2010 Organon F
2010 Organon F
2010 Organon F
1 Introduction
(1) Dick and Tony emptied the bottle. Hence, Tony and Dick
emptied the bottle.
Formalize and prove first-order validity.
It sounds like a routine exercise of a Logic course. But:
(a) It does not correspond to:
E(d,b) & E(t,b) ∴ E(t,b) & E(d,b)
since Dick and Tony’s joint emptying of the bottle is not equivalent to
a pair of emptyings, one by Dick and one by Tony.
Organon F 17 (2010), No. 2, 150 – 162 © 2010 The Author. Journal compilation © 2010 Institute of Philosophy SAS
A Note on Plural Logic __________________________________________________ 151
1 Besides obscuring the fact that the activity denoted by the 2-place letter E and the 3-
place letter F is essentially the same.
2 Besides the dubious implication that the bottle would have been emptied by a set
(cf. Boolos 1984, 72, one of the pioneering works of plural logic).
152 _________________________________________________ Gustavo Fernandéz Díez
3 Burgess (2004, 197); McKay (2006, Ch. 6); Linnebo (2009, §1.2).
4 Burgess (2004, 220); Oliver – Smiley (2006, 318); Yi (2006, 257).
5 We often find the collective/distributive distinction formulated as a differentiation
between the predicates themselves, as if each predicate carried within its meaning
an indication about whether it should be taken collectively or distributively, when
applied to a plural subject. According to such a view, a predicate P would be distri-
butive when it is an analytic truth that P applies to a plurality of things if and only
if P applies to each of them; and it would be collective otherwise (cf. Oliver – Smiley
2006, 322; and similarly in Linnebo – Nicolas 2008, 188; Linnebo 2009, §1.1). Howev-
er, we have to take into account that many predicates admit both readings. For ex-
ample, ‘lifted the table’ in the sentence ‘Dick and Tony lifted the table’, can be inter-
preted either collectively – they did it together – or distributively – they did it one
after the other. In cases like this the predicate in question would have to be re-
garded as a pair of different predicates, which is very artificial. And on top of it all,
such ‘mixed’ or ambiguous predicates turn out to be the most common ones in Eng-
lish (Winter 2002, 495; Yi 2005, 481).
Hence, it seems much more convenient to conceive the collective/distributive
distinction, as depending on the way in which the predicate applies to the plural
subject in order to form the statement in question. On this other view, the ambigui-
ty of a sentence such as ‘Dick and Tony lifted the table’ is regarded as a purely
structural ambiguity, just as a sentence of the form ‘p and q or r’ is ambiguous be-
tween its two possible readings, ‘(p & q)∨r’ and ‘p & (q∨r)’. The collec-
tive/distributive distinction should therefore be seen as dwelling on the structure of
the predication, rather than on the nature of the predicate used (a similar view is
A Note on Plural Logic __________________________________________________ 153
defended in Moltmann 1997, 52; Cameron 1999, 129; Yi 2005, 481; McKay 2006, Ch.
1, Note 15; Fernández Díez 2006, 42).
6 This includes of course pluralities described by means of generalized quantifiers
(such as ‘most’, ‘nearly all’, ‘more than ten’, etc), unless the description happens to
be equivalent to stating an exact number of elements for the plurality in question
(as in ‘more than four and less than six’, for instance, which can only come out to
154 _________________________________________________ Gustavo Fernandéz Díez
7 As it often occurs, e.g.: McKay (2006, Ch. 1): “Non-distributive predication. Standard
first-order logic does not provide adequate resources for properly representing
many ordinary things that we say: (1) Arnie, Bob and Carlos are shipmates”. Yi
(2005, 460): “The Fregean systems, Frege’s system and its descendants cannot deal
with the logic of the plural constructions (in short, plurals) of natural languages, such
as the following: [P1] Venus and Serena are tennis players, and they won a U. S. Open
doubles title”. Such examples are cases of itemized plural predication, and they are
easily treatable by means of the system which I will describe here.
A Note on Plural Logic __________________________________________________ 155
(4) Dick and Tony are fair-haired. Hence, Dick, Dick, and Tony,
are fair-haired.8
Another feature of plural predication, both collective and distribu-
tive, is substitutivity salva veritate:
(5) Dick and Tony emptied the bottle. Tony is Iron Man. Hence,
Dick and Iron Man emptied the bottle.
(6) Dick and Tony are fair-haired. Tony is Iron Man. Hence,
Dick and Iron Man are fair-haired.
And another is existential quantification over some of the subjects
of the plurality in question:
(7) Dick and Tony emptied the bottle. Hence, Dick and some-
body else emptied the bottle.
(8) Dick and Tony are fair-haired. Hence, Dick and somebody
else are fair-haired.
I claim all inferences (1) to (8) are logical inferences. As a matter of
fact, the even ones correspond to cases of distributive predication, and
can be easily accounted for in standard first-order logic by means of
the usual propositional disjunctions. Indeed (using H for ‘being fair-
haired’, and i for Iron Man):
(2a) H(d) & H(t) ∴ H(t) & H(d)
(4a) H(d) & H(t) ∴ H(d) & H(d) & H(t)
(6a) H(d) & H(t) ; t = i ∴ H(d) & H(i)
(8a) H(d) & H(t) ∴ ∃x ( H(d) & H(x) )
However, the odd inferences of this list ((1), (3), (5) and (7)) corre-
spond to cases of collective predication, and cannot be adequately
treated in standard first-order logic. To be sure, inferences (5) and (7)
could be validated by the introduction of the 3-place predicate letter F
mentioned in §1, but this does not work for (1) and (3).9
10 Just as in ‘Dick and Tony emptied the bottle’, the phrase ‘Dick and Tony’ takes the
argument place of the one who empties, with respect to the 2-place relation ‘x emp-
tied y’.
11 I take a language without descriptions and function symbols, for simplicity.
12 Where predicate letter I stands for the 2-place relation ‘x introduced to swinging to
y’. In this example both places of the relation are filled up by compound terms, the
first of which is made up itself of two compound terms. Such nested pluralities are
not normally accepted in plural logic treatments, although some authors have ad-
vocated for them (Rayo 2006; Linnebo – Nicolas 2008). Our treatment covers them,
but only in the context of itemized collections.
A Note on Plural Logic __________________________________________________ 157
[ r1, …, rn ] = [ s1, …, sm ]
(r1 = s1∨…∨r1 = sm) & … & (rn = s1∨…∨rn = sm) & (s1 = r1∨…∨s1 = rn)
& … & (sm = r1∨…∨sm = rn)
the double horizontal line meaning that the rule can be used in both
directions, downwards and upwards. In other words: that [r1, …, rn]
equals [s1, …, sm] if and only if every one of r1, …, rn equals at least one
of s1, …, sm, and vice versa.14,15
Indeed, applying RICT (in the upward direction) we obtain:
d=d t=t
( d = t ∨ d = d) & ( t = t ∨ t = d) & ( t = d ∨ t = t) & ( d = d ∨ d = t)
[d , t ] = [ t , d ]
13 Recall that our aim is that the proposed system constitutes a singular logic in the
sense given in §2. Hence the basic vehicle to convey reference, predication and
quantification must only be the individual object.
14 In the form of an axiom:
[r1, …, rn] = [s1, …, sm] ↔ ((r1 = s1∨…∨r1 = sm) & … & (rn = s1∨…∨rn = sm) &
(s1 = r1∨…∨s1 = rn) & … & (sm = r1∨…∨sm = rn))
15 Rule RICT is a sort of weaker counterpart of the indiscernibility axiom for full plural
logic systems (which we mentioned in §1), adapted to the case of itemized pluralities.
158 _________________________________________________ Gustavo Fernandéz Díez
d=d t=t
(d = d ∨ d = d ∨ d = t) & (t = d ∨ t = d ∨ t = t) & (d = d ∨ d = t)
& (d = d ∨ d = t) & (t = d ∨ t = t)
This leads us to deal with two kinds of ‘entities’ made up from the
individual members of the interpretation ℑ: on the one hand, simple
entities, which will just be the individuals of U (where U is the univer-
se of ℑ); and on the other hand, complex entities, which will be finite
sets of individuals of U, or finite sets of finite sets of individuals of U,
or combinations of these, etc. etc. In more precise terms (by inducti-
on): every individual of U will be a simple entity (entity of complexity
0) of U; and if u1, …, un are entities of U, the more complex of which
has complexity k, then {u1, …, un} will be a complex entity of U of com-
plexity k+1. No need to say that ℑ will assign simple entities to indivi-
dual terms, and complex entities to compound terms.18
Likewise, we shall consider that a property defined on U is a set of
entities of U, and more in general, that an n-place relation defined on U
is a set of n-tuples of entities of U. Then the interpretation of an n-place
predicate letter P under ℑ (say Pℑ) will be an n-place relation on U,
i.e., a set of n-tuples of entities of U. So that an n-tuple of entities of U
will be said to satisfy P under ℑ, if and only if it belongs to the relation
(set) Pℑ. Thus, if P is for example a 2-place predicate letter, its interpre-
tation Pℑ will be a set of ordered pairs, pairs whose components do
not necessarily have to be plain individuals of the universe U (as it
occurs in the standard first-order logic treatment), but that can be
complex entities, as long as they are built up starting from the indivi-
duals of U only.19
given. And [r1, …, rn] has complexity k+1 when the most complex term among r1, …,
rn has complexity k, and in that case the values r1ℑ, …, rnℑ are taken for granted by
the inductive clause of the definition.
18 Complex entities are bound to be finite sets (of individuals of U, or of finite sets of
individuals of U, etc.), in fair accord with the syntactic structure of compound terms
in our language, which can only consist of finite lists of terms (cf. §4–(c)). It could
not be otherwise in a singular logic system, in which the only vehicle to convey ref-
erence is the individual object (cf. §2); and this is so, of course, given the impossibil-
ity of denoting an infinite plurality by making individual reference to each of its
elements. Restriction to finite sets, incidentally, eliminates any possibility of Rus-
sell’s paradox style arguments affecting our system.
19 Sets which have among its elements single individuals as well as other sets of dif-
ferent complexities, are indeed familiar from set theory. The same can be said of n-
tuples whose components are single individuals as well as sets and other n-tuples
of different complexities. This involves no risk of ambiguity: letting u, v and w be
160 _________________________________________________ Gustavo Fernandéz Díez
Then we can simply say that an atomic formula such P(r1, …, rn) is
true under ℑ if and only if the n-tuple (r1ℑ, …, rnℑ) belongs to the re-
lation Pℑ. And this will hold irrespectively of whether some of the
terms r1, …, rn turn out to be compound terms or not, or what amounts
to the same thing, irrespectively of whether some of the entities r1ℑ, …,
rnℑ turn out to be complex entities or not.
In our logical system a 2-place predicate such as ‘x emptied y’ can
be satisfied by an ordered pair whose two components are single in-
dividuals (as it happens for instance in ‘Charles emptied the bottle’),
but also by an ordered pair whose first component is not a single in-
dividual of the universe, but a complex entity composed of two of
them (as it happens in ‘Dick and Tony emptied the bottle’). Something
which is in perfect match with our intuition that the 2-place predicate
‘x emptied y’ (or, in other words, the relation corresponding to it) is
essentially the same in the case where it was a single person who
emptied the bottle, that in the case where it was two people together,
hand in hand, who carried out the emptying.
Similarly, in our system, a 2-place predicate such as ‘x introduced to
swinging to y’ can be satisfied by an ordered pair whose first and se-
cond components are complex entities of different levels (as it happens
for instance in ‘Dick and Hannah, together with Tony and Grace, intro-
duced John and Alice to swinging’). And a similar remark applies, mu-
tatis mutandis, to all other cases of plural collective predication.
This settings make it very easy to obtain proofs of soundness and
completeness for our proposed system. Indeed, soundness of rule
RICT follows at once from the extensionality of sets.
And as for completeness, only a few minor modifications are nee-
ded on the customary Henkin-style proof.20 Indeed, the usual proof
proceeds by taking any consistent set of formulas Φ, and enlarging it
into a maximal consistent and existentially saturated Ψ. Then an equi-
distinct objects, for instance, the set-theoretical definition of the ordered pair
([u,v],w) makes it clearly different from the pair (u,[v,w]):
([u,v],w) = ({u,v},w) = { {{u,v}} , {{u,v},w} }
≠ (u,[v,w]) = (u,{v,w}) = { {u} , {u,{v,w}} }
And a similar remark applies to n-tuples in general (see e.g. Roitman 1990, 29 – 30).
20 As exposed e.g. in Chang – Keisler (1990, 61 – 66).
A Note on Plural Logic __________________________________________________ 161
Department of Philosophy
University of Murcia
P.O. Box 4021
E–30071 Murcia
[email protected]
BURGESS, J. P. (2004): E Pluribus Unum: Plural Logic and Set Theory. Philosophia
Mathematica 12, No. 3, 193 – 221.