Business Model Canvas Explained
Business Model Canvas Explained
Business Model Canvas Explained
Model Canvas
Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
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The Business Model Canvas Explained
(The material contained in this handout is taken from the book Business Model Generation by Alex Osterwalder & Yves
Customer Relationships
Describes the types of relationships a company establishes with
specific Customer Segments.
Questions to be Answered:
A company should clarify the type of relationship it wants to establish • What type of relationship does each of our Customer
with each Customer Segment. Relationships can range from personal to • Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them?
automated. • Which ones have we established? How costly are they?
• How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?
Customer relationships may be driven by the following motivations:
• Customer acquisition Notes
• Customer retention
Boosting sales (upselling)
Key Resources
Describes the most important assets required to make a business
model work.
Questions to be Answered:
Key Resources
Describes the most important assets required to make a business
model work.
Questions to be Answered:
Every business model requires Key Resources. These resources allow • What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?
an enterprise to create and offer a Value Proposition, reach markets, • What Key Resources do our Distribution Channels require?
maintain relationships with Customer Segments, and earn revenues. • What Key Resources do our Customer Relationships require?
• What Key Resources do our Revenue Streams require?
Different Key Resources are needed depending on the type of business
model. A microchip manufacturer requires capital-intensive production Notes
facilities, whereas a microchip designer focuses more on human
resources. Key resources can be physical, financial, intellectual, or
human. Key resources can be owned or leased by the company or
acquired from key partners.
Key Activities
Describes the most important things a company must do to make its
business model work.
Questions to be Answered:
• What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?
Every business model calls for a number of Key Activities. These are
• Our Distribution Channels?
the most important actions a company must take to operate successfully.
• Customer Relationships?
Like Key Resources, they are required to create and offer a Value
• Revenue streams?
Proposition, reach markets, maintain Customer Relationships, and earn
revenues. And like Key Resources, Key Activities differ depending on
business model type. For software maker Microsoft, Key Activities
include software development. For PC manufacturer Dell, Key
Activities include supply chain management. For consultancy
McKinsey, Key Activities include problem solving.
Key Partnerships
Describes the network of suppliers and partners that make the
business model work. Questions to be Answered:
• Who are our Key Partners?
Companies forge partnerships for many reasons, and partnerships are • Who are our key suppliers?
becoming a cornerstone of many business models. Companies create • Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?
alliances to optimize their business models, reduce risk, or acquire • Which Key Activities do partners perform?
We can distinguish between four different types of partnerships:
• Strategic alliances between non-competitors
alliances to optimize their business models, reduce risk, or acquire • Which Key Activities do partners perform?
We can distinguish between four different types of partnerships:
• Strategic alliances between non-competitors
• Competition: strategic partnerships between competitors
• Joint ventures to develop new businesses
Cost Structure
Describes all costs incurred to operate a business model.
This building block describes the most important costs incurred while
operating under a particular business model. Creating and delivering Questions to be Answered:
value, maintaining Customer Relationships, and generating revenue all • What are the most important costs inherent in our business
incur costs. Such costs can be calculated relatively easily after defining model?
Key Resources, Key Activities, and Key Partnerships. Some business • Which Key Resources are most expensive?
models, though, are more cost-driven than others. So-called “no frills” • Which Key Activities are most expensive?
airlines, for instance, have built business models entirely around low
Cost Structures. Notes
Revenue Streams
Represents the cash a company generates from each Customer
Segment (costs must be subtracted from revenues to create earnings).