Grants Book Sep 2023 Compressed
Grants Book Sep 2023 Compressed
Grants Book Sep 2023 Compressed
© European Union 2023. The EU has the right to authorise any and all forms
of distribution of these results – or copies thereof – to the public.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European
Union. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Through the external dimension of the EU Green Middle East hosting the next Conference of
Deal, the EU is committed to supporting a greener Parties (COP28) on climate change.
and more resilient Asia-Pacific region by adopting
higher climate and environmental standards, Building on a solid track record, SWITCH-Asia will
reducing the carbon footprint and moving from a continue supporting governments in adopting
linear to a circular economy. As a result, the Green green strategies and new financial incentives for
Deal principles were integrated into EU strategies MSMEs as well as strengthening the knowledge
and programmes in the Asia-Pacific region for the and capacity of SCP-related regional organisations.
period 2021–2027.
By sharing the opportunities of SCP, the
To respond to the needs of the region, the Programme will help national governments
European Commission (Directorate-General to adhere to international frameworks such as
for International Partnerships) will continue the Global Alliance on Circular Economy and
supporting the region through its SWITCH- Resource Efficiency (GACERE) and the Global
Asia-Pacific is the world’s most populous and Asia Programme. Since its launch in 2007, Agreement on Plastics (GAP), of which the EU is a Together with major international organisations,
fastest-growing region. Its rapid growth along the Programme has funded over 140 projects strong promoter. the EU SWITCH-Asia Programme has been at the
with industrial delocalisation have created promoting more sustainable supply chains forefront in introducing the notion of Sustainable
enormous pressure on land, habitats and between Europe and Asia. It has provided Finally, the Programme will continue to support Consumption and Production in the region.
biodiversity, making the region one of the most support for more than 20 countries leading to the access to finance for MSMEs by ensuring that
polluted as well as one of the highest greenhouse elaboration of National Action Plans or Roadmaps the pipeline of green projects will have access The external dimension of the European Green
gas emitters. Just as the region was overcoming for Sustainable Consumption and Production, for to credit lines in local and regional banks as well Deal offers today a unique opportunity to further
the COVID-19 pandemic, the fallout from Russia’s example in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and as to financial mechanisms in European and engage with local partners in addressing climate
protracted invasion of Ukraine and the increasing Cambodia; circular economy plans in Vietnam and international financial institutions. change and environmental concerns, two of the
geopolitical tensions in East Asia have contributed Uzbekistan; green public procurement policies most pressing global challenges of our time.
to worsen the economic outlook by disrupting and product directories in Thailand, India and I would like to express my deepest gratitude to
value chains, creating energy insecurity, stressing Indonesia; green building codes in Pakistan and the representatives of national governments, The SWITCH-Asia Programme will continue
financial systems and destroying jobs. Kyrgyzstan; new policy options for plastics in Lao civil society, practitioners, project and policy to be an important tool for EU investments in
PDR and the Maldives; and waste management implementers, EU Delegations in the region and sustainable industrial practices and products,
In that context of significant risks and uncertainty, plans in Pakistan, new national standards for to the coordination team in Brussels HQ whose boosting the resilience of value-chains within the
pursuing a green and fair recovery remains more sustainable textiles (including the cashmere constant engagement has made it possible to region and with Europe and supporting the green
relevant than ever to stand and emerge stronger, sector) in Mongolia, and enhanced consumer achieve these outstanding results over the years recovery regionally.
transform our economies and create opportunities guidelines in Vietnam, to name just a few. and make of SWITCH-Asia a successful flagship of
and jobs. The United Nations Agenda 2030 the EU in the region. The success of our Programme would not be
recognises Sustainable Consumption and By engaging with over 500 partners and possible without the engagement and support
Production (SCP) as a standalone Sustainable indirectly reaching out to 80,000 micro, small of all our partners, from national governments
Development Goal, SDG12, in support of the and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Peteris USTUBS to regional organisations, from private sector
recovery and transformation of economies. In region, over the years SWITCH-Asia has affirmed representatives to universities, research centres
2019, the EU adopted the European Green Deal, its significance and impact as the EU programme Director for the Middle-East, Asia and the Pacific and civil society organisations to which goes our
a set of policy initiatives aimed at boosting the for the promotion of sustainable consumption Directorate-General for International very great appreciation.
efficient use of resources, cutting pollution and and production in the region. This challenge will Partnerships, European Commission
reducing the effects of climate change, reverting nevertheless continue for the years to come.
biodiversity loss and promoting more circular Alessandra LEPORE
economies. By covering all sectors of the economy, As of 2023, the Programme has been extended
from agriculture to buildings, from textiles and to the Middle East and the Pacific, strengthening Former SWITCH-Asia Programme Coordinator
chemicals to transport and energy, the European the commitment of the EU in promoting a global Directorate-General for International
Green Deal aims to turn Europe into the first green transition. This comes at an auspicious Partnerships, European Commission
climate-neutral continent by 2050. moment with the United Arab Emirates in the
vi | SWITCH-Asia | vii
Message from the Team Leaders CE will remain abstract until producers and
consumers change their patterns of action
and lifestyles – which has been the trust of
Sustainable Consumption and Production
(SCP) since its launch as a global priority during
the 1992 Rio Summit. Since that time, SCP has
evolved from a concept to well-established
a green and circular economy delivery. In fact, practices – cleaner production, selection of more
SCP is the missing link for an effective delivery of sustainable and less harmful inputs, eco-design,
sustainability. sustainable consumption – that result in real-
time environmental and economic benefits.
Asia has been leading global discussions and The principles of SCP have informed various
awareness-raising towards SCP for the past two critical policy approaches in areas as diverse as
decades, and preparatory work in Asia was critical sustainable public procurement (SPP), extended
for the adoption of the 10YFP. This is one of the As we move into the 2020s, just about every citizen
producers responsibility (EPR), and education.
reasons why the SWITCH programme was first in Asia and elsewhere is experiencing in real time
initiated in Asia. Moreover, Asia – already known what scientists have been warning us about for Starting as an agenda for the Global North, SCP
as the ‘manufacturing hub of the world’ with decades. Weather records are being broken with has proven its equal relevance for the Global South.
all the obvious negative consequences on the extreme heat, droughts, floods and other drastic The 143 Grant Projects of SWITCH-Asia Programme
environment and health – today concentrates weather events. Plastic pollution is omnipresent demonstrate that SCP generally resonates well
the largest number of consumers, including a in even the remotest corners of the globe and with people in Asia, given their ingrained values of
The global community has progressively realised
growing middle class demanding lifestyles that most of us breathe unhealthy air. The health of sufficiency, efficiency, partnerships, and creativity.
the critical importance of and necessity for
increasingly put more pressure on resources ecosystems is in severe decline. Indeed, a triple While showing innovative ways of practicing
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in
and cause a negative impact on society and planetary crisis is with us: climate change, loss of SCP, the Grants began exploring pathways for
structuring and driving the sustainability agenda:
ecosystems. SWITCH-Asia has demonstrated Nature and biodiversity, and an ever-accumulating upscaling their actions by interconnecting with,
from Rio 1992 and its unsustainable patterns, to
that more responsible development processes pollution burden that threatens not only the well- among other issues, goals for climate, biodiversity,
the Earth Summit in Johannesburg 2002 with
are possible in Asia, and that local MSMEs and being of billions of humans but, indeed, the ability equality, and gender.
its call to Action on SCP and the effective re-
local innovations, when adequately enabled and for life on planet Earth to continue.
evaluation of the importance and necessity for
SCP at Rio 2012, and finally, with the adoption of backed-up, can be the drivers of the sustainable Notably, the ideas of the EU Circular Economy
development that is so urgently needed. This crisis is human-made, and the ever-increasing Action Plan, the EU Green Deal, the Farm to Fork
the 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP)
consumption of materials, energy and other Strategy, the Renovation Wave for Sustainable
on SCP. This culminated in the United Nations
Thanks to and because of Covid-19, some of the natural resources arising from the prevailing Housing and Buildings, the new Textile Strategy,
2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and
citizens of Planet Earth now seem to be (re) linear and wasteful take-make-dispose model of the Strategy on Plastics, and the Sustainable
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
discovering the virtue of sustainable consumption production and consumption is at the heart of the Tourism Strategy are being tested in SWITCH-Asia
and SDG12 on Responsible Consumption and
coupled with production, without which there problem. The International Resource Panel has grant projects and reflected in the policy dialogue
Production, with consumption- and production-
can be no Green Growth, no Green Economy, no shown that extraction and processing of natural with Asian governments for the elaboration and
related targets included in most of the other
Circular Economy, no low-carbon economy, no resources is responsible for 90% of biodiversity implementation of national policies, regulatory
SDGs. Such recognition was further confirmed
climate mitigation, no biodiversity protection and loss and for the generation of 50% of greenhouse frameworks and policy instruments related
by the 2015 Paris Agreement and the Quito New
no Green Recovery effectively delivered in the gas (GHG) emissions. to SCP and the Green Circular Economy. This
Urban Agenda, both recognizing the necessity of
promoting resource efficiency and sustainable spirit of long-term transformative change. It is to highlights the critical role of SWITCH-Asia grants
be hoped that this will not be just an opportunistic Past environmental policies and management
lifestyles. in knowledge exchange and the development
attitude and that, with renewed hope, the global initiatives have too often tried to solve one
that subsequently follows it.
community, the rich nations and the developing environmental issue at a time, typical of the
SCP can quickly become the engine for positive
countries, the large business companies and the reductionism and specialisation that have instead It is hoped that the results and experiences
and effective development when the benefits
MSMEs will finally have understood the absolute only helped to expand industries, infrastructure from the work of the Grants documented here
of ‘doing more and better with less’ within the
necessity for an urgent change in our still mostly and cities. The triple planetary crisis, as a human- demonstrate that SCP is being accomplished in
system and throughout the ecosystem are
irresponsible and unsustainable consumption made problem, calls for profound, human-made very different sectors and settings. We see this as
thoroughly understood. On the basis of improved
and production patterns. After decades of solutions that address the root causes of the an inspiration for the policy work, stakeholders’
knowledge, relevant enabling capacity, adequate
knowledge gathering, project piloting and wasteful use of natural resources to transform engagement and advocacy to those whose aim is
governance, and good exemplary practices, the
experience-sharing about SCP, we can finally act global production and consumption systems. to vigorously scale up and speed up SCP. We trust
deforming lenses of short-term constraints can
on our insights, create an environment conducive Increasingly, a Circular Economy (CE) is poised that this will become the determining factor for
be identified, thereby short-circuiting business-
to transformative change, and realize that this is as this system solution. CE does retain the value avoiding the worst impacts of the triple planetary
as-usual consumption and production practices.
not only our shared responsibility, but an ethical of materials and natural resources through crisis within our own lifetime.
SCP is not a static or linear process – on the
obligation. take-make-recover circular production and
contrary: SCP is a dynamic and evolving process,
consumption systems, especially when powered
continuously adapting as knowledge increases Zinaida Fadeeva
by the sun. Beyond the broad consensus that
and contexts change, and it continuously re- Arab Hoballah CE replicates natural-resource usage cycles in
equilibrates the components of the system. SCP is a Team Leader 2021-2023,
Team Leader 2017-2021, SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility industrial production and consumption systems, SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility
‘movement’ empowered by innovation, efficiency
Ex-Chief, SCP, UNEP the term ‘CE’ itself continues to mean different
and responsibility, a necessary ‘companion’ to
Executive Director, SEED things to different people.
viii | SWITCH-Asia | ix
Purpose and Scope of this Book
This book provides practical knowledge and Since its inception, the SWITCH-Asia Programme
concrete information about the vast number has been following trends common to Europe
of EU SWITCH-Asia funded projects that have and Asia, two regions increasingly interconnected
been implemented in Asia for over 15 years now, through global value chains. Important lessons
and furnishes insights about their impact in the learnt and experiences from Asia can inform and
region as well. support the implementation of the EU Green
Deal’s external framework, while incorporating
A total of 143 ongoing and completed projects are SCP to support a country’s policy changes towards
clustered under overarching thematic issues in a green and circular economy, environmental
line with the EU Green Deal priorities: Agri-food, justice and equality.
Textiles and Leather, Sustainable Housing and
Building, Waste Management, Tourism, Plastics,
Transport and Logistics, Cook Stove, and Electrical
and Electronics.
x | SWITCH-Asia | xi
About the SWITCH-Asia Programme How We Work
SWITCH-Asia was launched in 2007 as part of the Since its launch, 143 projects have been funded Testing and adopting greener and more sustainable industrial processing in MSMEs
European Union’s priority to support a programme with an average grant size of EUR 1.7 million
of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) across a wide range of sectors including energy
in its regional cooperation strategy with Asia. The efficiency in industrial plants and houses, agri-
Promoting greener products and more sustainable consumption patterns and behaviours
programme currently covers 24 countries in Asia food and fishing sectors, textiles and leather,
in Asia.
and it will be extended to the Middle-East and tourism, logistics and freight. These have been
the Pacific as of 2023. It addresses emerging implemented by over 500 Asian and European
economies as well as least-developed and major partners and some 100 private sector associates,
CO2 emitting countries. The engagement of the indirectly benefitting up to 80,000 MSMEs. STRENGTHENING POLICY DIALOGUE
programme with stakeholders is twofold.
The evidence provided by grant projects is meant
The Policy Support Component (PSC) provides to feed into policy and regulatory dialogues
Project results will feed into policy dialogue with Asian governments to elaborate and
direct support to regional organisations, national with Asian governments for the elaboration and
implement national policies, regulatory frameworks and policy instruments related to SCP and
governments and related implementing agencies implementation of national policies, regulatory
the Green Economy, in collaboration with the EU Delegations and Focal Points of Ministries in
in charge of policies and regulatory frameworks frameworks and policy instruments related
partner countries.
relevant to SCP. This component has been playing to SCP and a circular and green economy, in
a key role in ensuring the coherence of activities collaboration with the EU country Delegations
and the communication of results to regional and and the Focal Points of Ministries.
EU stakeholders.
Synergies among the SWITCH-Asia programme
The Grant Scheme Component targets micro, and regional and international organisations
small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs), ensure complementarities in the support
business organisations and industrial clusters, provided to national governments in terms of
retailers, chambers of commerce, national policy development, for example in SCP practices
clean production centres, and universities, and like green building codes. The programme also
NGOs and consumer organisations willing to builds collaboration with financial institutions,
test and adopt cleaner and more sustainable essential for promoting (new) green financing
production processes, improve the sustainability for MSMEs and for the wider replication of SCP
of their products and change their consumption practices tested through the SWITCH-Asia grants.
behaviours. Under this scheme, partnerships are
established involving both organisations from the
EU and from the region. The ultimate goal of this
component is to facilitate the large replication
of sustainable production and consumption
practices in MSMEs in the region through
Where We Work
Kazakhstan Turkmenistan
Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan
Afghanistan Maldives
Bangladesh Nepal
Bhutan Pakistan
India Sri Lanka
Cambodia Thailand
Indonesia Vietnam
Lao PDR China
Malaysia DPRK
Myanmar Mongolia
Iran Iraq
The SWITCH-Asia grant scheme accounted for increased importance of access to financing in
significant achievements in decoupling economic the international development agenda, it was
growth from environmental degradation and observed that the finance-related activities of
carbon emissions. While reported data on CO2 SWITCH-Asia grant projects built up over time.
emissions reductions vary substantially across To date, nearly 66% of grants projects are able to
In 2020, the implementation of the SWITCH- as they were focused either on innovative cleaner projects, mainly explained by the different focus report on successful financing activities, ranging
Asia grant scheme was assessed and reviewed production technologies in manufacturing of the actions (e.g. energy-intensive industry vs. from effective business case development to
for its effectiveness. Based on official policy and or on strengthening sustainable value chains small-scale agri-business), completed SWITCH- securing financing for MSMEs.
technical documents and interviews, projects and business linkages within a specific sector. Asia projects accounted for an overall savings of
funded under SWITCH-Asia in the period 2007– A smaller number of projects formed the two more than 25 million tonnes of carbon dioxide
2020 that responded to 8 calls for proposals were remaining types, and these addressed the equivalents (tCO2e) to date.
analysed. integration of informal sector players into the
formal economy (‘Sector Formalisation’) or were Finally, the review specifically focused on access
This review draws lessons learnt from the focused on fostering sustainable consumption to finance opportunities as a key area for scale-
economic, environmental and social results of patterns and consumer awareness (‘Sustainable up and replication of the SCP practices tested
these projects. In a first step, an analysis was Consumption’). during the grant projects. With respect to the
conducted on project objectives and outcomes
and their relevance to the above-mentioned The review also analyses the possibility
policies, taking these criteria into consideration: for investment cases developed through
programme’s grants to be scaled up within the
• Adoption of SCP practices by MSMEs to become region through existing financial schemes of
more efficient and greener while reducing international and European financial institutions.
environmental impact and CO2 emissions, and
by consumers in shifting to a more sustainable The impact review of these SWITCH-Asia grant
lifestyle projects focused on seven result areas, selected
on the basis of DG DEVCO’s Sector Indicator
• Opportunities provided by the programme to Guidance on Green Economy.1 The quantitative
deal with challenges at the regional level and qualitative analysis of the reported data
highlights the substantial results of the grant
• Possibility for the project results to be replicated programme since its inception in 2007. Many
and scaled up within countries or sectors and projects sought to build relations with key
at regional level, with needed investments decision-makers at the local, regional and national
level while deploying innovative processes such
• Role played by projects in mainstreaming SCP as policy prototyping workshops. Because of
into national or regional policies, legislation this work, many grant projects contributed
and regulations substantially to a more enabling environment for
SCP in the target region.
• Contribution of projects to the UN Agenda
2030 and the Paris agreement The uptake of SCP practices by MSMEs is another
key impact area of SWITCH-Asia grant projects.
• Alignment and contribution to EU Green Deal- Overall, more than 40,000 business entities
related policies and priorities reported the adoption of SCP practices as a
result of the SWITCH-Asia project activities, while
These SWITCH-Asia grant projects were also more than 27,000 MSMEs were reported to have
clustered into four project types. The majority achieved sustainability standards certification as
of grant projects were related to the ‘Cleaner a result of their work.
Production’ and ‘Value Chains’ project clusters,
| xvii
xvi | SWITCH-Asia
Table of Contents
Agribusiness Access to finance 10
Switch to Solar 24
CAPACITY - SCP models and certification tools in Chinese food supply chains 28
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan Supporting Scheme for MSMEs by Building Sustainable Agricultural Fresh Food
Production and Logistics in China (SAFE) 34
REAP - Resource Efficiency in Agri-food Production and Processing 02
South Asia Local Harvest - Promoting sustainable and equitable consumption and local food systems 36
Tomato and Mango Value Chain - Improving consumer awareness and access to Lao PDR
certified safe tomato and mango products 06
Eat Greener - Changing food consumption patterns 44
Bhutan, Nepal
SuPER WE Coffee 46
SEID - Sustainable and Efficient Industrial Development in Bhutan and Nepal 08
Tha Bar Wa - Catalysing sustainable water and energy management in food and Re-Tie Bangladesh - Reduction of environmental threats and increase of exportability
beverage industries 52 of Bangladeshi leather products 74
Effective waste management and sustainable development of the MSME tanning
Consumers and Retailers Driving Sustainable Food Market in Thailand 56 companies in the Kolkata Leather Cluster 78
Vietnam Going Green - Promoting economic competitiveness of the Indian textile industry
and artisans’ well-being 80
Biomass Gasification Technology (BEST) 58
Promoting circularity in the Tamil Nadu leather clusters for solid waste management 82
Circular Economy Cocoa: From Bean to Bar 60
SUSTEX - Sustainable Textiles for Sustainable Development in India 84
Establishing a Sustainable Pangasius Supply Chain in Vietnam (SUPA) 62
Switching to Green & Fair Fashion 86
Promotion of supply and demand of Eco-Fair Agri-food processing products in Vietnam 64
Sustainable and Equitable Shrimp Production and Value Chain Development in Vietnam
(SusV) 66 Sustainable Carpet and Pashmina 88
SCI-PAK - Modernising manufacturing industries in Pakistan 90
TEXTILES AND SPRING - Sustainable cotton production in Pakistan’s cotton ginning SMEs 92
South-East Asia and East Asia
Promotion of sustainable energy practices in the garment sector in Cambodia 94
Transitions to circular economy practices in textile and apparel MSMEs along the
Central Asia lifecycle in Huzhou and Shaoxing 96
xx | SWITCH-Asia | xxi
Indonesia, Philippines South-East Asia and East Asia
Handwoven Eco-Textiles 102
Eco-friendly Bamboo Production 126
STeP EcoLab - Sustainable textiles production and ecolabelling 104
Low Energy Housing 128
Sustainable Yak Leather (SYL) 106
RurEnergy: Promoting sustainable residential energy consumption in rural China 130
SUS BIRD - Sustainable Building Interior Renovation and Decoration 132
SMART Myanmar I - SMEs for environmental accountability, responsibility and transparency 108
Train the Trainers - Energy saving techniques and technologies 134
SMART Myanmar II 110
WESTERN CHINA SUSBUILD - Upscaling and mainstreaming sustainable building practices 136
SUSTAINABLE SUBUMA - Environmental declaration scheme for construction and building materials 138
Switch off Air Pollution - Energy efficiency advisory and financial intermediation for
sustainable housing 146
SUSBUILD Bangladesh - Promoting sustainable buildings 116
Green Homes 120
VSBK - Vertical Shaft Brick Kilns and Sustainable Construction Practice in Nepal 124
South Asia
South-East Asia and East Asia
China SHINE - Sustainable Hospitality Industry Inclusive of Native Entrepreneurs 170
Pride on our Plates - Strengthening China’s MSMEs through food waste solutions and SUSTOUR Bhutan - Replicating EU tourism industry SCP best practices into a
behavioural insights 154 Bhutanese sustainable tourism model 172
3R4UB - The 3Rs for a sustainable use of natural resources in Ulaanbaatar 156 Nepal
PARYA Sampada - Sustainable tourism and green growth for heritage settlements of
Kathmandu Valley 176
Luang Prabang Handle With Care - Sustainable destination development 182
Central Asia SUSTOUR Laos - Promoting sustainable tourism 184
Kazakhstan Philippines
Zero Carbon Resorts (ZCR) 186
SUSTOUKA - Implementation of SCP practices and sustainability schemes in the MSMEs
of the Tourism sector in Kazakhstan 160
Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan TOURLINK - Moving Thai tourism towards sustainability through a business-led
supply chain approach 188
MOST - A Model for Sustainable Tourism in Central Asia 162
Thailand, Philippines
Zero Carbon Resorts (ZCR) 2.0 190
India India
INDTUK - Switching to a sustainable auto-rickshaw system 208
India, Maldives, Sri Lanka
PROMISE - Prevention Of Marine Litter In The Lakshadweep Sea 196
South-East Asia and East Asia
Sri Lanka
PLASTICS 198 Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
Sustainable Freight and Logistics 210
South Asia ESEEC - Improving environmental and safety performance in the electrical and
electronics industry 230
Women-centred ICS - Improved cook stoves for sustained adoption at scale 220
South-East Asia and East Asia
Improved Cook Stove Programme Lao PDR 222
SCALE - Upscaling improved cook stove dissemination 224
ACIDLOOP - Sustainable production through market penetration of closed loop
technologies in the metal finishing industry 238
Lokta Handmade Paper 248 Timber Indonesia - Promoting the implementation of Timber Legality Assurance
(FLEGT License) as a key step to sustainable production and consumption in
PPP4Gs - Public-Private Partnerships in Green SMEs, Green City, Green Agro Products, Indonesia’s wood processing industry 282
and Green Employment 250
BIOMASS SP - Sustainable Production of the Biomass Industries in Malaysia 284
Water Stewardship Pakistan (WSP) 252
Sri Lanka
Green Products Development and Labelling 286
EEPEX - Enhancing Environmental Performance in Key Sri Lankan Export Sectors 254
GPIOS - Creating Green Philippines Islands of Sustainability 288
South-East Asia and East Asia
SMART Cebu - SMEs for Environmental Accountability, Responsibility and Transparency 290
Cambodia Vietnam
MEET-BIS Cambodia - Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency through Business Innovation Support 256 BIOTRADE VN - Scaling up of ethical BioTrade initiatives with the pharmaceutical sector
in Vietnam 292
Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, CSR Vietnam - Helping Vietnamese SMEs adapt and adopt corporate social responsibility 294
Thailand, Vietnam
Get Green Vietnam 296
AEMAS - Establishment of the ASEAN Energy Management Scheme 258
MEET-BIS - Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency through Business Innovation Support 298
Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam
Sustainable Rattan - Establishing a sustainable production system for rattan products 260 South-East, East and South Asia
SPIN-VCL - Sustainable Product Innovation in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos 262
China Heat Pump Water Heater Challenge 264 Lead Paint Elimination 300
China Higher Efficiency Power and Distribution Transformer Promotion 266 China, India, Indonesia
EMAS Global China - Premium environmental management for companies in China 268 ACMFN - Asian Cleantech MSME Financing Network 302
FEES - Financing Energy and Environmental Solutions 270 China, India, Vietnam
Industrial Symbiosis 272 Wood Processing and Trade 304
Sustainable Consumption in Urban China 274
VA3 - Improving energy efficiency and environmental performance of Chinese SMEs and
large companies facilitated by Voluntary Public-Private Partnerships 278
Valeriya Orlova
[email protected]
Jute (known as the Golden Fibre) has always The project sought to contribute to the economic Sekhar Bhattacharjee
played a significant role in the economic growth of poorer producers through social
[email protected]
development of Bangladesh. In recent years, Jute business promotion, with an emphasis on
Diversified Products (JDPs) have become more sustainable agriculture-sector growth and poverty Pragati Insurance Bhaban, 20-21, Kawran Bazar,
well-known because the natural character of jute reduction in Bangladesh. Specifically it aimed Dhaka - 1215 Bangladesh
fibre is attractive to consumers. However, the at strengthening the export competitiveness
jute growers are facing problems to access good of Bangladesh jute through the promotion of LEAD PARTNER
quality and high yielding seeds and appropriate environmentally friendly and diversified jute
technologies to reduce production costs. products. CARE France
Moreover, due to the fragmentation of the rural
market chain, the growers are not getting a fair PARTNERS
price for their production. This situation results in
Debi Chowdhurani Palli Unnayan Kendra (DCPUK)
less interest to cultivate jute. Finally, the workers
engaged in production lack adequate skills for Eco Social Development Organisation (ESDO)
maintaining product quality, which decreases Sheba Manab Kallyan Kendra (SMKK)
buyer interest.
Tomato and Mango Value Chain - Improving assurance system was established
• Food safety standards were set up
food safety certification and a Covenant on Food
Safety was signed by public-private entities in the
consumer awareness and access to • The capacity of supply chain actors was built up
Mahbub Ullah
using the ‘train the trainers’ approach based on
certified safe tomato and mango products need assessment Project Coordinator, SNV
• Certifications were applied and results
BANGLADESH AGRI-FOOD BUDGET: EUR 1,999,811 (EU Contribution 90%) • A transition towards sustainable and safe food
markets from ‘field to fork’ in Bangladesh was
promoted and given support
Food safety in the Bangladeshi fruit and The project sought to increase consumer [email protected]
vegetable sector is an area of increasing concern. confidence in domestically produced processed
The consumers have lost confidence in locally horticultural products, reduce food-safety House No. 11 (2nd Floor), Road No. 72 Gulshan-2,
Dhaka 1212 Bangladesh
produced foodstuffs. The current intense political problems caused by domestically processed
and consumer pressure on the horticultural horticultural products, and promote business LEAD PARTNER
industry has urged the sector to adhere to food development in the fruit and vegetable processing
safety levels. With the legal framework for food industry. At the end of the four-year project at SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)
safety in place and a strong market demand least 50% of the domestically processed tomato
for sustainable and safe produce, there is now a and mango products marketed and consumed in PARTNERS
conducive environment for change. Bangladesh were certified as safe.
Centre of Excellence Agro Food Skills Foundation
Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB)
SEID - Sustainable and Efficient Industrial • More than 40 local consultants and
representatives from industries and academia
The landlocked countries of Nepal and Bhutan are The project aimed to contribute to the sustainable LEAD PARTNER
classified among the least-developed countries development of Nepal and Bhutan by reducing
(LDCs), with 77% of the population in Nepal and the environmental impact of industry, by Center for Appropriate Technology (GrAT)
49% in Bhutan living under the poverty line (2010 generating employment, and through poverty
data). Urban and rural dwellers in Nepal suffer alleviation, particularly in the tourism and agro-
from an acute energy crisis. Nepal also faces based industrial sectors. The specific objectives Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable
challenges to revive its tourism industry, which were: Transformation (ASSIST), The Philippines
has been affected by the recent earthquake.
• To reduce costs by saving resources with more Austria Recycling (AREC)
Bhutan’s economy depends heavily on imported
goods and services, and local enterprises have efficient production and operation processes Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bhutan
difficulties in creating their own competence, • To lower pollution by encouraging companies Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and
which will be pivotal for the future sustainability to implement appropriate treatment measures Industries (FNCCI), Nepal
of the countries’ economies and their societies.
In both countries, there is great potential • To improve health and safety standards for STENUM Asia Sustainable Development Society
workers (STENUM Asia)
for development in agriculture and tourism,
considering the climate and topographical • To enhance the capacity of national consultants
conditions, as well as both countries’ rich cultural through training and field work
and historical heritage.
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises The project promoted an increased adoption of
(MSMEs) make an important contribution to sustainable technologies by MSMEs. It specifically
India’s economy, and have the potential to targeted three challenge areas: promotion of Sabine Maresch
catalyse an important shift towards green and sustainable practices across the supply chain,
fair production by supplying consumer markets access to finance for adopting sustainable [email protected]
with green and fair product options. Agribusiness procurement and production practices, and
MSMEs in India are strongly motivated to adopt promotion of sustainable consumption through Raamweg 16, The Hague, Netherlands
sustainable production practices. However, many certified production.
constraints prevent them, namely technical LEAD PARTNER
ability, a consistent market for green products
The Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation
and available working capital. (HiVOS), Netherlands
CHALLENGE hand, to educate and inform consumers on the
choices available to them. Anshuman Das
The right to safe, uncontaminated and nutritious
food is a fundamental human right. In India, OBJECTIVES [email protected]
the Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006
provides necessary safeguards to citizens in The overall objective of the project is to contribute Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. Country Office, India
order to maintain the quality of food. However, to sustainable local food systems that safeguard
dangerous toxins in food have been threatening public and environmental health and promote
human and environmental health over the past sustainable smallholder agriculture. The project
few decades due to an ever-increasing use of aims to achieve this through an increased demand
pesticides, agrochemicals, antibiotics, hormones, for and supply of clean, green and fair foods in Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V.
ripening chemicals, chemical additives, and selected Indian towns, promoting the switch to
synthetic flavours. India uses at least 48 sustainable food consumption and production PARTNERS
pesticides/herbicides that have been banned in patterns.
other countries. It therefore becomes extremely Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS)
important on the one hand to regulate the VAAGDHARA, India
indiscriminate use of agrochemicals in agriculture
by giving alternatives to farmers, and on the other
Shikhar Jain
[email protected]
2nd Floor Thapar House, 124 Janpath,
The Food & Beverage (F&B) sector constitutes The project aimed at instilling sustainable thinking New Delhi-110 001, India
about 60% of the retail sector, and the energy and adoption of sustainable approaches in a large
consumption by retailers accounts for 15% of their retail chain’s strategy, operation and marketing; LEAD PARTNER
operational cost. The F&B sector also generates driving sustainable practices in the supply chain of
large amounts of waste. Around 40% of food retailers; and educating consumers on sustainable Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
production in India is estimated to be wasted consumption and creating a favourable climate
due to improper handling, transportation and for the adoption of sustainable practices across
storage, and retailers can play a role in reducing the retail value chain. Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable
the waste. The sector also contributes towards Transformation (ASSIST), The Philippines
environmental pollution (transportation of
Austria Recycling (AREC)
goods and the carbon footprint of the small and
medium-sized enterprise (SME) suppliers). Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and
Production GGMBH
Retailers’ Association of India (RAI), India
STENUM Asia Sustainable Development Society
There are more than 5 million people, half of The overall objective of this project is to promote Mukesh Gulati
them women in the tribal regions across 18 of the bamboo as a sustainable resource and generate Project Manager
29 states of India, where an abundant quantity green jobs. The activities are designed to help
[email protected]
of bamboo is available as a resource for their local communities and other stakeholders to
livelihoods. However, in the bamboo processing collaborate for the promotion of a green economy, LEAD PARTNER
and product manufacturing sector, the number is sustainable growth, economic prosperity and
likely to be only around 3 million. While bamboo poverty reduction in India along with mitigation Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC)
has been augmented by a range of public of climate change.
initiatives, it is not sufficiently harnessed in terms PARTNERS
of its market applications. There is a huge potential
for replacement of less sustainable resources Common Wealth Educational Media Centre for Asia
like timber, plastic, steel, etc. and for creation of
green jobs in effectively harnessing bamboo by Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
upgrading existing products and introducing Small Industries Development Bank of India
new products duly linked with markets.
At project inception, Pakistan’s sugar sector had The objectives of the HP Cogen-Pak project were LEAD PARTNER
an annual availability of 4.4 million metric tons to build the capacity of the sugar sector, focusing
of bagasse (sugar mill waste). To generate heat on promotion of high pressure cogeneration Iqbal Hamid Trust (IHT)
and electricity for its energy needs, the sugar (HPC) technology among sugar mills classified as
sector used inefficient low pressure cogeneration small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and PARTNERS
(LPC) systems, consuming 46% more bagasse improving access to finance, leading to reduction
Pakistan Sugar Mills Association (PSMA)
compared to high pressure cogeneration (HPC). of GHG emissions. The specific objectives included:
However, adoption of HPC was hampered by sequa gGmbH
high upfront costs, technology risks, low capacity • Promoting sustainable production of energy, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
among technology providers, a non-responsive and exporting surplus electrical power to the
financial sector and a non-conducive regulatory national grid, through replication of existing
regime. HPC technology in the sugar sector
[email protected]
CHALLENGE the cane crushing process, from being burnt
2nd Floor, Al-Maalik, 19 Davis Road, Lahore, Pakistan
inefficiently as fuel in boilers. Approximately 70%
Most sugar mills in Pakistan use outdated of the bagasse produced is currently consumed
technologies and practices (i.e. use of Robert by the sugar industry itself to meet its energy
type evaporators, 3-5 roller mills, inefficient low- requirements. Bagasse consumption of sugar LEAD PARTNER
pressure boilers) for sugar production, resulting mills can be significantly reduced by introducing
in high inefficiencies, waste of resources and energy-efficient technologies and adopting best Iqbal Hamid Trust (IHT)
increased cost of production. The majority of practices and appropriate retrofitting. The saved
the sugar mills have a high specific energy bagasse can be utilised for power generation with PARTNERS
consumption of over 1250 MJ/ton of sugarcane subsequent exportation of the surplus power
Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and
(due to high steam-on-cane ratio on the order to the national grid. This project targeted the Production GGMBH
of 52% and high electricity consumption at the provinces of Sindh, KPK, and Punjab in Pakistan.
rate of 24 kWh/tons of cane crushed). Moreover, World Alliance for Thai Decentralised Energy - Thailand
these mills are using low-pressure boilers which OBJECTIVES (WADE THAI)
typically have efficiencies in the range of 65-75%, as
compared to over 90% for modern high-pressure The project aimed to promote sustainable
boilers. There is significant potential for upgrading production of sugar through reduction in
the milling processes in the industry to prevent specific energy consumption of the sugar mill.
bagasse, which is generated as a by-product of In addition, it aimed to promote sustainable
S. Fernando
Beverage Industry in Sri Lanka The project aimed to have an impact on the
environment by producing more with fewer Proprietor
New Monis Bakery
natural resources. This reduced the consumption
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 1/2009-12/2012 of energy, water and raw materials and also
SRI LANKA AGRI-FOOD BUDGET: EUR 1,985,191 (EU Contribution 80%) resulted in reduction of solid waste, pollutants
and gas emissions. The goals that were reached:
S.M. Sathiacama
Despite Cambodia’s success in expanding access The project will promote sustainable consumption
Alessandro Cassineiro
to the grid, electricity tariffs are among the patterns in the Cambodian agriculture/fisheries
highest in the region, and businesses in rural sector with a focus on agro-processing by Project Manager
areas tend to pay up to twice as much as in urban, encouraging MSMEs to adopt Sustainable People in Need
grid-connected areas (from USD 0.14 kW/h in Consumption Practices (SCP) through increased
the capital compared with up to USD 0.25 kW/h access to solar solutions, as well as fostering [email protected]
charged for diesel-powered mini-grids). Expensive replication through demonstration and access
and unstable electricity access negatively affects to finance. Awareness raising on SCP will also
micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) be promoted, policy dialogues organised, line People in Need (PIN)
operations by raising their operational costs and ministries involved in SCP demonstrations, and
incurring financial losses caused by unpredictable interactions between MSMEs and financial PARTNERS
power outages. Despite the potential return on intermediaries will be supported.
investment for shifting to solar, MSMEs have EnergyLab Cambodia
limited access to capital, with 60–90% using The main objective of Switch to Solar is to Sevea Consulting
informal channels. In light of growing investments contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic
in the agri/fishery sector and forecasted expansion growth in Cambodia’s rural areas by reducing
of economic activities, commercial diffusion of the environmental impact of MSME energy
solar solutions for productive use can curb GHG consumption and generating green employment
emissions, while reducing MSMEs operational opportunities. More specifically, the project aims
costs and improving their competitiveness. to improve consumption patterns and behaviours
Waste to Energy in Rice Milling Sector by building capacity of 4–5 local SMEs
manufacturing rice husk gasifiers (RHGs)
and 120 rice millers as potential users: a local
manufacturing facility was established to
CAMBODIA AGRI-FOOD BUDGET: EUR 2,152.546 (EU contribution 89%)
manufacture and develop a business unit, and
a local technology provider was assigned to
operate the facility
• Collaborated with Nexus and developed a
revolving fund of which the objective is to
positively impact the agrifood value chain
through provision of affordable clean energy,
and it was expected that barriers and challenges
would be overcome through partnerships with
organisations in the agrifood sector
• Collaborated with the Ministry of Industry
and Handicraft and Institute of Standards of
Cambodia (ISC): ISC produced an occupational
health and safety (OHS) Baseline Standard at
The Work Place and a final draft for the National
Standard of the Safety Manufacturing of RHG
In Cambodia paddy is either exported raw or The overall goal of this project was to contribute Dennis Barbian
processed through diesel-powered engines to economic prosperity and poverty reduction [email protected]
because of high electricity prices, limited access and mitigate the effect of climate change by #184, Street 217, 2nd floor of POC’s building,
to technology and logistics, resulting in high enhancing competitiveness of the rice sector Phnom Penh, Cambodia
rice prices in the regional markets. Very few rice through increased uptake of environmentally
millers have access to efficient drying and other responsible waste-to-energy (WtE) technologies.
processing technology. Access to finance is also The specific objectives of the project were:
another major problem for the rice milling sector. LEAD PARTNER
There is a potential to convert rice husk into • Sustainable production of milled rice through
energy by utilising rice husk gasifier technology. replication of existing WtE rice milling SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)
However, there exist no standards for gasification technologies
equipment, making it difficult for rice mills to PARTNERS
• Sustainable transformation and consumption
decide on the appropriate technology. The price
of rice by consolidating fragmented guidelines Federation of Cambodian Rice Millers Associations
of imported gasifiers is high and many millers do
into a single operational industry standard (FCRMA)
not trust locally manufactured gasifiers. All these
with policy makers, small and medium-sized
factors result in higher processing costs, low quality National Polytechnique Institute of Cambodia (NPIC)
enterprises (SMEs) and financial sector actors
and low volumes of production.
together in a multi-stakeholder platform
Jokin Garatea
Association of Industries for Electronic and Information
In China, the food industry represents a crucial This project aimed to provide small and medium- Technologies in the Basque Country (GAIA)
motor for the development of local economies sized food enterprises (SMEs) in Sichuan, Henan
and society. However, several factors are and Qinghai Provinces with the necessary PARTNERS
threatening the sustainability of the sector: tools to implement sustainable production and
China Agricultural University
a) environmental impact (water and energy consumption (SCP) practices, especially in the
consumption and emissions of highly organic meat processing sector. China General Chamber of Commerce
wastewater); b) globalisation and changes in China Meat Association
consumers’ preferences contributing to the The specific objectives included the following
China Society of Commodity Science
demise of traditional production systems and goals:
small companies; c) ethical, health-protecting and Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology
safe working conditions are not always ensured • To assist SMEs in adopting best practice in Institute of Quality Standard and Testing Technology
due to insufficient occupational health and safety SCP and complying with international food for Agroproducts, Chinese Academy of Agricultural
measures, limited employment for women and safety regulations and standards, enhancing Sciences
young people, obsolete training programmes; their integration into global supply chains and
and d) consumers’ concerns about food quality. markets
• Promotion and widespread acknowledgement Project Manager, China Chain Store and Franchise
Association (CCFA)
of a food safety verification system for food safety
leverage to link farmers and CAFs (MSMEs) with [email protected]
retailers and distributers
Agriculture is very important in China, with waste, increases various types of environmental
an annual production of 2.2 billion tons of pollution (such as through overuse of pesticides • Promotion and widespread acknowledgement LEAD PARTNER
agricultural products, the majority of which (70%) and fertilisers) and climate change impact, and and increased usage of the FVRPC system
is circulated along the food supply chain. Around places pressure on biodiversity. This project will among retailers and distributers China Chain Store & Franchise Association
half of the production is fruits and vegetables. take European experiences and integrate them • Systematic standards, specifications, as well as PARTNERS
However, the agricultural product supply system via training into a system of Cooperative Agency policy proposals on guaranteeing the incentives,
cannot keep pace with the fast development of of Farmers (CAF) composed of micro, small and removing the barriers, and providing support to Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development,
consumption and industrialisation. Due to the low medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and farmers, system implementation Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
capacities of farmers, a non-standardised and un- in order to reduce the use of pesticides, fertilisers
regulated cultivating, harvesting, processing and and water; and set up a verification system as well • Less pollution and waste from agricultural IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd,
distribution system, high distribution costs, lack as innovative logistics solutions such as fruit and production (fruits and vegetables) and the Sweden
of comprehensive standards and few innovative vegetable returnable plastic crates (FVRPC) to logistics process, and a more resource-efficient
logistics solutions/technologies, the agricultural be promoted among retailers, CAFs and farmers and more food-safety conscious process
supply in China is still not well organised, which along with relevant guidelines, standards and
is hindering Chinese agricultural development. policy proposals.
This inefficient and un-standardised situation
also creates risks of food safety, food loss and
[email protected]
The current food system in Indonesia often ignores The Project’s main objective was to contribute HIVOS SEA Jl. Kemang Selatan XII No. 1
the environmental and social aspects, which causes to economic prosperity and poverty reduction in Jakarta Selatan 12560, Indonesia
a negative impact on biodiversity, ecosystem Indonesia by promoting a switch to sustainable
resilience and human well-being. Furthermore, consumption and production of green, healthy,
the growth of ‘middle income’ consumers presents fair and local food by consumers and MSMEs. LEAD PARTNER
a clear opportunity to promote healthy, local,
sustainable food. As Deloitte’s 2015 Indonesian OUTCOMES The Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation
consumer report notes, even consumers with very (HiVOS), Netherlands
limited incomes are now less price-sensitive and • Developed and disseminated information
are more motivated by factors like quality, trust and educational materials on SCP to relevant
and taste. Women in particular are concerned stakeholders and the public Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance of the Archipelago-
about healthy diets and are willing to pay more for Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) Indonesia
• Recruited trendsetters/influencers to deliver
organic produce. In this context, the Indonesian
messages on SCP in public education and Yayasan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Hutan
government has adopted regulations to promote
outreach activities Indonesia (NTFP-EP), Indonesia
more diverse diets (not only rice) and encourage
cultivation and consumption of local varieties, • Retained consumers through off-line marketing Yayasan WWF Indonesia
respecting the traditional knowledge of local and & educational events and online media, and
indigenous communities. including print media
Indonesia’s tofu and tempeh industry, with its The project aimed at reducing energy Ana Suryana
vast number of micro, small, and medium-sized consumption and increasing sustainable growth [email protected]
enterprises (MSMEs), still uses environmentally in urban food processing industries in Indonesia Mercy Corps Indonesia
damaging production practices. The problems by promoting sustainable production and
in the processed soy-based food industry are consumption of tofu and tempeh. Graha STK, Jl. Taman Margasatwa No. 3,
inefficiency, inadequate waste disposal, lack of Jakarta Selatan 12550, Indonesia
hygiene, insufficient access to credit, and the low
awareness of new technologies. Without business
development services, support, or regulations, Mercy Corps, Scotland
these enterprises suffer from avoidable
inefficiencies that not only reduce profitability PARTNERS
and productivity, but also lead to environmental
damage. Indonesian Association of Tofu and Tempe Producers
Indonesian Ministry of Environment (MoE)
The Association for Advancement of Small Business
Esther Diaz
[email protected]
Lao PDR is a least-developed country (LDC), The project sought to boost national, ASEAN and 98/8 Sithong Road, Ban Nongduantai, Sikhottabong
landlocked and surrounded by several competitive European consumption of Lao sustainable food district, PO Box 4723, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
and fast-growing countries. To develop its products (organic rice, tea, etc.). Increased demand
economy the Lao government policy promotes for Lao greener processed food products would
high external input production models. Green increase their market share with a positive effect VZW Oxfam Solidariteit Solidarité ASBL, Belgium
and organic product development has become throughout the value chain for the stakeholders in
a priority as well, but few incentives are in place a sector with high poverty alleviation while using PARTNERS
as support. This situation represents a threat in environmental resources efficiently.
many aspects such as small farmers not being Association de Soutien au Développement des
able to compete on the local market, promotion Sociétés Paysannes (ASDSP), Lao PDR
of non-sustainable agriculture, dependency on Phone Soung Agricultural Development Project
chemical inputs (with rising costs over time), and (PSADP), Lao PDR
air and water pollution.
• A growing coffee sector, oriented toward quality INFORMATION
and respect for the environment
• Sustainable and decent incomes for smallholder
• Viable business conditions for the private sector
Phaivanh Changnakham
Program Director, CARE International in Lao PDR
[email protected]
About 70% of Lao PDR’s population are smallholder country has become the third largest coffee
farmers with ill-defined land ownership that producer in South-East Asia, making coffee the
excludes them from access to collateral either most valuable agricultural export commodity and CARE France
for investment or transition to other livelihoods. fifth largest export earner for the country. Coffee
In the uplands, most farmers still practice ‘slash provides employment for 40,000 families in seven PARTNERS
and burn’ as the most convenient way to manage coffee producing districts of southern Lao PDR,
farmland. Unfortunately, this practice degrades where large traders and coffee growers ranging 4Form
the environment (carbon emissions, erosion, from smallholders to commercial plantations are Fair Trade Italia
depletion of soil fertility and biodiversity, among located. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
others). These issues remain a challenge in aims to increase coffee production to 1 million tons
most countries along the Mekong. In Lao PDR by 2025. There is a promising market opportunity International Cooperative Alliance – Asia-Pacific
alone, it is estimated that nearly 170,000 ha/ for the Lao coffee sector, as both local and regional International Training Centre ILO
year of forestlands are affected. In response, the demand for coffee is increasing. The coffee sector
government has banned the slash and burn is considered strategic and was selected to be Sekong Provincial and Forestry Office
practice, though enforcing such a ban has yet sustainably commercialised through green or Sekong Provincial Chamber of Commerce and
to prove its effectiveness. Coffee-growing is organic production – one of the approaches put Industry
increasing, becoming an important commodity forward in the Lao Coffee Sector Development
for Lao PDR. After Vietnam and Indonesia, the Strategy 2025 to improve marketability through
With Myanmar’s expected aquaculture exports composition, and more. Water management is CONTACT
of up to USD 1 billion in fiscal year 2020–21, the therefore of primary importance in aquaculture.
greening of aquaculture value chains in Myanmar NGA-Myanmar promotes the access and Matthew Jeynes
is a priority. Due to unsustainable practices, adoption of cleaner production practices and Project Manager, MERCY CORPS
aquaculture in the target area is degrading the green technologies, including solutions such as
[email protected]
Delta ecosystem by discharging polluted effluent, micro-circular economies to return nutrients to
and it is common for aquaculture enterprises of all the ecosystem and the application of both the
sizes to discharge polluted fishpond wastewater ‘internet of things’ (IoT) smart devices and lower-
into natural water bodies. Due to the unregulated end green tech. This will help the target MSMEs to LEAD PARTNER
use of fish feed and fertilisers for increasing increase their productivity and to better manage
Mercy Corps Netherlands
production, aquaculture activities add nutrients, waste from commercial and farm-produced fish
metabolites, and other wastes to the water feed, fertilisers and chemicals, thereby reducing PARTNERS
column, which creates the potential for water water pollution and carbon emissions in the
quality deterioration. The negative effects include Ayeyarwady Delta ecosystem. NGA-Myanmar will Village Link
the creation of eutrophic zones, fluctuations in incentivise MSMEs’ adoption of green aquaculture
dissolved oxygen, algal blooms, changes in species practices (GrAqP) and facilitate linkages between
Mu Mu Htay
Mindoro Strait Sustainable and Equitable 6. While the role of women in small-scale fisheries
is crucial and dominates particularly in the
1. Competing with much larger companies, the • New and innovative approaches for reduction
The Philippines is one of the largest fish producers MSMEs lack the relevant certification and on post-harvest losses, quality improvement,
and resource-efficient fisheries are developed CONTACT
in the world. In 2015, total fish production was food-safety standards compliance to be able to
estimated at 4.65 million metric tonnes, and compete effectively • The livelihoods and supply chains of MSMEs Melody Melo-Rijk
the fisheries sector, employing an estimated and small-scale fishers in Occidental Mindoro
2. A lack of suitable post-harvest processing Project Manager, WWF Philippines
1.6 million people nationwide, contributed 1.5% are diversified and become more resilient
techniques and equipment means industry
of Gross Domestic Product, at almost USD 4.3 [email protected]
associations are not abl to sell quality A-grade • Financing mechanisms for sustainably-led
billion. Tuna is a top export commodity of the
seafood, and again are unable to compete investments in the small-scale fisheries and
Philippines, earning approximately USD 2.31
effectively aquaculture industries in Occidental Mindoro
million a year. Despite the demand for tuna, and LEAD PARTNER
the prevalence of fisherfolk and micro, small, and 3. Exacerbating these problems is climate change are established in a portfolio of bankable
medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) engaged in that is tangibly altering the distribution stocks projects WWF Philippines
tuna fishing livelihoods, the fisheries sector is and the resilience of ecosystems, and also
one of the poorest in the country, with a poverty destroying important habitats for key species
incidence rate of 21.6%. The MSME trade and
4. The COVID-19 pandemic has also taken its toll
exporting companies in three different industry
on fisherfolk who resorted to quick cash flow
associations face a number of challenges:
sales in local markets or urban areas as result
Nipatta Quamman
Circular Economy Cocoa: From Bean to Bar To develop and adopt less polluting and more
resource-efficient and circular products, processes,
• Implementing activities will incentivise the
expansion of circular economy models in the
wider Vietnamese agri-food sector; these
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 2022-2026 and services by micro, small, and medium-sized
VIETNAM AGRI-FOOD activities include communicating data and case
BUDGET: EUR 1,939,438 (EU contribution 80%) enterprises (MSMEs) allowing their integration
studies, supporting policies, and investment
to global greener value and supply chains. The
business model for the agri-food sector
proposed action will deal with numerous issues
facing the Vietnamese cocoa and the wider agri-
food sector. These include phasing out the use
of hazardous chemicals in production, reducing
the resource intensiveness of production and
processing, introducing environmentally friendly
bio-based packaging, and recirculating cocoa
waste products as energy sources and raw
material for agricultural inputs and packaging.
Digitalisation of traceability will also contribute
to the growth of efficient, environmentally sound
cocoa supply chains. The specific objectives
• Transitioning the cocoa and chocolate
Circular economy is increasingly recognised as are driven by a business and policy environment subsector to a regenerative and circular
a way of reducing the environmental footprint that does not yet recognise or prioritise circular economy business model will trigger uptake Dr. PHAM Van Luong
of production and consumption, attracting economy models. of the circular economy in the wider agri-food
sector and policies of Vietnam, leading to Country Director, HELVETAS Vietnam
increasing attention from consumers, businesses
and policymakers around the world. While the Cocoa production has the potential to do no equitable economic growth decoupled from [email protected]
approach is an emerging topic of discussion for environment harm if properly managed, but harmful environmental impacts
Tuan Nguyen
government and business in Vietnam, awareness best practices are not widespread. Regenerative • Establishing circular economy business
remains low and has not yet triggered a systemic and circular economy approaches are needed to Project Manager
models for companies early in the product
transition from a conventional linear economy decouple the growth of Vietnam’s cocoa subsector life cycle will create the ecosystem the cocoa [email protected]
to a more sustainable circular economy. The from increases in carbon emissions, soil erosion sector needs to reach its growth targets
cocoa sector was selected because it is large and and landslides, water pollution, use of hazardous while decoupling itself from the negative
prominent enough to convincingly prove these chemicals and solid waste from environmentally environmental consequences of conventional LEAD PARTNER
concepts and achieve meaningful results, but unfriendly packaging. Cocoa enterprises are still cocoa production
small and cohesive enough to be a pioneering not aware of the circular economy, but they are HELVETAS Intercooperation gGmbH/ Helvetas
case. Like other agri-food subsectors, challenges willing to make the necessary changes if shown Vietnam
exist at the production level (soil degradation and how it can be done productively and profitably.
erosion, water pollution, poor product quality), It is therefore essential to have successful PARTNERS
in processing (use of fossil energy, water use, circular economy case studies that convincingly
generation of waste), and later in the lifecycle of the demonstrate how regenerative agriculture and Community Development Centre (CDC)
products (harmful packaging choices). All of these the circular economy can be implemented across
• Capacity was built for Vietnam national experts Nguyen Duc Long
on international legislation regarding seafood Director of Production Service Sector,
VIETNAM AGRI-FOOD BUDGET: EUR 2,372,437 (EU contribution 80%)
markets Asia Commerce Fisheries Joint Stock Company
• Advisory support for developing ‘bankable’ (ACOMFISH)
investment proposals was provided
• One-on-one support for ASC certification was
• Synergies between feed producers and
producing and processing SMEs were
Promotion of supply and demand of Eco-Fair • Use a sustainable E-platform to build an eco-
fair retailer network
Agri-food processing products in Vietnam • Enhance the capacity of eco-fair MSMEs to
access financing
• Support policy development on eco-fair
production and consumption in Asia
BUDGET: EUR 11,838,256.24 (EU Contribution: 80%)
Burcu Tuncer
adelphi Research gGmbH
[email protected]
The leather industry is a fast-growing and The project promoted resource efficiency LEAD PARTNER
vital component of the Bangladesh economy. and sustainability within the leather sector in
However, the leather sector is very polluting, Bangladesh throughout the entire value chain tecnalia
with harmful effects on both the environment of leather related products such as footwear and
and human health. A deep analysis to identify other leather goods. PARTNERS
the needs and constraints of the sector showed
that the core of the problem is that the leather Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leathergoods and
Footwear Exporter’s Association (BFLLFEA),
industry in the country is dominated by small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with a critical Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA)
lack of expertise or the capacity to respond to Leathergoods And Footwear Manufacturers &
environmental problems. Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB)
Gerhard Weber
CHALLENGE exportability and competitiveness of products that
would result when input levels have been reduced. sequa gGmbH
Tanneries in Bangladesh trigger three categories
of waste: wastewater, solid waste and gas OBJECTIVES PARTNERS
emissions, and in addition the overuse of resources
is completely unacceptable. Water consumption is The project aimed to promote more economically Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leathergoods and
unnecessarily high due to free access and limited and ecologically sound practices among SMEs in Footwear Exporter’s Association (BFLLFEA)
resource control. Chemicals, energy and other the leather industry and to increase the use of more Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA)
inputs are also being consumed at excessive sustainable technologies. As such, it addressed
Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen
levels due to poor control mechanisms and lack employment and income opportunities through:
Wirtschaft (bfz), Germany
of awareness. The leather industry in Bangladesh
• More efficient use of resources, thus reducing Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI)
is situated in the midst of a densely populated
waste and emissions
residential area and where the inhabitants are United Nations Industrial Development Organization
unaware that it is one of the worst-polluted areas • Better exportability by adhering to international (UNIDO), Austria
in the world. The incentive for small and medium- standards such as occupational health and
sized enterprises (SMEs) in this area to clean up safety (OH&S), corporate social responsibility
their production practices lies in the improved (CSR), etc.
Maveen Pereira
leather clusters for solid waste management The overall objective of the project is to establish
pilot demonstrations on circular market-based
models for processing solid waste generated
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 2022-2025 from leather tanning and finishing practices in
INDIA TEXTILES AND LEATHER BUDGET: EUR 2,800,323 (EU contribution: 80%) the Tamil Nadu leather clusters. These pilots hold
the potential to be scaled up in the long run. The
project thereby enables the reduction of amount
of solid waste that ends up in the open spaces/
landfills, improves the public health situation for
workers and people living near leather clusters
in Tamil Nadu, and enhances international
competitiveness and market access of leather
export from Tamil Nadu.
Neeti Malhotra
The textile industry holds a very special place in The project sought to promote the production
[email protected]
the Indian economy, as it is one of the largest and and consumption of eco-friendly textiles and to
the oldest manufacturing sectors in the country. improve the employment and working conditions 18 Community Centre, 3rd Floor, East of Kailash,
It employs about 35 million people, second only of artisans. New Delhi – 110065, India
to agriculture, and is one of the most chemically
intensive of all industries, producing the most LEAD PARTNER
hazardous waste when proper disposal facilities
are not available. On an average, it takes about Traidcraft Exchange, UK
1893 litres of water to produce just enough
fabric to cover one sofa. The growth of small PARTNERS
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has led to
All India Artisans and Craftworkers Welfare Association
altered production processes, resulting in a range (AIACA)
of environment and health hazards.
Consortium of Textile Exporters (COTEX), India
CHALLENGE practices and technologies; doubts about a valid
Veronica Perez Sueiro
business case for switching to sustainable and
Asia is the world’s largest textile producing region, circular production processes and their perceived [email protected]
where India’s textile industry exports more textile- high investment requirements; low market Abhishek Jani
based products than any other country except demand for sustainable products and buyers’
China. More than 300,000 registered micro, price sensitivity in India; and missing market [email protected]
small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) linkages to Europe and access to finance to fund
operate in the Indian textiles and apparel sector. the adoption of greener production systems.
India’s cotton textile industry is subject to severe Fairtrade International
ecological and social problems throughout OBJECTIVES
the supply chain. Addressing sustainability is PARTNERS
becoming increasingly pressing for the Indian The project’s objective is to promote the adoption
cotton textile industry to meet the demands of and mainstreaming of sustainable production Centre for Social Markets, India
global brands and retailers and sustainability- systems in India’s cotton textile sector by creating Fairtrade Germany
conscious consumers, as well as legislators an enabling framework, supporting green
worldwide. business development and improving access to Max Havelaar France Association, France
green finance. Partners in Change, India
The key challenges for improving sustainability are
a lack of reliable data and transparency to enable The project works with multiple stakeholders
sustainable value chains; limited awareness on adopting sustainable processes including
and knowledge about sustainable production reduction of water and toxic chemical use, as well
Surendra Chaudhary
Carpet and Pashmina production are Nepal’s The project aimed to increase resource Sanepa, 44700 Nepal
second and third largest sources of export efficiency, profitability, and sustainable growth
earnings, and provide the largest source of by mobilising private sector and relevant public LEAD PARTNER
industrial employment. These industries, however, sector authorities to reduce fuel and water use,
Mercy Corps – Nepal (MC Nepal)
are constrained by outdated production methods and water pollution in the Nepalese carpet and
that are inefficient and highly polluting, leading pashmina industries. The project promoted PARTNERS
to reduced competitiveness and environmental sustainable production and SME profitability
impacts. in two of Nepal’s highest-earning and yet most Society for Environmental and Economic
polluting industries. Development Nepal (SEED Nepal)
In Pakistan, several cleaner production initiatives This project sought to implement a range of [email protected]
have been undertaken in the past decade energy and resource efficiency initiatives in
An der Karlstadt 6, 27568 Bremerhaven, Germany
(assessment of needs, energy audits, technical the textile and tannery sectors in Pakistan, with
assistance to adopt energy efficiency and waste the potential to adapt these initiatives to other LEAD PARTNER
water recycling techniques, raising awareness manufacturing industries in the long term (e.g.
on cleaner production packages). Despite these sugar, pulp and paper, steel rolling). TTZ Bremerhaven Institute for Water, Energy and
initiatives, the target sectors leather and textile Landscape Management, Germany
still lack the know-how and capacity to apply
sustainable production technologies and be PARTNERS
aware of environmental impact and associated
potential financial benefits. Cleaner Production Institute (CPI), Pakistan
Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and
Production GGMBH
Iqbal Hamid Trust (IHT)
Asad Imran
Senior Manager,
SPRING Project
Asad Imran
Zheng Yifang
[email protected]
CHALLENGE to high water and energy use, and it creates very
high levels of water pollution and high chemical Building 8, Administration Center,
China is the largest textile producing and oxygen demand (COD) load as well due to the use 479 Tiyuchang Road, Zhejiang, China
consuming nation in the world. In 2010, national of dyestuffs and synthetic chemicals.
textile production was valued at EUR 570 billion
and accounted for 6.56% of national industrial
OBJECTIVES Zhejiang Province Economic and Information
production. The development of the textile Commission, China
industry is vital to China’s economic development.
The project sought to reduce the negative
Printing and dyeing (P&D) is a key process (and PARTNERS
environmental impacts of the P&D industry in
an important sector) in the textile industry in
China, supporting Keqiao District in establishing
China. In 2010, Chinese companies printed and Keqiao District Government, China
a ‘Green Printing and Dyeing Industrial Park’,
dyed 54.8 billion metres of fabric. Of that, over Stockholm International Water Institute, Sweden
and promoting a level playing field through
50% was produced in Zhejiang province and
capacity building of small and medium-sized Zhejiang Association of Printing and Dyeing Industry,
about 33% of total national production was
enterprises (SMEs) on the sustainable production China
produced in Shaoxing County in northeastern
requirements of the European Union (EU) and
Zhejiang Province. Industry insiders know that Zhejiang University, China
other developed countries. The specific objectives
P&D is by far one of the heaviest resource- and
energy-consuming and of the most polluting
stages of production in the textile industry, due
• Promoting showcases
• Saving resources and increasing productivity
• Reducing pollutants through increased use of
environmentally friendly dyes
• Raising environmental consciousness
Mr. Martin Krummeck
Batik small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) The project aimed to improve the environmental
[email protected]
operate with excessive use of water, wax, chemical indicators of the batik industry in Indonesia and
dyes and bleaching agents that are harmful to the Malaysia and to create environmentally conscious LEAD PARTNER
workers and the environment. Carcinogenic wastes consumers in order to drive the demand of eco-
generated from batik production are generally left friendly products from batik SMEs that would, in Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce (MGCC)
untreated and often pollute rivers and waterways, turn, provide incentives for cleaner production.
which is detrimental to the health and livelihoods These aims were accomplished by: PARTNERS
of thousands of local residents. Low health and
• Increasing the use of environmentally friendly European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia
safety awareness also leave the workers exposed to
technologies by batik SMEs by promoting (EKONID)
hazardous substances on a daily basis. There is no
sustainable alternatives in production processes
demand-led stimulus for the batik SMEs to switch IHK-Akademie München
that used fewer materials and generated less
to a cleaner method of production due to low
pollution per unit of goods produced
environmental awareness of the batik consumers.
• Promoting trade in clean batik and switching
consumption behaviour of consumers or
segmented consumer groups in favour of
products that were less environmentally
Traditional hand-woven textiles are produced in The project promoted sustainable consumption
one-third of the provinces in the Philippines and and production (SCP) of handwoven eco-textiles [email protected]
throughout Indonesia. However, poor product in Indonesia and the Philippines by scaling-up Jl. Kemang Selatan XII No. 1, Jakarta 12560 Indonesia
standardisation and limited technical capacity successful SCP practices throughout the market
make it difficult for entrepreneurs to meet buyer chain, and supporting the development of an LEAD PARTNER
demands for quantity, quality and deadlines. enabling policy environment.
Limited access to supplies of quality natural dyes The Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation
and eco-fibres also limit production. Moreover, (HiVOS), Netherlands
low awareness of eco-labels or standards hinder
the producers from realising a premium in wider PARTNERS
Non-Timber Forest Product – Exchange Programme
(NTFP-EP), Philippines
The Indonesian Woven Textiles Association (CTI),
The tanning industry is one of the most important provinces. Today, the manufacture of leather is LEAD PARTNER
industries in Mongolia; however, it is still based on dominated by mineral (chrome) tanning, which,
traditional practices and old facilities, equipment along with associated finishing procedures European Profiles S.A.
and techniques, and there is a need for increased based on synthetics, is very demanding in terms
attention to environmentally friendly, green of requirements for energy and water, and
technologies and circularity of products. Most polluting in terms of wastes that produce effluent Gutal LLC
factories process only up to the wet blue stage, discharges. Vegetable tanning in general, and the
and about 20% produce processed leather, but manufacture of full-grain vegetable leathers in Hellenic Association of Footwear Manufacturers and
Exporters (ELSEVIE)
this percentage is decreasing due to quality particular, present a number of opportunities for
issues linked to resilience, odour and hide reducing inputs and outputs, thereby contributing INESCOP
damage. Among the 10.4 million larger animals in to greener and more environmentally friendly Footwear Technology Centre
Mongolia’s domestic livestock herds, yaks amount leather production. The limited numbers and
to 1 million and all but 5% are located in 6 provinces. distribution of yaks present an opportunity for Mongolian Association of Leather Industry (MALI)
Yaks are especially suited to the local situation, the development of a sustainable and distinctive Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and
providing a range of products such as milk, fibre value chain. Moreover, upstream integration Industry (MNCCI)
wool, cashmere, hair, meat and hides, with fewer can offer leather producers the opportunity to Vakakis and Associates – Rural Development
disadvantages than other cattle and they provide agglomerate supply, reduce waste, and add more Consultants S.A.
livelihoods for many households in the yak-raising value to the items produced in Mongolia.
Simone Lehmann
Since the US lifted its import ban on products The overall objective of the project was to increase [email protected]
from Myanmar in November 2012, followed by the the competitiveness of SMEs in the garment Alexanderstraße 10, 53111 Bonn, Germany
European Union in April 2013, the country is re- sector of Myanmar and to set preconditions for
entering western markets. In July 2013, Myanmar replication towards other sectors. SMART Myanmar LEAD PARTNER
became part of the EU’s Generalised Scheme of promoted the improvement of sustainably
Preferences (GSP), further fostering growth with manufactured garments made in Myanmar, sequa gGmbH
the abolishment of trade barriers to the European thus increasing market access to Europe for local
market. The garment industry has huge potential factories. Specific objectives included: PARTNERS
to contribute to national economic growth,
Association of Development Financing Institutions in
both as a foreign exchange earner and a very • Relevant Business Support Organisations
Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP)
significant job provider. Despite some progress, (BSOs) were capacitated to promote and
Myanmar’s garment industry still lacks awareness channel SCP effectively, providing SCP services Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion
of the principles of sustainable consumption and and green financing instruments Industry, Germany
production (SCP) and social responsibility. This Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA)
• An effective marketing strategy enhancing
prevents small and medium-sized enterprises
sales of sustainably produced garments in Sheffield Chamber of Commerce and Industry LBG, UK
(SMEs) in Myanmar’s garment sector from
increasing their access to international markets.
Despite some progress, Myanmar’s garment The project sought to contribute to a switch to Jacob Clere
industry still lacks awareness in the principles of sustainable garment consumption patterns by
sustainable consumption and production (SCP) promoting sustainable growth in Myanmar’s [email protected]
and social responsibility. Garment companies need garment sector. Specifically, the project aimed Alexanderstraße 10, 53111 Bonn, Germany
to comply with environmental and social standards at institutionalising, up-scaling and replicating
to regain access to international markets. Thus, the successful SCP practices in the garment sector LEAD PARTNER
social and environmental conditions, especially for developed and implemented during the SMART
workers in the sector, needed to be reviewed. Myanmar I project. sequa gGmbH
Afghanistan is the 15th most vulnerable country The project aims to contribute to the Afghanistan
Mohammad Riaz Ramin
worldwide in terms of climate change vulnerability National Development Strategy main pillars,
(German Watch Global Climate Risk). Afghanistan particularly on poverty reduction through a [email protected]
experiences cold and snowy winters with extreme private-sector, market-led approach. The project
temperature variations between night and day, seeks to tackle the lack of access to finance for
reaching -20 °C in winter in Kabul. However, green consumption, to strengthen the emerging green-homes
much of the country is characterised by 300 days Energy Saving Solutions (ESS) value chain, and to
of sunshine yearly, meaning energy-efficient engage networks of stakeholders. LEAD PARTNER
houses that reduce heat losses in winter and
improve sun gain are well-adapted to the Afghan GERES - Acting for Climate Solidarity
climate. Despite this high solar energy potential,
Afghans rely on traditional solid fuels (firewood,
animal dung cakes, crop residues and charcoal) Afghanistan Microfinance Association (AMA)
for cooking and heating).
Rural Movement Organisation (RMO), Afghanistan
In Bangladesh, brick-making is the largest The project aimed to contribute to a reduction [email protected]
source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in GHG emissions, deforestation and land
as the industry consumes 2.2 million tonnes degradation in Bangladesh. It specifically sought House #4, Road #3, Block I Banani, Dhaka - 1213
of coal and 1.9 million tonnes of firewood and to promote sustainable and eco-friendly building
emits 8.75 million tonnes of greenhouse gas materials and practices in Bangladesh within an LEAD PARTNER
(GHG) emissions for this activity annually. Brick- enabling policy environment.
making is characterised by low energy efficiency, Oxfam
a prevalence of small-scale kilns with limited
financial capacity, and dominance of a single PARTNERS
raw material (clay) and product (solid clay brick).
Transformative changes in the brick industry are Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association
required, not only switching to cleaner brick kilns, (BELA), Bangladesh
but also diversifying production inputs in order Housing and Building Research Institute (HBRI),
to save natural resources, reduce GHG emissions, Bangladesh
and increase energy efficiency. Jagorani Chakra Foundation (JCF), Bangladesh
The construction sector uses various metals like The project aimed at implementing sustainable
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
steel, iron, aluminium and copper. In developing production processes and practices in 400
economies, more than 60% of the steel is SMEs and creating a conducive environment for PARTNERS
consumed to create new infrastructure. Due the further adoption of sustainable production
to increasing pressure on energy and water processes in the metal products supply chain for adelphi
resources, an economic edge can be sustained the building and construction sector.
Austria Recycling - Verein zur Förderung von Recycling
only through high-resource efficiency. Specific und Umweltschutz in Österreich (AREC)
problems in metal product supply chains include
lack of modernisation, sub-optimal operation Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI)
leading to inefficiencies, lack of technical and National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC)
financial support for improving operations, lack
Society for Environmental and Economic
of skilled manpower and a traditional mind-set. Development Nepal (SEED Nepal)
Adopting resource efficient cleaner production
(RECP) measures will improve economic and STENUM Asia Sustainable Development Society
environmental performance, including reducing
greenhouse gas emissions.
• Established partnerships with the Department • 35 SMEs producing hollow concrete blocks
of Urban Development and Building (HCB) in Pokhara and more than 60 SMEs
Construction (DUDBC), Ministry of Urban working in the solar energy business have
Development, Ministry of Federal Affairs and improved their products and services
Local Development (MoFALD) and three
• In Dharan, three SMEs started producing HCB,
selected municipalities – Lalitpur, Pokhara and
Green Homes Dharan
with two new SMEs in the process of establishing
businesses; about 20 women’s groups started
• Supported DUDBC in developing Nepal Green implementing solid waste management and
Building Guidelines which is currently under roof-top farming
BUDGET: EUR 1,015,525 (EU Contribution 85%)
AND BUILDING • MoFALD has included Green Homes standard
and norms in recently developed Building
By-laws and Training Curricula for New
• The selected municipalities have developed
incentive mechanisms to promote green
housing in their plans and building byelaws,
and these include subsidies in adopting green
components, subsidies in building permit
fee, and acknowledgements of Green Home
owners and SMEs
[email protected]
UN House, Pulchowk, Nepal
The housing sector contributes significantly The project aimed at creating an enabling policy
to the local economy but also causes pollution environment to promote sustainable housing,
and promotes unsustainable living conditions. strengthening supply chains for sustainable
Some 18% of total urban employment in Nepal housing and building capacity of SMEs to deliver LEAD PARTNER
involves the construction industries, and there household level green technologies and services,
United Nations Human Settlement Programme Nepal
was an additional need of 1 million urban houses and stimulating demand for sustainable housing.
(UN-Habitat), Nepal
from 2011-2021. The sector imports most of its
construction materials from India and China, PARTNERS
thus creating large carbon footprints. To enhance
sustainability, it is imperative to curb the energy Clean Energy Nepal, Nepal
consumption in the housing sector – both what
Environment and Public Health Organisation
is embodied in construction materials as well as (ENPHO), Nepal
during building operations.
Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and
Industries (FNCCI), Nepal
Shelter & Local Technology Development Center
(SLTDC), Nepal
Ded Raj Khadka
Owner of Arun VSBK, Sankhuwasabha District
• In Nepal, construction services are mainly
provided by small and medium-sized
NEPAL SUSTAINABLE HOUSING IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 1/2012-7/2015 contractors. Through the project, roughly 6,000
AND BUILDING BUDGET: EUR 2,146,750 (EU Contribution 90%) construction specialists, masons, engineers,
architects, small contractors and entrepreneurs
enhanced their skills in the application of well-
tested sustainable construction technologies,
such as concrete hollow block (CHB), micro-
concrete roofing, reinforced cement concrete
(RCC) door and window frames, and the use of
natural round aggregate (NRA)
• Demonstration of the use and application
of sustainable construction practices to
consumers. The first behavioural changes have
been observed: there was an increased use of
locally available construction materials, such as
• Project attracted private investment of roughly
EUR 2.5 million for 22 new brick-producing
VSBK shafts, creating more than 1500 green
• An International Brick Symposium, involving SCAN FOR MORE PROJECT
nine countries ranging from Peru to Thailand,
and Germany to South Africa was organised: this
event facilitated knowledge exchange on VSBK
technologies within and beyond the countries
covered by the SWITCH-Asia programme
Harald Becker
[email protected]
The cotton and textiles sector account for 40% The project aimed at promoting sustainable
of Pakistan’s total labour force, and nearly 60% production and consumption patterns in the Schlossplatz 1, 29221 Celle, Germany
of Kathmandu valley is viewed as one of the construction industry, by raising awareness of
most polluted areas in Asia. Exhaust fumes have private sector stakeholders for green building
increased by four over the past decade. Poor materials and solutions, and by providing Deutsche Management Akademie Niedersachsen
dispersion conditions, due to high hills and low- consumer information on the benefits of clean (DMAN), Germany
velocity winds are predisposing Kathmandu for energy and energy-saving building material.
serious air pollution problems. An increasing Specific objectives included: PARTNERS
number of vehicles and conventional brick kilns
are worsening the situation. The construction • Reducing energy consumption and CO2 Federation of Nepal Cottage and Small Industries
sector, including conventional brick production, is emissions from the brick and building material (FNCSI), Nepal
a key source of CO2 emissions. production sector in Nepal Skat Foundation, Switzerland
• Promoting SCP patterns in the construction
The project contributed to eco-friendly pro- • Increasing consumers’ awareness and market Sichuan Provincial Forestry Department (SPFD), China
poor economic growth in the post-disaster area demand for bamboo building materials
of Sichuan Province, especially in earthquake-
affected areas, and increased livelihood
Malte Beckmann
[email protected]
Döppersberg 19, D-42103 Wuppertal, Germany
Conventional buildings in China consume large The Low Energy Housing (LEH) project aimed at
amounts of energy due to of energy-efficiency increasing the sustainable use of resources in the LEAD PARTNER
measures. With 2 billion m2 of mostly minimally building sector, especially energy efficiency, while
efficient floor area added to the building stock improving the quality of life in the target areas and The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and
every year, buildings require vastly more energy contributing to the mitigation of climate change. Energy (WI)
than is necessary. This results in more fuel burned, This was achieved by using ongoing large-scale
rising local pollution and GHG emissions, higher construction projects in two target areas with
utility bills for consumers and reduced national different development histories, Shenzhen and
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
energy security for government. The earlier this Sichuan province, as case studies for best practice. (BUCEA)
issue is addressed the better. Buildings have
a lifespan of several decades, and each low- Chongqing University
efficiency building constructed poses a long- Shenzhen Energy Efficiency Testing & Evaluation
term issue. Government, investors, suppliers and Centre
consumers have to act soon to prevent lock-in to Sichuan Construction Technology Development
excessive energy consumption by buildings for Centre
many decades to come.
SUS BIRD - Sustainable Building sustainable BIRD products, working materials will promote this concept to our customers by
and procedures providing them with comprehensive solutions.
Wei Bo
The building, construction, and decoration The project sought to improve the health of China Standard Certification Center (CSC)
market in China is booming. Renovation and inhabitants of newly decorated and renovated
decoration can cause severe health problems buildings and the employees of decoration
for both the workers of renovation/decoration companies, and a better environment, by reducing China Quality Mark Certification Group Co., Ltd (CQM)
companies (exposure to dust, solvents, etc.) and energy consumption and environmental impact
the inhabitants of the buildings living with indoor related to the building interior renovation and Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and
Production GGMBH
air pollution. Because of the substantial number decoration (BIRD) practices and production.
and types of materials used, the generation and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd,
inadequate disposal of waste, and hazardous Sweden
emissions, renovation and decoration can result Science and Technology Promotion Center of
in serious problems. The absence of product MoHURD (CSTC)
information, insufficient capacity, and limited
United Nations Environment Programme, Division
access to sustainable products, sustainable of Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP DTIE),
renovation and decoration services remain a France
challenge in China.
The construction industry in China is known for The project aimed to improve energy efficiency [email protected]
building new structures quickly and cheaply. in the Greater Shanghai region, by constructing
Tongji University, Siping Road 1239,
The construction boom has led to low-energy more environmentally friendly buildings. It
Shanghai 200092, China
efficiency in many buildings, with poor quality empowered the Chinese construction sector to
construction materials and poor installation incorporate energy efficiency measures in the
techniques. Many investors still have the mind- design and construction of buildings. The project
set that good quality, efficient buildings are not shared European experience in energy efficiency, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
worth paying for. The Chinese construction sector building material standards and installation (EUCCC)
contributes substantially to the country’s CO2 techniques. The project addressed these issues
emissions. Construction itself as well as the daily through: PARTNERS
use of buildings, i.e. heating and cooling within
the residential sector, represent almost one-third • Providing training courses to Chinese Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL)
of China’s total energy consumption. Therefore, construction SMEs and government officials Tongji University
the building sector is an important link in the
• Promoting European building standards and
challenge of mitigating climate change in China.
best practice
• Contributing to the development of an enabling
policy environment
building materials/components and for energy government on an enabling policy framework.
service MSMEs
• Supporting the development of policy Dr. Chun Xia-Bauer
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 1/2016-12/2019 instruments fostering the uptake of sustainable Project Manager
CHINA SUSTAINABLE HOUSING Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment
BUDGET: EUR 2,800,000 (EU contribution 80%) building practices
• Improving business networks fostering
sustainable buildings
• Disseminating key lessons learnt from
sustainable building practices to all of China
and at the regional level in Asia
Greener Construction Project blocs, aggregate blocs and dry mortar mixture)
were developed
• 100 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 3/2013-2/2017 in the construction industry now make and sell
MONGOLIA SUSTAINABLE HOUSING BUDGET: EUR 2,482,103 (EU contribution 80%) fly ash construction products
• 14 vocational training schools (TVET) have
signed a MoU with Caritas Czech Republic, and
176 teachers have received training. Currently,
5 schools have already started teaching ‘Green
construction practices’ courses
• Signed 26 MoUs with state agencies, the
labour departments of Erdenet, Darkhan
and Ulaanbaatar districts (9 districts), and
professional associations
The construction industry in Mongolia has The project sought to promote SCP patterns and [email protected]
expanded rapidly in recent years, but little behaviour in the Mongolian construction industry
Caritas Czech Republic
attention is being paid to environmental impact by mobilising the private sector along with relevant
or to energy-efficiency considerations. One of the public sector authorities to develop construction Sukhbaatar district, 8 Khoroo, Academic Sodnom
main materials used by the construction industry products using fly ash and through advocacy to street, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
in Mongolia is concrete. The substitution of the facilitate the use of green construction products
aggregates (natural materials) used in concrete and practices. LEAD PARTNER
with fly ash would improve the insulation capacity
of concrete, thus reducing energy use and Caritas Czech Republic (CCR)
reducing the use of natural resources.
We tried to put the techniques and methods
of recycling and reusing of construction and
demolition waste into practice after our engineers
and employees participated in the project’s
training. For example, we demolished three
facilities of the General Customs Administration
and 85% of them were reused to build the Sports
facility of the Selenge province. We separated
wooden materials from around 38,000 tons of
construction and demolition waste and delivered
it to about 120 households for firewood usage.
We also provided more than 200 trucks of soil
from demolition waste to rehabilitate the broken
dam in Khentii province. There are many such SCAN FOR MORE PROJECT
DMr. Lkhagvajav. M
Director of the construction and demolition
company Kharvaach Mergen LLC.
Jana Zikova
Quentin Moreau
The majority of Mongolian wool production (more The project sought to develop a sustainable supply
than 90%) is coarse wool. There is very little demand chain of SWBI as a green, environmentally friendly [email protected]
for coarse wool and it is sold almost without any innovative product improving resource efficiency,
value for the pastoralists. This type of wool is contributing to poverty reduction, economic Chinggis Khaan Bank 207, Darkhan City, Mongolia
used mainly for the production of carpets and development and reducing air pollution and
felt, which is used mainly for ger insulation. Thus greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. LEAD PARTNER
it is traditionally used as a construction material.
Technology for the production of sheep wool People in Need (PIN)
building insulation (SWBI) and its usage within the
construction industry exists in the Czech Republic PARTNERS
and in other European countries. Additional know-
how transfer to wool processing SMEs and to the Mongolian Nature and Environment Consortium
Mongolian construction sector was one of the key
outcomes of the project. National Association of Mongolian Agricultural
Cooperatives (NAMAC)
SEVEn - Energy Efficiency Center, Czech Republic
Switch off Air Pollution - Energy efficiency recommendations for energy efficient dwellings
were defined and prepared for dissemination
Eliane JARRY
Country Director and Project Manager, GERES
[email protected]
Davaajargal BATDORJ
CHALLENGE OBJECTIVES Deputy Project Coordinator, Geres
[email protected]
The Government of Mongolia declared air pollution This project sought to promote sustainable
in Ulaanbaatar a state emergency in early 2017, consumption patterns and behaviours in the
with renewed ambitions and openness to explore individual housing sector of Mongolia through
additional ways to tackle the issue. Despite many energy efficiency advisory and financial LEAD PARTNER
projects and actions conducted – including e.g. free intermediation. It aimed to reduce pollution in
electricity during night-time in ger areas and use Ulaanbaatar’s ger areas through improved energy GERES - Acting for Climate Solidarity
of electric heaters and recharge heat accumulators efficiency in housing, awareness-raising, technical
for day-time use – addressing the issue of thermal training and technological support to micro, small PARTNERS
efficiency of individual houses plays an important and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and
Building Energy Efficiency Center (BEEC)
role when developing sustainable solutions for households.
pollution challenges in Ulaanbaatar. Ger Community Mapping Center (GCMC)
Mongolian National Construction Association (MNCA)
People in Need (PIN)
(SOAP) sector
MONGOLIA SUSTAINABLE HOUSING BUDGET: EUR 2,874,937 (EU contribution 80%) • Though capacity-building, women and men
AND BUILDING of the ger areas will become actors of change
to tackle energy inefficiency in their houses,
neighbourhoods, and at the national level
• A large range of technical solutions is made
available to improve the energy efficiency of
most individual housing situations: retrofitting,
new house, or ger (felt tent)
• Households and micro, small and medium-
sized enterprises (MSMEs) have access to
appropriate financing options, in the form of
green loans and subsidies, to support their
transition to energy efficiency
• Craftsmen and women and MSMEs of the
construction sector are trained in energy- SCAN FOR MORE PROJECT
efficient construction techniques, materials, INFORMATION
and equipment, thanks to newly established
MSME- focused and regional branches of the
dedicated national professional association,
Mongolian National Cooperative Alliance
• A comprehensive methodological and technical CONTACT
package is tested and available for replication
in every city of Mongolia Eliane JARRY
• Ownership of the Project is handed over to Country Director and Project Manager, GERES
a public-private body as a vehicle achieving [email protected]
nationwide scale-up with demonstrable effects
on people’s environment, economy, and well- Davaajargal BATDORJ
CHALLENGE changes in construction, housing and household
energy management habits. being Deputy Project Coordinator, Geres
Rapidly urbanising, Mongolia has inherited the [email protected]
socialist inefficiencies and lack of awareness related OBJECTIVES
to energy production and consumption leading to
high costs, almost exclusive usage of fossil fuels, Promote the transition to a low-carbon housing LEAD PARTNER
poor efficiency and major air pollution and health sector in Mongolia’s cities, by working with
concerns in all urban areas. As a source and first consumers, households, companies, financiers, GERES - Acting for Climate Solidarity
victims of pollution, ger-district dwellers remain technicians and the public sector, leveraging
at the centre of the problem and the solution. finance and technical solutions, and increasing PARTNERS
Focusing on the building and construction sector, awareness. The project aims to diversify the
this project will address both energy efficient (EE) offer of EE solutions, strengthen all levels of Mongolia Green Finance Corporation (MGFC)
retrofitting of the existing stock of non-engineered EE value chains, expand geographically to Mongolian National Construction Association (MNCA)
individual houses in Mongolia and the construction province capitals, and fine-tune and spread a Mongolian National University of Science and
of new houses, following the current trend of in- replication mechanism for national handover and Technology
migration to cities. Involving women as agents implementation, including the qualification of
of change, for instance engaged in advocacy, options for further access to finance. Mongolian Women’s Fund (MONES)
as awareness raising actors, entrepreneurs and
technicians, will be key in achieving the desired
Kittisak Sukvivatn
Project Manager
International Copper Association South-East Asia
Kittisak Sukvivatn
Air conditioners (ACs) represent close to 50% The ASEAN SHINE project sought to phase out International Copper Association South-East Asia
of household electricity consumption in the energy inefficient ACs and increase the market (ICASEA)
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). share of more highly efficient ACs within the
Currently, the market share of ACs with an energy ASEAN region. This led to a reduction in electricity PARTNERS
efficiency ratio (EER) at or above 3.2 (which is consumption and GHG emissions, as well as an
China’s EER for Minimum Energy Performance enhanced regional market integration through Electrical and Electronics Institute (EEI), Thailand
Standard/MEPS) is only around 25%. Assuming all harmonised standards. The specific project European Copper Institute, Belgium
ASEAN countries adopt a MEPS of 3.2, the electricity objectives included: Integrated Institute of Electrical Engineers (IIEE),
consumption of the residential sector would be Philippines
reduced by 5373 GWh per annum, corresponding • Harmonising standards for testing methods
to a reduction of 2.7 million tonnes of CO2 emissions Research Center for Energy and Environment (RCEE),
• Developing a regional policy roadmap Vietnam
per annum.
• Developing national policy and regulatory SIRIM QAS International, Malaysia
roadmaps for an increase of minimum energy
UNEP – Division of Technology, Industry and
performance standards Economics (DTIE), Energy Branch
• Building capacity of testing laboratories
Xin Yu
CHALLENGE which make up 97% of China’s enterprises, fall
into a critical ‘gap’ because they are not often [email protected]
China has a population of 1.4 billion people; a the target audience for food waste reduction Miaomiao Lai
sufficient food supply and a well-designed waste resources or campaigns. This project aims to
management system are essential to building close that gap by empowering China’s MSMEs to [email protected]
a sustainable food consumption market in this respond to the food waste challenge. Simply put,
vast country. If wealth continues to grow in reducing and better managing food waste is one
China, food waste is likely to increase, which is of the easiest and most effective ways to mitigate LEAD PARTNER
a trend seen in many developing countries. But the environmental impact of our food system and
sustainably feed our communities. One Planet Foundation (OPF)
there is a change on the horizon: food service
providers are beginning to understand the
importance of combatting waste in order to OBJECTIVES
reduce business costs, protect the environment, Rare Germany
and meet increasing customer demand for more Catalyse the prevention, reduction, and diversion
sustainable operations. Chinese government has of food waste among MSMEs in China’s hospitality Wuhan Hezhong Agriculture Development Co., Ltd
been taking measures in recent years to improve sector. More specifically, the project aims to: (WHAD)
its waste management system nation-wide by
calling for ‘Zero-Waste City’ pilots. However, micro, • Promote the adoption of more resource-
small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), efficient processes and services among MSMEs,
including an actual reduction of food waste
The main needs and constraints that the tourism The project seeks to enhance the sustainability and [email protected]
sector in Kazakhstan is facing right now are competitiveness of the tourism sector through Ribera de Axpe ,11 – Edif D1 Dpto. 208, 48950 – Erandio,
numerous. They include the absence of high- support to micro, small and medium-sized Bizkaia (Spain)
quality and sustainability standards, poorly enterprises (MSMEs) and by developing green
planned facilities, climate change with devastating business approaches and access to green finance. LEAD PARTNER
consequences on Kazakhstani natural resources, It aims to contribute to resource efficiency in the
Ekotek Ingeniería Y Consultoría Medioambiental SL
inadequate skilled human resources to manage tourism accommodation sector and supports
the sector, among others. The government budget the implementation of sustainability certification PARTNERS
for this sector is still low, and opportunities for systems. The specific objectives include:
interaction with the private sector are scarce. There Kazakh Association of Hotels and Restaurants in the
is limited understanding of the tourism industry • Better equipping MSMEs to seize opportunities form alliance of body corporates
by financial institutions, as well as insufficient for green business development
Stichting European Centre for Eco and Agro Tourism -
destination marketing and promotion. If these • Promoting green consumption and better Nederland
challenges are not immediately addressed, the informed public and private consumers
development and growth of the sector could Ule Kazakhstan Tourist Association
result in the endangerment of natural resources • Advocating for clearer and more efficient
of the country, one of its main tourist attractions. sustainable consumption and production (SCP)
through an integrated business led approach • Kyrgyzstan tour operators and supply chain
integrate SCP practices
• Green financing scheme created to support
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 2020-2024 more than 20 MSMEs
KYRGYZSTAN TOURISM BUDGET: EUR 1,687,839 (EU contribution 80%)
• Increased number of green services and
products enter the supply chain
• SCP mainstreamed in Kyrgyz and Central Asian
Nargiza Kudaiberdieva
[email protected]
Helvetas Intercooperation gGmbH
CHALLENGE indicating the growing awareness of the need to 65, 7-Liniya str., Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
switch to tourism models that will have a lower
The tourism sector in Kyrgyzstan faces numerous negative impact on the environment, natural
challenges, including the lack of supply chain and resources and local communities’ livelihoods. Helvetas Intercooperation gGmbH
logistics facilities, poorly developed infrastructures,
and low-standard services for tourists, among OBJECTIVES PARTNERS
others. GREENTOUR responds to the objectives of
the Kyrgyz government to advance a greener and The project seeks to integrate green services Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators (KATO)
more sustainable tourism in Kyrgyzstan, involving and products in the tourism supply chain, and to Kyrgyz Community Based Tourism Association
communities and diversifying tourism products develop waste management approach for hotels, “Hospitality Kyrgyzstan” (KCBTA)
in order to attract new target groups and clients. restaurants and destinations, in particular for food
Stichting European Centre for Eco and Agro Tourism -
While the term ‘sustainable tourism’ is still not waste and plastics reduction standards. It also aims
widely known and used in the region, terms to Foster the creation of new financial schemes
such as ‘nature tourism’, ‘responsible tourism’, and to promote access to finance instruments
and ‘green tourism’ are increasingly being used, for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
Pragya Pradhan
Exporting cars to international markets requires The project sought to enhance the environmental
the industry to also adopt international standards. performance of Sri Lankan hotels and to increase Aruni Heenkenda
In Sri Lanka, the hospitality sector ranks as one of their market acceptance by promoting them
the most energy-intensive activities and has a high as low carbon-footprint green hotels and by [email protected]
energy cost. Similarly, the use of water and other improving energy, water and waste management
No. 48 Nawam Mawatha, Colombo – 02, Sri Lanka
natural resources and the generation of waste, systems and reducing operation costs.
are all high. Becoming resource-efficient, while
meeting the diverse requirements of customers,
is a challenging task for hotels, resorts and tour Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC ), Sri Lanka
The Sri Lankan tourism industry is booming, The project aimed to create an enabling
with the number of tourists increasing every environment for a largescale dissemination of Hugo Agostinho
year. Hotel and restaurant facilities need to deal biogas technology for SMEs in tourism industry
with increasing amounts of waste and growing and households. To achieve it, the project targeted [email protected]
energy costs. Biogas production is a sustainable the demand side as well as the supply side by
05 Lionel Edirisinghe Mawatha, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka
win-win solution to manage their waste while mobilising the manufacture and construction
contributing to their energy needs and reducing private sector, micro-finance institutions (MFIs), LEAD PARTNER
energy costs. However, development of biogas the tourism industry and society as a whole.
technology requires strong technical capacity People in Need (PIN)
among constructors of biogas units. The lack
of after-sale service and maintenance for PARTNERS
biogas units as well as the lack of appropriate
entrepreneurial capacities among small and Janathakshan, Sri Lanka
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has hampered
the sustainability of past projects.
Tourism is an important growth sector in Laos, The project sought to cultivate sustainable Lao-German Development Cooperation P.O. Box 10838
contributing significantly to the country’s gross tourism products in a fragile destination. Vientiane, Lao PDR
domestic product (GDP), about 7–9% of GDP, and It targeted the increased provision and
generating employment as well. Unsustainable consumption of sustainable tourism products
tourism causes deterioration of the environmental, to preserve the destination with regard to 1) the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
social, and cultural heritage of Laos. In particular, guarantee of private sector uptake and benefit, Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Luang Prabang as a world heritage site is in danger 2) responsible utilisation of natural resources, and
and needs more sustainable tourism. 3) protection of cultural heritage, minorities and PARTNERS
inclusive economic participation.
Luang Prabang Hotel & Restaurant Association (LHRA)
Luang Prabang Travel Agent Association (LUTA)
sequa gGmbH
CHALLENGE of the Philippines, to provide their energy services
in an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally Dr. Robert Wimmer
The tourism industry in the Philippines is growing sound way through training courses and direct [email protected]
fast, bringing employment and strengthening the consultations with the companies. Specific
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
economy of the country. Tourism has, however, objectives included:
a high demand for energy in providing guest
services, and is responsible for a large amount of • To reduce carbon footprints by increasing
CO2 emissions. Due to the poor electricity supply energy and resource efficiency and switching LEAD PARTNER
infrastructure and wasted energy from inefficient to renewable energy resources
Center for Appropriate Technology (GrAT)
appliances, energy costs are escalating for small
• To increase the availability of energy services
tourist businesses. Carbon neutral, appropriate PARTNERS
local and environmental technology solutions are • To stimulate the local economy by producing
required and call for a revision of environmental and using renewable materials and low-carbon Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable
policy by the regional government. technologies for buildings and appliances Transformation (ASSIST), The Philippines
• To decrease dependence on fossil fuels Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas,
OBJECTIVES Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)
• To provide local engineers with the skills Plataforma Solar de Almería, Spain
The project sought to enable small and medium- and knowledge, theoretical and practical, to
improve the generation and use of energy Palawan Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD),
sized enterprises (SMEs) in the tourism sector, such Philippines
as hotels and resorts in Palawan and other parts
adoption of an Extended Producer Responsibility WAY FORWARD
(EPR) framework by the government, which
outlines the obligations of manufacturers and • Improved wages, labour rights, formalised
retailers towards the management of their waste. benefits and upward mobility for urban waste-
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 2020-2025 Yet progress on this front remains slow, partly due
BUDGET: EUR 1.416.348 (EU contribution 80%) to the informal nature of the recycling industry,
which limits transparent data collection and • Social mobility through the empowerment
integration into formal value chains. of vulnerable communities like migrants and
women who disproportionately populate the
waste-picker population
• Improved plastic recycling rates resulting in
PROTOPRINT is a collaborative partnership less littering/land-fill disposal which in turn
that intends to transform the informal recycling results in improved environmental, climate and
sector through the gradual implementation of a human health outcomes
systematic and self-sustaining (circular) model for
• Formalisation of the recycling sector allowing
waste plastic recycling. Specifically, the initiative
for more transparency and innovation leading
aims to move urban waste-pickers up the recycling
to greater efficiencies
value chain and improve livelihoods through the
implementation of low-cost technology solutions
coupled with community development, creative
financing and public-private partnerships that
improve plastic waste processing within urban
environments and promote the integration of
informal waste collectors and informal waste
management micro, small and medium-sized
enterprises (MSMEs) into formal value chains. The
project is based in the city of Pune, home to over
3 million residents.
The project seeks to set up an ecosystem that
supports the development of self-managed
waste-processing units consisting of waste-picker
members and using low-cost technology solutions
and standardised processing techniques to
convert plastic waste into plastic flakes which can
CHALLENGE be sold to end users via negotiated agreements
with industrial-partners, while ensuring a fair CONTACT
Plastic waste management has been increasingly injury and disease. They sell the plastic they collect wage for the individual workers. In doing so,
recognised as a serious challenge in India. A to local middlemen, who in turn aggregate and sell each unit functions as a sustainable, replicable Jayant Pai
government report in 2019 estimated that the the material to scrap-dealers and recycling plants. and scalable business that can eventually be
[email protected]
country generates around 26,000 tonnes of While there is significant value generated in the leveraged to integrate its informal workers into
plastic waste every day, of which 9400 tonnes recycling process, the waste-pickers themselves the formal economy and to provide other benefits 5 Pleasant Apartments, 80/2/2 Baner Road,
are left uncollected or scattered as litter. The vast are poorly compensated for the work they do and such as healthcare and benefits, and function as Aundh, Pune 411007, India
majority of this plastic is generated in urban cities they are often unable to escape poverty. Estimates sustainable business centres.
that have grown dramatically in size over the past suggest that there are over one million waste-
In addition to the production of flakes, the
few decades. Plastic waste in these cities is often pickers in India, mostly consisting of vulnerable LEAD PARTNER
PROTOPRINT product team will work in
unsegregated from other forms of municipal solid population groups such as migrants, women and
collaboration with a sub-set of the units to KASHTAKARI PANCHAYAT TRUST (PUNE, INDIA)
waste and needs to be sorted before it can be children.
further upcycle the plastic into high-value
recycled effectively. This is an extremely labour-
The impact of plastic waste has been shown to products such as fair-trade 3D printer filament PARTNERS
intensive process that relies on informal workers,
deteriorate both the environment and human and other similar consumer items with the goal
called waste-pickers, to segregate the plastics by
health. Plastic runoff into rivers and streams adelphi Research gGmbH
hand. Despite the fact that these individuals form
contaminates water sources, kills aquatic life, SOCIAL SEVA INITIATIVES (PUNE, INDIA)
the base of the recycling pyramid, they work under
poisons drinking water and results in the bio-
dangerous conditions and come into daily contact SWACH PLUS SEVA SAHAKARI SANSTHA MARYADIT
accumulation of microplastics within the food SCAN FOR MORE PROJECT
with harmful materials, including hazardous and (PUNE, INDIA)
chain, ultimately with detrimental effects on INFORMATION
medical waste, resulting in much higher risks of
humans. Plastic waste on land leaches toxic
Marine ecosystems continue to suffer from for integrated solid-waste management, a lack [email protected]
increasing anthropogenic pollution. As a result, of consumer awareness and the insufficient
marine litter has become a global concern that is capacities of local authorities to handle the LEAD PARTNER
currently witnessing growing awareness among increasing quantities of solid waste along with
The Maldives National University
the general public. The vast majority of marine substantial growth in tourism. Countries of the
litter stems from land-based sources and enters South Asian Seas (SAS) region struggle with PARTNERS
marine ecosystems from human settlements the management of increasing waste. There is
along coastlines and river basins. In this context, a pressing need to curb marine pollution in the adelphi Research gGmbH
tourism industries have been identified as major pristine ecosystems of the Lakshadweep Sea
National Cleaner Production Centre, Sri Lanka
contributors to marine litter caused by high shared by the Maldives, Sri Lanka and India. Low
consumption rates of fast-moving consumer per capita income, high population densities and Parley for the Oceans
goods (FMCG) and convenience products wrapped a high dependency on natural resources make STENUM Asia Sustainable Development Society
in single-use plastic packaging. In many tourist them highly vulnerable to the impact of marine (STENUM Asia)
regions of the global South, this is aggravated pollution.
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
by the absence of effective policy frameworks
Owen Swann
In Sri Lanka, plastic challenges are equally divided necessary to adopt and implement circular Country Representative, ACTED
between the increasing rate of plastic waste economy strategies. The Government of Sri
[email protected]
generation and current disposal practices. Sri Lanka has taken steps to reduce plastic pollution
Lanka has steadily increased plastic imports, and improve waste management, including an LEAD PARTNER
with over 500,000 metric tonnes (MT) of virgin Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme
plastic imported to the island annually, straining to minimise plastic use. Currently, the recycling ACTED
the national waste management system. It is facilities for PET and high impact polystyrene
estimated that 1.59 million tonnes of plastic waste (HIPS) in Sri Lanka are operating at less than 50% PARTNERS
are mismanaged in Sri Lanka annually, of which of their capacity as a result of the inadequate
close to half ends up in canals, rivers and eventually collection that would supply them with plastic
the ocean, endangering marine ecosystems. waste. To remedy this problem, stronger buy- Biodiversity Sri Lanka (BSL)
While waste management is part of the problem, in for EPR schemes to support greener product Industrial Service Bureau, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
it is also part of the solution. Currently, only 33% of designs, and collection and consolidation of
all plastic waste is collected, out of which only 3% waste streams for recycling operations are STENUM Asia Sustainable Development Society
is recycled nation-wide. Small to medium-sized needed. There is immense economic potential to (STENUM Asia)
groups of collectors and recyclers in particular face be realised through robust multi-stakeholder EPR The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
difficulties adhering to environmental guidelines implementation, with small and medium-sized
and generating value addition because of the enterprises (SMEs) playing a determining role.
high investment needsed for the technologies
Reducing Plastic Bag Waste markets in three cities among those entities
that signed Voluntary Codes of Practice (VCP)
• Drafting of guidelines for the design of
PERIOD: 3/2014-2/2017 alternative packaging products and systems
BUDGET: EUR 1,341,033.46 (EU contribution 90%)
• Conception of alternative packaging products
• Training of local small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) involved in the production
of alternative packaging
• Creation and strengthening of early adopters’
groups of SMEs
• Introducing incentives for vendors/SMEs
• Drafting of guidelines to support the
implementation of the prospective national law
Fabio Moni
Plastic bags are non-biodegradable and harmful The project promoted sustainable growth and
to human health and to the environment. environmental sustainability in the country by [email protected]
However, despite the environmental damage changing consumption patterns and consumer Via Lazzaretto 3, 20124 Milano, Italy
highly visible throughout Cambodia, plastic bags behaviours to reduce plastic bag use and waste in
remain popular due to their convenience: they are major Cambodian cities. LEAD PARTNERS
waterproof, lightweight, disposable and affordable.
As a result, they are used in Cambodia in a wide Fondazione ACRA (ACRA)
range of situations and sectors, from transporting
solids and liquids and for direct consumption, to PARTNERS
storing and packaging.
Department of Environment - Phnom Penh
Municipality (DoEPP)
Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
Sustainable Plastic Recycling in Mongolia through the micro, small and medium-sized
enterprise (MSME) Access to Finance programme
• Plastic recycling MSMEs (among them women-
led businesses) will have access to appropriate
by providing support to recycling-MSMEs in this
advanced equipment and technologies
area. Moreover, it will also support the ongoing
• Plastic recycling MSMEs will have increased the
project of EBRD on hazardous waste and the
number of their customers
PERIOD: 2020-2024 construction of one landfill in Ulaanbaatar, the
MONGOLIA PLASTICS BUDGET: EUR 1,993,334.94 (EU contribution 80%) project ‘Improving Solid Waste Management’ • Conditions for scale-up and replication of
of the Asia Foundation, the municipal Waste the project package tool are in place (gender
Collection and Transportation Management in mainstreaming)
Ulaanbaatar (WCTM) implemented by the Swiss
Development Agency, GSP+ Programme, the
Food Waste Project of ADB and other smaller
projects in Ulaanbaatar (e.g. installation of waste-
separating bins in several districts). The project
team will maintain ongoing communication with
the implementers of these projects to achieve
synergies and avoid duplication.
Manju Menon
Auto-rickshaws have been a landmark feature The project sought to promote sustainable Via Lazzaretto, 3, 20124 Milano MI, Italy
of Indian cities since their introduction in the lifestyles and poverty reduction while reducing
late 1950s, becoming an indispensable aspect of CO2 emissions and air pollution in India. The
urban mobility for millions of people. The auto- project fostered the scaling up of a replicable and LEAD PARTNER
rickshaw sector could play a key role in shaping integrated model of sustainable auto-rickshaw
a sustainable urban transport ecosystem; it is, transport, based on clean technologies in the Fondazione ACRA (ACRA)
however, still an inefficient sector that neither Cities of Bangalore and Chennai.
answers appropriately to the changing dynamics PARTNERS
of urban mobility in India, nor embeds a
sustainable pattern of transportation. Stichting Enviu Nederland (Enviu)
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
Women Health and Development (WHAD)
Sustainable Freight and Logistics • Promoting safe transport for dangerous goods
by implementing the existing ASEAN and GMS
Ms. Wilasinee Poonuchaphai
Project Manager
protocols based on the EU Alternative Dispute Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internatio¬nale
Resolution (EU-ADR) Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
CAMBODIA, LAO PDR, TRANSPORT AND BUDGET: EUR 2,400,000(EU contribution 90%) • Increasing access to finance to invest in more
MYANMAR, THAILAND, LOGISTICS efficient, environmentally sound and safer
VIETNAM technologies
• Providing policy support and implementing
customer awareness measures, such as
standards and labelling, economic incentives,
regulations and modal shift initiatives with the
latter focusing on Thailand and Vietnam
Wilasinee Poonuchaphai
[email protected]
Trucking is the dominant form of freight transport The project aimed to increase sustainable freight 193/63 Lake Rajada Office Complex,
in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) (approx. transport and logistics in the Mekong Region New Ratchadapisek Road, Klongtoey,
80% of all tonnage), but efficiency remains a mainly through energy efficiency and safety Bangkok 10110 Thailand
challenge. About 25% - 50% of all trips run empty, measures in at least 500 SMEs in Cambodia, Lao
and the average fleet is over 10 years old (and much PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam (CLMV) and Thailand.
older in some countries). The ASEAN Economic
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Community single market in 2016 led to a Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
significant increase of cross-border trade in goods
and services. For countries like Cambodia, Lao PARTNERS
PDR and Myanmar, this opened up opportunities
for the freight and logistics sector to grow, at the GMS-Freight Transport Association (GMS-FRETA)
same time small and medium-sized enterprises Mekong Institute
(SMEs) in these countries faced high competition.
Zhang Xing
No. 4 Zhi Chun Road, Haidian District,
Electric motor systems in industrial China account The SWITCH-Asia project China Motor Challenge Beijing, 100088, China
for about 60% of the country’s total electricity aimed to facilitate over 400 major industrial
consumption. Unfortunately, their actual users of electric motor systems to improve [email protected]
operational efficiency is about 10–30% below their operating efficiency of their systems and
international best practice, depending on the achieve a far-reaching impact in the demand
industry. As the majority of electricity in China is for high-efficiency motor systems, while actively China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)
generated from coal, causing the average amount supporting the creation of a stimulating policy
of CO2 per kWh to be higher than in developed environment. PARTNERS
countries, electric motor systems are a significant
contributor to climate change. Certain sectors are The specific objectives included: Association of energy service companies – China
particularly intensive users of electric motors but Energy Conservation Association (EMCA)
are often unaware of the huge potential savings • Reduction in energy consumption and CO2 Institute of Systems and Robotics – University of
in energy and the quick return on investment for emissions Coimbra, Portugal
upgraded motor systems, particularly in small and UN Industrial Development Organization – Investment
• Transformation of the market to rely on high
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The challenge and Technology Promotion Office, China (UNIDO)
efficiency electric motors, and motor system
then is to raise awareness of the true cost of the
motor systems and to raise efficiency as rapidly as
possible. • Promotion of best practice in the design and
application of energy-efficient motor systems
Wilasinee Poonuchaphai
[email protected]
193/63 Lake Rajada Office Complex,
New Ratchadapisek Road, Klongtoey,
CHALLENGE OBJECTIVES Bangkok 10110 Thailand
Exporting cars to international markets requires The project aimed at improving productivity LEAD PARTNER
the industry to also adopt international standards and environmental performance of Thai auto
along the supply chain to keep quality and price and automotive parts production. It also aimed Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
competitive. While Thailand has an adequate low- at enhancing networks, business and financial Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
skilled labour force, it faces an acute shortage of services for greening of the industry. Furthermore,
highly skilled automotive engineers. Additionally, it sought to disseminate good practices and PARTNERS
suppliers lack process and product engineering promote the development and implementation
Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and
capabilities and innovation capacity to increase of related policy and economic instruments. Production GGMBH
productivity and environmental performance in
the automotive cluster in Thailand. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Bank of
Thailand (SME Bank), Thailand
Thailand Automotive Institute (TAI), Thailand
The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), Thailand
stoves for sustained adoption at scale Energy (SHE) Champions and supporting them
in organising SHE-Schools Sagar Kumar Mahapatra
Project Manager
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 1/2016-12/2019 • Designing exclusive credit products which can
BUDGET: EUR 2,000,000 (EU contribution: 80%) be offered by local micro-finance institutions
(MFIs) to facilitate ICS adoption
• Sensitising key supply chain stakeholders to
support appropriate cooking solutions
• Providing business development and
technical training to women entrepreneurs for
establishing and running ICS based enterprises,
and facilitating enterprise linkages with market
• Engaging with policymakers through policy
briefs as evidence-based advocacy
Shantamay Chatterjee
[email protected]
Over 145 million Indian households use traditional The project sought to promote sustainable 372, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 751007, Odisha, India
cook stoves for daily cooking and depend on adoption of ICS as a clean cooking energy solution
biomass (wood, dung, forest products) as fuel. among forest-dependent households (FDH),
This has significant implications especially on resulting in 10,000 women from FDHs using ICS. women-centred-model-of-improved-cook-stooves-ics-
women’s health due to household air pollution The project also developed a sustainable ICS for-sustained-adoption-at-scale
(HAP). A complex combination of factors like adoption model for replication among 800 million
cooking traditions, intra-household distribution of rural households in India, which use traditional LEAD PARTNER
incomes and gender dynamics, culture, religion, and polluting cook stoves.
CARE India Solutions for Sustainable Development
and affordability affect sustained adoption
(CARE India)
and use of Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) in the
country. Low demand discourages suppliers from PARTNERS
investing in ICS, and suitable financing options
for consumers and entrepreneurs are unavailable. CARE France
These limit the transition of poor households to
clean cooking energy options. There is a need to
develop a women-centred model of ICS extension
that enables sustainable adoption backed by a
strong and inclusive value chain.
SCALE - Upscaling improved cook between 6,000 and 8,000 standardised quality,
locally appropriate, affordable ICS models per
up of ICS dissemination in Myanmar. Households
and small-business cookstove users were
month satisfied with the redesigned cookstoves, and the
stove dissemination • Distribution chains in 8 states/divisions received
ICS value chain had really taken off by the end of
this project.
over USD 40,000 of added value income from
François-Xavier Sorba
BUDGET: EUR 2,465,770 (EU Contribution: 81.11%)
• At least 50 distributors/retailers are involved in Project Manager
supplying the market with standardised quality GERES
• In the Dry Zone and in Pathein area, all trained
producers have passed the quality training. All
of them are following up their production and
sales thanks to a dedicated logbook
• 92% of households indicate to be satisfied with
the San Pya ICS. Whereas producers (65%)
and distributors (80%) now are aware and
knowledgeable on quality and durability of ICS:
• before the project most producers had limited
idea about quality and durability; after the
project, confidence in the San Pya ICS has been
established and should trigger an increased
uptake through the market
• 60 SMEs were engaged in the production and INFORMATION
distribution of ICS, with sustainable business
plans, and contribute to job creation
• 41,500 households using ICS benefitted from
time and/or money savings and improvement
in sanitary conditions
Marco Gaspari
[email protected]
B-5/2, Third Floor, Safdarjung Enclave,
New Delhi - 110029 India
The rapid growth of electronics and electrical The project formalised and mainstreamed
industries and high obsolescence rates of their e-waste management, raised awareness of and LEAD PARTNER
products is continually generating more waste. the potential for new technologies, and urged
India needs to deal with major disposal challenges: changes to be based on sustainability and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
95% of e-waste (computers, mobile phones and business principles. Specific objectives were: Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
televisions) enters informal channels of backyard,
home and cottage industry recyclers – harming • To support the implementation of the National PARTNERS
both workers and the environment. Emissions Environment Policy encompassing the 3Rs and
from open burning, unhealthy dismantling ‘polluter pays’ principle, with a clear role for the adelphi
and smelting units, makeshift facilities are involvement of the informal sector in waste Manufacturers Association for Information Technology
not meeting occupational health and safety management (MAIT)
standards but are still being used for toxic waste • To reduce pollution from recycling e-waste Toxics Link
and unsorted e-waste openly dumped. in the informal sector in four urban areas, by
encouraging environmentally sound recycling
through the collective effort of all relevant
stakeholders in the value chain
ESEEC - Improving environmental and • Reduced risk of workplace accidents and health
chains and more than 1,600 Chinese SMEs of a
fast-growing and traditionally export-oriented
hazards through implemented OHS measures
safety performance in the electrical and
• •Improved social standards through
electronics industry
implemented CSR practices Igor Darbo
• Baseline survey on environmental performance Project Manager
of Chinese electrical & electronics enterprises AHKB/DIHK
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 2/2009-2/2013 conducted
• Standards Guidelines developed and
• Conformity model for SMEs applied in 5 regional
• Declaration signed by 6 key domestic industry
• SME Training and Assessment Programme
implemented: more than 20 training workshops
and a series of assessments
• More than 1600 SMEs & 200 policy-makers
involved in project activities
Igor Darbo
China’s economic boom has increased energy The project aimed at promoting sustainable LEAD PARTNER
consumption and environmental degradation. production patterns in the electrical and
Concerns for the health and safety of both workers electronics industries. By mobilising the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce Beijing
and consumers are now growing. The electrical private sector along with relevant public sector / Deutscher Industrieund Handelskammertag
and electronics industries have been significant authorities, the project sought to improve the
players in this economic growth and often play an performance of over 500 Chinese SMEs in the PARTNERS
important role in international supply chains. At electrical and electronics sector in the areas of
the same time, they are substantial contributors to eco-efficiency, occupational health and safety China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)
China’s water and air pollution, and are significant (OHS) as well as corporate social responsibility
China Standard Certification Center (CSC)
emitters of carbon dioxide (CO2). (CSR).
Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE)
Deutsche Telekom
Stefan Salhofer
China is a fast-developing economic region, According to a 2009 United Nations Environment University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
especially in the production of electrical and Program (UNEP) report, China already produced Vienna
electronic equipment (EEE) which is rapidly about 2.3 million tonnes of e-waste (2010 estimate)
growing. On the one hand these growing domestically at the time, second only to the United PARTNERS
quantities of EEE cause severe environmental States with about 3 million tonnes. And, despite
damage when not handled properly as waste, on having banned e-waste imports, China remains Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
the other hand post-consumer Waste Electrical a major e-waste dumping ground for developed (BUCEA)
and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) contain countries. China Electronics Enterprises Association (CEEA)
many materials that are valuable when used Jingzhou Environmental Protection Bureau
as secondary raw materials in the production
processes of electronics. In addition, the recycling NL Agency
of residual materials from the electronics
production industry saves valuable resources.
Yeshey Penjor
At the beginning of the project, the Bhutanese The project aimed to leverage GPP as a powerful [email protected]
public sector had not yet developed a cross- up-scaling tool to 1) lower the direct impact of
cutting strategy for resource efficiency, cleaner state-consumption, 2) incentivise sustainable LEAD PARTNER
production, energy efficiency, decent work and production among suppliers, 3) build demand-
International Institute for Sustainable Development
human rights, nor for the integration of the 10th side and supply-side capacity, and 4) trigger (IISD), Canada
Five Year Plan targets on ‘vita-lising industry’, private sustainable consumption and green
‘SME strengthening’ or ‘youth employment’. The economic transformation. PARTNERS
project met these needs with an overarching
strategy, building on the international Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bhutan
momentum for using public procurement as a Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and
driver of sustainable development, as specified Production GGMBH
under Sustainable Development Goal 12 on
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP). Royal Institute of Management of Bhutan (RIM)
Bhutan will embark on a long-term pathway to Royal Society for the Protection of Nature (RSPN),
utilise green public procurement (GPP) as a lever Bhutan
to ‘switch’ towards more sustainable production
and consumption patterns.
Metal-finishing operations in India are carried out The project aimed at introducing technology
by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). innovation for acid recovery as well as resource Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable
Operations like degreasing, pickling, and galvanic efficiency in the Indian metal-finishing SMEs that Transformation (ASSIST), The Philippines
baths use acids, and the resulting wastewater is would lead to improved environmental quality Austria Recycling - Verein zur Förderung von Recycling
highly polluted. Due to lack of material stream and combat pollution. und Umweltschutz in Österreich (AREC)
and waste management systems, waste and
Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM),
pollution are major concerns. This also leads to India
reduced profits.
STENUM Asia Sustainable Development Society
VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH (BFI)
[email protected]
USO House, USO Road Off Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg,
The Indian economy owes a major part of The project enabled the adoption of sustainable New Delhi – 110067, India
its growth to the 26 million micro, small and environment and social business practices across
medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) that provide selected foundry MSME clusters. It aimed at LEAD PARTNER
employment to an estimated 60 million people. scaling up the capacity of business membership
Foundation for MSME Clusters (FMC)
Some 70% of these MSMEs are estimated to organisations, and sought to introduce aggregate
be concentrated in around 1100 industrial reporting. Furthermore, the project aimed at PARTNERS
and 3500 artisanal clusters. A 2010 sector establishing financial linkages and supported a
mapping of industrial clusters identified the conducive policy environment. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
foundry sector, with 5500 units in 47 clusters, Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
as an environmentally challenging and highly Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
energy-intensive industry. Approximately 90% of
India’s foundry enterprises are micro and small Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA)
enterprises, which use obsolete and inefficient United Nations Industrial Development Organization
melting technologies. Despite several initiatives (UNIDO)
undertaken to address the problems, these
initiatives had not been able to reach out to more
than 200 enterprises.
T. Muralidharan
• Secured commitments/tap opportunities from
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 1/2010-6/2013 Project Manager
INDIA MULTI-INDUSTRY BUDGET: EUR 1,040,076 (EU contribution: 80%)
government ministries and other agencies to
promote fair trade
[email protected]
#06, 1st Floor, 2nd Cross, Vasantanagar,
A growing group of middle-class consumers are The project aimed at creating a consumer Bangalore, India
questioning the ‘conventional’ manufacturing market for fair-trade products that improves
process. Small-scale farmers and artisans can tap rural livelihoods and stimulates producers to LEAD PARTNER
into an export market but a growing interest from follow environmentally sustainable production
The Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation
the urban middle class and youth gives them an practices by converting corporate procurement, (HiVOS), Netherlands
opportunity to escape poverty by selling their by developing a retail channel for fair trade and by
products nearer to home. The income profile of promoting a common message for fair trade and PARTNERS
these consumers gives this national market good popularising the products to consumers.
potential. There is no policy directly supporting Fair Trade Forum – India (FTF-I), India
fair trade or influencing public procurement in International Resources for Fairer Trade (IRFT), India
favour of fair-trade products, but many ministries
and government departments are keen to Shop for Change (SFC), India (associate partner)
promote it, along with sustainable consumption
and consumer rights, and to partner fair-trade
organisations so that small producer groups can
access the market.
Fairtrade International
[email protected]
India’s strong economic growth has enabled ethical and sustainable. However, respondents also
millions to come out of poverty, but still about cited major challenges in translating this intent
one-third of the world’s poor live in India. Thus to into switching to more sustainable consumption.
achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 While many urban Indian consumers want LEAD PARTNER
(end poverty by 2030) India remains a key focus. to shop ethically and sustainably, 75% of the
Fairtrade International
The growing urban-rural divide shows that there is respondents to the Globescan 2015 survey said
a disconnect between the prosperity and lifestyle that they find it hard to find products that are PARTNERS
of the upper- and middle-income urban Indians good for both society and the environment.
vs. the life of the rural farming communities. This Further barriers for sustainable consumption Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bhutan
is further highlighted through the continuous are lack of awareness and information on SCP,
Centre for Social Markets, India
stream of farmer suicides in India which has accessibility and convenience of availability of
increased to over 300,000 suicides since 1995. sustainably produced products, and lack of choice Fairtrade Foundation, India
In 2015, research by Globescan found that 78% and affordability. Building on its experience Max Havelaar France Association, France
of urban Indian consumers interviewed believe in business and consumer engagement on
Transfair EV, Germany
that they can change things by choosing to sustainability in India and learning from related
shop ethically and sustainably, and 82% of Indian experiences from Europe, the Centre for Social
consumers admired companies that lead in being Markets (CSM) along with Fairtrade Foundation
Dr. A. Mubarak
Poor environmental performance among The project sought to reduce the negative P.O. Box 787, Colombo, Sri Lanka
enterprises in key Sri Lankan export sectors environmental impact of major polluting export
hampers business across the value chain. sectors in Sri Lanka across the industry value LEAD PARTNER
Entrepreneurs lack awareness, technical know- chains through the introduction of sustainable
Industrial Technology Institute (ITI), Sri Lanka
how and cost-effective solutions for sustainable production practices and technologies.
production patterns. The poor environmental PARTNERS
performance is due to the lack of environmental
performance data and weak enforcement of IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd,
environmental laws. Sweden
Megaskills Research Company Ltd, UK Fraunhofer
Institute IFF, Germany
Mayte de Vries
[email protected]
#10, Street 179, Sangkat Tomnoup Teok, Khan
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) • The lack of institutional capacity of existing Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
make up a crucial part of the Cambodian installation companies to adequately translate
economy and form a crucial segment to enhance these technical solutions into business-smart,
sustainable production in the country. Many SMEs cost-saving products for SMEs ETC Foundation, Netherlands
in Cambodia work with outdated and inefficient
• Limited understanding of these technologies
technology. With energy prices being high, their PARTNERS
and their benefits
inefficiency implies high production cost to the
business, as well as high cost to the environment. • Limited access to external financing for SMEs AdaPPPt, The Netherlands
Local available technologies are often not adopted RainWater Cambodia
due to several factors, among others:
Energy Management Scheme • CO2 reduction from initially 147 tons to 62 tons
upon project completion
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 2/2010-1/2014 • Reduction of 186, 000 kWh (3%) energy use
BUDGET: EUR 2,152,056.76 (EU Contribution: 80 %)
LAO PDR, MALAYSIA, • Establishment of 6 national councils (Country
THAILAND, VIETNAM • Contribution to content of Energy Efficiency
& Conservation Laws (amendment to existing
rules and regulations)
Christopher G. Zamora
Action Sustainable Development (ASD), France
To actually incorporate energy efficiency in the The project aimed at increasing the energy Green Technology Corporation, Malaysia
management policy of a company, the energy efficiency of industries in the Association of International Copper Association South-East Asia
management role must be assigned to a senior South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) through the (ICASEA), Thailand
manager who has access to the board. The senior establishment of the ASEAN Energy Manager
Myanmar Engineering Society (MES), Myanmar
manager must also be trained for the effective Accreditation Scheme (AEMAS). Further objectives
integration of energy management systems in were to train and certify energy managers and Pelangi, Indonesia
their companies. This is the concept of the ‘energy provide certification on a large scale for energy Research Center for Energy and Environment (RCEE),
manager’ function. The energy manager must be end-users. Vietnam
a senior manager, who will have a technical team
to design and implement energy management
measures in the context of a sustainable energy
management system that must be incorporated
in the company’s corporate policy.
sustainable production system for rattan • World-wide first FSC certified rattan and 19,000
ha under responsible forest management
products • 220 SMEs were introduced to cleaner production
• Policies reviewed and piloted to support
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 1/2009-12/2011 community based rattan processing and to
BUDGET: EUR 2,417,694 (EU Contribution: 80%) promote a green rattan industry
• 38 SMEs started to switch their production system
in consideration of environmental and social
• 5774 households (rattan pre-processors) improved
rattan production skills
• WFTO membership for Rattan Association of
Sabine Gisch-Boie
Thibault Ledecq
[email protected]
CHALLENGE OBJECTIVES Ottakringer Straße 114-116, 1160 Vienna, Austria
The harvesting and pre-processing of rattan in The project aimed to boost the export of LEAD PARTNER
Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam has long been sustainable rattan products and improve the
unsustainable and wasteful. The processing environmental performance of the processing WWF Austria
industry was over-exploiting the rattan sources, industry. By 2015, the project envisaged that
had little environmental awareness, and was at least 50% of rattan processing in the region PARTNERS
responsible for health risks to its workers. The would be sustainable, leading to environmental
Artisans’ Association of Cambodia (AAC), Cambodia
rattan industry faced poor competitiveness on improvements, strengthened competitiveness,
the global market. However, villagers have been poverty alleviation and national economic Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
heavily relying on this resource for their income. benefits. (LNCCI), Laos
Vietnam Cleaner Production Centre (VNCPC), Vietnam
Linda Roos
Asian Institute of Technology Center (AITCV), Vietnam
In Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, the impact The project sought to improve innovative power of Cambodian Cleaner Production Office (CCPO),
of current growth has caused significant industry, and improve environmental and societal Cambodia
environmental and social problems. quality of products made in Vietnam, Cambodia
Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Competitiveness and the added value of products and Laos by implementing sustainable product
(LNCCI), Laos
of are still relatively low in the region. Sustainable innovation (SPIN) on a significant scale in these
product innovation (SPIN) is an essential element three countries. United Nations Environment Programme, Division
in the development towards a greener economy of Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP DTIE),
as products are the core business of enterprises. France
Innovation for sustainable product designs is the Vietnam Cleaner Production Centre (VNCPC), Vietnam
key to create new business activities.
In China, the broad uptake of Heat Pump Water The project promoted residential HPWH in China Song Zhongkui
Heater (HPWH) faces many challenges. Firstly, the to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It
upfront cost of an HPWH is higher than that of an sought to increase the market share of household [email protected]
electric water heater, and similar or a little higher heat pump water heaters to 6.5% in Southern
than a solar water heater. Secondly, consumer China. No.18, East Beisanhuan Road, Beijing, China
awareness in China is still very low. Consumers
also have no means to compare different types
of water heaters. Thirdly, the level of HPWH China Energy Conservation Association
technology used in China is significantly lower
than in Europe, leading to lower reliability, lower PARTNERS
efficiency, less-than-ideal refrigerants used, and
limited range. China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)
International Copper Association Ltd., China
Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut AB, Sweden
China Higher Efficiency Power and were developed: the minimum energy
performance standards (MEPS), the eco-design
guidelines for manufacturers, and a total-cost
Distribution Transformer Promotion owning guideline (TCO) and tool to support
procurement decisions
• The MEPS standard was submitted and will be
CHINA MULTI-INDUSTRY BUDGET: EUR 781,832.95 (EU Contribution: 80%)
issued officially by the government in 2013
• The eco-design standard and TOC guideline
were issued and effective at 2012 officially
• The MEPS is mandatory and thus all newly
installed transformers will have to comply once
it is approved
• The acceptance of the eco-design guideline by
Chinese manufacturers was ensured by a closed
involvement of China Electrical Equipment
Industrial Association (CEEIA)
• End-users are enabled to take an informed
decision by using the TCO guideline and
product database developed by the project
Philip Zhang
The annual loss of electricity in China is more The project sought to reduce electricity loss by LEAD PARTNER
than 20 billion kWh. About 30–40% of this loss increasing the market penetration of higher
derives from power transmission and distribution. efficiency transformers (S11 and above), and by International Copper Association Ltd., China
Large energy-intensive industries use a lot of enlarging their market share in China.
transformers and upgrading the inefficient ones
is not economical – the energy savings generated ction Sustainable Development (ASD), France
are not enough to compensate for the investment
cost. Local manufacturers lack capacity to produce China Electrical Equipment Industry Association
(CEEIA), China
higher efficiency transformers. End-users do not
see the advantages of using them. China Electricity Council (CEC), China
QIN Yuan
No. 8 Yuyuantan South Road, Haidian District,Beijing,
P.R. China
Products ‘made in China’ are common today – The project sought to promote sustainable
with a daily increasing share of traded goods. consumption and production patterns through LEAD PARTNER
However, there are justified concerns about the use of the voluntary, market-based EU Eco-
the sustainability of production in China and Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). The Administrative Centre for China’s Agenda 21
its negative environmental and social impact. (ACCA21)
These concerns affect also the credibility of
products ‘made in China’. The project specifically PARTNERS
addressed Cleaner Production, using the EU Eco-
Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) to bundle
forces along the global supply-chain in a systemic Centric Austria International (CAI)
approach to stimulate sustainable consumption China Environmental United Certification Center Co.,
and production. Ltd (CEC)
China Quality Mark Certification Group Co., Ltd (CQM)
Sherin Lin
CHALLENGE To bridge the gap that prevents the widespread Brandenburg Pfalz e.V. Ms. Sherin Lin No. 199 Kezhu
adoption of CP and EE, there is a need for competent Road, Guangzhou Science City, 510663 China
Lack of access to finance is the greatest barrier to environment and energy service providers that
implementing high-cost cleaner production (CP) can provide integrated technical solutions and also LEAD PARTNER
and energy efficiency (EE) projects in small and prepare credit-worthy EE/CP projects.
TUV Rheinland Berlin
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China. As
SMEs make up 97% of all firms, enabling them is OBJECTIVES PARTNERS
critical for transforming the economy to a system
of sustainable consumption and production. Assist SMEs in Shaanxi achieve significant pollutant Administrative Committee of Xi’an Hi-tech Industries
However, there is a disconnect between SMEs and discharge reduction and energy-saving carbon Development Zone, China
financial institutions (FIs). On one hand, SMEs have emission mitigation by improving their capacity EMCA
not been able to make compelling financial and to access green credit as well as implement high
economic cases for EE and CP projects to financial Shaanxi Engineering Consulting Center, China
and medium-cost energy efficiency and cleaner
institutions, while on the other hand, financial production measures. Sustainable Technology Adaptive Research &
institutions possess limited capacity to gauge the Implementation Center / Nepal (STARIC/N)
risks and opportunities associated with CP and EE Specific objectives included: The Climate Change Organization, UK
projects. These problems are relevant in Shaanxi,
one of China’s fastest growing economies, where • Enhancing the capacity of Shaanxi SMEs, Xi’an Municipal Research Institute of Environmental
rapid growth led to increased pressure on the Protection, China
particularly in eight energy and pollution-
environment and natural resources. intensive sectors, to access green credit and
Industrial Symbiosis
successful case studies
• Provide SMEs with ISO14001 certification
training courses and walk-through audits
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 10/2009-10/2013 • Form an industrial symbiosis network technical
CHINA MULTI-INDUSTRY BUDGET: EUR 1,848,316 (EU Contribution: 80%) team; develop & deploy synergy management
tools; train industrial symbiosis network
• Organise policy study tours; develop
encouraging policies & develop Chinese
guidelines for industrial symbiosis network
Xu Yufeng
xyfi [email protected]
China’s environment cannot sustain the The project aimed to promote sustainable
production system of high input, low output, production among small and medium-sized LEAD PARTNER
high consumption and low efficiency. Industry enterprises (SMEs) in TBNA by introducing
was a major contributor to resource consumption industrial symbiosis (IS) and environmental Tianjin Economic and Technological Development
Area Administrative Commission (TEDA)
and pollution. Industrial areas such as Tianjin management systems, and by showcasing a
Binhai New Area (TBNA) could reduce their large-scale industrial symbiosis network. By PARTNERS
environmental impact by applying the principles creating an industrial symbiosis network, TBNA
of industrial ecology and establishing a network facilitated material, by-product, energy and Industrial Symbiosis Ltd., United Kingdom
of material and energy flows among enterprises. logistic exchange among 800 SMEs.
Tianjin Harbour Industrial Park Administrative
TBNA needed to tackle problems like the large
Commission, China
quantity of industrial waste. It faced weak
environmental management capacity and lack Tianjin Municipal Economic Commission, China
of effective networks for creating waste exchange Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone Administrative
synergies between companies. The project Committee, China
Industrial Symbiosis in Tianjin Binhai New Area
UNIDO – Investment and Technology Promotion
facilitated synergies between companies to Office, China
raise the effectiveness of resource and energy
utilisation, and to minimise the discharge of
Zhang Mingshun
[email protected]
Although much progress has been achieved in The project sought to promote resource-
No.1, Zhanlanguan Road, 100044, Beijing, China
raising awareness of sustainable consumption (SC) efficient and environmentally friendly economic
and green supply chains, the existing SC practices development in China through mainstreaming
are very much at the demonstration level: The individual sustainable consumption, and at the
current situation in China shows that willingness same time to improve the quality of living in the Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
to buy green products is relatively high. But in target area. (BUCEA)
practice, expenditures on buying green products
are much lower. The main barriers for citizens to PARTNERS
buy green are availability, accessibility, and the
price and information displayed on green products Beijing Consumer Association, China
and services. City2020 Foundation, Netherlands
Institute for Public Policy Research, UK
Nankai University, China
Tianjin Consumer Association, China
SUPP-URB CHINA - Sustainable Public lessons learnt were discussed with the centres
and included in technical guidelines for
Maike Bunse
VA3 - Improving energy efficiency and • 960 VAs have been signed and are being
implemented in the cities of Nanjing, Jingzhou
emission reductions far beyond business as usual,
policy framing and strengthening a financial
NL Agency
In China, many small and medium-sized The project aimed at scaling up SCP practices by
enterprises (SMES) operate inefficiently. facilitating voluntary public private partnerships Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Data shows that average water and energy throughout China and thereby contributing (BUCEA)
consumption per GDP in SMEs is much higher significantly to the mitigation of climate change.
CINET (International Committee on Textile Care)
than in energy-intensive large companies.
SMEs have a large potential to improve their Jingzhou Environmental Protection Bureau (JZEPB)
environmental performance. However, this room Jingzhou Textile Association (JZTA)
for improvement is not effectively addressed
Nanjing Commerce and Trade Bureau (NJCTB)
by conventional Chinese regulation. Voluntary
PPPs will have a bridge and support function to Nanjing Environmental Protection Bureau (NJEPB)
accelerate the process of achieving ambitious Nanjing Laundry and Dyeing Industrial Association
environmental and energy saving results, as (NJLDIA)
existing regulation standards can be met relatively
easily by most SME companies.
Listoman Tanjung
[email protected]
CHALLENGE legislation, poor law enforcement, limited public
awareness, and lack of coordination among actors Jl. Permata Bumi Raya Kav. 6, Bandung 40293
Rattan is one of the most important non-wood within the rattan supply chain. Indonesia
forest products (NWFPs) in international trade and
contributes to 5.5% of Indonesia’s national revenue OBJECTIVES LEAD PARTNER
of forest products. As part of forest management
The Association for Advancement of Small Business
and conservation, about 1 million tonnes of raw The project aimed at contributing to the (PUPUK)
rattan is collected annually, out of which 90% development of sustainable production and
comes from natural forests and the remainder consumption (SCP) practices in the rattan PARTNERS
from rattan cultivation. Harvesting rattan reduces value chain in Indonesia, including promoting
illegal logging as villagers living near forests have responsible collection of rattan and enhancing Innovationszentrum Lichtenfels e.V., Germany
other sources of income from rattan. Indonesia environmental protection. Specific objectives SNV Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV)
is the largest producer of rattan in the world, included:
contributing around 85% of the global market. Nanjing Laundry and Dyeing Industrial Association
• Promoting sustainable production, processing (NJLDIA)
However, conventional methods in collecting
rattan can jeopardise forest conservation. Rattan and utilisation of rattan products
manufacturers use harmful dyes that pollute • Increasing awareness, capacity and
the environment and use energy inefficiently. collaboration among stakeholders in the rattan
Overexploitation of rattan is partly due to weak value chain
(FLEGT License) as a key step to sustainable • By 2015, 30 SMEs in Indonesia’s wood processing
sector to have delivered legally-verified timber
Anwar Purwoto
Jaap van der Meer
Mongolia has a strong history of locally produced This project aimed to encourage green product [email protected]
goods. But these products have often been poor development and eco-labelling for locally
quality; the manufacturing process often uses produced products in Mongolia in order to reduce Plantage Muidergracht 14, 1018 TV Amsterdam
inefficiently resources and with little pollution negative environmental impact. It aimed to Netherlands
prevention. The constraints for the manufacturers strengthen the Mongolian certification standards
are the lack of experience in improving, and procedures and provide business support LEAD PARTNER
manufacturing and marketing their products in network on development and promotion of
IVAM UvA BV, the Netherlands
line with sustainable product standards, and being sustainable products.
unfamiliar with the green label developments in PARTNERS
Mongolia. Fast growing small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) and manufacturing sectors in Center for Appropriate Technology (GrAT)
Mongolia require a sustainability approach not
Mongolian Agency for Standardisation and Metrology
only for SMEs but also for policy-making. The
manufacturing sectors in terms of resource use
and pollution prevention are very often inefficient. Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and
Consumers are not aware of green choices. Eco- Industry (MNCCI)
labelling was already initiated earlier, but did not
succeed due to inconvenient procedures, lack of
awareness and involvement of stakeholders.
Tom Mattison
IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 11/2009-11/2013 The GPIoS project envisaged: Operation Support Services Director
PHILIPPINES MULTI-INDUSTRY BUDGET: EUR 2,386,970 (EU Contribution: 80%) Manila Water Company, Inc.
• Reduced pollution levels and increased resource
efficiency levels in specific companies in Metro
Manila and its linked region CALABARZON
• Increased awareness and use of environmentally
friendly technologies and practices
• Implementation of legal compliance and safety
instruments leading to improved resource
efficiency and higher working standards in
participating SMEs
• Improved micro-climate of the target region
Thomas Ritter
ethical BioTrade initiatives with the • Supporting more than 5000 smallholder
farmers and collectors to increase their
pharmaceutical sector in Vietnam livelihoods through EBT value chains and stable
supplies to EBT enterprises
• Conducting environmental and energy
VIETNAM MULTI-INDUSTRY BUDGET: EUR 2,063,357 (EU Contribution: 77.54%)
assessments with the assistance of Vietnam
Cleaner Production Centre
• Investments in green and modern equipment/
• Communicating and promoting values and
benefits of EB-compliant phyto-pharmaceutical
• Monitor Ethical BioTrade standards and sharing
the results with stakeholders
• Conducting a policy dialogue and enabling
sustainable growth in the phyto-pharmaceutical
sector based on EBT standards
[email protected]
Helvetas Vietnam
Vietnam is home to large resources of natural The project aimed at upscaling the sustainable
ingredients which can be used as raw materials for Ethical Biotrade (EBT) business model to the LEAD PARTNER
the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Natural Ingredient (NI) sector and making
Helvetas Intercooperation gGmbH
However, the supply is dwindling and Vietnam Vietnam an internationally recognised supplier of
has to import large volumes of raw materials: 95% NI to phyto-pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food PARTNERS
of traditional Vietnamese remedies rely on this supplement industries.
natural resource base with an annual production of Centre for Rural Economy Development (CRED)
up to 40,000 tonnes. A weak regulatory framework
on natural resource extraction, combined with
ineffective management of natural resources, lack
of incentives for smallholders to harvest forest
products sustainably, and weak linkages between
supply chain actors contribute to the situation.
Florian Beranek
Linda Roos
In Vietnam several ongoing projects focus on The project sought to contribute to an increased
delivering more sustainable products to both share of sustainable consumption by Vietnamese Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft
export and local markets. However, the awareness consumers in general. To achieve this, the project
of the local consumers on sustainability is low. It is aimed at increasing the capacity of consumer [email protected]
important to raise consumer awareness to create organisations and government in enabling and
a demand for such products. The main target supporting consumers to move towards more LEAD PARTNER
groups of the project are middle-class consumer sustainable consumption behaviour.
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
groups and office worker groups. After being made
aware, trained and educated on the concept with PARTNERS
the support from trainers and experts during the
project, these consumers are considered change Asian Institute of Technology Center (AITCV), Vietnam
agents towards more sustainable consumption.
Manny Calonzo
South-East Asia Regional Specialist,
BANGLADESH, INDIA, MULTI-INDUSTRY BUDGET: EUR 1,798,563 (EU Contribution: 77.8%)
IPEN Asian Lead Paint Elimination Campaign
• Promoting cleantech innovation among 1500 • Creating awareness and knowledge among
MSMEs and building the capacity of 400 FIs by building their capacities to better
MSMEs from high impact sectors in the target understand the cleantech market potentials
countries and to appraise these under a risk-mitigated
• Developing training and guidance materials,
Victor Abainza
Association of Development Financing Institutions in
The biggest challenge remains eliciting the interest The project sought to build and leverage a Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP)
of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises cleantech financing ecosystem to spark improved
(MSMEs) in shifting to clean technology (cleantech), access to finance for Asian cleantech MSMEs in PARTNERS
as well as those involved in the value chain. The order to enhance sustainable consumption and
MSMEs perceive cleantech as costly, and while production (SCP) patterns in Asia. The project
they appreciate the return on investment of such aimed to enhance the cleantech value chains China Electronic Energy-saving Technologies
projecta, it may take some time to recover. Improved and access to finance for MSMEs as well as the Association (CEESTA)
understanding of cleantech is important. However, availability of cleantech financing products by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
lack of financial literacy and transparency by the working with financial institutions (FIs).
The Association for Advancement of Small Business
MSMEs are also major issues on the demand side, (PUPUK)
which hamper further commitments by financial
institutions, which themselves lack awareness,
technical capabilities as well as tailored financial
products and co-investment opportunities.
Julia Young