distributed to the owners or managers of

medium sized enterprises in Addis Ababa based on the sample size determination and early

allocation to the stratums (sub sectors) done in the table 3.1above.

3.6 Description of Variables for the Study

The objective of this study was to measure the impact of networking on the business performance of

medium sized enterprises working in manufacturing sector in Addis Ababa. The seven independent

variables for this study namely were: strength of relationship (extent) enterprises had with

governmental agencies, financial institution, trade associations, knowledge institutions and business

associates, and resource acquisition capability of the network and quality of relationship in the

network. The extent(strength) of relationship medium sized enterprises had with this networking

types was measured by likert scale, while the resource acquisition capability of the network and

quality of relationship in the network was measured by a multi item likert scale( Tooksoon and

Mohammed ,2010 ; Li et al .,2013; Ge et al.,(2009). In this study three control variables believed to

be influence performance of medium size enterprises other than hypothesized independent variables.

This were firm age measured by log of the number of years the firm is in the operation (Watson,

2002; Ravichandran and Lertwongsatien, 2005), firm size measured by log of the number of

employees (Maskell, 2001; Goerzen, 2007) ,industry type effect, and absorptive capacity of the

business measured by multi item likertscale ranging from 1= strongly disagree to ,5 = strongly

agree, which was modified from the study of( Li et al.,2013).The dependent variable business

performance of medium sized enterprises was measured by likert scale to investigate the influence

of networking on the financial performance of medium sized enterprises for the past three years

from 2010 up to 2012.

3.7 Method of Data Analysis
To analyze variables of the study a descriptive statistics: mean, standard deviation, median,

frequency and percentage were used. Factor analysis was employed to analyze scales of construct

measurements for the study. For checking internal consistency of scales that used to measure

constructs, reliability test was made by Cronbach alpha by taking into account the cutoff point of

0.7and above (Hair et al., 2006). Discriminant validity was checked by variance inflation factor

(VIF) to solve the problem of multi co -linearity among independent variables (Hair et al, 2006) .To

test the hypothesis of the study, ordered probit model was used. For the analysis purpose, computer

software program of STATA.12 was used for this study.

3.8 Econometrics Model Specification

The econometrics model shown below was designed for measuring the impact of networking on the

business performance of medium sized enterprises operating in Addis Ababa .In this study non-

linear ordered model the so called ordered probit model was used. There are a number of reasons for

selecting non linear model in this study other than linear models such as multiple regression models.

The first reason was the existence of unequal difference between ranks of ordinal variables unlike

with interval and continuous scales which have equal difference among results of variables

resulting in a linear relationship between independent and dependent variables analyzed with

multiple regression model since multiple regression model requires the fulfillment of linearity

assumption among variables making it easy to use for interval and continuous scale data(quantitative

data in nature). But, in this study since ordinal scale of measurement used, which reveals unequal

difference among ranks of ordinal responses reflecting non-linear relationship between independent

and dependent variables that needs non-linear model for analysis. Secondly, the beta coefficient of

linear multiple regression model reflects only the linear contribution (it only assumes that each unit

change in independent variables has a fixed effect on dependent variable) of independent variables

on the dependent variables while non-linear models describes the non linear impacts of independent

variables on the dependent variables through marginal effects. Unlike linear models which show the

direction of the effect of coefficients of independent variables on the dependent variable, marginal

effects in non linear models show how the probabilities of each outcome change with respect to

changes in the independent variables. Even though ordered probit and logit models reveals similar

result in the research work, in this study because of the normality assumption of the ordered probit

model, with mean “0” and standard deviation of “1,”the ordered probit model was applied

(Storchmann, 2005). The observed value of Yi is depending upon latent variable Y* value based on

the following five values of observed category:

yi = 1 if yi* ≤ μ1

yi = 2 if μ1 < yi* ≤ μ2

yi = 3 if μ2< yi* ≤ μ3

yi = 4 if μ3 < yi* ≤ μ4

yi = 5 if yi* > μ4

Where cutoff points are: μ1, μ2, μ3, μ4 and the cutoff points and residual ε is following a standard

normal distribution. The cutoff points and β is estimated using the maximum likelihood method.The

ordered probit model for this study seems the following:

Y = βo + ∑βXi + €i , where Y is dependent variable, Βo is intercept term, Βi the coefficients of

Xi variables, Xi independent variables, €I error terms of the model.

Y is dependent variable measured by a multi-item likert scale. To measure the business performance

of medium sized enterprises, the following ordered probit equation was used having the model

indicating the impact of independent and control variables on business performance as described


Y (business performance) = βo +β1 (GOV) +β2 (FIN) + β3 (BUS) + β4 (TRA) + β5 (KNI) + β6

(QUR) + β7 (RAC) + β9 (FIA) + β10 (FIS) + β11 (ABS)

+β12 (∑ITE) +ε

Where: GOV= Governmental agencies, FIN = Financial institutions, BUS = Business associates,

TRA= Trade associations, KNI= Knowledge institutions, FIA= Firm age, FIS= Firm size, ABS=

Absorptive capacity of the business, QUR= Quality of the relationship in the network, RAC =

Resource acquisition capability of the network, ITE =Industry type effects.

Table 3.2 Function of control variables

Name of variable Function

Firm age To control for the impact of firm age
Firm size To control for the impact of firm size
Absorptive capacity of the To control for the impact of absorptive capacity of the
business business

Industry type effects. To control for the impact of Industry type effects.

4.1 Descriptive Statistics Analysis
Gerber –Nel et al., (2005) defined that the major purpose of using descriptive statistics is to simplify

and summarize large amount of data into a manageable form. In this study descriptive statistics of

mean, standard deviation, median, frequency and percentage were used. For presenting the collected

data graphs (bar chart) and tables were used. The reason why median, frequency and percentage

used in this study was for their suitability for describing ordinal type of questions while mean and

standard deviation were used for describing type of questions which are continuous scale. In the

tables below, descriptive statistics of the collected data for the study were presented:

Table 4.1 Number of samples actually used in the study

Sector type Number of Proportion of sector sample from total

sample sample taken
Textile and Garment 11 8.59%
Leather and Leather products 5 3.91%

Wood products 54 42.19%

Metal work and Engineering 49 38.28%

Food processing and Beverage 9 7.03%

Total 128 100%

Source: own survey, 2013

As it is presented above from the total 134 proposed number of samples to distribute questionnaires

and to collect data, only 128 actual numbers of samples were collected from the distributed 134 total

number of questionnaires indicating that the response rate was 96 percent.

Table 4.2 Networking Problems of Sampled Firms

Variable name Category Variable code Frequency Percent

Type of the Textile and 1 11 8.59
business garment
Leather and 2 5 3.91
leather products
Wood products 3 54 42.19
Metal work and 4 49 38.28
Food processing 5 9 7.03
and beverage
Networking 1 29 22.66
problem 1 2 62 48.44
3 33 25.78
4 4 3.13
Networking 1 18 14.06
problem 2 2 70 54.69
Networking 3 33 25.78
problems 4 7 5.47
Networking 1
problem 3 2 68 53.13
3 53 41.41
4 7 5.47
Networking 1
problem 4 2 58 45.31
3 31 24.22
4 39 30.47
Networking 1 26 20.31
problem 5 2 63 49.22
3 35 27.34
4 4 3.13
Networking 1 4 3.13
problem 6 2 73 57.03
3 45 35.16
4 6 4.69
Networking 1 16 12.50
problem 7 2 72 56.25
3 36 28.13
4 4 3.13
Networking 1 14 10.94
problem 8 2 75 58.59
3 29 22.66
4 10 7.81

Networking 1
problem 9 2 48 37.50
3 32 25.00
4 48 37.50
Source: own survey, 2013

Among 128 respondents interviewed about the type of business sector they are operating, 11(8.59%)

of firms were belonged to the textile and garment, 5(3.91%) of firms in leather and leather products,

54(42.19%) were in wood products, 49(38.28%) were in metal work and engineering, 9(7.03%)

were in food processing and engineering. Identifying the type of business medium sized enterprises

working helps for weather the type of business have an impact on the networking performance of

enterprises and for examining in what kind of business enterprises involved. In this study, most of

the enterprises were working in wood products sector followed by metal work and engineering

sector. In these two sectors most of entrepreneurs engaged might be because of high profit

opportunity of the sector than the others. Regarding measuring the problem and barriers SMEs faced

in networking with external resources: Lack of finance and cooperation problem among SMEs

(nominated by networking problem1) was highly serious problem for 29(22.66%) respondents,

moderately serious problem for 62(48.44%),somewhat serious problem for 33(25.78%),and not a

problem for 4(3.13%)respondents while Lack of getting the required support from concerned

body’s(nominated by networking problem2) is highly serious problem for 18(14.06%)respondents,

moderately serious problem for 70(54.69%),somewhat serious problem for 33(25.78%),and not a

problem for 7(5.47%)respondents. A problem of no cluster area or shed provided by government

(nominated by networking problem 3) was highly serious problem for none of the respondents,

moderately serious problem for 68(53.13%), somewhat serious problem for 53(41.41%), and not a

problem for 7(5.47%) respondents. Networking problem of low awareness about networking benefit

(nominated by networking problem 4) was highly serious problem for none of the respondents,

moderately serious problem for 58(45.31%), somewhat serious problem for 31(24.22%), and not a

problem for 39(30.47%) respondents. Problem of getting raw material supply as per the firm

need(nominated by networking problem 5) was highly serious problem for 26(20.31%)respondents,

moderately serious problem for 63(49.22%),somewhat serious problem for 35(27.34%),and not a

problem for 4(3.13%)respondents. Partners search and selection problem (nominated by networking

problem 6) was highly serious problem for 4(3.13%) respondents, moderately serious problem for

73(57.03%), somewhat serious problem for 45(35.16%), and not a problem for 6(4.69%)

respondents. Lack of skills of personnel (nominated by networking problem 7) was highly serious

problem for 16(12.50%) respondents, moderately serious problem for 72(56.25%), somewhat

serious problem for 36(28.13%), and not a problem for 4(3.13%) respondents. A problem of lack of

trust when working with others(nominated by networking problem 8) was highly serious problem

for 14(10.94%) respondents, moderately serious problem for 75(58.59%), somewhat serious

problem for 29(22.66%), and not a problem for 10(7.81%) respondents. Lack of favorable situation

in promoting products through exhibition or trade fair (nominated by networking problem 9) was

highly serious problem for none of the respondents, moderately serious problem for 48(37.50%),

somewhat serious problem for 32(25%), and not a problem for 48(37.50%) of interviewed


4.1.1 The Type and Extent of Networking

Concerning the question of the extent or strength of relationship with the external resources for the

last three years ranging from the 2010 up to 2012, 0.8% of the respondents did not have any

relationship, 21.1% of them at some extent, 26.6% of them neutral, and 51.6% of them at moderate

extent have relationship with governmental agencies. Most of the medium sized enterprises had a

moderate extent of relationship with governmental agencies. This moderate extent of relationship

might be attributed to lack of awareness creation programs about the type of service rendered by

governmental supporting agencies to the enterprises. Of sampled respondents 3.9%of them did not

have any relationship, 24.2% of them at some extent, 42.2% of them neutral, and 16.4% of them at

moderate extent, and 13.3% of them have at great extent relationship with financial institution. As

presented in the above table, most of the enterprises choose neutral option to express the extent of

relationship they had with financial institutions for the last three years. This might be related to

inadequate (not as per the need of the enterprises) support given by financial institutions to the

medium sized enterprises in terms of financial requirements via debt and other related factors. Of

sampled respondents 8.6%of them did not have any relationship, 71.1% of them at some extent, and

20.3% of them have neutral relationship with trade association. Most of the enterprises had at some

extent of relationship with trade associations. This could be related to lack of promoting the benefit

of these associations towards the performance of enterprises. Of sampled respondents, 10.9% of

them at some extent, 40.6% of them neutral, and 47.7% of them at moderate extent, and 0.8% of

them had at great extent relationship with business associates. Most of the enterprises have a

moderate extent of relationship with customers, suppliers, similar enterprises, and subcontracting

relationship with large firms. But, in order to improve the performance of enterprises at a great

extent it is necessary to have relationship with business associates beyond a moderate extent. Of

sampled respondents 2.3% of them did not have any relationship, 52.3% of them at some extent,

22.7% of them neutral, and 22.7% of them have at moderate extent relationship with knowledge

institutions. The result of extent of relationship with knowledge institutions implies that the

knowledge sharing between enterprises and knowledge institutions was almost not exist this might

be because of knowledge institutions were weak in community service program: in introducing new

ways of production process, in promoting new products to enterprises done through research and

development programs. (For further information look appendix 4).

4.1.2 Quality of the Relationship and Resource Acquisition Capability of the Network

Regarding the quality of the relationship in the network for the last three years ranging from the

2010 up to 2012, 14.8% 0f the respondents disagree, 45.3% of the respondents neutral, 39.8% of the

respondents agree about the quality of the relationship in the network. The result showed that most

of the respondents were neutral about the quality of relationship. This condition might be related to

some problems related to trusted relationship especially with similar enterprises. Relating to the

resource acquisition capacity of the network medium sized enterprises involved for the last three

years ranging from the 2010 up to 2012, 2.3% of the respondents strongly disagree, 11.7%0f the

respondents disagree, 22.7% of the respondents neutral, 60.2% of the respondents agree and 3.1% of

the respondents strongly agree about the resource acquisition capacity of the network in terms of

tangible and intangible resources. Most of the respondents were agree about the benefit of the

network in providing resources as per the requirement of their operation. ((for further information

look appendix 5)

4.1.3 Control Variables Used in the Study

Relating to absorptive capacity of the business for the last three years ranging from the 2010 up to

2012, 10.2% 0f the respondents disagree, 9.4% of the respondents neutral, 37.5% of the respondents

agree and 42.9% of the respondents strongly agree about the level of absorptive capacity of their

business. Most of them medium sized enterprises were active in searching knowledge (absorptive

capacity) through collaborating with external firms and institutions. This activeness might be

resulted from owner manager or employees previous experience in networking and a better

knowledge (educational status) relating to networking benefit in improving business performance

(for further information look appendix 6).

Table 4.3 Mean Value of Firm Age and Firm Size

Mean estimation Number of obs = 128

Mean Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]

firmage 6.25 .1484003 5.956343 6.543657

firmsize 17.1875 4.921177 7.449379 26.92562

Source: own survey, 2013.

The two other control variables in this study other than absorptive capacity of the business and

industry type effects were firm age and firm size were presented in descriptive statistics of mean and

standard deviation in the table above. The mean age of firms and firm size were 6.25 and 17.19 with

the standard deviation of 0.15 and 4.92 respectively. As shown above, on the average, medium sized

enterprises were in the operation for the 6.25 years. In addition to this, according to the outlined table

above, medium sized enterprises had 17.19 employees on the average as time of this study data was


4.1.4 Business Performance of Medium Sized Enterprises

Of the interviewed respondents regarding their business performance measured by six items

composed of financial and non-financial questions,0.9% of them were responded strongly disagree,

0.9% of them disagree, 8.6%of them neutral,51.6% of them agree,38.3% of them strongly agree

about their business performance for the last three years ranging from the 2010 up to 2012.This

result indicated that most of the enterprises(more than 50% of them) had better business

performance for the past three years (for further information look appendix 7).

Figure 4.1 Bar Chart of Ordinal Data Using Median

Source: own survey 2013.

Based on the above result depicted on the bar chart using median value of variables measured on

ordinal data, 50% of the response given by respondents for absorptive capacity of the business,

resource acquisition capacity of the network, strength of relationship with business associates,

financial institutions, governmental agencies, trade association, knowledge institutions, the quality

of relationship in the network, and for business performance lie beyond agree, agree, at moderate

extent, neutral, at moderate extent, at some extent, at some extent, agree ,and agree respectively. In

another word, the median value of respondents for the variable absorptive capacity, resource

acquisition capacity of the network, financial institutions, the quality of relationship in the network,

and for business performance was agree, agree, neutral, agree ,and agree respectively. While the

median value of respondents for the variable: strength of relationship with business associates and

governmental agencies was at moderate extent, while with trade association and knowledge

institution was at some extent.

4.2 Reliability and Validity Tests
4.2.1 Construct Reliability
Zikmund(2000),defined that the aim of instrument reliability test is for measuring internal

consistency of items that measuring a given construct and for testing a unidimensionality of items of

questionnaire for checking whether or not items measuring a single construct or not. In this study

reliability test was made by Cronbach alpha by taking into account the cutoff point of 0.7and above

(Hair et al., 2006).As it can be seen in the table below, the Cronbach coefficient for all items

satisfied the minimum requirement thus certainly suitable for this study objective.

Table 4.4 Reliability Analyses of Variables of the Study Using Cronbach’s Alpha

Variables of the study Number Coefficient of reliability

of items

Business performance 6 0.84

Quality of the relationship in the 3 0.80
Resource acquisition capacity of the 3 0.81
Absorptive capacity 7 0.85
Source: own survey.2013.

In order to minimize the research errors and more to strengthen the reliability of the study, response

error (unintentionally filling incorrect answers to questions by respondents) and non-response error

(a problem of not contacting the respondents) a telephone follow-up to respondents, a use of self-

administered questionnaire and a pilot test was made to items of questionnaire.

4.2.2 Validity
Validity is about the extent that an instrument is measuring what it is intended to measure. In this

study the validity of a questionnaire was measured by content and construct validity.

41 Content Validity

Content validity measures whether or not individual items of test measures the construct. In this

study the content validity of the questionnaire was tested by pilot test with 3 university researchers

and with 5 medium sized enterprises managers and checked for incorrect instruction, unclear

questions, ambiguous words and phrases (Churchill, 2002).Finally the result of the test was included

to the final revised questionnaire and the content validity of all variables included in the study was

confirmed. Construct Validity

Construct validity is focused on the extent in which a construct is measured by a test. The construct

validity was measured by factor analysis, discriminant validity and reliability test. (Sharfman and

Fernando, 2008; Hair et al.,2006).

Table 4.5 Factor and Reliability Test of Type of Networking

Results of Factor Loading

TYPES OF NETWORKING RESOURCES Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor
1 2 3 4 5
Factor 1(Governmental agencies)
1.1 Addis Ababa micro and small
enterprise bureau 0.81
1.2 Industry minister 0.85
1.3 Trade minister 0.75
1.4 Textile industry development institute 0.79
1.5 Leather industry development institute 0.82
1.6 Metal work industry development 0.73
institute 0.70
1.7 Ethiopian kaizen institute
Factor 2 (Business associates)
2.1 Raw material suppliers 0.83
2.2 Customers 0.77
2.3 Subcontracting relationship with
large firms 0.71

2.4 Relationship with similar 0.80
enterprises in the same sector
Factor 3 (Financial institutions )
3.1 Commercial bank of Ethiopia 0.87
3.3 Other private banks 0.79
3.4 Micro finance institutions 0.76
3.5 Saving and credit institutions 0.78

Factor 4 (Trade associations)

4.1 Addis Ababa chamber of commerce 0.79
4.2 Women’s export association 0.78

Factor 5( Knowledge institutions)

5.1 Technical and vocational schools 0.77
5.2 University or college research 0.79
5.3 Media organization 0.75
Eigen value 1.17 1.65 1.28 1.11 1.10
Variance explained in percentage 10.85 23.25 18.32 9.07 8.33
Reliability (using Cronbach’s alpha) 0.81 0.78 0.79 0.71 0.72
Total variance explained 69.82
Measure of sampling adequacy(KMO) 0.71

Barlett’s test of sphericity significant 0.02

Source: own survey, 2013

In the table above to analyze items of scales; factor analysis was made on 20 networking types. The

Eigen value method was used for selecting components because it is free from making subjective

bias in selecting components (Stevenson, 1986). Finally, five factors were extracted and there were

no items which cross load more than one factor. The quality of factor analysis was assessed by

Bartlett’s test for sphercity (if p-value lessthan0.05) and Kaiser-Meyer olkin (KMO) test: that

measures the degree of Multicollinarity among items included in the analysis which should be

greater than 0.5-0.6.In this study, KMO test and Bartlett’s test for sphercity were 0.71 and 0.02

respectively which indicated the existence of significant correlation among items of networking

types for factor analysis and which assured the construct validity of networking types items of

questionnaire. The coefficient of reliability for networking types using Cronbach’s alpha for factor

one, two, three, four and five were 0.81,0.78,0.79,0.71and 0.72 respectively which is greater than

the minimum requirement for reliability test indicating that internal consistency among items was

suitable for measurement instrument. In addition to this the reliability test of variables other than

networking types :for business performance, Quality of the relationship in the network, Resource

acquisition capacity of the network and absorptive capacity of the business were 0.84,0.80,

0.81,0.85 respectively which satisfied reliability test of the study.

The discriminant validity of independent variables included in the study was checked by variance

inflation factor (VIF) and resulted in 1.09 which is between acceptable range (VIF<10) and revealed

that independent variables were free from Multicollinarity problem with each other.

4.3 Specification Tests of the Model

Before running the ordered probit model to the study, three assumptions of the model were tested

namely: Heteroskedasticity, Normality and Multicollinarity tests. The results were presented below:

4.3.1 Heteroskedasticity Test

Table 4.6 white’s test of Hetroskedastic

White's test for Ho: homoskedasticity

against Ha: unrestricted heteroskedasticity

chi2(100) = 116.36
Prob > chi2 = 0.1259

Source: own survey, 2013.

In order to test whether or not an error term is Hetroskedastic or possesses unequal variance:

meaning checking for whether a parameter judged to be significant when it is actually not, white

general test was used because of its applicability for non-linear and normally distributed data. But,

as it is presented above the p-value is greater than 0.05 (0.1259 >0.05) indicating that the error term

is homoskedastic (not Hetroskedastic) or having equal variance .Thus Heteroskedasticity assumption

of the model was not violated.

4.3.2 Normality Test Using Shapiro Wilk Test

Table 4.7 Shapiro wilk test of normality

Variable Number of W p -value at 0.05

Business performance 128 0.98882 0.61234
Governmental agencies 128 0.99724 0.99343
Financial institutions 128 0.99150 0.62847
Trade association 128 0.99635 0.98707
Business associates 128 0.99519 0.85225
Knowledge institutions 128 0.98877 0.38329
Resource acquisition capacity 128 0.99403 0.84178
Quality of the relationship in the network 128 0.99278 0.75627
Absorptive capacity of the business 128 0.99301 0.82322
Textile and garment sector 128 0.99076 0.61345
Leather and leather product sector 128 0.99516 0.85412
Wood product sector 128 0.99602 0.98712
Metal work and engineering sector 128 0.99530 0.92226
Food processing and beverage sector 128 0.99411 0.79000
Ln of firm age 128 0.99172 0.68113
Ln of firm size 128 0.99694 0.98875
Source: own survey, 2013.

In order to make the interpretation and inference drawn from the collected data reliable and valid,

the normal distribution of the random variable was tested. Before testing the normality assumptions

of the model, quantitative variables: firm size and firm age were transformed to logarithmic values

in order to keep the normality of the data. In this study the test of normality was undertaken by

numerical method statistically known as Shapiro-wilk test because of its best estimating ability. As

it is presented in table above the p-value for all variables in the study are greater than 0.05 fulfilling

the normality assumption of the ordered probit model.

4.3.3 Multicollinarity Test

Table 4.8 Test of Multicollinarity among independent variables

Variable VIF 1/VIF

qualityofr~p 1.13 0.885064

businessas~s 1.10 0.908431
govermenta~s 1.09 0.920415
tradeassoc~s 1.08 0.921812
resourceac~y 1.08 0.922821
finantiali~s 1.08 0.926284
knowledgei~s 1.08 0.928037

Mean VIF 1.09

Source: own survey, 2013.

Since the VIF value is less than 10 and the tolerance value is greater than 0.2, there is no a problem

of co linearity among independent variables. Therefore, Multicollinarity assumption was achieved.

4.4 Ordered Probit Model Test Result

Table 4.9 Ordered probit model test result

Variables in the model Coefficient P value(at 0.05)

Governmental agencies .064472 0.674
Financial institutions .2873355 0.012
Trade associations -.1681317 0.446
Business associates .4037304 0.017
Knowledge institutions -.119843 0.375
Resource acquisition capability of the -.3301507 0.027
Quality of the relationship in the network .3658749 0.037
Absorptive capacity of the business -.1017562 0.443

Textile and garment .389222 0.495
Leather and leather products -.8014281 0.303
Wood products .661191 0.227
Metal work and engineering .0842006 0.783
Food processing and beverage -.3036326 0.603
Ln of firm age .814924 0.046
Ln of firm size .2629984 0.069
Source: own survey, 2013.

Looking at the results of ordered probit model in table 4.9, using p-value less than 0.05 most of the

hypotheses were confirmed depending upon the estimates obtained. The model significance level is

p=0.0002 and the chi-square is 42.20 and the model log likelihood(LL test) was-106.36715.The first

hypothesis networking with governmental agencies is positively and insignificantly related with

business performance rejecting our hypotheses, while the second hypothesis networking with

financial institutions is positively and significantly related with business performance confirming

our hypotheses. The third hypothesis trade associations negatively and insignificantly related with

business performance rejecting our hypothesis. The fourth hypothesis networking with business

associates positively and significantly related with business performance confirming our hypothesis.

The fifth hypothesis networking with knowledge institutions negatively and insignificantly related

with business performance rejecting our hypothesis. The six hypothesis resource acquisition

capability of the network is negatively and significantly related with business performance

confirming our hypothesis, while the seventh hypothesis the quality of the relationship in the

network is positively and significantly related with business performance confirming our hypothesis.

Regarding the result of control variables except for the firm age, all the control variables in the study

namely industry type effect, absorptive capacity of the business and firm size were statistically in

significant in the model.

4.5 Marginal Effects of Independent Variables
In this section to interpret the result of ordered probit model more effectively and present clearly the

factors that explain the choice of medium sized enterprises business performance responses were


Table 4.9.1 Marginal Effects of Independent Variables

Variables Business performance measured using ordinal scales

Strongly dis- Disagree(2) Neutral(3) Agree(4) Strongly agree(5)
Government -0.000 -0.001 -0.007 -0.017 0.024
al agencies

Financial -0.001 -0.003 -0.029 -0.074 0.107

Trade 0.001 0.001 0.017 0.043 -0.063
Business -0.002 -0.004 -0.041 -0.104 0.151
Knowledge 0.001 0.001 0.012 0.031 -0.045
Resource 0.002 0.003 0.034 0.085 -0.123
capability of
the network

Qualityof the -0.002 -0.003 -0.037 -0.094 0.137


Source: own survey, 2013.

As can be seen in table 4.9.3 above, networking with governmental agencies decreases chance of

reporting ‘strongly disagree’ in business performance by 0.0 percentage points, ‘disagree’ by 0.1,

‘neutral’ by 0.7,‘agree’ by 1.7,and increases chance of reporting ‘strongly agree’ by 2.4 percentage

points. Medium sized enterprises networking with financial institutions decreases chance of

choosing alternative ‘strongly disagree’ in business performance by 0.1 percentage points, ‘disagree’

by 0.3, ‘neutral’ by 2.9, ‘agree’ by 7.4,and increases chance of choosing alternative ‘strongly agree’

by 10.7 percentage points. Medium sized enterprises networking with trade associations increases

chance of reporting ‘strongly disagree’ in business performance by 0.1 percentage points, ‘disagree’

by 0.1, ‘neutral’ by 1.7, ‘agree’ by 4.3,and decreases chance of reporting ‘strongly agree’ by 6.3

percentage points. Networking with business associates decreases chance of reporting ‘strongly

disagree’ in business performance by 0.2 percentage points, ‘disagree’ by 0.4, ‘neutral’ by

4.1,’agree’ by 10.4,and increases chance of reporting ‘strongly agree’ by 15.1 percentage points.

Medium sized enterprises networking with knowledge institutions increases chance of reporting

‘strongly disagree’ in business performance by 0.1 percentage points, ‘disagree’ by 0.1, ‘neutral’ by

1.2, ‘agree’ by 3.1,and decreases chance of reporting ‘strongly agree’ by 4.5 percentage points. The

Resource acquisition capability of the network in terms of intangible and tangible resources

increases chance of reporting ‘strongly disagree’ in business performance by 0.2 percentage points,

‘disagree’ by 0.3, ‘neutral’ by 3.4, ‘agree’ by 8.5,and decreases chance of reporting ‘strongly agree’

by 12.3 percentage points. The quality of the relationship in the network decreases probability of

choosing alternative ‘strongly disagree’ in business performance by 0.2 percentage points, ‘disagree’

by 0.3, ‘neutral’ by 3.7, ‘agree’ by 9.4,and increases probability of choosing alternative ‘strongly

agree’ by 13.7 percentage points.

4.6 Discussion of Results

This study investigated the impact of networking in the form of extent of relationship with different

type of networks, quality of the relationship in the network, and resource acquisition capacity of the

network on the business performance of Medium sized enterprises in the manufacturing sector in

Addis Ababa.
According to the reviewed related literature to the topic of this study, to Ethiopian case in testing the

impact of elements of networking including: strength of networking with external resources, quality

of the relationship in the network, and resource acquisition capacity of the network, this study is the

first in investigating the impact of networking on the performance of Medium sized enterprises.

4.7 Summary of Findings

Networking with Governmental agencies is positively and insignificantly related with business

performance of medium sized enterprises rejecting the hypotheses. This was not in line with

previous studies reviewed in the literature part. The fact that the Governmental agencies was not

found to be significant for the performance of Medium sized enterprises might be attributed to

firstly, to lack of enough business support program by governmental agencies related to skill

development, collecting market information, the transfer of technology, basic managerial training,

general advise and so on. Secondly the kind of support service given for enterprises might not be as

per the need (weakness side) of manufacturing firms. Thirdly, might be because of rendering

unequal support programs for medium sized enterprises depending on the strength of governmental

agencies located at different sub cities of Addis Ababa.

Networking with Financial institutions is positively and significantly related with business

performance confirming the hypotheses. This result supports the prior research of Tooksoon &

Mohamed (2010), indicating that the relationship with financial institutions is important in

improving the performance of medium sized enterprises. As per the interviewed respondents the

necessity of collateral for loan, lack of getting enough amount of finance ,and a shortage of finance

for selling the manufactured products abroad were a serious problems related to the relationship

with financial institutions beyond the result of the tested hypothesis.

Trade associations negatively and insignificantly related with business performance of medium

sized enterprises rejecting our hypothesis. This finding consistent with the research result of

Tooksoon & Mohamed (2010).The insignificant relationship between trade association and business

performance might be explained by lack of delivering the required support other than registering

enterprises to be members of the trade association.

Networking with business associates positively and significantly related with business performance

of medium sized enterprises confirming our hypothesis. This result is supported by a number of

researchers where they argue that networking with business associates such as customers ,suppliers,

similar enterprises and subcontracting relationship with other firms have significant effect on

performance of SMEs(Tooksoon and Mudor ,2012; Tooksoon & Mohamed ,2010; Pongapanich and

phitya-Isarakul ,2008; Chen et al. ,2007; Yiu et al, ,2007).

Consistent with the previous studies (Tooksoon and Mudor, 2012; Tooksoon & Mohamed, 2010)

networking with knowledge institutions negatively and insignificantly related with business

performance of medium sized enterprises rejecting our hypothesis. Similar to the result of empirical

research by Ge et al., (2009) resource acquisition capability of the network negatively and

significantly related with business performance confirming our hypotheses. The negative and

significant relationship indicates that resource acquisition capability of the network has minimal but

necessary impact on the performance of medium sized enterprises. The quality of the relationship in

the network is positively and significantly related with business performance of medium sized

enterprises confirming our hypothesis. This finding is similar with earlier studies of (Sahakijpicharn,

2007).The result indicates that the more the trust (quality) in the network of relationship with

different external resources the higher the performance of manufacturing medium sized enterprises.


5.1 Conclusion
This research was designed in order to investigate the impact of networking on the business

performance of medium sized enterprises operating in Addis Ababa. In order to achieve the

objective the study: the hypothesis and the research design were developed and finally the research

objective was achieved. According to the result of this study, there are four independent variables

which were significantly related with business performance of medium sized enterprises namely:

networking with financial institutions, business associates, the resource acquisition capability of the

network and quality of the network in the relationship. Among the four independent variables which

have significant impact on the business performance of medium sized enterprises, networking with

financial institutions, networking with business associates, and quality of the relationship in the

network positively while the resource acquisition capability of the network negatively related with

business performance of medium sized enterprises.

5.2 Managerial Implications of this Study

This study investigated the impact of networking on the business performance of medium sized

enterprises working in manufacturing sector in Addis Ababa and will provide a clue for managers in

what extent that networking relationship has importance on the performance of their business. The

finding of this study motivates managers of the business to have networking relationship with

business associates and financial institutions. In addition to this, resource acquisition capability of

the network and quality of the relationship in the network has an impact on the performance of

medium sized enterprises. The results strongly supports the necessity for managers to have

networking relationship with business associates such as customers, suppliers, subcontracting

relationship with large firms and relationship with similar enterprises. Secondly, managers of

medium sized enterprises must have relationship with financial institutions for getting credit service

as per the amount of finance they need by forming collaboration with similar enterprises and making

the necessary contractual arrangement with banking, and credit and saving organizations. According

to the result of this study, the quality of the relationship measured by trusted relationship with

collaborators and the accuracy of the information provided within the network was reliable. Thus

managers of medium sized enterprises should also enter to networking relationship with external

resources with full confidence. In general speaking, networking relationship by managers of

medium sized enterprises should be developed with important partners such as business associates

and financial institutions to improve the performance of their business.

5.3 Recommendations for Practical Application

In this section depending upon the conclusion drawn from this study recommendation was given for

medium sized enterprises on how to use networking strategy to improve their business performance.

In addition to this, recommendation was given for the government relating to the role it has in

improving performance of enterprises as presented below.

5.3.1 Medium Sized Enterprises

1. To improve business performance, medium sized enterprises expected to have networking

relationship with external resources. According to resource dependency theory, the aims of

networking relationship are to gain information, knowledge and resources. In turn this helps

for improving the performance of medium sized enterprises since they are important inputs

for marketing activities. Thus medium sized enterprises should use networking relationship

as a vital strategy to be competitive in the market for solving their managerial, resources and

information lacks.

2. Medium sized enterprises should consider networking with external environment as part of

business planning objective and the management or the owner manager of the business

should use it as an instrument for accessing marketing information, for acquiring tangible

and intangible resources and finally to improve the performance their business.

3. To expand the business within domestic as well as for having international marketing

exposure through exporting medium sized enterprises should have networking relationship

with supporting institutions extensively.

5.3.2 The Government

1. Governmental support agencies should create awareness for medium sized enterprises about

the service they offer for them. Most of the enterprises according to the data collected from

this study unaware of the existence of supporting institutions that give support for them.

Especially trade associations: Addis Ababa chamber of commerce and women’s export

associations, among knowledge institutions such as university and college research institutes,

technical and vocational schools and media organizations should have close relationship with

medium sized enterprises by advertising themselves, by giving training on technical and

marketing activities, transmitting research results done by university and college research

institutes that solves problem of medium sized enterprises and promoting firms products

through their news papers and magazines, internet, television and radio.

2. The government should network medium sized enterprises among themselves and with other

external resources through linkage and cluster development program.

3. The government should give different incentives for medium sized enterprises until they are

able to compete in the market: through tax reduction, financial support to create favorable

environment for exporting their products to international market.

4. The government should also create opportunities for medium sized enterprises to have

subcontracting relationship with large enterprises which are located domestic (can be

governmental as well as private) and abroad. This is because, subcontracting relationship

benefit medium sized enterprises for sharing technological knowledge and focusing on their

core business for accelerating their growth.

5. The government should bring fair marketing competitions among competitors such as

controlling a trade undertaken by contraband and taking the necessary other measures.

6. The government should ensure the constant supply of the required quantity and quality of

raw materials for SMEs. According to the result of this study some of the enterprises,

especially leather and leather product sector, responded that they were encountered with

ordering problems of raw materials(in terms of quantity and quality) for their operation

because suppliers primarily and largely export it to international market.

7. The government should also provide modern manufacturing machines by a gift as well as by

rent for improving performance of medium sized enterprises in order to connect them with

latest technological innovation.

8. The government should create opportunities for medium sized enterprises to have access to

bank loan. Even though, the result of this study revealed that the impact of financial

institutions on the performance of medium sized enterprises was significant and positive,

some of the enterprises on the open ended question part responded that it was difficult for

them to get the required amount of finance because of the collateral for loan required by

institutions was beyond the capacity of enterprises. Thus, the government should work

together with private banks to encourage enterprises by offering the loan for medium sized

enterprises by asking collateral requirement that go with capacity of enterprises, providing a

low interest rate and aligning the loan negotiation with government (by including

government agencies as a third party: a credit guarantee body) and making a government

accountable when medium sized enterprises failed to pay the loan). Governmental banks

should also support medium sized enterprises by supporting microfinance institutions, saving
and credit associations to increase their lending capacity through giving financial incentives

and upgrading their status to cooperative banks. The governments should also think on the

special lending mechanism for medium sized enterprises from governmentally owned banks.

9. The government should also motivate and help Knowledge institutions: university and

college research institute, technical and vocational schools so as to improve the performance

of medium sized enterprises through their research and development program by

disseminating new ways of technology, providing solution for their operational and

marketing problems since they are a source of new information. But, this all only be done by

having a close contact relationship with medium sized enterprises. The government should

also support medium sized enterprises by advertizing their products through its media, and

connecting with a general market.

5.4 Directions for Future Research

In this study, firstly the data was collected on single time period on cross sectional study. This may

affect the understanding of the real casual relationship exist or the changes over time between

variables in different time periods through longitudinal study. Therefore future studies could design

this study based on longitudinal study. Secondly, in this study the mediating variables were not

included between independent and dependent variables .Therefore the relationship between

variables may not be explained directly. Thus, future works can include mediating variables other

than independent variables included in this study to make the result of the study more reliable.

Because it is difficult to explain the relationship between variables directly without the involvement

of mediating variables.

Thirdly, in this study the data was collected from medium sized enterprises operating in the

manufacturing sector .Thus, future studies could be done on the other sectors to check for weather or

not the result of this study is valid to the other sectors.

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Addis Ababa University

College of Business and Economics

Department of Management

Research questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed for medium sized enterprises operating in the manufacturing

sector in Addis Ababa.

Dear Respondents,

My name is Firew Mulatu I am conducting a research on the topic entitled “Networking and

business performance of medium sized enterprises in Addis Ababa”. This questionnaire is therefore

designed to collect data and write a thesis for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Master of Business Administration (MBA)degree at the Addis Ababa university .The purpose of this

study is to understand in what kind of relationship that medium sized enterprises in manufacturing

sector are involved and to measure the impact of networking on their business performance and

based on the finding of the study to make the necessary conclusion and recommendation. Hence,

you are selected to participate in the data collection process and contribute to the success of this

study .Therefore you are humbly requested to complete this questionnaire. All information you

provide used only for academic purpose and your response will be kept confidential .Hence, there is

no need to write your name or any identification.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and contribution

In this section, please put your answers for following questions by putting a tick
mark () in the appropriate box.
1. How long has been your business in the operation? ___________________
2. What is the total number of employees working in your business?
3. What are problems and barriers to your business to collaborate with similar business and
other companies for the past three years? For the following statements please measure the
extent of the problems by putting a coded number in the appropriate box.

Measurement codes:
1= Highly serious problem, 3=Somewhat serious problem
2=Moderately serious problem, 4= Not a problem.

Problems and barriers related to the formation of network with Rate them

1. Lack of finance and cooperation problem among medium

sized enterprises

2. Lack of getting the required support from concerned body’s

3. No cluster area or shed provided by government

4. Awareness about networking benefit is low

5. Problem of getting raw material supply as per the firm need

6. Partners search and selection

7. Lack of skills of human resources

8. Lack of trusted relationship when working with others

9. Lack of favorable grounds for promoting our products

through trade fairs and exhibition.

10. Others (please write them) --------------------------------------------------------------


In this section, please indicate your agreement or disagreement about your business
performance for the past three years for following statements by putting a tick mark () in the
appropriate box.

Measurement codes:
Where; 1= Strongly disagree 3= Neutral
2= Disagree 4= Agree 5= Strongly agree.

Items for Measuring Business Performance
1 2 3 4 5

1. Compared with major competitors our company’s

return on assets is superior

2. Compared with major competitors our company’s

average sales growth rate is superior

3. Compared with major competitors our company’s

Percentage of sales from new product is superior
4. Compared with major competitors our company’s new
product success rate is superior
5. Compared with major competitors our company’s
firm’s defective product return rate is lower

6. Compared with major competitors our company’s

customers are more satisfied


In this section, please indicate your agreement or disagreement about extent of relationship
(strength of relationship) you have with the following networking types for the past three
years by putting a tick mark () in the appropriate box.

Measurement codes:
Where; 1= Not at all, 3= Neutral
2= To some extent 4= To moderate extent 5= At a great extent

Type of Networking Scales

1 2 3 4 5

A) Governmental Supporting Agencies

1. Federal micro and small enterprise development

2. Addis Ababa micro and small enterprise bureau

3. Industry minister

4. Urban construction and development minister

5. Trade minister

6. Ethiopian kaizen institute

B. Financial Institutions
1. Commercial bank of Ethiopia

2. Other private banks

3. Micro finance institutions

4. Saving and credit institutions

C. Trade Associations
1. Addis Ababa chamber of commerce

2. Ethiopian women’s export association

D. Business Associates

1. Raw material suppliers

2. Customers

3. Subcontracting relationship with large firms

4. Relationship with similar enterprises operating in

the same sector.

E. Knowledge Institutions

1. Technical and vocational training agencies and


2. University or college research institute

3. Media organization


In this section, please indicate your agreement or disagreement about the resource
accusation capability of the network you have entered for the past three years by putting a
tick mark () in the appropriate box.
Measurement codes:
Where; 1= Strongly disagree 3= Neutral
2= Disagree 4= Agree 5= Strongly agree.

Items for Measuring Resource Acquisition Scales

Capability of the Network
1 2 3 4 5

1. We get enough tangible resources from the network

2. We get enough intangible resources from the network

3. Generally we get enough resources (both tangible and

intangible) from the network.

In this section, please indicate your agreement or disagreement about the quality of
relationship you have with different networking types for the past three years for following
statements by putting a tick mark () in the appropriate box.

Measurement codes:
Where; 1= Strongly disagree 3= Neutral
2= Disagree 4= Agree 5= Strongly agree.

Items for Measuring Quality of the Relationship Scales

in the Network
1 2 3 4 5

1. When our company has technical exchange with

suppliers/customers/other institutions both parties do not
harm each other.

2. When our company has technical exchange with

suppliers/customers/other institutions both parties do not
take advantages of the other even if opportunities to do
so arise.

3. When our company has technical/business knowledge

exchanges and collaboration with other companies, we
sometimes suspect the accuracy of the information these
companies provide.

In this section, please indicate your agreement or disagreement about the absorptive
capacity of your business for the past three years for following statements by putting a
tick mark () in the appropriate box
Measurement codes:
Where; 1= Strongly disagree 3= Neutral
2= Disagree 4= Agree 5= Strongly agree.

Items for Measuring Absorptive Capacity of Scales

the Business 1 2 3 4 5
1. Compared with major competitors, our company
has internal resource advantage.
2. Compared with major competitors, our company
can accurately evaluate technology related
knowledge that is acquired externally.
3. Compared with major competitors, our company
has a greater ability to modify and use externally
acquired knowledge.
4. Compared with major competitors, our company
has a greater ability to adjust pricing based on
market condition.
5. Compared with major competitors, our company
can quickly recognize changes in the market and
6. Compared with major competitors, our company
can more easily obtain market information from
our customers.
7. Compared with major competitors, our company
can more quickly obtain information on technology
or market changes.

Thank you once again.

Firew Mulatu
PHONE NUMBER : 0910141319
E-MAIL = [email protected]

NOTE: When questionnaires distributed across the sectors for measuring strength of tie with
governmental agencies: metal and engineering institute included for metal and engineering sector,
textile institute for textile sector, leather industry development institute for leather and products of
leather sector.


አዲስ አበባ ዮኒቨርሲቲ

የቢዝነስና ኢኮኖሚክስ ኮሌጅ

የስራ አመራር ዲፓርትመንት

የጥናት መጠይቅ

ይህ መጠይቅ የተዘጋጀዉ በአዲስ አበባ በማኑፋቸሪንግ ዘርፍ ለተሰማሩ ለመካከለኛ

ኢንተርፕራይዞች ነዉ፡፡

ውድ የጥናቱ ተሳታፊዎች፡-

ስሜ ፍሬው ሙላቱ ይባላል በአሁኑ ሰዓት የመመረቂያ ፅሁፌን “ትስስርና የመካከለኛ ተቋማት

የንግድ ስራ ብቃትበአዲስ አበባ” በሚል ርዕስእየሰራሁ እገኛለው፡፡ ይህ መጠይቅ የተዘጋጀው

በርዕሱ ዙሪያ መረጃዎችን በመሰብሰብ በአዲስ አበባ ዮኒቨርሲቲ በንግድ አስተዳደር ለሁለተኛ ድግሪ

መሟያ የሚሆን የመመረቂያ ፅሁፍ ለማዘጋጀት ነው፡፡ የዚህ ጥናት ዓላማ በማኑፋክቸሪንግ

ሴክተር ውስጥ የሚገኙ መካከለኛተቋማት በምን ዓይነት ትስስር ውስጥ አንዳሉ መገንዘብና ትስስሩ

በተቋማቱ ላይ ያለውን ኢኮኖሚያዊ ፋይዳ መለካት ነው፡፡ በተጨማሪም በጥናቱ ውጤት ላይ

በመመስረት ድምዳሜዎች ላይ ለመድረስና መሻሻል የሚገቡአቸውን ሁኔታዎችን ለመጠቆም ነው፡፡

በመሆኑም እርስዎ በመረጃ ሰብሰባ ሂደት ውስጥ በመሳተፍ ለጥናቱ ዓላማ ስኬት የበኩሉዎን

አስተዋፅኦ እንዲያደርጉ ተመርጠዋል፡፡ ስለዚህ እርስዎ በጥንቃቄ መጠይቁን እንዲሞሉ በትህትና

እንጠይቆታለን፡፡ እርስዎ የሚሰጡን መረጃዎች ለዚህ ጥናት ዓላማ ብቻ የሚውሉና ሚስጢራዊነቱ

የተጠበቀ መሆኑን ለአረጋግጥሎት እወዳለሁ፡፡ በመሆኑም ስምዎትንም ሆነ ማንነትዎን መግለፅ


ለትብብሮና ለአስተዋፅኦ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ፡፡

ክፍል አንድ፡- የንግድ ስራውን የተመለከቱ ጥያቄዎች
ከዚህ በታች ለተዘረዘሩት ጥያቄዎች መልሶዎትን በተሰጠው ሳጥን ውስጥ የእርማት
ምልክት () በማስቀመጥ ይምረጡ፡፡

1. ድርጅትዎ ከተመሰረተ ምን ያህል ጊዜ ሆነው? ------------------------------------------------

2. በድርጅትዎ ውስጥ ያለው የሰው ኃይል መጠን ምን ያህል ነው?
3. ከተመሳሳይ ድርጅቶች ጋር ወይም ከሌሎች ጋር በመቀናጀት ወይም በመተሳሰር
እንዳይሰሩ ያደረጉዎት ችግሮችና እንቅፋቶች ምንድን ናቸው? እባክዎ እንደሚከተለው
በመለካት ያስቀምጡአቸው፡፡

የመለኪያዎቹ ኮድ
1. በጣም አንገብጋቢ ችግር, 2. በመካከለኛ ሁኔታ አንገብጋቢ ችግር

3. በመጠነኛ ሁኔታ አንገብጋቢ ችግር, 4. ችግር አይደለም

ከሌሎች ጋር ትስስር ለመፍጠር ያላስቻሎዎት ችግሮችና እንቅፋቶች ለካቸዉ

1. በተመሳሳይ ኢንተርፕራይዞች መካከል ተባብሮ (ተቀናጅቶ)

ያለመስራትና የገንዘብ እጥረት ማጋጠሙ
2. ከሚመለከተው መንግስታዊ ተቋም በትስስሩ ዙሪያ ተፈላጊውን
ድጋፍ ያለማግኘት ችግር
3. የጋራ ማምረቻና ሽያጭ ቦታ በመንግስታዊ ተቋም አለመሰጠቱ
4. በገበያ ትስስር ጥቅም ዙሪያ ያለው ግንዛቤ አናሳ መሆኑ
5. በሚፈለገው መጠን የጥሬ ዕቃ አቅርቦት ያለማግኘት ችግር
6. የአጋሮች (አብረው የሚሰሩ) ፍለጋና ምርጫ ችግር
7. የሰው ሀይላችን የእውቀት እጥረት
8. ከሌሎች ጋር በሚሰራበት ጊዜ ያለመተማመን ሁኔታ መኖር
9. ምርቶቻችንን በባዛርና ኤግዚቢሽን መልክ ለማስተዋወቅ ሁኔታዎች
10. ሌሎች(ካሉ ይጥቀሱ)………………………………………………………………………...

ክፍል ሁለት:- ከንግድ ስራ ብቃት ጋር የተያያዙ ጥያቄዎች

በዚህ ክፍል ባለፈው ሶስት ዓመት ውስጥ ስለድርጅትዎ የንግድ ስራ ብቃት መጠን መስማማትን
ወይም አለመስማማቶን ከዚህ በታች ለተዘረዘሩት መዘርዝሮች በተሰጠው ሳጥን ውስጥ አንድ ጊዜ
ብቻ የእርማት ምልክት () በማስቀመጥ ይምረጡ፡፡

የመለኪያዎቹ ኮድ

1. በፍፁም አልስማማም 2. አልስማማም 3. ሀሳብ መስጠት ይቸግረኛል

4. እስማማለሁ 5. ሙሉ በሙሉ እስማማለሁ

የንግድ ስራ ብቃትን የሚለኩ መዘርዝሮች መለኪያዎች

1 2 3 4 5
1. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር የድርጅታችን
አጠቃላይ የንብረት ገቢ ከፍተኛ ነው
2. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር የድርጅታችን አመካይ
የሽያጭ እድገት መጠን ከፍተኛ ነው
3. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር ድርጅታችን ከአዳዲስ
ምርቶች የሚያገኘው የሽያጭ ፐርሰንት ከፍተኛ ነው
4. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር የድርጅታችን የአዳዲስ
ምርቶች የስኬት መጠን ከፍተኛ ነው
5. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር የድርጅታችን
የተበላሹ ዕቃዎች የመመለስ መጠን አነስተኛ ነው
6 ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር የድርጅታችን
ደንበኞች በተሻለ ሁኔታ የረኩ ናቸው

ክፍል ሶስት፡- ሌሎች ከትስስር ጉዳዮች ጋር የተያያዙ ጥያቄዎች

3.1. ከተለያዩ አካላት ጋር ያለ የትስስር መጠን ወይም የትስስር ጥንካሬ

በዚህ ክፍል ባለፈው ሶስት ዓመት ውስጥ ድርጅትዎ ከተለያዩ አካላት ጋር ስላለው
የትስስር ጥንካሬ (መጠን) የመስማማቶን ወይም ያለመስማማትዎን መጠን ከዚህ በታች
ለተዘረዘሩት መዘርዝሮች በተሰጠው ሰጥን ውስጥ አንድ ጊዜ ብቻ የእርማት ምልክት ()
በማድረግ ይምረጡ፡፡

የመለኪያዎቹ ኮድ

1. ምንም ግንኙነት የለኝም 2. በመጠነኛ ሁኔታ 3. ሀሳብ ለመስጠት ይቸግረኛል

4. በመካከለኛ ሁኔታ 5. በከፍተኛ መጠን

የትስስሩ ዓይነት መለኪያዎች
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ሀ. ድጋፍ ሰጪ መንግስታዊ ተቋማት
1. የፌዴራል የጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ኢንተርፕራይሮዞች የልማት
2. የአዲስ አበባ የጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ኢንተርፕራይዝ በሮ
3. የኢንዱስትሪ ሚኒስቴር
4. የከተማ ልማትና ኮንሰትራክሽን ሚኒስቴር

5. ንግድ ሚኒስቴር
6. የኢትዮጵያ ካይዘን ኢንስቲቱት
ለ. የገንዘብ ተቋማት
1. የኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ
2. ሌሎች የግል ባንኮች
3. የማይክሮ ፋይናንስ ተቋማት
4. የብድርና ቁጠባ ተቋማት
ሐ. የንግድ ማህበራት
1. የአዲስ አበባ የንግድ ዘርፍ ማህበር
2. የኢትዮጵያ ሴቶች ኤክስፖርት ማህበር
መ. የንግድ ስራ አጋሮች
1. የጥሬ እቃ አቅራቢዎች
2. ደንበኞች
3. ከትላልቅ ድርጅቶች ጋር የንዑስ ስራ ተቋራጭነት ትሰስር
4. በተመሳሳይ ስራ ላይ ከተሰማሩ ኢንተርፕራይዞች ጋር ያለ
ሰ. የእውቀት ተቋማት
1. ከቴክኒክና ሙያ ትምህርት ቤት ስልጠና ኤጅንሲና ት/ቤቶች
2. ከዮኒቨርሲቲ ወይም ኮሌጅ የምርምር ተቋማት
3. ከመገናኛ ብዙሀን

3.2. የትስስሩን ጥቅም የማሰገኘት አቅም የተመለከቱ ጥያቄዎች

በዚህ ክፍል ባለፈው ሶስት ዓመት ውስጥ ድርጅትዎ ከተለያየ አካላት ጋር ስላለው
ትስስር ጥቅም የማስገኘቱ አቅም ላይ ያልዎትን የመስማማት ወይም ያለመስማማት
መጠንከዚህ በታች ለተዘረዘሩት መዘርዝሮች በተሰጠው ሳጥን ውስጥ አንድ ጊዜ ብቻ
የእርማት ምልክት () በማድረግ ይምረጡ፡፡

የመለኪያዎቹ ኮድ

1. በፍፁም አልስማማም 2. አልስማማም 3. ሀሳብ ለመስጠት ይቸግረኛል

4. እስማማለሁ 5. ሙሉ በሙሉ እስማማለሁ

የትስስሩን ጥቅም የማሰገኘት አቅም የሚለኩ መለኪያዎች

መዘርዝሮች 1 2 3 4 5
1. ከትስስሩ ቁሳዊ ጥቅም (ድጋፍ) በበቂ መጠን አገኛለዉ
2. ከትስስሩ ቁሳዊ ያልሆነ ጥቅም (ድጋፍ) በበቂ መጠን
3. ከትስስሩ አጠቃላይ ጥቅም(ድጋፍ) በበቂ መጠን አገኛለዉ

3.3. የትስስሩን ጥራት የተመለከቱ ጥያቄዎች

በዚህ ክፍል ባለፈው ሶስት ዓመት ውስጥ ድርጅትዎ ከተለያዩ አካላት ጋር ስላለው
የትስስር ጥራት የመስማማቶን ወይም ያለመስማማቶን መጠን ከዚህ በታች ለተዘረዘሩት
መዘርዝሮች በተሰጠው ሳጥን ውስጥ አንድ ጊዜ ብቻ የእርማት ምልክት () በማድረግ

የመለኪያዎቹ ኮድ

1. በፍፁም አልስማማም 2. አልስማማም 3. ሀሳብ ለመስጠት ይቸግረኛል

4. እስማማለሁ 5. ሙሉ በሙሉ እስማማለሁ

የትስስሩን ጥራት የሚለኩ መዘርዝሮች መለኪያዎች

1 2 3 4 5
1. ድርጅታችን ቴክኒክዊ የሆነ ልውውጥ ከአቅራቢዎች ጋር
ወይም ከደንበኞች ወይም ከሌሎች ተቋማት ጋር ካለው
ሁለቱም አካላት አንዱ አንዱን የሚጎዳ ነገር አያደርጉም
2. ድርጅታችን ቴክኒካዊ የሆነ ልውውጥ ከአቅራቢዎች ጋር
ወይም ከደንበኞች ወይም ከሌሎች ተቋማት ጋር ካለው
እድሎችን እንኳን ቢያገኙ የሌላውን ተጠቃሚነት የሚጋፋ
ከሆነ ሁለቱም አካላት አያደርጉትም
3. ድርጅታችንን ቴክኒካዊ ወይም የንግድ ስራ እውቀት
ልውውጥና ትብብር ከሌሎቹ ጋር ካለው አንዳንድ ጊዜ እነዚህ
አካላተ የሚሰጡንን መረጃ ትክክለኛነት እንጠራጠራለን

3.4. የድርጅቱን ዉስጣዊ አቅም የተመለከቱ ጥያቄዎች

በዚህ ክፍል ባለፈው ሶስት ዓመት ውስጥ ድርጅትዎ ስላለው ዉስጣዊ አቅም
የመስማማቶን ወይም ያለመስማማቶን መጠን ከዚህ በታች ለተዘረዘሩት መዘርዝሮች
በተሰጠው ሳጥን ውስጥ አንድ ጊዜ ብቻ የእርማት ምልክት () በማድረግ ይምረጡ፡፡

የመለኪያዎቹ ኮድ

1. በፍፁም አልስማማም 2. አልስማማም 3. ሀሳብ ለመስጠት ይቸግረኛል

4. እስማማለሁ 5. ሙሉ በሙሉ እስማማለሁ

የድርጅቱን ዉስጣዊ አቅም የሚለኩ መዘርዝሮች መለኪያዎች

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1. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር, ድርጅታችን የውስጣዊ
ሀብት ተጠቃሚነት አለው
2. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር, ድርጅታችን ከሌሎች
የሚያገኘውን ቴክኖሎጂ ነክ እውቀት በትክክል መገምገም
3. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር, ድርጅታችን ከሌሎች
የሚያገኘውን አዉቀት አሻሽሎ የመጠቀም የተሻለ ብቃት አለው
4. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር, ድርጅታችን ዋጋን
በገበያው መሰረት የማስተካከል የተሻለ ችሎታ አለው
5. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር, ድርጅታችን
በገበያውና በኢንዱስትሪ ውስጥ ያለውን ለውጥ በፍጥነት
የመገንዘብ ችሎታ አለው
6. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር, ድርጅታችን በተሻለ
ሁኔታ ከደንበኞች የገበያ መረጃን በቀላሉ ማግኘት ይችላል
7. ከዋነኞቹ ተወዳዳሪዎቻችን ጋር ሲወዳደር, ድርጅታችን
በገበያውና በቴክኖሎጂካዊ ለውጥዎች ዙሪያ በተሻለ ፍጥነት
መረጃ ማግኘት ይችላል

በድጋሚ አመሰግናለሁ፡፡

ፍሬው ሙላቱ

የስልክ ቁጥር፡- 0910-14-13-19

Email: [email protected]

ማስታወሻ :የጥናት መጠይቁን በተመለከተ

ለብረታ ብረትና ኢንጅነሪንግ ሴክተር ለመንግስታዊ ተቋማቱ የብረታ ብረትና ኢንጅነሪንግ

ኢንሰቲቱት፤ለጨርቃጨርቅና አልባሳት ሴክተር የጨርቃጨርቅ ኢነስቲቱት፤ለቆዳና የቆዳ ዉጤቶች
ሴክተር የቆዳ ኢንዱስትሪ ልማት ኢንስቲቱት መጠይቁ በየሴክትሩ በሚበተንበት ሰአት

APPENDIX 3: Variables Used in the Study

No. Variable description Variable measurement /coding Type of variable

1. “1” for textile and garment
“2”for leather and leather
“3” for wood products Descriptive
Type of business “4” for metal work and
“5” for food processing and
“2” for group
“3” for cooperative association
“4” for joint venture
2. Business year of Ln
operation (firm age) Control
3. Numberof employees Ln
in the business (firm Control
4. Networking “1” for highly serious problem
problems “2” for moderately serious Descriptive
“3” for slightly serious problem
“4”for not a problem
5. Governmental “1”for not at all
agencies “2” for to some extent
“3” for neutral
“4” at moderate extent

“5” at a great extent

6. Financial institutions “1”for not at all
“2” for to some extent
“3” for neutral
“4” at moderate extent

“5” at a great extent

7. Trade associations “1”for not at all
“2” for to some extent
“3” for neutral
“4” at moderate extent

“5” at a great extent

8. Business associates “1”for not at all
“2” for to some extent
“3” for neutral
“4” at moderate extent

“5” at a great extent

9. Knowledge “1”for not at all Independent
institutions “2” for to some extent

“3” for neutral

“4” at moderate extent

“5” at a great extent

10. Resource acquisition “1” for strongly disagree
capability of the “2” for disagree,
network Independent
“3” for neutral
“4” for agree

“5”for strongly agree

11. Quality of the “1” for strongly disagree
relationship in the “2” for disagree,
network Independent
“3” for neutral
“4” for agree

“5”for strongly agree

12. Absorptive capacity “1” for strongly disagree
of the network
“2” for disagree, Control
“3” for neutral
“4” for agree
“5”for strongly agree

13. Industry type effect “1” for textile and garment,”0”


“1”for leather and leather Control

products,”0” otherwise.

“1”for wood products,”0”


“1”for metal work and
engeenering,”0” otherwise.

“1”for food processing and

beverage,”0” otherwise.

14. Business “1” for strongly disagree

performance “2” for disagree, Dependent
“3”for neutral
“4” for agree
“ 5” for strongly agree

Appendix 4. Type and extent of networking
Proportion estimation Number of obs = 128

Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]

1 .0078125 .0078125 -.007647 .023272
2 .2109375 .0362018 .1393006 .2825744
3 .265625 .0391915 .1880722 .3431778
4 .515625 .0443462 .427872 .603378

1 .0390625 .017192 .0050427 .0730823
2 .2421875 .038015 .1669627 .3174123
3 .421875 .0438229 .3351574 .5085926
4 .1640625 .0328617 .0990352 .2290898
5 .1328125 .0301144 .0732216 .1924034

1 .0859375 .0248701 .0367241 .1351509
2 .7109375 .0402263 .631337 .790538
3 .203125 .0357006 .1324801 .2737699

2 .109375 .0276952 .0545712 .1641788
3 .40625 .0435809 .3200112 .4924888
4 .4765625 .0443191 .3888631 .5642619
5 .0078125 .0078125 -.007647 .023272

1 .0234375 .0134247 -.0031275 .0500025
2 .5234375 .0443191 .4357381 .6111369
3 .2265625 .0371454 .1530585 .3000665
4 .2265625 .0371454 .1530585 .3000665

Appendix 5. Quality of the relationship and resource acquisition capability of the network
Proportion estimation Number of obs = 128

Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]

2 .1484375 .0315485 .0860088 .2108662
3 .453125 .0441724 .3657158 .5405342
4 .3984375 .0434429 .3124719 .4844031

1 .0234375 .0134247 -.0031275 .0500025
2 .1171875 .0285413 .0607095 .1736655
3 .2265625 .0371454 .1530585 .3000665
4 .6015625 .0434429 .5155969 .6875281
5 .03125 .0154393 .0006983 .0618017

Appendix 6. Absorptive capacity of the business

Proportion estimation Number of obs = 128

Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]

2 .1015625 .0268046 .0485211 .1546039
3 .09375 .0258647 .0425684 .1449316
4 .375 .042959 .289992 .460008
5 .4296875 .0439269 .342764 .516611

Appendix 7. Business performance of medium sized enterprises

Proportion estimation Number of obs = 128

Proportion Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]

1 .0078125 .0078125 -.007647 .023272
2 .0078125 .0078125 -.007647 .023272
3 .0859375 .0248701 .0367241 .1351509
4 .515625 .0443462 .427872 .603378
5 .3828125 .043132 .297462 .468163

Appendix 8: Ordered probit model test result

Ordered probit regression Number of obs = 128

LR chi2(15) = 42.20
Prob > chi2 = 0.0002
Log likelihood = -106.36715 Pseudo R2 = 0.1655

businessperfromance Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]

govermentalagencies .064472 .1534171 0.42 0.674 -.2362199 .365164

finantialinstitutions .2873355 .1138967 2.52 0.012 .0641021 .5105689
tradeassociations -.1681317 .2208449 -0.76 0.446 -.6009798 .2647163
businessassociates .4037304 .1694606 2.38 0.017 .0715938 .735867
knowledgeinstitutions -.119843 .1352156 -0.89 0.375 -.3848606 .1451747
resourceacuisitioncapacity -.3301507 .1491456 -2.21 0.027 -.6224706 -.0378307
qualityofrelationship .3658749 .1757133 2.08 0.037 .0214831 .7102667
absorbitivecapcityofthebusiness -.1017562 .1326225 -0.77 0.443 -.3616915 .1581792
textileandgarment .389222 .5699646 0.68 0.495 -.7278881 1.506332
leatherandleatherproducts -.8014281 .7778398 -1.03 0.303 -2.325966 .7231099
woodproducts .661191 .5478546 1.21 0.227 -.4125843 1.734966
metalworkandengeenering .0842006 .3058018 0.28 0.783 -.5151599 .683561
foodprocessingandbeverage -.3036326 .5846044 -0.52 0.603 -1.449436 .842171
lfirmage .814924 .4078398 2.00 0.046 .0155727 1.614275
lfirmsize .2629984 .1448769 1.82 0.069 -.0209552 .5469519

/cut1 .5280386 1.568736 -2.546627 3.602705

/cut2 .8998379 1.536755 -2.112146 3.911821
/cut3 1.92347 1.50309 -1.022532 4.869471
/cut4 3.862092 1.522508 .8780313 6.846152


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