Inline Characterization of Ultrathin Amorphous Silicon Stacks in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell Precursors With Differential Reflectance Spectros
Inline Characterization of Ultrathin Amorphous Silicon Stacks in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell Precursors With Differential Reflectance Spectros
Inline Characterization of Ultrathin Amorphous Silicon Stacks in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell Precursors With Differential Reflectance Spectros
Abstract—In this article, we present a characterization technique photovoltaics. Currently, single-junction crystalline silicon
for thin-film layers on textured surfaces with random pyramids (c-Si) solar cells with carrier-selective passivating contacts
using reflectance spectroscopy and an optical model based on the
(CSPCs) have achieved conversion efficiencies above 26% due
transfer-matrix method and rigorous polarization ray tracing. The
optical model fits the thickness of ultrathin amorphous silicon (a-Si) to high carrier selectivity, and good surface and field-effect
layers from the measured reflectance using spectrophotometry and passivation [1], [2], [3]. Power conversion efficiencies as high
the measured optical constants using spectral ellipsometry. The as 26.81% with industrial-grade M6 size (166 mm × 166 mm)
estimated a-Si layer thickness from the optical model is com- silicon wafers have been achieved recently [4]. Among various
pared with the measured thickness from transmission electron high-efficiency CSPC-based solar cell technologies, the silicon
microscopy (TEM) images. Modeling the absolute reflectance spec-
trum, the a-Si stack thickness is underestimated by 51% mainly due heterojunction (SHJ) technology has the advantage of realizing
to nonidealities such as varying pyramid base angles and scattering CSPCs with a lower thermal budget around 200 °C [1], [2].
effects that are difficult to consider in the optical model. Modeling This has led to the rapid commercialization of SHJ solar cell
alternatively the differential reflectance spectrum, the a-Si stack technology recently.
thickness is determined in accordance with TEM measurements In an SHJ solar cell, carrier selectivity is achieved by deposit-
with relative error as low as 10%. Fitting the relative change in
reflectance before and after a-Si deposition to determine the layer ing an ultrathin intrinsic amorphous silicon (a-Si) layer and a
thickness makes the optical model robust against instrumental doped a-Si layer consecutively by plasma-enhanced chemical
inaccuracies and superposed nonidealities. The on-the-fly nature of vapor deposition (PECVD) [1], [2]. The thickness of the a-Si
the developed optical characterization technique makes it suitable layers ranges between a few to a couple of tens of nanometers
for high-throughput industrial applications. [5]. As the ultrathin a-Si layers in SHJ solar cells are responsible
Index Terms—Amorphous silicon (a-Si), inline characterization, for charge carrier separation and passivation and thus have a
random pyramids, ray tracing, reflectance spectroscopy, silicon strong impact on cell performance, a fast and inline-compatible
heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells, textured surfaces, thin films. characterization technique is required to identify lateral inho-
mogeneities within a wafer and production fluctuations in an
industrial environment.
AMPING-UP the transition to a carbon-neutral energy
R sector requires high-efficiency solar cell concepts in
Conventionally, spectral ellipsometry (SE) is applied to char-
acterize thin-film layers. As textured surfaces with random
pyramids are the typical surface morphology of a solar cell,
Manuscript received 17 April 2023; revised 12 June 2023; accepted 25 July
using SE to analyze thin-film layers on these surfaces demands
2023. This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic careful alignment of the sample with respect to the polarizer and
Affairs and Climate Action with the Project SALSA under Grant 03EE1096A. analyzer of the ellipsometer. Additionally, the integration time of
(Corresponding author: Saravana Kumar.)
Saravana Kumar, Saed Al-Hajjawi, Christian Diestel, Jonas Haunschild,
SE measurements influences the quality of the signal measured
and Stefan Rein are with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Sys- at the detector. These factors challenge SE to be used for inline
tems, D-79110 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (e-mail: saravana.senthil.kumar inspection in solar cell production. In contrast, with reflectance; [email protected]; christian.diestel@ise.; [email protected]; [email protected]
spectroscopy, high-quality reflectance spectra can be achieved
.de). with an integration time of a few milliseconds. A spectrometer
Henri Vahlman was with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy with an integrating sphere can be easily implemented in an inline
Systems, D-79110 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (e-mail: henri.vahlman
environment and does not require any alignment of the textured
Stefan J. Rupitsch is with the Department of Microsystems Engineering, surfaces with respect to the integrating sphere [6]. The measured
University of Freiburg, D-79110 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (e-mail: ste- reflectance spectra can be fitted to estimate the thicknesses
[email protected]).
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at
of the thin films deposited on a textured surface by means of an optical model and the measured optical constants from
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2023.3301132 SE [6].
2156-3381 © 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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The thickness of the thin a-Si layers can be determined either Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to study
(approach 1) by modeling the absolute reflectance spectrum the topology of the textured surfaces and to align the sample for
measured after a-Si deposition or (approach 2) by modeling the a lamella extraction. A lamella of size 10 µm × 8 µm × 0.15 µm
relative change in reflectance before and after a-Si deposition, was cut out by using a focused ion beam [10] after local deposi-
which is known as differential reflectance spectroscopy [7], tion of a protective carbon film (C film) to secure the area under
[8], [9]. This technique has been used widely as an in situ investigation from ablation. The extracted lamella was analyzed
characterization tool in studying organic thin-film layers and with TEM to measure the actual a-Si stack thickness at different
their formation mechanisms [7], [8]. points as reference values. The a-Si stack thicknesses from
Approach 1 has the advantage of a single reflectance measure- the TEM images were measured using the image processing
ment that allows easy implementation in a production line, but software ImageJ with proper scaling. The SEM and TEM images
is sensitive to superposed effects, such as oxidation of the sub- were performed at Fraunhofer CSP.
strate, instrumental variations, calibration-related inaccuracies,
and so on. If applied inline instead of in situ, approach 2 faces B. Construction of the Optical Model
the challenge that measurements in different production steps
(before and after layer deposition) have to be combined and thus The fraction of the reflected light from a surface consid-
assigned wafer-specifically. Nevertheless, the above-mentioned ering interference due to thin-film structures is calculated by
disturbing superposed effects and variations in the texture of exploiting the transfer-matrix method (TMM) based on Fresnel
the substrate are eliminated because of the difference-forming equations [11]. To model the random pyramid structures with
nature of the method [9]. In this study, we assume similar different pyramid base elevations under normal incidence of
texture morphology for all the samples and hence the reflectance light, rigorous polarization ray tracing technique is used [12].
before a-Si layer deposition is measured from a single reference The base angle of the pyramid is set to 54.74°, which is the angle
wafer and used to calculate the differential reflectance of all the between (100) and (111) planes in monocrystalline silicon [13].
samples with the reflectance measured after a-Si deposition. Verily, a random textured silicon substrate shows a distribution
As the suitability of differential reflectance spectroscopy to in the base angle and it is not considered within the optical model.
characterize thin films on pyramidal structures has not yet The change in polarization during successive reflection of light
been explored in literature, adapted optical models for both at pyramid facets is included in the model via polarization ray
approaches are developed in this work and compared in terms of tracing matrices, as developed by Yun et al. [14]. The effective
accuracy and reliability in studying textured silicon wafers with optical constants of the a-Si stack determined from SE measure-
a-Si layers of intentionally varied thickness using reflectance ment and the measured reflectance are input data for the optical
data from an industrial inline tool. To determine the ground-truth model. The a-Si stack is described by effective optical constants
values of the layer thickness, transmission electron microscopy to account for the variations in porosity and doping within the
(TEM) on cross section [10] is used as a reference technique. a-Si stack. Details on the significance of such variations for
modeling accuracy are published elsewhere [6]. The measured
II. METHODS reflectance is fitted with the a-Si stack thickness and the planar
fraction of the textured substrate as fit parameters by using
A. Experimental Procedures the Levenberg–Marquardt least-squares fitting algorithm [15].
The samples investigated in this study were prepared by saw- Planar fraction is the parameter that accounts for areas in the
damage etching (SDE) of monocrystalline n-type Cz-Si wafers sample without pyramids, chemically smoothened pyramid tips,
followed by alkaline texturing, resulting in random pyramid- and incomplete etching, as studied by Birmann et al. [16]. Thus,
like structures, and cleaning with ozone and hydrofluoric acid. the developed optical model allows the thickness of the a-Si
Subsequently, intrinsic and n-doped a-Si layers were deposited stack to be determined from the measured reflectance spectra.
on the wafers by PECVD. From here on, we collectively refer
to the a-Si layers on the c-Si substrate as an a-Si stack. Different III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
a-Si stack thicknesses were achieved by varying the deposition
time. A. Differential Reflectance Over Absolute Reflectance
The reflectance measurements were performed using a Zeiss Fig. 1 shows the reflectance spectrum of a typical a-Si stack
OFR 104 spectrophotometer with an integrating sphere in an on a c-Si substrate of an SHJ solar cell precursor and the
inline configuration. The calibration of the tool was performed corresponding fit curve from the optical model. The optical
by a certified 99% reflective white standard made of spectralon. model estimates an a-Si stack thickness of 3.3 nm. This thickness
We used the spectral range from 390 to 950 nm in this study. value determined by fitting the absolute reflectance spectrum
The integration time used to measure the reflectance spectra is is suspected to be unrealistic for the used deposition parame-
24 ms. The spectrometer was installed in an inline front-end ters and the expected thickness is around 7 nm. To determine
wafer inspection system. The belt speed for inline reflectance the exact thickness of the a-Si stack on the pyramidal struc-
measurements was set at 0.275 m/s. An M-2000 SE from tures, TEM measurements were performed on the same sample
J. A. Woolam was used to measure the effective optical constants across four adjacent pyramid facets. Fig. 2(a) and (b) shows the
(input data for the optical model) and thicknesses of the a-Si exemplary TEM cross-sectional images taken across the pyra-
stack on planar reference samples. mid facet closer to the apex and base of the pyramid, respectively.
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Fig. 2. Microscopic images of samples with a-Si stack on c-Si substrate. (a) TEM cross section across the pyramid facet closer to the apex and (b) closer to
the base with local a-Si stack thickness measurements. The thickness of the a-Si stack closer to the apex and base is determined on average as 7.7 and 6.0 nm,
respectively. (c) SEM top view of the silicon substrate with a-Si stack showing pyramids with rough facets and indicating exemplary the positions the cross-sectional
images in (a) and (b) are taken from. The red arrow heads point toward the wrinkle-like structures making the pyramid facets rough.
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