Connections 1 - Ch.4 Tension Members - Exercise Solutions (177-187)
Connections 1 - Ch.4 Tension Members - Exercise Solutions (177-187)
Connections 1 - Ch.4 Tension Members - Exercise Solutions (177-187)
Part II: Standard Connections, Chapter 4 - Tension Members, Exercise 2 - Ref. P.177
Determine the minimum thickness, t of the gusset plate from Exercise 1. Consider only the
gusset plate for connection design (ignore the angle and bolts).
Consider the following design checks (Hint: Set up equations to calculate t required for each
failure mode and determine governing t):
1) Gross tension 240
2) Whitmore net section (p. 175 of slides) 80 80 80 35
3) Block shear
4) End tear 336.1
1) Gross tension capacity 2) Whitmore net section capacity
4) End tear
From Exercise No. 1 above 35
Pattern No. 1 bolt Br will not govern
Agv = 2(35)t = 70t
An = 0
Pattern No. 2
Agv = 0
wn = w - (nd) = 150 - (1)(20.6+2) = 127.4 mm
Say 150
An = wnt = 127.4t
t (required) = t (max.) = 5.33 mm Use 6.35 mm (1/4") (could also consider 9.53 mm (3/8"))
(End tear, Pattern No. 1 governs)
Part II: Standard Connections, Chapter 4 - Tension Members, Exercise 3 - Ref. P.179
Check the flange and web capacity for brace member from Chapter 3, Exercise 2, slide 152.
1) For each of the flange and web consider the following design checks:
a) Block shear (Hint: Identify critical block shear failure pattern prior to detailed calculation)
b) End tear
2) Check 2 possible net section failure modes considering flanges and web together (this is a tough one that may
not be obvious).
Pattern No. 1
An = 1184 mm2 (from above block shear, pattern 6a)
Agv = 2(35)(14.2) = 994 mm2
Tr = φu[UtAnFu + 0.6Agv(Fy+Fu)/2] + nVr(remaining bolts)
= 0.75[(0.9)(1184)(450) + 0.6(994)(350+450)/2]/1000 + 6(79.0)
= 538.6 + 474 = 1013 kN
Pattern No. 2
An = 0
Agv = 4(35)(14.2) = 1988 mm2
Tr = φu[UtAnFu + 0.6Agv(Fy+Fu)/2] + nVr(remaining bolts)
= 0.75[0 + 0.6(1988)(350+450)/2]/1000 + 6(79.0)
= 357.8 + 474 = 832 kN > Tf(flange) = 488 kN O.K.
Tr = φu[UtAnFu + 0.6Agv(Fy+Fu)/2]
= 0.75[(1.0)(682.8)(450) + 0.6(1978)(350+450)/2]/1000 = 586 kN
Pattern No. 2
An = 0 80
Tr = φu[UtAnFu + 0.6Agv(Fy+Fu)/2]
= 0.75[0 + 0.6(3956)(350+450)/2]/1000 = 712 kN
Tr = φu[UtAnFu + 0.6Agv(Fy+Fu)/2] + nmVr(remaining bolts)
= 0.75[(1.0)(682.8)(450) + 0.6(602)(350+450)/2]/1000 + 2(2)(79.0)
= 338.8 + 316 = 655 kN
Note that from the solution to Ch. 2,3: Summarized Exercises, Exercise 2
on slide 152 we see that bolt shear will govern over bolt/web bearing
capacity even though the bolts are loaded in double shear.
Pattern No. 2 80
An = 0
Agv = 4(35)(8.6) = 1204 mm2
Tr = φu[UtAnFu + 0.6Agv(Fy+Fu)/2] + nmVr(remaining bolts)
= 0.75[0 + 0.6(1204)(350+450)/2]/1000 + 2(2)(79.0)
= 216.7 + 316 = 533 kN > Tf(web) = 274 kN O.K.
Pattern No. 1 35
80 80 80
Ane = An = 8110 mm2 (since each of flanges and web are connected)
Tr = φuAneFu = 0.75(8110)(450)/1000 = 2737 kN > Tf(total) = 1250 kN O.K.
Pattern No. 2
g = (224.6 - 100)/2 = 62.3 mm
An = wnt + (s2t/4g) = (183.4)(8.6) + 2(1602)(8.6)/(4 x 62.3)
= 1577 + 1767 = 3344 mm2
Ane = An = 3344 mm2 (treating as single connected element)
Pattern No. 3 80 80 80
Ane = An = 7756 mm2 (since each of flanges and web are connected) 100 These bolts
fail in shear
Tr = φuAneFu + nVr(remaining bolts)
= 0.75(7756)(450)/1000 + (8)(79.0)
= 2617 + 632 = 3249 kN > Tf(total) = 1250 kN O.K.
Part II: Standard Connections, Chapter 4 - Tension Members, Exercise 4 - Ref. P.184
CSA G40.21 300W
Four 1” dia. A325 bolts, threads included in the shear plane
Bolt holes are 1 1/16" (27.0 mm) dia. (punched)
Bolt pitch = 80 mm
Bolt end distance = 45 mm
Angle bolt gauge = 115 mm
Calculate the maximum tensile strength based on the following connection design checks:
1) Gross section
2) Effective net section tension
3) Block shear
4) End tear
1) Check the factored gross tension capacity of the angle:
2) Net tension capacity (effective net area)
From slide 161:
Ane = 0.80An = 0.8(6836) = 5469 mm2
An = wnt
= [203 - 115 - (27.0+2)/2](19.1)
Tr = φu[UtAnFu + 0.6Agv(Fy+Fu)/2]
= 0.75[(0.6)(1404)(450) + 0.6(5443)(300+450)/2]/1000
= 0.75(379,080 + 1,224,675)/1000 = 1203 kN
4) End tear capacity 80
Agv = (45)(19.1) = 859.5 mm2
Tr = φu[UtAnFu + 0.6Agv(Fy+Fu)/2]
= 0.75[(0.6)(1404)(450) + 0.6(859.5)(300+450)/2]/1000
= 0.75(379,080 + 193,387)/1000
= 429.4 kN
Tr = φu[UtAnFu + 0.6Agv(Fy+Fu)/2]
= 0.75[0 + 0.6(1719)(300+450)/2]/1000
= 0.75(0 + 386,775)/1000
= 290.1 kN < 429.4 kN (Pattern No. 2 governs)
End Tear Connection Capacity = Tr(end tear) + nVr(remaining bolts) = 290.1 kN + 3(141) = 713 kN
Note we could have also said that since the end tear (local block shear at end bolt) capacity (Tr = 290 kN) is greater
than the bolt shear capacity (Vr = 141 kN) that the end tear failure mechanism will not goven.
From the above design checks it is the End Tear, Pattern No. 2 that governs the design of the member/connection.
However, note that when we consider the bolt shear capacity the bolts will govern the connection capacity.
5) Bolt Shear Capacity
CSA G40.21 300W
Angle is welded to gusset plate on 2 sides (heel and toe)
Calculate the maximum tensile strength based on the following connection design checks:
1) Gross section capacity
2) Effective net section tension capacity 12
1) Check the factored gross tension capacity of the angle:
From Section 6 of CISC HSC, Ag = 5440 mm2
Tr = φAgFy = 0.9(5440)(300)/1000 = 1467 kN
An2 = 0.50wt + 0.25Lwt = (0.50)(152)(19.1) + (0.25)(200)(19.1) = 1452 + 955 = 2407 mm2
Leg No. 2
Leg No.2 (outstanding leg)
Connected by single longitudinal weld
Effective width of Leg No.2, w = 152 - 19.1 = 132.9 mm
Distance to centroid of effective width, x = 132.9/2 = 66.5 mm
For Lw > w: An3 = (1 - x/Lw)wt = [1- (66.5/200)](132.9)(19.1) = 1695 mm2
Total effective net area
Ane = An1 + An2 + An3 = 0 + 2407 + 1695 = 4102 mm2 < Ag = 5440 mm2 O.K.
Tr = φuAneFu = 0.75(4102)(450)/1000 = 1384 kN Governing connection capacity, Tr = 1384 kN