Climate Change - Introduction and Its Impact - G4
Climate Change - Introduction and Its Impact - G4
Climate Change - Introduction and Its Impact - G4
● Global Issues: Sustainable Development, Biodiversity and Human Interference
Sustainable development focuses on the environment, economy, and society. Initiatives like environmental laws, the
Paris Agreement, and projects promoting sustainable farming and transportation have been implemented.
Understood the concept of environment and analysed the causes and effects of ‘environmental degradation’ and
‘resource depletion’.
Concept of the ‘just transition’, from a global economy based on fossil fuels to one that is driven by clean energy.
Climatic Adaptation
Species: Orange-spotted filefish
(Oxymonacanthus longirostris)
Ecological Significance:
● Algae control
● Enhance the biodiversity of coral
reef ecosystems
● Apex predator
● Highest trophic level
● Influenced nutrient transfer
● Key in ancient marine food webs
Impact of Megalodon’s extinction on The Ecological Balance (Summary)
Impact on Ecosystem Structure:
- Climate change causes sea levels to rise, threatening coastal areas and islands.
- This can lead to flooding, erosion, and the loss of homes and land for millions of people.
Threat to Wildlife:
Economic Impact:
- Climate change poses economic risks, affecting industries like agriculture, tourism, and insurance.
- Costs related to disasters and the need for infrastructure adaptation can strain national economies.
What we learnt ?
1. Changes in morphology of Orange-Spotted Filefish
2. Interconnection of Megalodon with the Ecosystem
3. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
● Defining Inclusivity
● Accessible Language
● Visual Representation