Platina Assure 7yrs 15yrs
Platina Assure 7yrs 15yrs
Platina Assure 7yrs 15yrs
Yearly Insurance Maturity Value Maturity Value Maturity Value Maturity Value
Premium Coverage Age: 30days - 40yrs Age: 41yrs - 50yrs Age: 51yrs - 55yrs Age: 56yrs - 60yrs
Special Features:
Age Limit: Min 30days - Max 60years.
Fixed interest ll maturity.
Pay for just 07years & Get maturity on 15th year.
Guaranteed Maturity amount will be printed on the policy document.
Inbuild Life insurance coverage upto 15years (10 mes on Annual Premium)
Tax Benefit avail as per income tax rules.