GCSE Latin Vocab List Alphabetical Order
GCSE Latin Vocab List Alphabetical Order
GCSE Latin Vocab List Alphabetical Order
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
de + abl (also used as prefix with verbsfrom, down from; about (as prefix = down) prep 11
dea deae, f. goddess noun 1 18
debeo debere, debui, debitus owe, ought, should, must verb 2 15
decem indecl. ten adj (numerical indecl.) 20
deinde indecl. then adv 16
deleo delere, delevi, deletus destroy verb 2 14
despero desperare, desperavi, desperatus despair verb 1 20
deus dei, m. god noun 2 14
dico dicere, dixi, dictus say verb 3 13
dies diei, m. day noun 5 9
difficilis difficile difficult adj 3 14
dirus dira, dirum dreadful adj 1+2 29
discedo discedere, discessi depart, leave verb 3 18
diu indecl. for a long time adv 17
dives divitis rich adj 3 30
do dare, dedi, datus give verb 1 9
domina dominae, f. mistress noun 1 14
dominus domini, m. master noun 2 2
domus domus, f. (domi = at home) home, house noun 4 20
donum doni, n. gift, present noun 2 14
dormio dormire, dormivi sleep verb 4 2
duco ducere, duxi, ductus lead, take verb 3 8
dum indecl. while conj 34
duo duae, duo two adj (numerical) 12
durus dura, durum hard, harsh adj 1+2 21
dux ducis, m. leader noun 3 31
e, ex + abl (also used as prefix with from, out of (as prefix = out, away) prep 4
effugio effugere, effugi
verbs) escape verb 3 16
ego mei I, me pron 4
egredior egredi, egressus sum go out verb 3 34
emo emere, emi, emptus buy verb 3 6
enim indecl. for conj 23
eo ire, ii go verb irreg 11
epistula epistulae, f. letter noun 1 12
equus equi, m. horse noun 2 15
et indecl. and conj 3
etiam indecl. also, even adv 15
exspecto exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus wait for verb 1 3
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
quaero quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus search for, look for, ask verb 3 4
qualis? quale what sort of? adj 3 27
quam indecl. than, how … ? how … ! adv 10
quamquam indecl. although conj 14
quantus? quanta, quantum how big? how much? adj 1+2 22
quattuor indecl. four adj (numerical indecl.) 20
-que indecl. and conj 14
qui quae, quod who, which pron 15
quinque indecl. five adj (numerical indecl.) 20
quis? quid who? what? pron 4
quo modo? indecl. how? in what way? adv 22
quo? indecl. where to? adv 18
quod indecl. because conj 6
quoque indecl. also, too conj 2
quot? indecl. how many? adj (indecl.) 26
rapio rapere, rapui, raptus seize, grab verb 3 31
re- (prefix used with verbs) back other x *
reddo reddere, reddidi, redditus give back, restore verb 3 4
redeo redire, redii go back, come back, return verb irreg 15
refero referre, rettuli, relatus bring/carry back; report, tell verb irreg 26
regina reginae, f. queen noun 1 33
regredior regredi, regressus sum go back, return verb 3 34
relinquo relinquere, reliqui, relictus leave, leave behind verb 3 20
res rei, f. thing, business, matter noun 5 6
resisto resistere, restiti + dat resist verb 3 17
respondeo respondere, respondi, responsus reply verb 2 3
rex regis, m. king noun 3 14
rideo ridere, risi laugh, smile verb 2 3
rogo rogare, rogavi, rogatus ask, ask for verb 1 7
Roma Romae, f. (Romae: at/in Rome) Rome noun 1 x *
Romanus Romana, Romanum Roman adj 1+2 x *
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List
Eduqas Latin GCSE Defined Vocabulary List