AN1102 Mod 2 TopHat Questions

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AN1102 Mod 2 TopHat Questions

The correct answers are bolded in black.

Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, Lymphatic System
1. The olfactory epithelium includes (indicate all the correct answers):
a) Sustenacular cells
b) Basal cells
c) Bowman’s gland (could be yes or no since glands originate from epithelium)*
d) Clara cells
e) Olfactory cells
f) Brush cells

2. Asthma medication will cause dilation of which of the structure below (most correct answer):
a) Trachea
b) Alveoli
c) Larynx
d) Bronchiole

3. Indicate all the statements below that are correct for the pores of Kohn (specific to alveoli)
a) Located in the alveoli
b) Enables the pass of air from one alveolus to another
c) Allow dust cells to move between adjacent bronchioles
d) Allow collateral ventilation of alveoli (main function of pores of kohn)*
e) Allow collateral ventilation of bronchioles

4. Which of the cells below is not composing the alveolar “wall”? (more than one answer)
a) Type I alveolocyte
b) Alveolar macrophage
c) Type II alveolocyte
d) Endothelial cell
e) Brush cell

5. Which of the statements below is INCORRECT? (more than one answer)

a) The myocardium is a structure that is similar to tunica media in the artery
b) The vasa vasorum could be found in all types of capillaries
c) Both arterioles and venules will have external elastic lamina
d) The tunica adventitia in a big vein will include smooth muscle cells
e) Purkinje fibers conduct electric stimulus in the heart

6. Fenestrated capillary is found in this organ (more than one answer)

a) Brain
b) Pancreas
c) Kidney
d) Thymus
e) Tip of your finger
f) Liver

7. What type of artery will be the aorta classified as?

a) Muscular artery
b) Fenestrated artery
c) Sinusoidal artery
d) Continuous artery
e) Elastic artery

8. The thymus includes: (more than one answer)

a) T helper cell
b) Neutrophils
c) Lymphocytes
d) Hassal’s corpuscle
e) Plasma cell

9. The high endothelial venule is associated mainly with:

a) Plasma cell
b) Immature T-helper cell (could also answer this)
c) Macrophage
d) Killer T-cell (mainly this)
e) B cell

10. The parenchyma of the red pulp is mainly associated with: (best answer)
a) B cell maturation
b) T cell education
c) Destruction of erythrocytes
d) Antigen presenting cells
e) Memory cell destruction
Digestive System / Reproductive System
1. In which part of the digestive canal there are glands within the submucosa? (more than one answer)
a) Lower esophagus
b) Colon
c) Upper esophagus
d) Duodenum
e) Ileum

2. Which of these modification will increase luminal area ONLY in the jejunum? (more than one answer)
a) Villi and microvilli
b) Haustra
c) Plicae circulares
d) Crypts of Lieberkuhn (wrong: also in large intestine)
e) Fundic crypts

3. Which of the structure below belongs to the portal triad? (more than one answer)
a) Hepatic artery
b) Lymph node
c) Central vein
d) Bile canaliculi
e) Portal vein

4. The renal papilla is perforated by: (more than one answer)

a) Cortical nephrons
b) Collecting ducts
c) Juxtamedullary nephron
d) Ducts of Bellini
e) Perilobular capillaries

5. Which of the structures below composes the filtration apparatus in the kidney? (more than one answer)
a) Parietal portion of Bowman’s capsule
b) Podocytes
c) Endothelial cells
d) Visceral portion of Bowman’s capsule
e) Distal convoluted tubule

6. Which of the cells below is associated with an increase in blood pressure? (more than one answer)
a) Macula densa
b) Mesangial cells
c) Juxtraglumerular cells
d) Podocytes

7. Meiosis will be important phase in:

a) Spermatogonia divisions
b) Spermatocyte division
c) Spermatid division
d) Spermatid differentiation into spermatozoa

8. The division into adluminal and basal compartments is due to which of the cells below:
a) Spermatogonia
b) Leydig
c) Sertoli
d) Primary spermatocyte
e) Fibroblast

9. Which of the statements below are INCORRECT? (more than one answer)
a) Vas deferens has two muscular layers
b) The epididymis has long microvilli (stereocilia is still type of microvilli)
c) Rete testes connect the seminiferous tubuoli to the ductuli efferentes
d) Testosterone is secreted by Sertoli cells (Leydig Cells)
e) The urethra is line by transitional epithelium

10. Which of the layers below sheds in the menstrual phase (best answer)
a) Functional layer of the myometrium
b) Endometrium
c) Epimetrium
d) Functional layer of the endometrium
e) Basal layer of the myometrium

1. The placenta is fetomaternal structure, the maternal part is called:
a) Villous chorion
b) Decidua basalis
c) Decidua parietalis
d) Decidua capsularis
e) Amnion
2. The immediate product of the fertilization is called:
a) Pronucleus
b) Merula
c) Blastocyte
d) Blastomere
e) Zygote

3. The transverse colon arises from which part/s of the primitive gut:
a) Forgut
b) Midgut
c) Hindgut
d) A+B
e) B+C

4. What is correct limb rotation direction during development?

a) Upper limbs rotate laterally through 90 , lower limbs rotate medially through almost 90
b) Upper limbs rotate medially through 90, lower limbs rotate laterally through almost 90
c) Both limbs rotate medially through 90
d) Both limbs rotate laterally through 90
e) Upper limbs rotate laterally through 180, lower limbs rotate medially through almost 180

5. The term that describes the development de novo of the cardiovascular system is called:
a) Embryogenesis
b) Vasculogenesis
c) Angiogenesis
d) Organogenesis
e) Spermatogenesis

6. In the developing heart, the foramen ovale connects the:

a) Right and left atrium
b) Aorta and pulmonary artery
c) Right atrium and right ventricle
d) Left atrium and left ventricle
e) Right and left ventricle

7. Identify the structure labelled A:

a) Trophoblast
b) Exocoelomic cavity
c) Amniotic cavity
d) Allantois
e) Umbilical vesicle
8. The somite originates from the:
a) Splanchnopleure
b) Somatopleure
c) Lateral mesoderm
d) Para-axial mesoderm
e) Intermediate mesoderm

9. The neural crest cells originate from:

a) Endoderm
b) Notochord
c) Para-axial mesoderm
d) Ectoderm
e) Intermediate mesoderm

10. The ductus venosus shunts the:

a) Superior vena cava with the inferior vena cava
b) Inferior vena cava with superior vena cava
c) Inferior vena cava and umbilical vein
d) Inferior vena cava and umbilical artery
e) Superior vena cava and umbilical artery

1. Which statements below is INCORRECT pertaining the image below? Select all of the above that apply.
a) The juxtaglomerular apparatus includes both Lacis cells and Macula densa cells
b) Macula densa act as chemoreceptors
c) Juxtaglomerular cells secrete angiotensin
d) Juxtaglomerular cells secrete renin
e) This image is taken from the renal medulla

2. The indicated cells in the image are associated with: (more than one answer is correct)

a) Vitamin B12 storage

b) Insulin secretion
c) Bile secretion to the stomach
d) Detoxification of drugs
e) Storage of fat

3. Indicate all the CORRECT statements pertaining to hormone secreting cells within the stomach. (Select all
of the above that apply).
a) Located within the lamina propria
b) Secrete gastric intrinsic factor
c) They stimulate gastric motility
d) Somatostatin inhibits hormone secretion from other DNES cell
e) They can stimulate glycolysis
4. The image represent an area from the uterus that would be under the influence of (more than 1 answer):

a) Progesterone
b) FSH
c) hCG
d) Estrogen
e) Secretions from secondary follicle
f) LH

5. Which of the cells below will be located in the adluminal compartment of the seminiferous tubule (more than
1 answer):
a) Spermatid
b) Primary spermatocyte
c) Secondary spermatocyte
d) Spermatogonia
e) Leydig cells
f) Sertoli cell

6. Due to an illness chief cells with in the endocrine system will undergo programmed cell death. The results
could be fatal due to tetany. Which of the statement below will be associated with this problem?
a) Low levels of blood calcium
b) High levels of blood calcium
c) High levels of T3 and T4
d) High levels of iodine in the blood
e) Retention of calcium in the bone

7. Which statement is incorrect?

a) The epiblast give rise to the mesoderm
b) The notochordal canal will at some point in time allow amniotic and umbilical fluid to mix
c) The ectoderm will differentiate into the neural fold cells
d) The coelom will also create the pericardial cavity
e) The vasculogenesis will start at the intermediate mesoderm
8. In the first week after fertilization the cellular mass that will include ~32 cells is called:
a) Zygote
b) Blastula
c) Morula
d) Gastrula
e) Embryo

9. The malformation that is seen in the image below is associated with branchial arch number:

a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IV
e) V

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