Banks - Sector Update - 16 Nov 23
Banks - Sector Update - 16 Nov 23
Banks - Sector Update - 16 Nov 23
CRAR to shrink by ~80-95 bps
16 November 2023
B&K Securities is the trade name of Batlivala & Karani Securities India Pvt. Ltd.
Research Analyst SEBI Registration Number: INH300000211
(Rs mn) Existing Increase in Revised CET 1 CET 1 capital Revised CET 1 Change in
RWAs RWAs RWAs (%) (%) CET I
HDFCB 2,17,42,260 11,57,621 2,28,99,881 17.3 37,61,411 16.4 -87bps
ICICIBC 1,20,64,060 8,85,465 1,29,49,525 15.26 18,40,976 14.2 -104bps
AXSB 89,70,721 9,41,668 99,12,388 14.56 13,06,137 13.2 -138bps
KMB 40,60,352 2,35,943 42,96,295 20.3 8,24,251 19.2 -111bps
IIB 35,03,760 1,80,701 36,84,461 16.33 5,72,164 15.5 -80bps
FB* 16,93,930 61,793 17,55,723 13.79 2,33,593 13.3 -49bps
RBL* 8,94,820 70,356 9,65,176 15.15 1,35,565 14.0 -110bps
CUBK* 3,37,784 7,227 3,45,011 19.02 64,247 18.6 -40bps
KVB 5,43,140 22,631 5,65,771 15.19 82,503 14.6 -61bps
SBIN 2,87,00,440 26,21,256 3,13,21,696 9.94 28,52,824 9.1 -83bps
BOB 74,38,980 3,85,033 78,24,013 11.57 8,60,690 11.0 -57bps
PNB 70,80,860 5,91,583 76,72,443 10.23 7,24,372 9.4 -79bps
CBK 61,53,080 4,26,910 65,79,990 11.58 7,12,527 10.8 -75bps
BOI 37,95,090 2,16,760 40,11,850 12.6 4,78,181 11.9 -68bps
UNBK 61,07,566 4,39,404 65,46,970 13.05 7,97,037 12.2 -88bps
INBK 35,37,190 2,08,608 37,45,798 12.07 4,26,939 11.4 -67bps
Source: B&K Research. *For FB, CUBK and RBL Tier I capital ratios have been taken and not CET 1 ratios.
ICICIBC, AXSB, IIB and FB registering higher growth PNB and BOB registering higher growth in
in unsecured retail book unsecured retail book
Growth in credit cards and PL higher than historical BOB and UNBK registering higher growth in
rates unsecured retail credit
no. of companies
100 86
80 72
Top 100 Next 150 Residual
(Large Cap) (Mid Cap) (Small Cap)
B&K Securities is the trade name of Batlivala & Karani Securities India Pvt. Ltd.
LARGE CAP (Market Cap > USD 2 bn) MID & SMALL CAP (Market Cap < USD 2 bn)
BUY >+15% >+20%
HOLD +15% to -10 % +20% to -15 %
SELL <-10% <-15%
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