Currency seigniorage, C = (c-g)*r - p
Seigniorage Where c is the notes in circulation, g is the value of gold held to back currency, r
is interest rate earned on assets and p is the cost of printing currency notes.
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its Annual Report for FY 2018 reported a 26.63%
rise in income at INR 72,800 Cr and 9.49% increase in the balance sheet size. In
The Central Bank determines the demand for money supply based on the
contrast, the total expense for RBI during same period was INR 28,200 Cr i.e. a
projections of economic growth and inflation. The rise in currency in circulation or
Net Margin of 63.9%. As a central bank, the RBI has the unique power of printing
monetary base in an economy thus results into higher income for the Central
and issuing currency notes. These notes are the liability of the RBI to the bearer
of such notes as written on the currency note itself. For anyone except Central
The Issue department of RBI is responsible for issuing currency notes and minting
Banks, a currency note is a form of asset. The liability of currency notes does not
of coins and thus also responsible for the assets and liabilities related to issuances
accrue any interest cost to the RBI.
of notes.
2. Seigniorage on Bank Reserves
Let us assume that Person A has money worth INR 100 and there is no bank
Seigniorage accruing from bank reserves arises from the funds banks have to
between RBI and the public. Withdrawal of this money would entail conversion of
maintain with the Central Bank in order to meet their reserve requirements, either
the value INR 100 into currency notes of the same value. RBI would print an INR
as interest-free balances or at below market interest rates.
100 currency note and hand it over to Person A. This value of INR 100 – in return
for which the RBI issued the INR 100 currency note – will be invested by RBI.
Seigniorage on bank reserves, B = b*r’
Thus, the issuance of INR 100 currency note will now earn the RBI interest
Where b is the amount of reserves kept by banks with the central bank, r’ is the
income. In this entire exercise, the only expense borne by RBI was the cost of
rate of interest earned. The banking department is responsible for banking
printing the notes. The currency note of INR 100 will keep circulating in the
supervision and hence, reserves and deposits of banks.
economy and becomes a perpetual liability of the RBI.
In modern economics, the concept of commercial bank seigniorage has also grown
Introduction to Seigniorage in prominence. As discussed earlier, Seigniorage is the profit generated by money
Seigniorage is defined as, the profit earned by the Central Bank of a country from creation. In modern times, money creation is believed to be primarily from
the process of money creation and supply. It is an unconventional method of commercial banks.
generating revenue for Governments. Seigniorage can be earned through 2 A commercial bank accepts deposits and uses the money deposited to lend further
routes: Issuance of Currency and on Bank Reserves. (Credit Multiplier Effect). The bank charges higher interest on loans and advances
as opposed to the interest paid on deposits. This difference earns the bank a
1. Seigniorage through the Issuance of Currency premium referred to as Net Interest Margin.
As the name suggests, it is earned from the issuance of currency notes and is The Seigniorage on currency is generated through the need of currency for
calculated as the notes in circulation (less the cost of printing and distributing exchange and transaction (Liquidity). Similarly, deposits with banks provide
them) multiplied by the market interest rate, which is the potential rate of return liquidity to depositor. The higher the liquidity offered, the lower is the interest
on central bank assets. earned on it. Banks use these deposits to lend further and earn a higher interest.