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A DEGREE (CBCS) Examination – 2019 - 20





1. ---------- is considered as the father of modern philosophy

(a) Descartes(b)Kant (c)Hegel (d)Plato
2. According to , -------- experience is the only source of knowledge
(a) Rationalism (b) Empiricism (c)Idealism (d) None of these
3. Who has said that mind has innate ideas
(a) Spinoza (b)Kant (c)Descartes (d) Hume
4. ‘Meditations’ is the work of------
(a) Kant (b) Descartes(c)Spinoza (d) All these
5. Who among the following is a representative of Rationalism?

(a) Hegel (b)Kant (c)Leibniz (d) All these

6. Interactionism is the Mind body theory of --------

(a) Hume (b)Berkeley (c) Descartes (d) None of these

7. Which among the following is the work of Descartes?

(a) Critique of practical reason (b) Monadology (c) Meditations (d) None of these

8. Who among the following is not a German Philosopher?

(a) Kant (b)Berkeley (c)Hegel (d) None of these

9. ------ is not a representative of Rationalism

(a) Kant (b) Descartes (c)Spinoza (d) All of these

10. John Locke is -----Philosopher

(a) Rationalist (b) Empiricist (c) Idealist (d) None of these

11. Generally the rise of modern Philosophy had been marked by----------

(a)Critical thinking (b)Reflective spirit (c) Revolt against authority (d) All these

12. Leibniz defines substance or monads as

(a) Physical object (b)Active force (c) Geometrical figure (d) None of these
13. According to --------- the ideas of imaginations are produced by us and real

perceptions are produced by God

(a) Berkeley (b) Locke (c) Hume (d) None of these

14. Which one of the following is not implied by Kant’s, Copernican revolution?

(a) Rejection of Naive realism (b) Blindness of sensible intuition without concepts

(c) Rejection of transcendental idealism (d) Emptiness of thought or concepts without

sensible intuition.

15. As an empiricist, Locke claims that all our knowledge is derived either through sensation


(a) Perception (b) Reflection (c) Thinking (d) None of the above
16. Who among the following is a French Philosopher

(a) Kant (b) Descartes (c)Plato (d) Aristotle

17. Who introduced the concept ‘Cogito ergosum’

(a) Spinoza (b)Leibniz (c)Kant (d) Descartes

18. ‘Monadology’ is the work of-------

(a) Kant (b)Descartes (c)Leibniz (d) Hegel

19. Who among the following is a German philosopher

(a) Plato (b)Spinoza (c)Kant (d) None of these

20. ------------ is an Idealist philosopher

(a) Spinoza (b) Locke (c)Kant (d) None of these

21. Whose ideal is ‘Real is Rational, Rational isReal’

(a) Descartes (b)Kant (c) Locke (d)Hegel

22. Who among the following propounded the theory of Psycho physicalparallelism

(a) Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) None of these

23. Mind body theory of Descartes is known as----

(a)Psycho physical parallelism (b) Interactionism (c)Pre-established harmony (d) All of


24. ------ developed his philosophy on the foundation laid byFichte

(a) Descartes (b)Hegel (c)Aristotle (d) None of these
25. Who is considered as the founder of Rationalism

(a) Hume (b) Berkeley (c) Descartes (d) None of these

26. Which one of the following is not a work of Kant?

(a) Critique of practical reason (b) Critique of pure reason (c) Meditations (d) None

27. Who among the following is the author of ‘Monadology’

(a) Spinoza (b)Descartes (c)Hume (d) None of these

28. According to Descartes -----------as an absolute substance

(a) Mind (b)Soul (c)God (d) None of these

29. The rationalism of -------- is heightened by Spinoza

(a) Hume (b)Berkeley (c) Descartes (d) None of these

30. --- recognizes mind and matter as relative substances which are created by God

(a) Kant (b)Descartes (c)Leibniz (d) Hegel

31. ----- believes that there are no innate ideas in the mind

(a) Plato (b)Spinoza (c)Kant (d) Locke

32. Who among the following is obsessed with the intellectual love of God?

(a) Spinoza (b)Leibniz (c)Kant (d)Descartes

33. According to Locke which one of the following is a primary quality

(b) Figure (b)Extension (c)Colour (d) None of these

34. Who said ‘substance is a product of human imagination’

(a) Spinoza (b)Descartes (c)Locke (d) Hume

35. -------suggests that the idea of substance is a complexidea

(a) Spinoza (b)Berkeley (c)Hume (d)Locke

36. According to ---------- , only mind and their ideas exist

(a) Hume (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) Berkeley

37. According to ----- God is an absolute substance

(a) Kant (b)Descartes (c)Plato (d) None of these

38. ’Ethics’ is the work of ---------

(a) Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) Hegel

39. Berkeley rejects Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities because:
(a) All qualities are subjective (b) Only secondary qualities are subjective

(c) Qualities are created by God (d) Qualities in here in substance

40. For Descartes, the idea of soul

(a) Is not related to reason (b) is identical with reason (c) Contradicts reason

(d) Does not contradict reason

41. According to Kant belief in God is:

(a) Accidental to ethics (b) Totally irrelevant to ethics (c) Contingent to ethics

(d) A presupposition of ethics

42. For Descartes the proposition ‘I think’ is self-verifying because

(a) It is a necessary truth. (b) It is a logical truth. (c) Doubting it confirms it.

(d) Thinking is my essence.

43. The primary aim of Descartes is

(a) To explain the relation between body and mind.(b) To prove the existence of God.

(c) To refute the reality of the external world.( d) To reach clear and certain knowledge.

44. Who called God as Natura Naturata?

(a) Locke (b) Kant (c) Spinoza (d) Hume

45. Who said that ‘Reason must approach nature not as a pupil, but as a judge’?

(a) Kant (b) Locke (c) Hegel (d) Spinoza

46. According to Kant _________ the proper objects of faith

(a) Phenomena (b) Noumena (c) Both Phenomena and Noumena (d) Neither

Phenomena nor Noumena

47. Which one of the following is not the work of Immanuel Kant?

(a) Critique of Pure Reason (b) Foundations of Metaphysics of Morals

(c) Critique of Practical Reason (d) The Phenomenology of Spirit

48. Who highlighted the problem of personal identity first in modern western philosophy?

a) Berkeley (b) Locke (c) Spinoza (d) Descartes

49. The concept of categories was advocated by :
(a) Kant (b) Kant and Aristotle (c) Kant and Locke (d) Kant and Berkeley
50. “The mind is a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed one another

with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement” is the view
held by

(a) Hume (b) Hobbes (c) Leibnitz (d) Berkeley

51.. According to ------- the ideas of imaginations are produced by us and real perceptions are
produced by God

(a) Berkeley (b) Locke (c) Hume (d) None of these

52. Who among the following held that space and time are apriori percepts ?

(a) Pythagoras (b) Spinoza (c) Kant (d) Hegel

53. According to Descartes, the idea of God is -------
(a) Finite (b)Fictitious (c) Innate (d) None of these
54. According to Descartes, the infinite substance stands related to finite substance
as ----- to -----
(a) Universal, Particular (b)Many, One (c) One, Particular (d) None of these
55. Who has said that the mind has innate ideas
(a) Hume (b)Berkeley (c) Leibniz (d) None of these

56. The secondary properties of substance are known as

(a) Attributes (b)Modes (c) Relative property (d) None of these
57. Spinoza claims that the things which make up the world related to
God as the properties of ------ to its concepts
(a) Quality (b)Theorem (c) Geometrical figure (d) None of these

58. Who introduced the term ‘natura naturata’

(a)Spinoza (b) Leibniz (c)Kant (d)Descartes

59. ------ is not an Idealist

(a)Hegel (b) Kant (c) Leibniz (d) All these

60. Who advocated the theory of Pre-established Harmony?

(a)Descartes (b) Leibniz (c) Spinoza (d) Hegel

61. Berkeley belongs to ------------ school

(a) Rationalism (b) Empiricism(c) Idealism (d) None of these

62. Who among the following is not an empiricist

(a) Leibniz (b)Hume (c)Locke (d) Berkeley

63. Tabula rasa refers to--------

(a)Empty cabinet (b) Subtle emotion (c) Knowledge (d) None of these

64. According to Locke, which one of the following is a secondary quality

(a)Solidity (b)Colour (c)Extension (d) None of these

65. The subject matter of Kant’s Rational Psychology is

(a) The idea of world (b) The idea of God (c) Unity of self (d) None of

66. Who among the following is an empiricist philosopher

(a) Leibniz (b) Spinoza (c)Hume (d) None of these

67. ------ admits innumerable monads or spiritual atoms

(a)Hegel (b)Kant (c)Leibniz (d) All these

68. In Transcendental aesthetic, Kant discusses the theory of-----

(a) Morality (b) existence of God (c) space and time (d) None of these

69. ----------- viewed the universe pantheistically as a single infinite substance God
(a) Leibniz (b)Hume (c)Spinoza (d) None of these
70. ------- thinks that substance is to be defined by active force

(a) Berkeley (b)Leibniz (c)Hume (d) None of these

71. According to Locke, Colour is a -----

(a) Primary quality (b)secondary quality (c) both (d) None of these
72. Absolute Idealism is conceived as the philosophy of ------
(a) Kant (b)Berkeley (c)Hegel (d) None of these
73. Psycho physical parallelism is propounded by -------

(a) Hume (b)Kant (c)Hegel (d)None of these

74. ----- is not an Idealist philosopher

(a) Kant (b)Berkeley (c)Hegel (d) None of these

75. ‘Geist’ is the key notion of -----

(a) Hume (b)Kant (c)Hegel (d)None of these

76. Hegel developed his philosophy on the foundation laid by ------

(a) Hume (b)Kant (c)Fichte (d)None of these

77. Kant and Hegel belong to ------- school

(a) Empiricism (b) Rationalism(c)Idealism (d) None of these

78. Who defines an idea as ‘whatever is meant by phantasm, notion, species, or whatever it is

which the mind can be employed about in thinking'.

(a) Hume (b)Locke (c)Kant (d) Hegel

79. Which among the following is not the group of categories of understanding fewer than four

heads according to Kant?

(a) Quality, spirit, modality and matter (b) Quantity, quality, relation and modality

(c) Substance, matter, spirit and quality (d) Relation, spirit, substance and quantity

80. Descartes’ assertion, ‘I have an idea of a most perfect being’, is a premise in his

(a) Cosmological argument (b) Ontological argument (c) Argument from design

d) Cosmological and ontological argument both

81. Descartes is considered as the founder of----------

(a) Empiricism (b) Rationalism (c)Idealism (d) None of these

82. Descartes is a---------------- Philosopher

(a)Greek (b)French (c)German (d)American

83. Cogito ergo sum is a key concept in the philosophy of----------

(a)Leibniz (b)Spinoza (c)Descartes (d) None of these

84.------- are the affections or modifications of substance

(a)Modes (b)God (c)Attributes (d) None of these

85. The term ‘naturanaturans’ is introduced by-------

(a)Leibniz (b)Spinoza (c)Descartes (d)Kant

86. Whose philosophy is conceived as Absolute Idealism

(a)Kant (b)Hegel (c)Descartes (d)Spinoza

87. Who wrote ‘An Essay concerning human Understanding’

(a)Spinoza (b)Descartes (c)Locke (d) None of these

88. Descartes and Spinoza belong to ------------school

(a)Empiricism (b) Rationalism (c) Idealism (d) None of these

89. Which among the following is the work of Spinoza?

(a)Meditations (b) Ethics (c) Critique of pure reason (d) None of these

90. Who among the following is a Rationalist Philosopher?

(a)Berkeley (b) Leibniz (c) Hume (d) None of these

91. Hegel’s philosophy is generally conceived as--------

(a)Idealistic (b)Absolute Idealism (c) Rationalism (d) None of these

92. According to -------, matter is an Abstract idea

(a)Hume (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) Berkeley

93. ---------- is a rationalist

(a)Spinoza (b) Berkeley (c)Hume (d) Kant

94. Immanuel Kant belongs to----

(a) Empiricism (b) Rationalism(c)Idealism (d) None of these

95. -------- is considered as the Subjective Idealist

(a) Locke (b)Kant (c)Spinoza (d) Berkeley

96. Transcendental method is adopted by -----

(a)Hume (b)Kant (c)Hegel (d)Berkeley

97. -------------- is a solution to mind- body problem

(a) Categories (b)Interactionism (c)Dualism (d) Abstraction
98. The subject matter of Kant’s Rational theology is-----

(a)The idea of God (b) Unity of self (c) The idea of world (d) None of these

99. According to ---------- , Colour is a secondary quality

(a)Kant (b)Locke (c)Descartes (d) None of these

100. According to Kant ----------- judgments are always aposteriori

(a) Analytical (b)Synthetic (c)Ethical (d) None of these

101. ----- took mathematics as the model of his philosophical method

(a)Socrates (b)Aristotle (c)Descartes (d) Locke

102. The subject matter of Kant’s Rational cosmology is----------

(a) Unity of self (b) The idea of God (c) The idea of one world (d) All these

103. Spinoza treats the soul as

(a)A sum of ideas (b) God (c)Infinite attributes (d) None of these

104. -------- claims that substance is the aggregate of qualities

(a)Hume (b)Locke (c)Kant (d) Hegel

105. Who among the following rejected matter as an abstract idea

(a) Hume (b)Berkeley (c) Descartes (d) None of these

106. According to Kant, the ideas of ‘reason’ are ----

(a)Regulative and constitutive (b) Affirmative and negative (c) Negative and probable

(d) Constitutive and regulative

107. According to Kant, moral duty is -----

(a) A command of God (b) Given by one’s intuition (c) The imperative of pure reason

(d) Determined by morality

108. According to Kant knowledge consists of -----

(a)Synthetic a priori judgements (b) Synthetic a posteriori judgements (c) Analytic

Judgements (d) None of the above

109. According to whom ‘to start with, mind is a clean state’?

(a) Plato (b) Descartes (c) Spinoza (d) Locke

110. Kant has explained moral theories in -----

(a) The critique of pure reason (b) The critique of practical reason (c) Religion within

the Limits of reason (d) None of these

111. According to Berkeley

(a) Ideas but not the minds exist (b) Minds but not the ideas exist (c) Both ideas and the

minds exist (d) Neither ideas nor the minds exist

112. Which one of the following correctly represents Locke’s view of substance?

(a) The totality of attributes (b) The substratum or the ground of attributes (c) The

totality of ideas (d) The logical construction of sense-data

113. ‘Reality which is Absolute is a coherent thought system with logical connectivity’ is the
view that can be ascribed to :

(a)Hegel (b) Berkeley (c) Moore (d) Spinoza

114. The distinction between impression and idea was made by

(a) Kant (b) Locke (c) Hume (d) Berkeley

115. “Ideas are of two kinds; ideas imprinted on the senses and ideas formed by memory
and imagination.” ____ is the view advocated by;
(a) Locke (b) Berkeley (c) Hume (d) Leibnitz
116. Everything has a cause. How does Kant interpret it ?

(a) It is the habit of the mind. (b) We have seen events being preceded by causes. (c) It

is a case of pre establishedharmony. (d) It is because of the application of the

category of causality.

117. Pineal gland is the ------------ of the soul according to Descartes

(a) Subject (b)Controller (c) Seat (d) None of these
118. According to Spinoza body and mind
(a) Interact with each other (b)Are causally related (c) Are parallel to each other
(b) (d) None of these
119. According to Spinoza the most important modifications of extension are ----- and --
(a) Shape and rest (b)Attributes and motion (c) Rest and motion (d) None of these

120. There are infinite number of substances which are called as monads according to ------
(a) Leibniz (b) Spinoza (c)Hume (d) None of these
121. Berkeley thinks that the objective ideas are impressed upon finite sprits by the ------
from without
(a) Mind (b)Physical objects (c) Infinite spirit (d) None of these

122. ------- claims that mind and their ideas exist.

(a) Berkeley (b) Locke (c) Hume (d) None of these

123. The doctrine of force relates to---------

(a)Monads (b)Interactionism (c)Scholasticism(d) All these

124. According to Berkeley matter is an----------

(a)Immanent idea (b)Abstract idea (c)Pure idea (d) None of these

125. Hume is ------------- philosopher

(a)Empiricist (b) Rationalist (c)Idealistic (d) None of these

126. According to Kant , knowledge of things – in –itself is called-------

(a)Phenomena (b)Substance (c)Noumena (d) None of these

127. Which one of the following is a work of Kant

(a)Ethics (b)Monadology (c) Critique of purereason (d) All ofthese

128. Kant’s Rational Psychology deals with------

(a)The idea of world (b) The idea of God (c) Unity of self (d) None of these

129. ----- is the method adopted by Kant

(a)Inductive (b)Deductive (c)Empirical (d)Transcendental

130. To whom the term ‘tabula rasa’ relates

(a) Berkeley (b) Locke (c) Hume (d) None of these

131. ------ developed his philosophy on the foundation laid by Fichte

(a)Descartes (b) Hegel (c)Aristotle (d) None ofthese

132. Descartes took---------- as the model of his philosophical method

(a) Religion (b)Mathematics (c)Sociology (d)Arts

133. Kant’s Rational cosmology deals with----------

(a)Unity of self (b) The idea of God (c) The idea of one world (d) All these

134. ‘An Essay concerning human Understanding’ is the work of----------

(a)Spinoza (b)Descartes (c)Hume (d) None of these

135. Leibniz belongs to --------- school

(a)Rationalism (b) Empiricism (c)Idealism (d) None of these

136. ‘To be is to be perceived’ is a theory of---------

(a)Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) Berkeley

137. In the philosophy of nature ------- prefers the teleological to mechanical view

(a) Berkeley (b) Locke (c) Hume (d) None of these

138. .------- suggests that the ideas are of two types, simple and
(a) Locke (b) Spinoza (c)Hume (d) None of these
139. To solve the mind body problem, Descartes has introduced -------
(a) Psycho-physiological theory (b) Psycho-physical interactionism (c) Dualism
(d) None of these

140. Who among the following was obsessed with the intellectual love of God
(a) Hume (b)Spinoza (c) Descartes (d) None of these

141. ‘A good clockmaker can construct two clocks which will keep such perfect time that they

for ever strike the hours at the same moment.’ This position is acceptable to :

(a) Spinoza (b) Leibnitz (c) Descartes (d) Locke

142. For Leibnitz, monads are :

(a) Indivisible and Spiritual only (b) Indivisible and Self - active only (c) Self-active and
material only (d) Indivisible, Self - active and Spiritual

143. Who says that space and time are empirically real but transcendentally ideal?

(a) Pythagoras (b) Spinoza (c) Kant (d) Hegel

144. The Philosopher who is associated with the Law of Sufficient Reason:

(a) Locke (b) Berkeley (c) Leibnitz (d) Plato

145. Who said that the relation between cause and effect is not logical, but only psychological?

(a) Hume (b) Kant (c) Russell (d) Heidegger

146.Who among the following rejected matter as an abstract idea
(a) Hume (b) Locke (c) Descartes (d) None of these
147. Locke and Berkeley belong to ------- school

(a) Empiricism (b) Rationalism(c)Idealism (d) None of these

148. The key notion of Hegel is-----

(a)Sensation (b)World (c) Idea (d) None of these

149. ------------ claims substance as ‘one and infinite’

(a)Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) Hegel

150. The rationalist philosopher ----- wants to give philosophy a stable character like mathematics

(a)Kant (b)Descartes (c)Plato (d) Aristotle

151. According to Kant ---------- judgments are always aposteriori

(a) Analytical (b)Synthetic (c)Ethical (d) None of these

152. The rationalist philosopherDescartes whowants to give philosophy stable characters like-----
(a) Science (b)Mathematics (c)Ethics (d) None of these

153. The view that ‘God as both naturanaturansandnatura naturata is maintained by

(a) Spinoza (b)Leibniz (c)Kant (d) Descartes

154. Descartes suggests ---- as absolute substance

(a) Mind (b)Matter (c) God (d) None of these

155. According to Kant, a person becomes aware of the freedom of his will because

(a) It is an apriori condition of the experience of obligation.(b) He has empirical

experience of it.(c) It is an apriori condition of experience of senses.(d) It can be

demonstrated by science.

156. The philosopher that distinguishes between ‘matters of fact’ and ‘association of ideas’ is:

(a) Descartes (b) Hume (c) Leibnitz (d) Spinoza

157. According to Hegel, reason is

(a) The substance of the universe but not its infinite energy (b) The infinite energy of the

universe but not its substance (c The infinite energy of the universe alone. (d) The
substance and infinite energy of the universe

158. Locke suggests that the idea of substance is

(a) Simple idea (b) Complex idea (c) Particular idea (d) None of the above
159. Mark the incompatible with Hume’s philosophy :

(a) There is no such thing as causal relation. (b) The so called self is only an aggregate of

states (c) The world and its changes are because of God’s supremacy (d) All that can be

could be divided into ‘matters of fact’ and ‘relations of ideas’

160. What is the criterion of truth according to Descartes ?

(a) Clearness and uniformity (b) Clearness and distinctness (c) clearness and
completeness (4) Clearness and directness
161. The ideas imprinted on the senses by God are called real things according to :

(a) Locke (b) Berkeley (c) Hume (d) Leibnitz

162. The entire universe is mirrored in each unit of the substance except for the difference that
it is mirrored only slightly differently from unit to unit.’ This position is acceptable to
(a) Spinoza (b) Leibnitz (c) Descartes (d) St. Thomas Aquinas
163. According to ------- God is regarded as the only cause and bearer of all qualities
(a) Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) Hegel
164. ------ thinks that substance is to be defined by active force
(a) Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) Hegel
165. ------ admits innumerable monads or spiritual atoms
(a) Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) Hegel
166. As an empiricist, Locke claims that all our knowledge is derived either through sensation
or ---------
(a) Reflection (b) Perception (c) Thinking (d) None of these
167. The Critique of Pure Reason is really a treatise on ----- with special reference to
(a) Epistemology (b)Metaphysics (c) Axiology (d) None of these

168. According to the Absolute Idealism of Hegel, there -----

(a) Are many realities (b) Is One reality (c) Reality is relative (d) None of these
169. Kant has called his epistemological enquiry as -----
(a) Empirical (b)Transcendental (c) Rational (d) None of these
170. ----- is not a Rationalist

(a) Kant (b)Descartes (c)Leibniz (d) Allthese

171. Locke and Berkeley belong to -------- school

(a) Empiricism (b) Rationalism(c)Idealism (d) None of these

172. Who among the following is considered as the Subjective Idealist?

(a) Spinoza (b)Leibniz (c)Berkeley (d) None of these

173. Psycho physical parallelism is a theory of-----

(a) Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) None ofthese

174. ---- is a mind body theory of Descartes

(a) Psycho physical parallelism (b) Interactionism (c) Pre-established harmony (d) All

175. According to Kant --------- judgments are always apriori

(a) Synthetic (b)Ethical (c)Analytical (d) None of these

176. ‘Real is Rational, Rational is Real’ is the concept of----------

(a) Locke (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d)Hegel

177. ------ is not a secondary quality according to Locke

(a) Taste (b)Colour (c)Extension (d) None of these

178. ‘All our reasoning about causality is derived from nothing but custom’. This relates to-----

(a) Kant (b)Hegel (c)Leibniz (d)Hume

179. ----------- is the view that God is the immanent principle of universe

(a) Pluralism (b)Dualism (c)Pantheism (d)Atheism

180. Theory of Pre-established harmony is postulated by

(a) Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d)Hegel

181. According to Kant , knowledge begins with sense, proceeds thence

to ----- and ends in ----------
(a) Reason, Understanding (b) Understanding, Reason (c) Phenomena, Noumena
(d) None of these
182. The key notion of Hegel is
(a) God (b)Mind (c) World (d) None of these
183. For Hegel, Idea means -----
(a) ConcreteUniversal (b) Concrete Particular (c) Abstract particular (d)
None of these
184. . Which among the following is not included under the Berkeley’s classification of sprit?

(a) God (b)Myself (c) Animal spirit (d) None of these

185. --------- defines monads as Centres of force or energy

(a) Kant (b)Hegel (c)Leibniz (d)Hume

186.According to -----, monads are windowless

(a) Descartes (b)Leibniz (c)Spinoza (d) Hegel
187. Locke believes that there ----- innate ideas in the mind
(a) Are no (b) Are (c)Must be (d) None of these
188. According to ----- the idea of substance is a complex idea
(a) Locke (b) Spinoza (c)Hume (d) None of these
189. Berkeley is --------
(a) Pragmatist (b) Rationalist (c) Empiricist (d) None of these

190. According to Leibniz the monads are ------ and everything is potential or implicit in it
(a) Modifications (b) windowless (c) strong (d) None of these

191. Locke suggests that the idea of substance is a ---idea

(a) Complex (b)Particular (c) Simple (d) None of these
192. Berkeley claims that, all things of the world are the ideas of the -----
(a) Mind (b) Physical objects (c) Divine mind (d) None of these

193. Locke suggests that the ideas are of two types, simple and -----
(a) Complex (b)Particular (c) Simple (d) None of these
194. ’Reason must approach the nature not as a pupil but as a judge’ is the view of -----

(a) Berkeley (b) Kant (c) Hume (d) None of these

195. Locke has divided the qualities of things into ----- and -----

(a) Empirical, intuitive (b)A priori, a posteriori (c) Primary, secondary (d) None of

196. In Transcendental Aesthetic, Kant discusses the theory of -----

(a) Space and time (b) Morality (c) God (d) None of these

197. Who is the principal exponent of representative realism

(a) Berkeley (b) Locke (c) Hume (d) None of these

198. . Berkeley suggests, as all beings are particular , so all ideas are ----

(a) Empirical (b) Universal (c) Particular (d) None of these

199. Who among the following western philosophers attempted to refute matter

(a) Hume (b)Berkeley (c) Descartes (d) None of these

200. . ------ claims a material world which exists apart from perceiving mind, is unnecessary

and false

(a) Hume (b) Berkeley (c) Descartes (d) None of these

1. c 2.b 3.c 4.b 5.c 6.c 7.c 8.b 9. a 10.b

11. d 12.b 13. a 14.c 15.b 16.b 17. d 18.c 19.c 20.c
21. d 22.c 23.b 24.b 25.c 26.c 27. d 28.c 29.c 30.b
31. d 32. a 33.b 34. d 35. d 36. d 37.b 38.c 39. a 40. a
41. d 42.c 43. d 44.c 45. a 46.b 47. d 48.b 49.b 50. a
51. a 52.c 53.c 54.c 55. d 56.b 57.c 58. a 59.c 60.b
61.b 62. a 63. a 64.b 65.c 66.c 67.c 68.c 69.c 70.b
71.b 72.c 73. d 74.b 75.c 76.c 77.c 78.b 79.b 80.b
81.b 82.b 83.c 84. a 85.b 86.b 87.c 88.b 89.b 90.b
91.b 92. d 93. a 94.c 95. d 96.b 97.b 98. a 99.b 100.b

101.c 102.c 103.c 104.b 105.b 106. d 107.c 108. a 109. d 110.b
111.c 112.b 113. a 114.c 115.c 116. d 117.c 118.c 119.c 120. a
121.c 122. a 123. a 124.b 125. a 126.c 127.c 128.c 129. d 130. b
131.b 132.b 133.c 134. d 135. a 136. d 137. a 138. a 139.b 140.b
141.b 142. d 143.c 144.c 145. a 146. d 147. a 148. d 149.c 150.b
151.b 152.b 153. a 154.c 155. a 156.b 157. d 158.b 159.c 160.b
161.b 162.b 163.c 164.b 165.b 166. a 167. a 168.b 169.b 170. a
171. a 172.c 173.c 174.b 175.c 176. d 177.c 178. d 179.c 180.b
181.b 182. d 183. a 184.c 185.c 186.b 187. a 188. a 189.c 190.b
191. a 192.c 193. a 194.b 195. c 196. a 197.b 198.b 199.b 200.b

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