Performance Appraisal Form 05 - Mail Merge Shankar
Performance Appraisal Form 05 - Mail Merge Shankar
Performance Appraisal Form 05 - Mail Merge Shankar
Marks Criteria (1 to 5)
Improvement (1) Fair (2) Good (3) Outstanding (4) Exceptional (5)
Appraisal Areas Details of Required Competencies
(1 to 5)
3. Attendance during working Regular attendance as per official working hours, and optimally 5
hours and time management. productive utilisation and management of office time.
7. Analysis and problem-solving Ability to understand and analyse problems, initiate solutions 4
skills. and make timely decisions.
Marks out of 50
Practical objectives for the coming period: (Min 1, Max 3 Objectives) Date of accomplishment
Sankar Kandasamy Signature
HR Department Signature