Zscaler Solution Brief

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Cloudi-Fi integration within Zscaler ZIA

Empower your Zscaler with a compliant identity provider for guest, BYOD and IoT

KEY FEATURES OF OUR SOLUTION The rise of cloud adoption by enterprises has democratized
distributed networks in Enterprise. As Internet is eating corporate
networks, local Internet breakouts with SD-WAN and Wi-Fi are
• Extend existing Zscaler tenant to guests, BYOD and
becoming essential (and often sufficient) to users’ connectivity and
IoT with total control and visibility
• Suitable to authenticate corporate guests , BYOD
and IoT but also customers with hotspots
Distributed networks by nature are promoting cloud based services
• Personalized users onboarding and security
gradually replacing central infrastructure. Zscaler authenticates and
• Compliance with local regulations (Data privacy and
secures employees and their managed devices. Still the lack of
Internet provider regulations)
complete and accurate identification of users (such as consultants,
• Captive portal service for Hotspots and Retailers
freelances, and employees with BYOD) but also untrusted devices like
• Quick & frictionless deployment using existing
IoT makes them continue to authenticate on central infrastructure
(controller, anchor controller, NAC…). And in the same time
consuming bandwidth ressources unnecessarily and adding complexity
INTEGRATIONS in managing those users and devices.
• Cloudi-Fi
• Zscaler ZIA Cloudi-Fi is extending the authentication capability of Zscaler to
authenticate (and secure accordingly) all users and devices, including
BYOD and IoT. This is particularly relevant to existing Zscaler ZIA
customers who are one click away of this capability.

Zscaler integration into the Cloudi-Fi administration interface

Cloudi-Fi is a 100% cloud-based SaaS solution that centralizes and uni es Guests, BYOD and IoT access
management. It seamlessly integrates within Zscaler and is particularly suited for SD-WAN architectures with local
internet breakouts.
Cloudi-Fi increases visibility, compliance and control of Internet usage by all users.

Identify your users for a personalized experience Ensure compliance

Easily identify and personalize your guests and visitors. With local data centers around the world, personal data
Pro le your users to apply specific security policies and encrypted, user management of his data. Cloudi-Fi
adapt your Wi-Fi usage accordingly. makes sure the users comply with local regulations:
Multiple authentication modes can be combined: Data privacy (GDPR, CCPA, LGPD...) but also internet
employee sponsorship, SMS, QR code, social networks, service provider laws.
Teams, Slack ... . User will be automatically recognized
for future visits.

IoT Adopt a global solution

Cloudi-Fi manages IoT access, security and compliance. Cloudi-Fi can be deployed instantly, remotely, across the
With its cloud-based DHCP service, Cloudi-Fi provides world regardless of the existing infrastructure. The
discovery, identi cation and classi cation of all IoT architecture is exible and suited for SD-WAN
devices. In combination with Zscaler, the solution allows environments with local internet breakouts.The
IoT-specific security policies in line with a Zero Trust solution also interconnects with existing digital solutions.

With Corporate networks, the solution uses the local Internet breakouts efficiently while removing the dependence
to central solution.

The different types of users

are pro led to propose and
adapt a compliant, secure
and personalized Wi-Fi

Captive portal pages can

be leveraged to automate
digital services on site.

With IoT, the solution accompanies the full IoT lifecycle by controlling the network access of the IoT assets,
identifying and classifying the IoT into category, applying automated IoT security rules accordingly and monitoring
the IoT behavior in real time for control and remediation.

One central management with delegated administration capabilities.

Cloudi-Fi solution provides user

profiling and identification which
allows Zscaler to define speci c
security policies per user
pro le.

Cloudi-Fi solution provides IoT

identification and classification
which allows Zscaler to define
speci c security policies per IoT


Zscaler offers security as as service through a unique zero trust platform. Combined with Cloudi-Fi services, enterprises gain
visibility and control on Guests, BYOD and IoT use. The solution provides a full-featured compliant and secure solution.

To learn more about Zscaler and Cloudi-Fi solutions

Please visit
Zscaler deployment
Zscaler Technology Partner page

Contact us at [email protected]

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