Freshroot Online Fruit and Vegetables Selling Application

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Freshroot Online Fruit and Vegetables

Selling Application
Dr. M.S. Chaoudhari¹, Shital Patil², Bhavana Jotwani³, Sahil Dukare³, Ishika Tuppat³,
Tejash Bhivgade³, Shruti Shahare³, Sanskruti Thote³
¹Head of Department, Department of Information Technology, Priyadarshini Bhagwati College of Engineering,
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
²Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Priyadarshini Bhagwati College of Engineering,
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
³UG Student, Department of Information Technology, Priyadarshini Bhagwati College of Engineering,
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Abstract:- Online vegetable purchasing application have Everyone deserves access to fresh, healthy, and
become popular in recent year due to the ease and delicious fruits and vegetables, and are committed to making
convenience they offer to customers. Buying vegetables that a reality for customers. So, come and join us to this
from hawkers through an online application is a journey towards a health their lifestyle and let be trusted
convenience and time saving way to shop for fresh source for all fruit and vegetables needs.
produce. Using the application, customers can browse
the available vegetables, view their details, and make Selling fruits and vegetables online is gaining immense
purchases. This application also offers features like popularity. It is convenient, to assured of quality products
search, filter and sorting to help customers find the and the prices are reasonable. The biggest advantage is they
vegetables they need quickly. The application also are delivered to a doorstep. Customer can either buy bulk
provides the option to choose the quantity of each item, produce from farmers, start a business-2-business venture,
making it easy to buy exactly what is needed and have it or set up entrepreneurial journey online. A good vegetable
delivered directly to their doorstep. This method of business plan becomes mandatory in both cases. Most
purchasing vegetables not only saves time but also allows couples are working professionals and nothing would make
customers to compare process and avoid the hassle of them happier than receiving their quota of groceries at their
physically going to a market or store. Additionally, doorstep.
online application often offers, making it a cost-effective
option as well. Overall, buying vegetables through an The benefits of such a business venture are varied.
online application is a convenient, efficient and Customers add to farmers earning whether they buy directly
increasingly popular way to shop for fresh produce. from them or wholesalers. Seller can deliver fresh produce to
buyers. This also helped to improve the overall health of
Keywords:- Application, Fresh and Vegetable, Home customers. The vegetables and fruits directly from the
Delivery. farmers, add to their earnings as there are no middlemen.
Seller can start on small scale, build association and
I. INTRODUCTION relationship with the local farmers, and perhaps then expand
the business on large scale. After China, India holds the
Online vegetable and fruit selling project, aim to record for being the largest producer of vegetables and fruits
provide customers with fresh and nutritious produce right at across the globe. And explore the various advantages of
their doorstep. Project is committed to promoting a healthy selling farms produces online.
lifestyle by offering a wide range of seasonal and organic
fruits and vegetables that are sourced directly from local  Problem Statement
farms and producers. The problem statement of Freshroot online fruit and
vegetables selling application is to provide a user-friendly
An online platform is designed to make shopping for platform that enables customers to purchase fresh fruits and
fruits and vegetables easy and convenient for customers. vegetables online at competitive prices, with convenient
With just a few clicks, customers can browse through wide delivery options, and excellent customer service. The
selections of fresh produce, placed their orders, and have application aims to disrupt the traditional brick and mortar
them delivered right to their doorstep. model of grocery shopping and provide a seamless online
shopping experience for customers. The application also
Dedicate to providing customers with the highest aims to provide a platform for small-scale farmers to sell
quality products, excellent customer services, and their produce directly to customers, thereby reducing the
competitive prices. Team of experts carefully selects each intermediaries and increasing their revenue.
item to ensure that only the freshest and most nutritious
produce reaches tocustomers.

IJISRT23NOV772 1521

Volume 8, Issue 11, November – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Objectives  Farmer’s E-mart : An E-Commerce Store For Crops,”
(K. Saini, I. Mishra and S. Srivastava) (2021) Advances
 Convenience: in Computing, Communication Control and Networking
To provide customers with a convenient and hassle-free  Agent-based simulation improves E-Grocery Deliveries
Platform to purchase fresh and high-quality vegetables from using horizontal cooperation(Adrian Serrano-
the comfort of their homes or office. Hernandez,Javier Faulin)(2020)this paper provides E-
grocery deliveries using Horizontal cooperation.
 Quality:  Quality Detection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to
To ensure the quality and freshness of the vegetables Improve Horticulture and Agro-industries.(S. Gnanavel,
being sold by partnering with trusted farmers or suppliers S. Manohar, K. E. Sridhar, S. Sokkanarayanan and M.
and implementing proper storage and transportation process. Sathiyanarayanan) (2019) This is a online web-site
created by usng Pyhton, MySQL and Bootstrap.
 Variety:  Saving the vegetable paddler with information
To offer a wide variety of vegetables to cater to technology(P. E. Masudia, M. Sarosa, A. E.
different customers preferences, dietary needs and seasonal Rakhmania, U.Z. Muhammad) (2018) this application
availability. aims to develop an online groceries trading to help
farmers to increase their sales by finding buyers, the
 Competitive Pricing: technology used was MySQL software with PHP
To offer competitive pricing to attract and retail Notepad programming language andXampp.
customers by leveraging technology and economics of scale
to reduce overhead costs. III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY

 Efficiency:  General Information about Our Services

To optimize the supply chain and delivery processes to Freshroot is an online marketplace where shopkeepers
ensure prompt and efficient delivery of vegetables to can sell their fresh vegetables and fruits customers can buy
customer. them with easy. The application allows shopkeeper to create
their profile. Add their vegetables and fruits with images and
 Sustainability: other information and set prices. Customers can browse the
To promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices, available vegetables at fruits, view their details and make
such as reducing food waste, using biodegradable packaging purchases. The website also offers features like search, filter
and supporting local farmers. and sorting to help customers find the vegetables and fruits
they need quickly. Paymentcan be made securely through the
 Customer Satisfaction: application. With Freshroot, buying and selling vegetables
To prioritize customer satisfaction by providing and fruits has been easier.
prompt and reliable customer services, resolving issue
promptly and incorporating customer feedback to improve  Login for Registered Customer and Vendors.
the application feature and user experience.
 Customer

 Sell and Buy Homegrown Vegetables and Fruits Online  Interface for Customer:
(C. Preethi, V. S. S. Saran, M. Meikannan, S. S. List of fruits & vegetables details, view vegetable &
Hammed, K. Haripriya and B. A. Kumar) fruits specifications, view payments details. edit and list of
(2023) this application provides building process for vegetables & fruits, List stock available, Track supply
customer Using E-Commerce UML Algorithm. transport, shipping and Delivery Updates, List previous
 Bid and Buy (H. Rahman, E. Barua, S. Afrin, A. Rahman purchase and transport, reset password, Log-out for new
and M. Monirujjaman Khan) (2021) this application participated etc.
provides bidding process for customer using MySQL
database, PHP and Python.  Interface for Vendors:
 Design and Implementation of a Secure OR Payment List and Add vegetables & fruits details, view
Based on visual Cryptography(Lina Ahmad, Rania AI- customer demands, view payments details from customer,
Sabha,Ali AI Haj)(2021)the application provides a list of vegetables & fruits. List stock available, Track supply
simple and user-friendly interface for user to carry out transport, shipping and delivery, List previous supply and
payment transaction in user-friendly environments. transport, reset password, Log-out for new participated etc.

IJISRT23NOV772 1522

Volume 8, Issue 11, November – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. MODULES  Product:
Here are some points about the vegetable sellingproduct
The system consists of the following modules: module:

 Hawkers  Inventory management: The module should have a

 Customers feature to manage the inventory of the vegetable
 Product available for sale. This includes keeping track of the
 Payment quantity, pricingand stock availability.
 Order management: The module should have a feature to
Module Description: manage orders from customers. This includes tracking
order, processing payment and updating the inventory as
 Hawker: orders are fulfilled.
The Hawkers module for an online vegetable and fruit  Customer management: The module should have a
selling application typically include the following features: feature to manage customer information, including
contract detail, address, order history and preferences.
 Product listening: The model would enable hawkers to  Pricing management: The model should have a feature to
list the fresh produce they have available for sale. They manage pricing of the vegetables, which can be adjusted
should be able to add details such as product name, based on factors such as supply and demand, seasonality
description, weight, price and quantity. andcompetition.
 Order management: The module would allow hawkers to  Delivery management: The module should have featureto
manage their orders, view the details of orders, and keep manage the delivery of the vegetables to customers. This
track of their delivery status. includes tracking delivery status, assigning delivery
 Inventory management: The module should allow personal, and managing logistics.
hawkers to manage their inventory and keep track of the  Reporting and analytics: The module should have
stock levels. They should be able to update stock level features to generate reports and analytics on sales
based on the orders received. performance, inventory labels, customer behaviour and
 Payment management: The module should integrate with other key metrics. This can help identify trends and
a payment gateway to facilitate online payments for a opportunities for improvement.
customer orders.  Integration with other systems: The module should be
 Delivery management: The module should allow able to integrate with other systems, such as accounting
hawkers to manage their delivery personally, assign software, payment gateways and marketing platforms, to
orders to them and track the delivery status. streamline operations and improve efficiency.
 Reporting and analytics: The module should provide  User interface: The module should have a user-friendly
hawkers with insight into their sales, stocks, levels and interface that makes it easy for users to manage their
customer preference through reports and analytics. vegetable selling operations. This includes features such
 Customer support: The module should provide a as search, filters and alerts to ensure that users can quickly
platform for hawkers to communicate with their findthe information they need.
customers and provide support if required.
 Payment:
 Customer: The payment module of an online vegetables and fruit
The customer module of an online vegetables and fruit sealing application would involve the following
selling application involve following functionalities: functionalities:

 User registration: This feature will allow to customer to  Payment getaway integration: The application should
create an account with application, which require them integrate with a secure payment gateway that can process
to provide their personal information, such as name, online transactions, ensuring the safety and security of
email address, phone number and delivery address. customers data and transactions.
 Browse products: Customer will be able to browse  Payment methods: The application should offer various
through the list of available vegetables and fruits on the payment methods, such as credit card, debit card, net
application. They can search for specific item, filter the banking, mobile wallet, to provide customers with a
products by category or price, and view details choiceof payment options.
descriptionsand images of each product.  Payment processing: Once the customer has selected
 Add to cart: Customers can add the desired products to their preferred payment method, the application should
their cart, which will accumulate their total order value. process the payment securely and efficiently, with real
 Place order: Once the customer has added all the timeupdates on the status of the transactions.
required item to their cart, they can proceed to the  Invoice generation: After the payment is successfully
checkout page and place the order. They will be proceed, the application should generate an invoice with
prompted to select a delivery time and payment method. the details of transactions including the products detail,
 Payment processing: The application should allow price, and any applicable taxes and discounts.
customers to pay for their orders using various payment
methods, such as credit card, debit card, mobile wallet.

IJISRT23NOV772 1523

Volume 8, Issue 11, November – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Refund processing: In case of any order cancellations or
returns, the application should initiate the refund process
and credit the amount back to customers account through
atthe same payment method used for the transactions.
 Payment notifications: The application should send
notifications to customers confirming the payment status
and order details, providing them with a record of the
 Secure payment storage: The application should securely
store customer payment information, including credit
card, debit card details, to make it easy for customers to
make future transactions without having to re-turn their
payment details.


The output of the application consists of home page

which shows available vegetables and fruits along with their
price and other filters. It contains the vegetables of different
categories like root vegetables, leafy vegetables, citrus
fruits, etc.

This application gives the shopping cart to see your

order Vegetables and fruits and also the subtotal of your
products what you have ordered.

Also provides payment options such as net banking,

wallets and others options also.

The output of application are provided below:

Fig 2 Shopping Cart

Fig 1 Output of Home Page Fig 3 Payment Method

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Volume 8, Issue 11, November – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
VI. BENEFITS can offer a convenient platform for customers to browse and
purchase a variety of fruits and vegetables from the comfort
 Traffic and Crowd can be avoided: of their own homes.
It is quite irritating for individuals to get stuck in traffic
while out shopping. Traffic and distance traveling are a few The application can also provide benefits to farmers by
drawbacks when shopping is planned. In that manner, offering a new sales channel to reach a larger customer base
people opt to order vegetables online in their locality. This is and potentially increase their profits. By eliminating
very simple for people as they can shop from the comfort of intermediaries, farmers can also receive a higher profit
their homes. The vegetables and fruits bought online are margin for their produce.
preserved in low temperatures in warehouses and not
polluted by traffic and other parameters. To ensure the success of online vegetables and fruits
sellingapplication, it is important to focus on user experience
 Time saved: and offer features that make the application easy to use and
We all run life in this busy world and allocating time navigate. This can include a variety of payment options, a
for other aspects is quite difficult and also on burden to the streamlined checkout process to build trust among
scheduled. Hence using online options are feasible and customers.
comfortable. When people order vegetables online, they find
its hassle free as they can pick their choice with just a few Overall, an online vegetables and fruits selling
clicks. When a comparison is made with the traditional application has the potential to benefit both customers and
method, online shopping for vegetables is easy. Another key farmers by providing a convenient platform to buy and sell
advantage is that online shopping for vegetables can be done fresh produce, and it can contribute to building a more
anytime around the clock 24/7. There is not any fixed time sustainable food system.
to shop. Hence shopping online for vegetables is less time
consuming and also beneficial. The development of all modules for an online
vegetable and fruit sailing application is not feasible at this
 All over India Delivery: time. Several factors, such as technical limitations, budget
The biggest advantage of buying vegetables and fruits constraints, and time limitations, make it difficult to develop
online is the shipping benefits. After shopping minimum and maintain all the modules required for such an application.
requirements, the shopped vegetables are brought to your
doorstep. This is the key benefit for which many people REFERENCES
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