Gerard 1962
Gerard 1962
Gerard 1962
The results reported in this paper include an exploratory experimental study of small gage length
fracture strains at stress concentrations and an analysis of the weakening and strengthening effects
of stress concentrations in terms of a ductility ratio. The structural significance of tests used to
evaluate ductility in the presence of stress concentrations are discussed, and a procedure to evaluate
the ductility ratio as a basic material property is suggested. Finally, the structural strength/
weight characteristics of various high strength sheet materials are discussed in terms of the struc-
tural design problems associated with aerospace pressure vessels.
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Esn Gtu/€u [3]
Fig. 3 Local strain distribution for specimen containing a central
It is apparent from the results of the previous section that circular hole
Eq. [3] may provide an inaccurate estimate of Esm> since
the uniform strain eu was used instead of the very small gage uu
length fracture strains. nn
For cases in which the net section stress remains elastic,
an important simplification of Eq. [2] can be obtained. For
I ^"" ,-'J!/&
Numbers in parentheses indicate References at end of paper. -•*^1^\ ^^v % 2222Zp
y j f e ^ -~ir~^
20 30 40 50 60 80 '00
S t r u c t u r a l D e s i g n S i g n i f i c a n c e of N o t c h T e s t s
Certain environmental and loading conditions that may
significantly affect design performance are associated with
the structural applications of materials. Stress field, tem-
perature, strain rate, stress concentrations, and size effects
may be included among these factors. To guard against
inappropriate use of materials under certain combinations
of these factors, metallurgists have used tests such as the
Fig. 5 Notch strength ratio as a function of elastic stress con-
centration factor according to Eqs. [10 and 11]. Test points of Charpy, notched tensile, slow bend, and others to screen
Ref. 6 for aged Ti-2.5Al-16V at various temperatures materials. In a structural design sense, these tests have
been useful in the rather restrictive sense that they establish
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA on February 2, 2015 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.6248
Significance of D u c t i l i t y R a t i o
j ^
10°/ 0
It should now be apparent that the ductility ratio e can be / —-—~" "°"S
\ /P = i.6xio ....
. • — • —
\ 10°/
combination with Eq. [12], it permits the determination '.6
. .5
of the plastic stress concentration factor for prescribed values c o Ti Alloys
of the elastic stress concentration factor. - .4
• Steels
It is notewortlw that evaluation of the ductility ratio in-
volves a straightforward test procedure in which the strength
of specimens containing suitable stress concentrations is the
only measured quantity. The ductility ratio is evaluated
from these test data without requiring any direct measure of
strain. As such, it represents a simple test procedure from 1
.02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .08 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6
which the effects of stress concentrations can be determined
under the environmental conditions appropriate to the struc-
tural application. With a knowledge of the ductility ratio, Fig. 7 Material strength/weight ratio as a function of ductility
Eq. [12] can be used to incorporate plastic stress concentra- ratio
tion effects into the design process.
Structural Strength/Weight Considerations It is important to note that Eq. [13] reflects a convenient
strength/weight-ductility ratio "law" of materials which
Material Strength/Weight and Ductility hardly could have been anticipated. Because of the small
amount of test data on which it is based, however, it must
In order to focus now on strength/weight considerations be regarded as tentative, subject to further verification.
related to aerospace pressure vessel design, the data presented
in Fig. 6 will be used to provide some estimate of the rela-
Structural Strength/Weight
tion between the strength/weight and the ductility ratios.
For this purpose these data are summarized in Table 1. As discussed previously, tension structures are character-
These data are plotted in Fig. 7, and, although the data ized by stress concentrations of varying magnitudes. It thus
are few and somewhat scattered, the following relation be- appears useful to consider that the complex interaction among
tween material strength/weight ratio and ductility ratio fits strength and ductility of materials and the strength and
the data within ± 10% limits : ductility of structures can be idealized by assuming that the
essential difference between material strength and structural
o-tu/p = 1.6 X 106 e1 [13] strength is caused by stress concentrations. With this con-
Although the points for the steels seem to fall toward the lower cept, the tensile strength of a structure S containing stress
10% limit and the titanium alloy points toward the upper concentrations relative to the tensile strength of the material
limit, all the data are grouped together in view of the paucity used atu was given in Ref. 7 as
of data.
S = (Ttu/kp [14]
Table 1 By combining Eqs. [10 and 13] with Eq. [14] and letting
ks = 1
Material e <rtu <?tu/p
AMS 6434 0.023 240 ksi 0.86 X 10 3 in. S/P = [15]
4340 0.076 250 0.90 1 + (ke - l)(oV1.6 X 106p)6
Ti-6A1-4V 0.049 170 1.06
Ti-5Al-3Cr-lFe 0.093 190 1.16 Results obtained from Eq. [15] for prescribed values of ke are
Ti-13V-llCr-3Al 0.170 195 1.11 shown in Fig. 8. It is most interesting to observe that, for
each value of kc, the structural strength reaches a maximum
AUGUST 1962 1219
i.2xicfi reasonable accuracy, considering the few test points upon
ke=i • which Eq. [13] is based.
Also evident from Fig. 10 is the fact that, for very sharp
<~ notches (k0 = 17), high material strength/weight leads to
low structural strength/weight. If an elastic stress concen-
^^SNt tration factor of 17 represents a particular structural applica-
tion, then material strength/weight ratios in the range of
0.8 to 1.0 X 106 in. represent the optimum for the materials
S/p /X considered in Fig. 10.
\ o /max 6 p
Magnetohydrodynamic Generators
and Nuclear Propulsion R. J. ROSA2
Avco-Everett Research Laboratory
Everett, Mass.