Sunrise Enabler Explained
Sunrise Enabler Explained
Sunrise Enabler Explained
1. Worldview - I would like to know how you see the world around you. Could you share with me your
views of how you see things are for you?
2. Ethnohistory - In nursing we can benefit from learning about the client’s cultural heritage, (e.g.,
Korean, Philippine, etc). Could you tell me something about your cultural background? Where were you
born and where have you been living in the recent past? Tell me about your parents and their origins.
Have you and your parents lived in different geographic or environmental places? If so, tell me about
your relocations and any special life events or experiences you recall that could be helpful to understand
you and your needs. What languages do you speak? How would you like to be referred to by friends or
3. Kinship and Social Factors - I would like to hear about your family and/or close social friends and
what they mean to you. How have your kin (relatives) or social friends influenced your life and especially
your caring or healthy lifeways? Who are the caring or non-caring persons in your life? How has your
family (or group) helped you to stay well or become ill? Do you view your family as a caring family? If
not, what would make them more caring? Are there key family responsibilities to care for you or others
when ill or well? (Explain) In what ways would you like family members (or social friends) to care for
you? How would you like nurses to care for you?
4. Cultural Values, Beliefs, and Lifeways - In providing nursing care, your cultural values, beliefs, and
lifeways are important for nurses to understand. Could you share with me what values and beliefs you
would like nurses to know to help you regain or maintain your health? What specific beliefs or practices
do you find most important for others to know to care for you? Give me some examples of “good
caring” ways based on your care values and beliefs.
5. Religious/ Spiritual/ Philosophical Factors - When people become ill or anticipate problems, they
often pray or use their religion or spiritual beliefs. In nursing we like to learn about how your religion has
helped you in the past and can help you today. How do you think your beliefs and practices have helped
you to care for yourself or others in keeping well or to regain health? How does religion help you heal or
to face crisis, disabilities or even death? In what ways can religious healers and nurses care for you, your
family or friends? What spiritual factors do we need to incorporate into your care?
6. Technological Factors - In your daily life are you greatly dependent upon “high-tech” modern
appliances or equipment? What about in the hospital to examine or care for you? (Explain) In what ways
do you think technological factors help or hinder keeping you well? Do you consider yourself dependent
upon modern technologies to remain healthy or get access to care? (Give some example)
7. Economic Factors - Today, one often hears “money means health or survival.” What do you think of
that statement? In what ways do you believe money influences your health and access to care or to
obtain professional services? Do you find money is necessary to keep you well? If not, explain. How do
you see the cost of hospital care versus home care cost practices? Optional: Who are the wage earners
in your family? Do they earn enough to keep you well or help you if sick?
8. Political and Legal Factors - Our world seems full of ideas about politics and political actions that can
influence your health. What are some of your views about politics and how you and others maintain
your wellbeing? In your community or home what political or legal problems tend to influence your
wellbeing or handicap your lifeways in being cared for by yourself or others? (Explain)
9. Educational Factors - I would like to hear in what ways you believe education contributes to your
staying well or becoming ill. What educational information, values or practices do you believe are
important for nurses or others to care for you? Give examples. How has your education influenced you
to stay well or become ill? How far did you go with formal education? Do you value education and
health instruction? (Explain)
10. Language and Communication Factors - Communicating with and understanding clients is important
to meet care needs. How would you like to communicate your needs to nurses? What language(s) do
you speak or understand? What barriers in language or communication influence receiving care or help
from others. What verbal or nonverbal problems have you seen or experienced that influences caring
patterns between you and the nursing staff? In what ways would you like people to communicate with
you and why? Have you experienced any prejudice or racial problems through communication that
nurses need to understand? What else would you like to tell me that would lead to good or effective
communication practices with you?
11. Professional and Generic (folk or lay) Care Beliefs and Practices - What professional nursing care
practices or attitudes do you believe have been or would be most helpful to your wellbeing within the
hospital or at home? What home remedies, care practices or treatments do you value or expect from a
cultural viewpoint? I would like to learn about your home healers or special healers in your community
and how they help you. What does health, illness or wellness mean to you and your family or culture?
What professional and/or folk practices make sense to you or are most helpful? Could you give some
examples of healing or caring practices that come from your cultural group? What folk or professional
practices and food preferences have contributed to your wellness? What foods are taboo or prohibited
in your life or in your culture? In what ways have your past or current experiences in the hospital
influenced your recovery or health? What other ideas should I know about what makes you well through
good caring practices?
12. General and Specific Nursing Care Factors - In what ways would you like to be cared for in the
hospital or home by nurses? What is the meaning of care to you or your culture? What do you see as the
link between good nursing care and regaining or maintaining your health? Tell me about some of the
barriers or facilitators to good nursing care. What values, beliefs or practices influence the ways you
want nursing care? What stresses in the hospital or home need to be considered in your recovery or in
staying well? What else would you like to tell me about ways to care for you? What community
resources have helped you get well and stay well? Give some examples of non helpful care nursing
practices. What environmental or home community factors should nurses be especially aware of to give
care to you and your family? What cultural illnesses tend to occur in your culture? How do you manage
pain and stress? (Clarify) What else would you like to tell me so that you can receive what you believe is
good nursing care? Give specific and general examples