Focus4 2E Test Unit7 GroupA 2kol

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Test Unit 7

Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50


1 TRACK 8 You will hear four different 2 Complete the sentences with the
recordings. For questions 1–4, choose correct form of the verbs in the box.
the correct answer, A, B or C. There is one extra verb.

1 What would be the best headline for this go talk figure

report? wind bring come
A Teens are becoming obsessed with
technology A new model of my phone is coming
B Making the most of what technology can out next month so I think I’ll upgrade.
C How technology is changing the older 1 They’re talking about __________ in
generation’s lives a new law which will make public transport
cheaper in big cities.
2 Which sentence best describes the
situation? 2 My best friend __________ me into going
A The email arrived without an to the party last Friday.
attachment. 3 We’re __________ out the issue right now
B The grandfather can’t open the
attachment. and will have a solution very soon.
C The grandfather can’t find the photos he 4 Don’t __________ him up on purpose!
downloaded. He’ll just get upset and then you’ll get into
3 The speaker says that
A Michael is slightly underweight. _____/4
B Michael has lost weight recently by
eating carefully. 3 Complete the sentences with the
C Michael’s recent weight gain is nothing appropriate form of the words in
to be worried about. capitals.

This is an attempt to tackle the problem

4 One reason the girl was ill was because
of obesity in schools. OBESE
A was obsessed with losing weight.
1 She didn’t gain the _________________
B did too much sport.
C wasn’t getting enough sleep. she deserved while she was alive.
2 Many parents are too concerned about
_________________ when they have
small children. CLEAN
3 We’re learning about the _____________
system in biology at the moment. DIGEST

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

4 I can see how going offline before bed is 5 Complete the second sentence so that
it means the same as the first.
_________________, but I admit I never
switch off my mobile phone. BENEFIT People say there are countless
5 It’s _________________ not to eat a big opportunities for mathematicians.
There are said to be countless
meal just before going to sleep. ADVISE
opportunities for mathematicians.
6 My car is much more
_________________ than yours, so I’ll 1 Biologists believe there are only around

drive. ECONOMY ten specimens of this species left alive.

_____/6 There ____________________________
only around ten specimens of this species
4 Complete the sentences with the left alive.
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Use passive voice. 2 The army think the enemy has been
planning an attack for over a month.
I have been sent (send) a text message
but I can’t read it! The enemy ________________________
_______________________ an attack for
1 This problem definitely should _________ over a month.
__________________________________ 3 They expect the number of infected people
(deal) with a long time ago. to decrease over time.
2 I saw that the elderly lady _____________ The number of infected people _________
__________________________________ _________________________ over time.
(offer) a seat by a kind fellow passenger. 4 The employees generally understand that
3 That faint noise could ________________ the solution is only temporary.
______________________________ (not It ________________________________
hear) by them. It’s impossible! the solution is only temporary.
4 We’d prefer ________________________ 5 People know Sam won the manager’s
___________________________ (drive) respect when he was the first to notice his
there by a professional chauffeur. mistake.
5 I was really tired of __________________ Sam _____________________________
_________________________ (criticise) the manager’s respect when he was the
by her all the time and I told her how I felt. first to notice his mistake.
_____/5 _____/5

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

USE OF ENGLISH coming days. We can assure you that you

won’t be disappointed.
6 Complete the text with the appropriate
form of the words in the box. There are
two extra words.
explore ensure belief breath contribute
depend expect history
7 Translate the phrases in brackets into
English. Use no more than five words.
UNRAVELLING THE MYSTERIES OF PLUTO Buying those shoes wasn’t such a bad
idea after all (mimo wszystko).
NASA has received new photos from its space
explorer, which provide more data on Pluto 1 Sarah got tired of
than ever before, even though they are only a __________________________________
few pixels in resolution. They may look quite (tego, że nie bierze się jej poważnie) and
unremarkable at first glance, yet they have decided to talk to her boss.
already uncovered mysteries about Pluto’s 2 This volcano is
appearance, making this a 1____________ __________________________________
opportunity. The most interesting information (wierzy się, że wybuchł) a few hundreds
brought by the photographs is considered to years ago.
be the fact that there are regions of light and 3 __________________________________
dark on Pluto. It is 2____________ that the (W skrócie), all their problems come down
bright spot might be a polar ice cap. It always to a lack of communication.
appears to be brighter, no matter which way 4 _______________________________
the planet rotates. However, NASA scientists (Każdy eksperyment składa się z) the
have confirmed that Pluto’s surface and following stages: formulating a hypothesis,
atmosphere consist of nitrogen. Since there is planning and conducting the experiment,
no trace of oxygen, we would not be able to writing down observations and preparing a
____________ there. report with the final conclusion.
Without a doubt, the photos are a really 5 __________________________________
promising development in terms of space (Nie umiała wytłumaczyć) for the missing
imagery and will make a huge 4____________ money, so she lost her job.
to future research of the planet. The camera _____/5
that took them was installed on a spacecraft
moving towards Pluto and astronomers are
____________ to reveal more fascinating
information concerning the dwarf planet in the
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

READING would pass the test. Turing passed away in

1954 but the challenge lived on.
8 Read the text. For questions 1–6,
Interestingly, Turing based his test on a party
choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
game, called Imitation, which he enjoyed taking
part in. In this game, a set of questions were
given to a man and a woman. They typed their
answers, not necessarily truthfully, and the
Eugene Goostman is a thirteen-year-old boy other party guests had to try to guess who
from Odessa in Ukraine. He has got a pet had written which set of answers. The theory
guinea pig and his father is a doctor. In 2014, was that there would always be some clues
he passed a test that some people say had that would give them away. Turing died
never been passed before. Is Eugene without knowing whether any robot would
a genius? In fact, he doesn’t really exist at all. ever manage to pass his test but, in 2014, on
Eugene is a chatterbot. That is, a computer the sixtieth anniversary of his death, Eugene
programme which can listen and reply to Goostman managed to do it.
questions. You may have one on your
smartphone. You can ask it to do simple Not everyone is impressed by Eugene’s
tasks like find out what the weather is like in
accomplishment. Some say that Eugene
Portugal or how many dollars there are to the wasn’t the first chatterbot to pass the test. This
euro. You can also try to have a conversation
is technically true but the previous tests were
with your chatterbot, although their answers either too short or they were judged by an
don’t always make sense. However, Eugene
audience rather than experts. These factors
is more advanced than these very basic meant that the results weren’t conclusive.
versions. He actually managed to fool some Eugene’s test involved many more questions
people into thinking he was human in a test but there were still criticisms. The main one
thought up over 60 years ago.
involves Eugene’s ‘human’ profile. His
designers deliberately made him a thirteen-
The test he passed is called the Turing Test, year-old with poor English so that judges
named after the computer expert, Alan Turing, would be more likely to ignore his strange or
who became famous for his work on the irrelevant answers than they would if he was
Enigma code machine during the Second a native speaker adult. Finally, even if he was
World War. This was a German machine the first chatterbot to really pass the test,
which was brought to England in 1939 from many people argue that Eugene doesn’t
Poland. By breaking the codes, Turing was actually possess real intelligence. All it can
able to find out German war plans in advance. do is imitate intelligence. In other words, it is
In 1950, Turing wrote a paper which predicted unable to think or learn like a real human
that, one day, robots would have the being.
intelligence to carry out a human-like
conversation. Two years later, in 1952, he Chatterbots may not be ready to take over the
finalised the rules of a test which would
world yet but they can have uses. They can
show whether or not this intelligence existed. perform basic tasks on a smartphone while
The main rule was that, if any computer we are unable to press buttons on our phones
persuaded 30 percent of the people reading ourselves, such as while driving. They could be
or listening to the answers that it was human, it used to create believable characters in video
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

games which can follow orders and report on 4 Some people think that Eugene’s
what is happening. However, robots with real achievement wasn’t special because
intelligence are still a long way off. You won’t A the test was too short.
be able to get one to do your homework for B the test had already been passed.
a few more years, I’m afraid! C the test was judged by an audience, not
1 Eugene Goostman is
A a computer programme. 5 The writer says that chatterbots
B a mobile phone application. A show signs of learning and human-like
C a schoolboy genius. intelligence.
B could be used to help students with their
2 Alan Turing made up the rules for his test homework.
A at the same time that he wrote a paper C can be useful because they are able to
on robot intelligence. follow instructions.
B two years before he died.
C in the same year that he died. 6 The aim of the text is to
A question the value of chatterbots.
3 Alan Turing did not B present Eugene Goostman and what he
A think a robot would ever pass his test. has achieved.
B complete the rules for his test. C describe recent advances in artificial
C live to see a robot with intelligence. intelligence.


9 Do the writing task.

Brałeś/Brałaś niedawno udział w eksperymencie, który polegał na nieużywaniu przez tydzień

żadnych urządzeń elektronicznych, takich jak smartfon, iPad, tablet, czytnik e-booków, laptop, TV
itp. Napisz artykuł do gazetki szkolnej, w którym opiszesz swoje odczucia na początku i pod koniec
eksperymentu. Napisz, co było łatwe, co było trudne i czego można nauczyć się podczas takiego
odpoczynku od urządzeń elektronicznych.

Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy
wskazanej w poleceniu.


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 7
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____



© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

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