Impact of Land Use Consolidation On Maize Growers' Welfare in Gatsibo District, Rwanda (2012-2015)

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Nyambane and Gahonzire
International Network Organization for Scientific Research ISSN: 2705-1684

Impact of Land Use Consolidation on Maize Growers' Welfare in Gatsibo

District, Rwanda (2012-2015)
David Nyambane and 2Ferdinand Gahonzire

Faculty of Business and Management, Kampala International University, Western
Campus, Uganda.
Faculty of Business Administration (Project Management Option) of Mount Kenya
University Kenya.

This research delved into the transformative role of land use consolidation (LUC) in
enhancing the well-being of maize growers within Gatsibo District, Rwanda, spanning from
2012 to 2015. Employing a descriptive and analytical approach, comprehensive data were
gathered from primary sources, drawing from documentation, literature, and library
resources. Analysis was conducted utilizing statistical tools like SPSS and Excel, resulting in
insightful revelations. The study indicated that a substantial majority of respondents (95%)
practiced intercropping maize with other crops using traditional methods. However, post-
LUC implementation, there was a marked shift as maize growers transitioned to exclusive
maize cultivation on a larger scale, significantly boosting maize production. Notably, 85% of
respondents ceased the use of intercropping methods, highlighting the pivotal role of LUC
in optimizing maize yield and profitability. Moreover, a significant portion (78%) of
respondents reported a considerable increase in maize production ranging from 25% to 75%,
elucidating the profound impact of LUC on enhancing economic conditions. This positive
shift was reflected in increased monthly earnings and savings, empowering respondents to
elevate their socioeconomic status. Consequently, there was a notable surge in various
improvements, including enhanced access to healthcare through Mutual Health Insurance,
increased expenditures on essentials like clothing, education, household amenities, and the
engagement of additional laborers. While LUC brought about substantial improvements,
respondents encountered challenges such as inadequate organic manure, adverse weather
conditions, low market prices for products, and limited markets for maize. To address these
challenges, suggestions were made, including the expansion of communal cowsheds to
bolster organic manure production, the establishment of advocacy groups within
cooperatives, and the implementation of efficient watering systems to support year-round
cultivation, thereby ensuring the sustainability of maize farming. In summation, the
implementation of LUC significantly transformed the livelihoods of maize growers in Gatsibo
District. Despite encountering challenges, the tangible benefits in terms of increased
production, improved economic conditions, and avenues for further enhancements
underscore the pivotal role of LUC in fostering agricultural prosperity within the region.
Keywords: Land Use Consolidation, Maize growers and Welfare, Crops, Maize production,
watering system.

Land use consolidation is not a new concept, and has been implemented in
Nyambane and Gahonzire
different countries for millennia. It is in Rwanda. Official assessment by the
believed land use consolidation was government indicates considerable gains
practised in 1060 B.C. in China, 300 B.C. in yield of the select crops. The yield of
during the Roman Empire. Land maize has gone up by more than 5 times
Consolidation has been in practice in in five years, 3 times for beans and
Europe since the Middle Ages and the cassava, 2 times for wheat and 30 per
current practices date back to the 19th cent for rice. These are macro-level
and 20th centuries. Practices of land indicators that have suggested food
consolidation are found today in security in the whole country and by
Germany (Flurbereininigung) the implication reduction in poverty.
Netherlands (ruilverkaveling) France However not much is known about the
(remembrement), Belgium, Luxembourg, impact to household living conditions in
Austria and Switzerland, as well as general [1]. In the Gatsibo district
Finland (uusjako), Norway, and Sweden specifically in the Rwimbogo Sector, the
(fastighetsreglering). There has been maize growers consolidated land to make
considerable land consolidation in their land profitable to improve their
Eastern European countries after the livelihood.
reform of the socialist production By 1994, farm size, on average, was
system that had resulted in fragmented smaller than one hectare, while
property rights. In the whole of Western population density was more than 450
Europe by the early 1990s land people per square kilometre of arable
consolidation involved a quarter of all land. The Rwandan economy is based on
cultivated land and over 38 million the largely rain-fed agricultural
hectares of agricultural land and the production of small, semi-subsistence,
farmers benefited from this programme and increasingly fragmented farms [4].
by improving their welfare [1, 2]. The The Vision 2020 and the long-term
problem of fragmented land began in the strategy (the EDPRS) have focused on
19th century in the world, and in the land administration and land use
Iranian year 1341 scattering and small management as key areas for the land
land area, is one of the structural reform process that will support
elements of traditional agriculture the sustainable development. These efforts
distribution of parts, was considered a have come up against significant
deterrent. Land reform in Iran caused challenges such as population pressure
land fragmentation, increased low-land in both urban and rural areas which have
farmers, and respectively. The led to land degradation. Presently, there
fragmentation of agricultural lands has are efforts to develop a national land use
been seen more or less in all countries master plan which will subsequently be
about problems of land distribution, translated into local plans to guide
agricultural planners and politicians zoning for activities including
recommended integration of land use to agriculture, urbanization, resettlement,
solve this problem. The farmers who got public infrastructures, and biodiversity
involved in its application improved conservation [5]. The realization of these
their welfare remarkably [3]. The Land efforts likely provided appropriate
Use Consolidation (LUC) programme was interventions for land degradation which
initiated in 2008 as part of a broader led to enhanced agricultural
Crop Intensification Programme in productivity. Additionally, the
Rwanda launched earlier in 2007. Not appropriate location of activities
much analysis has been done on its informed by land suitability assessments
socio-economic impacts on households ensured that resettlement patterns,
Nyambane and Gahonzire
public infrastructure and the overall In Rwimbogo, there are some people who
urbanization process provides the right did not apply the LUC and the poverty
kind of interventions for urban and shortage of food is persistent in their
environment issues in particular and families [6]. It is from this background
proper national planning targeted at that this study seeks to investigate the
promoting environmental management land use consolidation impacts on maize
in support of sustainable development. growers in Gatsibo District.
Research Design n = 1864
The study used a descriptive and
comparative research design, to determine 19.64
the impact of LUC on the improvement of n = 94.908
livelihood of the maize growers in this T he sampling size is equal to 94.908
study, a comparative research method was approximately equal to 95 respondents.
used to estimate and investigate the extent For choosing these 95 people, the random
to which the parameters of maize growers’ sampling technique was used. For this
livelihood have been improved. technique, the questionnaire was given to
Study Population the maize growers who voted for the yes
A research population is generally a large ballot during their meetings.
collection of individuals or objects that is Sampling techniques
the main focus of a scientific inquiry. It is The sampling used in this research was
for the benefit of the population that simple random sampling. In this
research is done. The population of this technique, subjects have a n equal chance
research is composed of 1864 maize to be chosen. Thus, sample elements are
growers in the Rwimbogo Sector of Gatsibo chosen from the population [8]. That is
District [6]. why Rwimbogo maize growers were
Sample size chosen to answer the questionnaire and
The formula of [7] was used to determine other questions related to the case study.
the representative sample from the whole Data Collection Methods
population of 1864 maize growers. 10% was The reviewed literature informed and
used as the sampling level of precision. influenced the construction of the
This number of 10% is taken for correcting questionnaire and also assisted in
voluntary and/or involuntary errors done identifying the relevance of land use
by the respondents. consolidation in improving the livelihood
The formula used to determine the sample of maize growers in the Rwimbogo Sector.
is written as follows: Structured questionnaires for 95
N respondents were used as the main
n= instruments for this research.
1 + 𝑁(𝑒)2 Primary Data
Where; According to [9, 10], a questionnaire is a
n: sample size list of carefully structured questions
N: population = 1864 chosen after considerable testing, with a
(e): level of precision =10% view of eliciting reasonable responses
This formula is written by [7] then if the from the respondents [9, 10]. Indeed, the
population is 1864 the sample was: researcher used this method of data
1864 collection whereby he carefully framed
n= two types of questions that is “open ended
1+18.64(0.1)2 and closed ended” in relation to the
objectives of the study to be answered by
Nyambane and Gahonzire
carefully selected respondents from which was conducted between September
Rwimbogo maize growers. Interview is and October 2015. The pilot study was
defined as being a scientific process of conducted on selected maize growers in
investigation using a process of verbal the Rwimbogo sector. The objective of the
communication to collect information in pilot study was to ascertain the reliability
relation to the fixed goal. It is thus about a of the instruments before the final
form of communication which establishes distribution of the questionnaire to the
between two people, having for goal to respondents. The reliability was measured
collect certain information relating to a by using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha
precise object [8]. The case of this work, which was based on the mean correlation
the researcher adopted the structured of each factor. Cronbach’s alpha is a
interview or maintenance guided which measure of internal consistency, that is,
enabled us to collect information in how closely related a set of items are as a
relation with the objectives. The interview group. A general rule for measuring
was held between the researcher and the reliability is if Alpha is above 0.70 is
Executive Secretary of Rwimbogo Sector. considerably reliable. Alpha above 0.60 is
Secondary Data probably reliable but you should either
This is a collection technique that is based consider eliminating some elements from
on reading books and other documents the instruments to increase its reliability.
relevant to the study. It is sometimes Each variable was measured, and if the
called documentation. According to [11], research obtained a reliability coefficient
defined reports and documentation as the of 0.772 and above it indicated higher
analysis of data that already exists in consistency of the multiple items and
boxes, in some organization's basement higher reliability of individual constructs
or hidden in the core of the computer. [12].
Kenneth D. In this research, the researcher Data Analysis and Interpretation
used the documentation method as a During the data collection process, the
secondary source of information to collect researcher used careful analysis of the
data from different documents, internet collected data to ensure consistency and
surfs and Rwimbogo maize growers’ accuracy [13]. Data analysis involved both
cooperatives’ documents and archives to quantitative and qualitative methods. The
achieve the study objectives. tables were adopted to summarize the data
Reliability and Validity for analysis and interpretation. The
The researcher solicited the opinion of researcher used the software SPSS and
various lecturers from Mount Kenya Excel to analyse the collected data from the
University (MKU), in the Department of field.
Business on the research instrument, to Ethical Considerations
validate the research instrument. These are related to guidelines delineating
Anchored on their expertise and the limits of freedom in the research and
experiences, the scholars gave various defining the rights of respondents and the
objective advices on the contents and community [14]. In the preparation of the
judged the suitability and relevance of interview, the interviewers’ plans were
instruments for this study. Their respected. Moreover, Human values have
observations, amendments and underpinned all activities (confidentiality,
recommendations were discussed with the respect for people’s dignity and avoiding
advisor before using the questionnaire for judgment of their opinions, right to
the pilot study. The design and distribution anonymity) [15]. The formulation and
of the questionnaire was composed of two presentation of questions were simple and
stages. The first stage was the pilot study, avoided embarrassment, guilt and
Nyambane and Gahonzire
discomfort. The interpretation of data has
followed the general methodological
standards without citing the respondent.
Demographic Characteristics of characteristics are presented below.
Respondents Gender of the Respondents
The study presented information on The following table presents the
demographic characteristics. Detailed respondents according to their gender.
results on each of the demographic They are male and female.
Table 1: Distribution of respondents according to gender
Gender Frequencies Percentages
Female 42 44
Male 53 56
Total 95 100
Source: Field data.

Nyambane and Gahonzire
The data presented in Table 1 revealed respondents is the sign also of equity and
that most of the respondents are male. equality of the respondents.
Especially, the data showed that 56% of Respondents according to their ages
respondents were male while 44% of the Respondents are grouped in different age
respondents were female. This shows that intervals. The following table presents the
male is the most representative gender of respondents according to their ages.
their families. The apparition of the female
Table 2: Distribution of respondents according to ages
Age Frequencies Percentage
Under 20 years 0 0
21-30 years 32 34
31-40 years 39 41
41-50 years 15 16
50 years and above 9 9
Total 95 100
Source: Field data.

Table 2 shows that none of the satisfy like school fees, paying Mutual
respondents was below 20 years old, 34% Health Insurance and other forms of basic
of the respondents were 21-30 years old. needs.
The respondents who were with the class Education level of the respondents
of 31-40 years old were 41%. The Respondents have different levels of
respondents who were within 41-50 years education. These influence largely their
old were 16% while those who were 50 lives as well as the development of their
years old and above were 9%. Here the jobs. The following table presents the
respondents highly represented were in respondents according to their level of
the age bracket of 31-40 years old. These education.
respondents have many responsibilities to
Table 3: Respondents according to their education level
Education level Frequencies Percentage
Illiterate 12 13
Primary 78 82
secondary 5 5
University 0 0
Total 95 100
Source: Field data.
Table 3 shows that the respondents who people.
were illiterate were 13% of the Marital status of the respondents
respondents, 82% of the respondents had Marital status of the respondents talks
primary level and 5% of the respondents about how the respondents work in their
had secondary level. There were not any daily life. The following table presents the
respondents who had university level. marital status of maize growers of
From this table, the researcher realized Rwimbogo sector.
that many respondents had primary level.
This agriculture domain has low level

Nyambane and Gahonzire
Table 4: Marital status of the respondents
Statuses Frequencies Percentage
Single 7 7
Married 64 67
Widower 21 22
Divorced 3 3
Total 95 100
Source: Field data.

Table 4 shows that 7% of the objective by objective.

respondents were single, a n d 67% of the To establish the relation of how maize
respondents were married. Widowed and production has been improved with Land
divorced respondents were 22% and 3% Use Consolidation
respectively. From this table, many LUC helped in improving how maize was
respondents were married which means grown in this sector. Before LUC, maize
that these people have many farmers traditionally planted maize. The
responsibilities to fulfil such as school following subtopics show how LUC
fees buying clothes, food to feed theirs as improved production.
well and life insurance. They work hard to Ways of planting maize before LUC
get money to use in their daily life. Before LUC people used many ways to
Presentation of Findings plant maize. The following table shows
The following headings a r e related to the the ways adopted by respondents to plant
research objectives. The researcher maize before adopting LUC.
discussed the results from the field
Table 5: Ways of planting maize before LUC
Ways of planting Frequencies Percentage

Respondents didn’t grow 2 2

maize before
Mixed with other crops 90 95

Maize itself 3 3

Total 95 100

Source: Field data.

Data presented in Table 5 show that 2% Use of intra-products
of the respondents did not grow maize The use of intra products is used by
before LUC, 95% of the respondents grew farmers who struggle the increase their
maize mixes with other crops and 3% of farm production. Many respondents who
the respondents grew maize only. His planted maize traditionally did not use
table showed that many respondents i.e. intra-products because they practised
95% grew maize traditionally where crops subsistence farming.
were mixed in the same field.

Nyambane and Gahonzire

Table 6: Use of intra products

Answers Frequencies Percentage
Yes 14 15
No 81 85

Total 95 100
Source: Field data.
Table 6 shows that respondents who products. This table shows that most of
used intra products were 15% while 85% the respondents did not use intra-products
of the respondents did not use intra to enhance their farm production.
Table 7: LUC increased maize growers’ production
Increment Frequencies Percentage
1-25% 5 5

25-50% 30 32
50-75% 44 46

75-100% 16 17
Total 95 100
Source: Field data.

Table 7 shows that 5% of the respondents maize growers' welfare

increased their production b y 1-25%, a n d The role of LUC is seen in improving the
32% of the respondents increased their life conditions of its practitioners. The
farm production by 25-50%. The following subtopics show some domains in
respondents who increased their maize which LUC improved the livelihood of
production at 50 to 75% were 46% while maize growers.
respondents who increased their farm Daily meal frequency
production at 75-100% were 17%. This LUC helps in several domains. The
shows the importance of LUC. Many following table shows how maize growers
respondents were in the intervals of 25- improved the daily meal frequency of
50% and 50-75%. Land use consolidation maize growers.
has contributed to the improvement of
Table 8: Frequency of daily meals
Before LUC After LUC
Answers Frequencies Percentage Answers Frequencies Percentage
Once a day 35 37 Once a day 6 6
Twice a day 45 47 Twice a day 37 39
Thrice a 11 12 Thrice a day 39 41
Many times 4 4 Many times a 13 14
a day day
Total 95 100 Total 95 100
Source: Field data.

Nyambane and Gahonzire
Table 8 shows that the n u m b e r o f LUC to 14% of the respondents after LUC.
respondents who ate once a day The data presented in this table show that
decreased from 37% of the respondents the respondents left the classes who ate
before LUC to 6% of the respondents after insufficiently to occupy the classes who
applying LUC. The respondents who ate ate at increased times a day.
twice a day decreased slightly from 47% LUC in improving monthly earnings of
of the respondents before LUC to 39% maize growers
after LUC. The n u m b er o f respondents Monthly incomes or earnings help the
who ate thrice a day increased from 12% maize growers economically in their
of the respondents before the application activities. The following table presents the
of LUC to 41% after LUC. The respondents levels of earnings of the respondents.
tripled from 4% of the respondents before
Table 9: Monthly earnings
Before LUC After LUC
Classes Frequenci Percentages Classes Frequencies Percentages
0-10000 35 37 0-10000 6 6

10000-20000 47 49 10000-20000 10 11

20000-30000 9 9 20000-30000 25 26

30000-40000 3 3 30000-40000 36 38

40000-50000 1 1 40000-50000 11 12

More than 0 0 More than 7 7

50000 50000

Total 95 100 Total 95 100

Source: Field data

The comparative Table 9 shows that the 50,000RwF before LUC and they increased
respondents who earned 0-10,000RwF up to 7% of the respondents after LUC.
decreased from 37% of the respondents Briefly, the respondents left the lowest
before LUC to 6% after LUC. The class of average monthly earnings (0-
respondents who earned 10,000RwF and 10,000-20,000RwF) to
10,000-20,000RwF decreased from 49% of occupy the higher classes (20,000-
the respondents before LUC to 11% of 30,000RwF, 30,000-40,000RwF and
the respondents after LUC. The 40,000-50,000) after LUC. LUC helped
respondents who earned 20,000- maize growers to improve their monthly
30,000RwF increased from 9% of the earnings levels.
respondents to 26% of the respondents. Estimation of average monthly savings
The respondents who earned 30,000- before and after LUC
40,000RwF increased from 3% of the LUC plays a role in improving not social
respondents to 38% of the respondents. welfare as well as economic welfare. The
Those who earned 40,000-50,000RwF following table presents the role of LUC in
increased from 1% to 12% of the improving the monthly savings of maize
respondents. There were not any growers.
respondents who earned more than

Nyambane and Gahonzire
Table 10: Average monthly savings before and after LUC
Before LUC After LUC
Classes Frequencies Percentage Classes Frequencies Percentages
0-5 000 31 s
33 0-5 000 8 8
5 000-10 000 45 47 5 000-10 000 11 12
10 000-15 000 13 14 10 000-15 000 26 27
15 000-20 000 4 4 15 000-20 000 37 39
More than 2 2 More than 13 14
20 000 20 000
Total 95 100 Total 95 100
Source: Field data.
Data presented in Table 10 show that 000RwF increased from 2% of the
respondents who saved 0-5,000RwF respondents before the application of LUC
decreased from 33% before LUC to 8% of to 14% of the respondents after LUC. The
the respondents after LUC. The respondents advanced remarkably in
respondents who saved 5,000-10000RwF classes of savings after applying the policy
decreased from 47% to 12% of the of LUC. Thus, LUC helped the maize
respondents after LUC. Respondents who growers to improve their average
saved 10 000-15 000RwF increased from monthly savings tremendously.
14% from LUC to 27% of the respondents Possession of Mutual Health Insurance
after LUC. Respondents who saved 15,000- Possession of life insurance is one of t h e
20,000RwF increased from 4% to 39% of indicators of improved welfare. The
the respondents after LUC. The following table shows the role of LUC in
respondents who saved more than 20 improving maize growers’ welfare.

Table 11: Possession of Mutual Health Insurance

Before LUC After LUC

Answers Frequencies Percentage Answers Frequencies Percentage

Yes 39 41 Yes 91 96

No 56 59 No 4 4

Total 95 100 Total 95 100

Source: Field data.

Table 11 shows that 41% of the presented in this table confirm the great
respondents had Mutual Health Insurance role of the application of LUC in improving
before the LUC and they have improved the livelihood of maize growers by
after LUC at a rate of 96% of the appropriating Mutual Health Insurance.
respondents. The respondents who did Other improvements are done with LUC
not have Mutual Health insurance Other improvements done with the
decreased from 59% of the respondents application LUC helped the respondents
before LUC to 4% after LUC. Results to satisfy other basic needs.

Nyambane and Gahonzire
Table 12: Other improvements done with LUC
Before LUC After LUC
Improvements Frequencies Percentage Improvements Frequencies Percentage
To buy 19 20 To buy 94 99
clothing clothing
sufficiently sufficiently

To pay to the 39 41 To pay to the 67 71

children’s children’s
school fees school fees
To equip the 54 57 To equip the 86 91
household household

To engage a 31 33 To engage a 82 86
workman workman
farmer or farmer or
domestic domestic
To buy a radio 42 44 To buy a radio 95 100
Source: Field data.

Table 12 shows that respondents who is a source of information countrywide, the

bought clothes sufficiently before were respondents who bought radios increased
20% of the respondents while after the from 44% of the respondents before LUC to
application of LUC, they increased up to 100% after LUC. Thus, the application of
99%. Of the respondents who paid school LUC changed the lifestyle of maize growers
fees for their children 41% before LUC in the Gatsibo District.
and 71% of the respondents after LUC. Challenges faced by maize growers in
Respondents who equipped their land use consolidation and propose the
households increased from 57% to 91% of ways forward to overcome them
the respondents after LUC. The There a r e many challenges in the
respondents who engaged a working application of LUC by maize growers. The
farmer or domestic shifted from 33% to following table presents the challenges
86% of the respondents after LUC. A radio faced by maize growers in Gatsibo District.

Table 13: Challenges faced by maize growers in LUC

Challenges Frequencies Percentages
lack of enough organic manure 62 65
Using traditional tools 86 91

Bad weather 95 100

Low price of the products 91 96

Lack of markets for the production 89 94

Source: Field data.

Table 13 shows that 65% of the respondents faced the lack of enough

Nyambane and Gahonzire
organic manure, and 91% of the those who lacked markets of maize
respondents faced the use of traditional production were 94%.
tools like hoe only. All respondents Proposed ways forward to overcome
affirmed that they faced bad weather. This challenges
is caused by the shortage of rain motivated The following are the suggested ways
that Eastern province is situated in a forward to overcome the stated
region with a low quantity of rainfall. challenges for the betterment of maize
Respondents who faced the challenge of production.
low price of the products were 96% while
Table 14: Ways forward to overcome challenges
Ways forward Frequencies Percentages
To increase common cow shades in villages 70 74
To rent a tractor 84 88
To put in place an advocacy organ 90 95
To be grouped in cluster 93 98
To put in place a watering system 95 100

Source: Field data.

Table 14 shows the suggested ways suggested putting in place an advocacy
forward of respondents. 74% of the organ. 98% of the respondents suggested
respondents suggested increasing the that maize growers should be grouped in
common cowsheds in villages to increase clusters and all respondents suggested
the quantity of organic manure. 88% of that a watering system should be put in
the respondents suggested renting place to facilitate planting even in dry
tractors to facilitate the ploughing seasons to plant in as many seasons as
process. 95% of the respondents possible.
Demographic characteristics of respondents were single, 67% of the
respondents respondents were married. Widowed and
Data presented in Table 1 showed that divorced respondents were 22% and 3%
respondents were characterized by the respectively. From this table, there was
preponderance of male respondents at a an increment of widowed people caused
rate of 56%. According to age, by the Genocide of Tutsi of 1994 and t h e
respondents highly represented were in AIDS pandemic. Many respondents were
the age bracket of 30-40 years old. These married which means they worked hard to
respondents have many responsibilities to get money to use in their daily life.
satisfy like school fees a n d other forms Objective one
of basic needs. These data came to prove The objective which was “to establish the
that many respondents were situated in relation of how maize production has
active ages. According to Table 3 shows been improved with land use
that many respondents had primary level consolidation” has been verified. Data
at 82% of the respondents. There were not presented in Table 5 showed that many
any respondents who had university level. respondents (95% of the respondents)
The researcher realized that many grew maize mixed with other crops.
respondents had primary levels. This Respondent used archaic methods of
agriculture domain has low-level people. mixing crops. After the LUC, maize
For the marital status of the respondents, growers used to grow maize only. In
Table 4.4 showed that 7% of the addition, they planted the maize on a

Nyambane and Gahonzire
larger scale than before to increase maize monthly earnings and average monthly
production. According to the data savings motivated the respondents to
presented in Table 6, many respondents so adhere to Mutual Health Insurance more
be 85% of the respondents did not use than before LUC (Table 11); and they
intra-products. This comes to show the performed another improvement like
importance of LUC in educating people to buying clothes sufficiently, paying school
maximize their profit in maize production. fees, equipping their households and
Table 7 highlights the crucial role of LUC engaging other helping workers (Table
in the increment of maize production. 12). In Sum, the application of LUC
Many respondents were in intervals of changed the life conditions of maize
respondents who increased maize growers in Gatsibo District.
production by 25-50% and 50-75% of Objective three
respondents. They were 78% of the The third objective which was “To
respondents. examine challenges faced by maize
Objective two growers in land use consolidation and
The second objective which was “To propose the ways forward to overcome
investigate how land use consolidation them” was verified by the data presented
has contributed to the improvement of in Tables 4.13 and 4.14. Respondents met
maize growers’ welfare” was approved. different challenges like lack of enough
Daily meal frequencies were organic manure, bad weather, low price of
improved. This shows that many the products and lack of markets for
respondents left the situation of hunger maize production. Respondents suggested
to have plenty of food. LUC helped people that the common cowsheds in villages
to improve the economic situation of the should be increased to increase the
respondents. They improved their quantity of organic manure, the advocacy
monthly earnings by leaving the lowest organ should be started like a cluster of
classes to be grouped in the higher their cooperatives, and a watering
classes of earnings (Table 4.9). system should be put in place to
Respondents left the lowest classes of facilitate planting even in dry seasons to
savings to be grouped into the classes have the durability of growing maize.
that have much savings (Table 10). The
LUC is the policy which came to cope with production, improving monthly earnings
the increase in population to liberate the as well as average monthly savings of the
cultivable arable soil to merge plots and to respondents. The data presented and
make larger fields to increase agricultural analysed proved the achievement of the
production. This also was motivated by objectives.
the Crops Intensification Program in Recommendations
which regions of Rwanda have been The central Government should put in
assigned the crops to be grown. The policy place the irrigation channels to face the
of LUC helped the Rwandans and maize shortage of rainfalls. Local leaders should
growers in particular to improve their sensitize the population to increasing the
livelihood by increasing maize common cowsheds in their villages.
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CITE AS: David Nyambane and Ferdinand Gahonzire (2023). Impact of Land Use Consolidation on
Maize Growers' Welfare in Gatsibo District, Rwanda (2012-2015). INOSR HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL
SCIENCES 9(2): 37-50.


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