Snap 2022 Paper

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GENERAL ENGLISH: READING (a) Clarity (b) Cleverness
VERBAL ABILITY 7. Fill in the blank with the appropriate
1. Which of the following words has suffix My mother worked ___________ despite her
appended to it? fluctuating health condition.
(a) Frequently (b) Often (a) Tiresome (b) Tiring
(c) Hydrophobia (d) Debunk (c) Tirelessly (d) Tired
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate 8. Which of the following gives the meaning of
prepositions. the underlined idiom?
The book that has been recently brought The politician managed to complete the
_______ provides insight into bringing project in the teeth of cynicism from his
_________ children. constituency.
(a) up, up (b) in, out (a) Stiff opposition (b) Indifference
(c) out, up (d) down, up (c) Having humour (d) Appreciation
3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate 9. Covert the following sentence into the
conjunction. tense given in brackets:
This can prove to be a difficult task for a People think that globalization is a recently
leader _______ unfamiliar with building phenomenon. (Past Perfect)
team. (a) People thought that globalization was a
(a) Yet (b) Not recent phenomenon.
(c) Until (d) But (b) People had thought that globalization
4. Given below are four lines from the poem has been a recent phenomenon.
‘Morituri Salutamus’ : (Lines from this (c) People were thinking that globalization
poem were asked in Slot 1 too.) was a recent phenomenon.
Line 1: Something remains for us to do or (d) People having been thinking that
date; globalization will be a recent
Line 2: Even the oldest tree some fruit may phenomenon.
bear; 10. Change the voice of the following sentence:
Line 3: And as the evening twilight fades By the time you reach auditorium, the
away pianist would have would have finished to
Line 4: The sky is filled with stars, invisible rendition.
by day: (a) By the time auditorium is reached by
(a) Line 1 (b) Line 2 you, the pianist would have finished to
(c) Line 3 (d) Line 4 rendition.
5. Which of the following is a compound (b) By the time you reach auditorium, the
word? rendition would have finished the
(a) Hold (b) Scaffold pianist.
(c) Unsolved (d) Threshold (c) By the time auditorium is reached by
6. Which of the following is the most you, the pianist will have finished the
appropriate synonym of the word under renditio.
lined below? (d) By the time you reach auditorium, the
Ferguson is convincing because of her rendition would have been finished by
extensive use of detail, the perspicacity of the pianist.
her observations, and the scholarly care 11. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
that she takes in the construction of her
argument. YouTube: MBA Pathshala Telegram: MBA Pathshala
The wound of the ____________ takes much QUA NTITAVIE, DATA INTERPRETATION
time to ___________. AND DATA SUFFICIENCY
(a) Heal, heel (b) Heel, hail
(c) Heel, hall (d) Heel, heal 16. In apolitical survey 78% of the politicians
12. Refer to the lines below: favour at least one proposal 50% of them
Line 1: May I come in Sir? are in favour of proposal A, 30% are in
Line 2: Yes, Please have a seat, Arun. favour of proposal B, and 20% are in
Line 3: Sir, I could not finish this project in favour of proposal C. 5% are in favour of
time. all three proposals. What is % of people
Line 4: But you ought to stick to deadlines, favouring more than I proposal?
Arun. (a) 17 (a) 18
Which of the lines uses a modal verb (c) 16 (d) None of these
seeking approval? 17. Rohan sells two similar pens at Rs. 2580
(a) Line 1 (b) Line 2 and Rs. 1620. The % profit earned in first
(c) Line 3 (d) Line 4 transaction is equal to percentage loss
13. Fill in the blank with the correct earned in 2nd transaction. At what price
preposition. should these items be sold that final profit
(a) On date (b) According is 25%.
(c) As per the rules (d) Accordance (a) 2100 each (b) None of these
14. Fill in the blank with the appropriate (b) 1800 each (d) 2625 each
option. 18. A four digit number is formed using digit 1,
There is nothing as refreshing as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 in all possible ways without
__________ sleep. repeating a digit. How many are greater
(a) Long (a) Lengthy than 3400.
(c) Deep (d) Short (a) 560 (b) 580
15. Which of the following is the correct (b) 540 (d) None of these
meaning of the proverb – new broom 19. In an aeroplane the number of people aged
sweeps clean. 45years and above is 20 and there are at
(a) Old brooms are useless. most 26 people whose aged are blow 45
(b) We should frequently buy new brooms. years. The average age of all the people in
(c) Cleanliness is essential to our well- the aeroplane is 32 years. What is largest
being. possible average age, in years of the people
(d) A newly appointed person takes actions whose ages are below 45 below?
that are noticeable. (a) 22 (b) 20
(c) 21 (d) None of these
20. A train after travelling 150 km meets with
an accident and after that proceeds with
3/5th of it’s previous speed and arrives at
the destination 8 hours late. Had the
accident occurred 360 km farther it would
have been 4 hours. What is the total
Distance Travelled?
(a) 780 (b) 880
(c) 720 (d) None of these
21. If cos 𝜃 = 1/2 what will be 6 cot 2 𝜃 − 1
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 0.5 (d) None of these YouTube: MBA Pathshala Telegram: MBA Pathshala
22. When a bus started from a bus stop the become 80. How many runs did he score in
ratio of male and female passengers was 4 his 1st inning. (He does not remain not out
: 1. At the first stop 16 male and 8 females in any inning).
passengers got down and 12 females (a) 28 (b) 26
passengers boarded. The ratio of male and (c) 30 (d) None of these
female passengers become 8:3. Find the 28. In a tourist place there are 3 buses A, B
number of passengers when the bus and C working together to take people
started. around for sightseeing. They together carry
(a) 100 (b) 110 60 people in each trip. Yesterday A started
(c) 90 (d) None of these making trips early morning almost carried
23. 0.236, 0.449, 0.645, ?, 1, 1.165 50 people in few trips and then stopped
(a) 0.684 (b) 0.724 service. B and C then started together and
(c) 0.987 (d) 0.828 made a few trips. If A, B and C made 10
24. Sum of 37 1/2% of a and 41 2/3% of b is trips in total to carry 300 people then, how
22. If 37 1/2% of a exceeds 41 2/3% of b many trips A alone would have made to
by 2. Find a & b. carry 150 people?
(a) 32, 18 (b) 36, 12 (a) 15 (b) 10
(c) 32, 24 (d) -34, 14 (c) 30 (d) None of these
25. In a right triangle ACB, ∠𝐴𝐶𝐵 − 900 (shown 29. A Boy is flying a kite from the ground at
in the figure). CD is height of the triangle. the elevation 300 with string 100m.
Find PQ. Another boy is flying from the roof of 10m
tall building with elevation 450 . Both boys
are on the opposite sides of their kites.
Find length of string the second boy must
have so that both the kites meet.
(a) 40 √2 (b) 4 √10
(c) 42 √2 (d) 50 √2
30. In a box of 20 transistors, 4 were defective.
(a) 7 (b) 8 If two transistors are chosen randomly
(c) 5 (d) 20 what is the probability that atleast one is
26. The price of 4 products A, B, C, D was defective
increased in 2 years by (a) 7/19 (b) 12/19
A: 𝑘% & (𝑘 + 1)% (c) 4/19 (d) None of these
B: (𝑘 + 2)% & (𝑘 − 1)% 31. Find the largest 4 digit number which
C: (𝐾 + 3)% & (𝑘 − 2)% when divided by 3, 4, 5 leaves the
D: (𝑘 + 4)% & (𝑘 − 3)% remainders, 2, 3, 4 respectively.
If initially all price were equal. The product (a) 9999 (b) 9959
with the lowest price after 2nd increase is? (c) 9989 (d) None of these
(a) B (b) C 32. In a huge rectangular water tank of
(c) D (d) None of these dimension 150 𝑚 × 100 𝑚 base, Water is
27. The average runs scored by Sumesh in 4 filled using a pipe having cross sectional
innings is 50. In the fifth inning. Sumesh dimensions of 2 𝑑𝑚 × 1.5 𝑑𝑚. The water
scores some runs such that his average flows at a speed of 15 kmph from the pipe.
now becomes 62. In the 6th inning he How many hours will the water in the tank
scores 10 runs more than 5th inning and be 3 m filled if measured from the base?
now the average of his last five inning (a) 10 hrs (b) 50 hrs YouTube: MBA Pathshala Telegram: MBA Pathshala

(c) 100 hrs (d) None of the above ANALYTICAL AND LOGICAL REASONING
33. 6 different sweet varieties of count 28, 189,
119, 77, 161, 112 were ordered for a 36. If first I at the extreme left and of the
particular occasion. They needed to be meaningless word is 1, then which pair
packed in such a way that each box has indicator the correct sequence of letters to
the same variety of sweets the number of form the same meaningful word
sweets in each box is also the same. What ISNRNRTCTIPOAOA
is the minimum number of boxes required (a) 8, 15, 2, 7, 1, 14, 12, 9, 6, 4, 11, 3, 13,
to pack? 5, 10, 8, 13, 2, 9, 10, 12, 14, 7, 4, 6,
(a) 97 (b) 98 11, 5, 15, 3, 1
(c) 99 (d) None of the above (b) 11, 4, 14, 8, 6, 15, 2, 7, 1, 3, 13, 9,
10,12, 5; 11, 6, 12, 8, 4, 13, 2, 9, 10, 5,
Directions (Qs 34 -35) : Study the following 15, 7, 1, 14, 3
tables carefully and answer the questions (c) 3, 13, 9, 10, 12, 5, 15, 11, 4, 1, 8, 6,
given below: 14, 2, 7, 5, 15, 7, 1, 14, 3, 13, 11, 6,
10, 5, 4, 12, 2, 9
Number of cars (in thousands) of different (d) 5, 15, 9, 10, 12, 3, 13, 11, 4, 2, 8, 6,
Models and Colours sold in two Metro cities in 14, 1, 7; 5, 15, 7, 1, 12, 3, 13, 11, 6, 2,
a year 8, 4, 14, 10, 9
34. The difference between the white – 37. Fourth Friday was on 30 December, 2005.
coloured cars sold in the two metros of What was the day of the week on 03-Jan-
which of the following models is the 2010?
minimum? (a) Sunday (b) Thursday
(c) Saturday (d) Friday
38. Apple (A) ⋀ Barberry (B) = A is mother of B;
A – B = A is brother of B, A% B= A ≠ B = A
is sister of B.
The name of maternal uncle of Jackfruit is
peach in which me?
(a) Jackfruit (S) – Narangi (N) ⋀ (M) Melon
≠ Peach (P)
(b) P ⋀ Santara (S) ≠ N – J
(c) P – M ⋀ N ≠ J
(a) A (b) C (d) J – S % P
(c) D (d) None of these 39. Amar, Akbar, Anthony have habit of
35. The total number of blue – coloured cars of carrying a stylish item. Each of them
Model E and D sold in Metro H is exactly Carries a different item among goggles,
equal to the number of white – coloured hat, gloves, or among them is a truth –
cars of which model in Metro M? fellow, or, lier, or alternator.
(a) B (b) F You are interested about glove. Who
(c) C (d) A carries gloves?
Amar : I do not carry gloves. Anthony
carries gloves.
Akbar : I carry gloves. Amar carries
Anthony: I carry hat. Akbar carries gloves.
(a) Amar (b) Anthony YouTube: MBA Pathshala Telegram: MBA Pathshala
(c) Data insufficient (d) Akbar (a) 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
40. A clock was set to start at 12 : 00 : 00 am. (b) 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
If the current time is 05 : 10 : 00 am. The (c) 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
hour hand has formed what degree angle? (d) 7, 14, 21, 28
(a) 1500 (b) 1550
(c) 1570 (d) 1520 Directions (Qs 48 – 49): Read the given
41. If ab =3 , de = 27 and 7 dc = 3 then ab: dc information carefully and answer the
questions given beside:
:: de : ?
(a) 9168 (b) 38691 Seven candidates A, B, C, D, E, F and G went
(c) 729 (d) 19683 to a party and wore different colored dress
42. If BREAK THROUGH is EAOUHRBRGHKT, sitting in a linear row numbered 1 – 7 from
then CONTRIBUTION left to right facing towards north direction.
(a) None (b) NTTIBUONRICO The distance between each is the successive
(c) NTTIBUCORION (d) NTTIBUCOONRI multiple of 4.
43. Atharva is son of Nannu who is sister of
my mother-in-laws daughter. My only son’s One who is wearing Green dress is sitting to
name is Nonu. I am the only son of my the left of the one who is wearing Black dress.
parents. Which of the following is B is not wearing Yellow dress. Person wearing
incorrect? a Blue dress is not at any end. One who is
(a) My wife is Nonu’s mother. wearing Pink dress is fourth right of the one
(b) Atharva and Nonu’s mothers are not wearing yellow dress. Neither C nor E wore
real sisters. Pink dress. Two candidates sit between C and
(c) Nonu’s mothers mother is mother of my E. F who wore a Red dress sits between C and
father’s only daughter in laws. E but at an odd numbered positions. One who
(d) My mother – in – law’s only daughter is is wearing Pink dress is 28 m away from E. A
Nonu’s mother. is sitting at fourth left of E. One person sits
44. AC (CBABAB, ABC (CABAB, ABAC (CBAB, between the one who wore a Red and Blue
ABABC (CAB, ABABAC (CB dress. D is second left of the one who wore a
(a) ABABAAC (C (b) ABABABC (C Blue dress. Who is wearing Black dress is not
(b) BABAC (CBA (d) BAABC (CAB sitting at any end. The person who wore a
45. Which figure replace the question mark? Yellow colored dress sits at an even numbered
Row 1 position not immediately to the one who wore
a Red dress. One person wore white colored
Row 2 dress.

Row 3 After having dinner one who was wearing

Yellow dress moved 20 m towards North to
(a) (b) point P and after turning right moved another
28 m to point Q.
(c) (d)
From Q the candidate takes a 900 turn
46. Find the missing number? towards the right and moves 60 m to point R.
27, 22, 18, ?, 8, 3 Again from R it moves towards point S which
(a) 14 (b) 11 is exactly South of B.
(c) 15 (d) 13
47. Which dates in March 2008 fall on 48. What is the direction of Point R with
Sunday? respect to candidate E? YouTube: MBA Pathshala Telegram: MBA Pathshala

(a) North – East (b) South – West find out in each of the following questions the
(c) South – East (d) South appropriate steps for the given input.
49. What is the position of F with respect to A? Input: 7925 4758 2538 5628 8561 7426 3625 6245
(a) Immediate Right 51. What will the addition of the number
(b) Immediate left which is second, forth, sixth and eight
(c) Second to the Right from the left end in step IV?
(a) 32 (b) 23
(d) Second to the Left
(c) 38 (d) 40
50. A set of words are given in each option,
52. TOMATO : MTOOTA :: 123412 : ?
you have to first arrange each alphabet
(a) 312214 (b) 123456
according to alphabetical series within the
(c) 231124 (d) 213314
word then by using third letter from each
53. Find the missing number/alphabet?
word you have to decide from which set a
meaningful word is not formed by
rearranging them.
For example:
First Arrange them in alphabetical
(a) M (b) P
(c) 32 (d) None of these
54. Compete the figures
Now using third letter from each word i.e. S,
T, H, O, G
Meaningful word will be GHOST.)
Answer Figures:
Direction (Q. 51) : Study the following
information carefully to answer the given

A word and number arrangement machine Correct answer : b

when given an input line of words and
numbers rearranges them following a Direction (Q. 55): In questions, which one of
particular rule. The following is an illustration the given responses would be a meaningful
of input and rearrangement. order of the following.

INPUT 3846 9231 7283 4731 8152 3285 55. 1. Adult 2. Old age
STEPI 3468 1239 2378 1347 1258 2358 3. Adolescent 4. Childhood
STEP II 1239 1258 1347 2358 2378 3468 5. Infant
STEM III 23 25 34 35 37 46 (a) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
STEP IV 5 7 7 8 10 10 (b) 1, 5, 4, 3, 2
(c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Step IV is the last step of the rearrangement. (d) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2
As per the rules followed in the above steps, 56. Consider the statements and the following
assumptions and decide which of the YouTube: MBA Pathshala Telegram: MBA Pathshala

assumptions is/are implicit in the (a) The petroleum companies will reduce
statement. the prices of petrol and diesel by about
Statement: 10 percent.
“Please prepare and send the following (b) The petroleum companies will increase
document documents to the accountant’s the prices of petrol and diesel by about
address,” said a proprietor to his assistant, 10 percent.
Assumptions: (c) The petroleum companies will increase
I. The assistant would follow the the prices of petrol and diesel by about
proprietor’s instruction. 5 percent.
II. The assistant would personally go and (d) The petrol pumps will stop selling
hand over the document to the petrol and diesel till the taxes are rolled
accountant back by the government.
(a) Both I are II are implicit 59. Direction: In the question below, a
(b) Neither I nor II is implicit statement is given followed by two
(c) Only II is implicit arguments. Choose the most appropriate
(d) Only I is implicit option depending on which argument
57. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on strengthens the given statement.
Monday launched a State – wide campaign Arguments:
as one of the major step of women I. Yes, an informed electorate is the
empowerment to abolish dowry, stated it key to strong democracy
as major drawback of our society. II. No, politics and education should
Is this decision sufficient to get rid from not be mixed as it will effect
this custom. Which is running from long education
time in Bihar? (a) If only argument I is strong
Which of the following will be best suited (b) If only argument Ii is strong
option to get rid from dowry with their (c) If either I or II is strong
explanation? (d) If neither I nor II is strong
(a) Yes, as State govt. Is launching state Direction (Q.60): Study the following
wide campaign, it will impact the whole information carefully and answer the below
society of Bihar.
A family consists of eight members and three
(b) No, it will not impact too much until married couples. No single parent has a child,
thinking of people will changed and K is the father of H. M is the only son of N. K
dowry will be declared as illegal and is the brother – in – law of M. K does not have
punishable offence in Bihar. any siblings. M is the uncle of P. Q is the
(c) Yes, as many NGO run by women will mother of the M’s. N is the maternal
also come against dowry. grandfather of C’s son. G is the sister – in –
law of C and daughter – in – law of Q. P and G
(d) No, it has been set in nerves of Bihar’s
are of the same gender. M’s sister has only
society as one of the necessities of the one son.
marriage. 60. Who among the following person is the
58. Cause: The Government has recently sister of H?
increased its taxes on petrol and diesel by (a) K (b) M
about 10 percent. (c) G (d) P
Which of the following can be a possible
effect of the above cause? YouTube: MBA Pathshala Telegram: MBA Pathshala

Answer Key

1. C 21. A 41. D
2. C 22. A 42. D
3. A 23. D 43. B
4. D 24. C 44. B
5. C 25. A 45. A
6. B 26. C 46. D
7. C 27. C 47. C
8. A 28. A 48. B
9. B 29. A 49. C
10. D 30. A 50. D
11. D 31. D 51. D
12. A 32. C 52. A
13. C 33. B 53. B
14. C 34. D 54. B
15. D 35. B 55. A
16. A 36. B 56. D
17. D 37. A 57. B
18. A 38. C 58. B
19. A 39. B 59. A
20. D 40. B 60. D YouTube: MBA Pathshala Telegram: MBA Pathshala

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