Journal - Physical Demands of Game-Based Training Drills in Women's Team Hand Ball
Journal - Physical Demands of Game-Based Training Drills in Women's Team Hand Ball
Journal - Physical Demands of Game-Based Training Drills in Women's Team Hand Ball
To cite this article: Live S. Luteberget, Hege P. Trollerud & Matt Spencer (2017): Physical
demands of game-based training drills in women’s team handball, Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI:
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CONTACT Live S. Luteberget [email protected] Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Postboks 4014 Ullevål Stadion, 0806 Oslo, Norway.
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Experimental approach to the problem
In the present study, we investigated PlayerLoad™ and high-
intensity events (HIEs) of game-based training drills lasting
5 min and compared them to periods of equivalent duration
in official national-standard competition in high-level women
team handball players. The study was conducted during the
first half of the handball season (August–December) and con-
sisted of monitoring 10 training sessions where the game-
based training was conducted, in addition to the monitoring
of 10 official matches in national leagues in Norway.
Thirty-one semi-professional female handball players (age:
22.2 ± 3.3 years, stature: 171.1 ± 6.4 cm, body mass:
68.5 ± 6.5 kg) volunteered and completed the study. The Figure 1. Setup for the two different game-based training conditions. 6vs6 (a)
participants were from two teams: one playing in the sec- includes a total of 14 players, 6 field players and 1 goalkeeper on each team.
ond-highest division (1. division; n = 15) in Norway and one 3vs3 (b) includes a total of 8 players, 3 field players and 1 goalkeeper on each
team. The playing area was held constant with the area of a standard handball
in the highest division (elite division; n = 16). All participants court (20 × 40 m) in both conditions. Note that the area per player refers to
received verbal and written information about the procedures outfield players only; the goalkeeper area (GKA) is kept constant in both
of the study and gave their written consent to participate in conditions.
the study. The Norwegian Social Science Data Services
approved the study.
each team. The 6vs6 condition consisted of 6 field-players on
each team, in addition to a goalkeeper on each team. The
playing area was held constant with the area of a standard
Monitoring of game-based training
handball court (20 × 40 m). The aim of the game-based
All participants were equipped with an inertial measurement training drills was to create a match-like setting; thus, the
unit (IMU; OptimEye S5, Catapult Sports, Australia) for mon- rules of the drills were kept the same as for official matches,
itoring of game-based training. The device was located in a with the exception that the goalkeeper was allowed to keep a
padded pouch on the upper back in a custom-made vest ball by the goal for a rapid replacement of the ball after a
(Catapult Sports, Australia). The device is integrated with a missed shot. Verbal encouragement provided by the coach
tri-axial accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer, all was allowed, and the coach was instructed to give encourage-
collecting data at 100 Hz. The device was fitted under the ment similar to what they do in official matches. The order in
training jersey before training commenced. The monitoring of which they performed the two drills was alternated between
game-based training was conducted in a total of 10 training sessions. For players to be included in the analysis, they had to
sessions (5 with each team). The players were monitored at complete a minimum of three monitored training sessions
their respective home-court arena and players were instructed where they were active in both 3vs3 and 6vs6.
to have a similar preparation to each of the monitored ses- Playing positions were set on the basis of the position the
sions, in terms of activity the days before and on the same participants played in official matches. The positions in official
day. Each session began with a general warm-up and a hand- matches and in 6vs6 were the same for all participants. In
ball-warm-up. All participants for each session completed 3vs3, the specific positions change because of the increased
game-based training with 3vs3 and 6vs6 (Figure 1), with a area per player. Thus, the players are not necessarily playing in
duration of 5 min of each. Each participant completed one their assigned playing position in the 3vs3 condition.
or two repetitions of the 3vs3 and 6vs6 game-based training
conditions in each session, depending on the total number of
Match monitoring
players available for the session. Because of practical consid-
erations, it was not possible to standardise the length of the All participants wore the same IMU used in the monitoring of
rest period for each participant. The different game-based game-based training. The data collection was monitored live
training drills began with a 5-min interval, meaning that in using the Catapult Sprint (Version 5.1.4, Catapult Sports, 2014)
most cases the participants had a 5-min rest between condi- software. Interchanges were manually tracked using this soft-
tions. However, in some cases, the rest period was doubled ware to ensure that only time spent on the field was included in
because of the large number of participants available for the the analyses. During team time-outs, all players were inactive.
session. Players were instructed to be active to stay warm As interchanges were frequent and could involve several
between repetitions (e.g., light jog), but were not allowed to players, the interchange area was video-recorded and notes
do any strenuous exercises. The 3vs3 condition consisted of 3 were taken. Thus, uncertainties and eventual errors in inter-
field-players on each team, in addition to a goalkeeper on changes could be corrected in the software. Apart from players
wearing the IMU during matches, the study did not intervene considered as trivial, small, moderate, large and very large
with any other aspect of the normal match or match prepara- (Hopkins et al., 2009), respectively. The percentage likelihood
tion. For players to be included in the analysis, they had to have of difference between conditions was calculated (Hopkins,
a minimum of 5 min on-field time in three matches. 2006) and considered almost certainly not (<0.5%), very unli-
kely (<0.5%), unlikely (<25%), possibly (25–75%), likely (>75%),
very likely (>95%) or most likely (>99.5%). A percentage like-
Data processing
lihood of difference <75% was considered a substantial mag-
PlayerLoad™, accelerations, changes of direction, and decel- nitude. Threshold chances of 5% for substantial magnitudes
erations were extracted from the raw files using the Catapult were used, meaning a likelihood of >5% in both positive and
Sprint software. Briefly, PlayerLoad™ is an accelerometer- negative directions was considered an unclear difference
based measurement of external physical loading of team (Hopkins et al., 2009).
sport athletes. Player Load™ was defined as instantaneous
rate of change of acceleration divided by a scaling factor,
expressed as the square root of the sum of the squared Results
instantaneous rates of change in acceleration in each of the The mean values of PlayerLoad™ · min−1 for all players combined
three vectors (X, Y and Z axes) and divided by 100 (Boyd, Ball, were 11.37 ± 0.49, 9.71 ± 0.3, 8.73 ± 0.25 and 9.85 ± 0.36
& Aughey, 2011). Acceleration, change of direction and PlayerLoad™ · min−1 for the 3vs3, 6vs6, mean match and MSP
deceleration events were based on accelerometer (magni- conditions, respectively. Data from all positions in the different
tude), gyroscope and magnetometer (direction) data. All conditions are displayed as mean data in Table 1. Mean values for
events >2.5 m · s−1 were included as either an acceleration, HIE · min−1, when combining all playing positions, were
change of direction or deceleration. The sum of all accelera- 4.27 ± 0.20, 3.03 ± 0.17, 3.29 ± 0.22 and 4.13 ± 0.27 HIE · min−1
tion, change of direction or deceleration events was referred for the 3vs3, 6vs6, mean match and MSP conditions, respectively.
to as HIE. All variables of interest were normalised per min of Mean data from each playing position is presented in Table 1.
on-field time to minimise the variability of absolute values There were substantial differences between the 3vs3 and
with varying match length and individual on-field time in the 6vs6 conditions for all playing positions. Backs had greater
matches. Five-minute periods were calculated from the start PlayerLoad™ · min−1 in the 3vs3 condition with a large ES
of each half and continuously throughout the duration of the (100%, ES: 1.63), and greater HIE · min−1 with a small ES
half. Because of stoppages during play, the duration of halves (85%, ES: 0.58). Wings had greater PlayerLoad™ · min−1 in the
varied both in and among games and could be longer than 3vs3 condition with a large ES (100%, ES: 1.91) and a very large
the effective half-time of 30 min. The 5-min period with the ES for HIE · min−1 (100%, ES: 2.32). Greater PlayerLoad™ · min−1
highest value, for each individual player, was extracted and occurred in the 3vs3 condition for pivots, with a large ES (99%,
represented the most strenuous period (MSP) in match play. ES: 1.58) for PlayerLoad™ · min−1 and a moderate ES (90%, ES:
This serves as a “worst-case scenario”. Players had to be on 1.12) for HIE · min−1. There were no clear differences in the
field for the entire 5-min period (100%), and they had to have 3vs3 and 6vs6 condition in PlayerLoad™ · min−1 for GK, how-
at least two 5-min periods in the match to be included in the ever, HIE · min−1 was greater in the 3vs3 condition with a
analyses of MSP. The MSP was extracted individually for each moderate ES (95%, ES: 0.93).
variable, meaning that PlayerLoad™ · min−1 and HIE · min−1 There was a greater PlayerLoad™ · min−1 in the 3vs3 con-
were not necessarily extracted from the same period. There dition than match play for all playing positions. Similarly, with
were no substantial differences between the two teams in
any of the variables, and thus all results are reported from
the two teams combined. Table 1. Mean and upper and lower confidence limits (CLs) for each playing
position in each condition, for both PlayerLoad™ · min−1 and HIE · min−1. n is
the number of observations in the respective condition and position.
Statistical analyses PlayerLoad™ · min−1 HIE · min−1
90% CL 90% CL
Data are presented as mean ± 90% confidence limits (CLs),
both for the raw data and percentage change data. A linear Position Condition n Mean Upper Lower N Mean Upper Lower
mixed-model in IBM© SPSS© Statistics (Version 21, IBM Corp,) Back 3vs3 63 13.24 12.45 14.07 63 4.50 4.03 5.01
6vs6 78 10.54 9.92 11.19 78 3.69 3.17 4.29
was used for analyses. The dependent variables were log- Match mean 39 9.27 8.71 9.87 39 4.08 3.61 4.61
transformed before analysis, as this approach yields variability MSP 25 10.84 10.13 11.60 25 5.36 4.67 6.15
and differences as the percentage of the mean (Hopkins, Wing 3vs3 56 13.87 13.02 14.79 56 4.36 3.89 4.90
6vs6 72 10.62 9.97 11.30 72 1.98 1.69 2.31
Marshall, Batterham, & Hanin, 2009). The fixed effects in the Match mean 32 8.79 8.23 9.38 32 2.24 1.97 2.55
model were playing position (4 levels: back, wing, pivot and MSP 20 10.46 9.73 11.24 20 3.01 2.59 3.50
goalkeeper (GK)), condition (4 levels: 3vs3, 6vs6, match, and Pivot 3vs3 17 13.14 11.64 14.82 13 5.34 4.23 6.73
6vs6 22 10.52 9.36 11.84 17 3.64 2.57 5.14
MSP), position*condition and team ID. The random effects Match mean 13 9.60 8.54 10.79 12 4.21 3.35 5.28
were athlete ID and Game ID. Separate analyses were per- MSP 10 10.86 9.60 12.28 9 5.29 4.14 6.76
formed for the dependent variables PlayerLoad™ · min−1 and GK 3vs3 47 4.90 4.47 5.37 47 2.83 2.42 3.31
6vs6 32 4.57 4.17 5.01 32 2.06 1.63 2.60
HIE · min−1. Differences between the conditions were analysed Match mean 9 5.17 4.67 5.73 9 1.92 1.54 2.40
using Cohen’s effect size (ES) statistics and ±90% CL. ESs of MSP 9 6.01 5.40 6.69 9 2.88 2.31 3.60
<0.20, 0.20 to 0.59, 0.60 to 1.19, 1.2 to 1.99 and ≥2.00 were GK: goalkeeper; MSP: most strenuous period.
the exception of GK, the MSP was greater for all playing condition compared to mean match play for any playing
positions (Figure 2). Differences were also found between position (Figure 3(a)) in HIE · min−1. Backs had lower values
the 6vs6 condition and match mean and MSP (Figure 2). in the 3vs3 condition than MSP, while wings had greater
Wings, pivots, and GK had greater HIE · min−1 in 3vs3 than values (Figure 3(b)). All playing positions had lower
matches. Conversely, there were no differences in the 6vs6 HIE · min−1 in 6vs6 than in MSP.
Figure 2. PlayerLoad™ · min−1 mean ± 90% confidence limits for percentage differences from match mean (a) and MSP (b) for the 3vs3 condition and 6vs6
condition. Effect size (ES) between the different game-based training condition and match mean or MSP is indicated by the stated symbols. Only ESs with a
substantial likelihood of difference (>75%) are shown. * = small, ** = moderate, *** = large, **** = very large. GK: goalkeeper; MSP: most strenuous period.
Figure 3. HIE · min−1 mean ± 90% confidence limits for percentage differences from match mean (a) and MSP (b) for the 3vs3 condition and 6vs6 condition. Effect
size (ES) between the different game-based training conditions and match mean or MSP is indicated by the stated symbols. Only ESs with a substantial likelihood of
difference (>75%) are shown. * = small, ** = moderate, *** = large, **** = very large. GK: goalkeeper; HIE: high intensity events; MSP: most strenuous period.
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