Mathematics Poe Draft Almost Done

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Activity 1

This essay will be about teaching for deep understanding, and will be exploring the
importance of encouraging students to communicate mathematically, the importance
of using questioning, the importance of problem solving, the importance of
generalizing as part of the teaching process and lastly the importance of justifying as
part of the teaching process, and looking at how these techniques can help students
develop a robust comprehension of mathematical concepts.

According to Siemon, Adendorff, Austin, Fransman, Kaino, Hobden and Makonye

(2013) it is highly significant that students are able to communicate mathematically in
respects to teaching for deeper understanding, as Mathematics communication is
believed to play a very pivotal role in giving students an in-depth comprehension of
maths ideas and contributes towards their ability to think analytically, logically as well
as solve problems. Students capable of successfully discussing their mathematical
thoughts are able to effectively explain and comprehend the grounds to their
perspectives as well as solutions with regards to solving problems. Not only does it
assist them in strengthening their comprehension of mathematical concepts, in
addition it grants these students an opportunity to learn from various experiences/
point of views. What’s more, is that mathematical communication assists in
promoting a learning domain that allows learners to have fruitful discourses,
meaningful disputations on various tactics to apply when solving problems and
learners get to join forces in figuring out solutions to complicated mathematical ideas

Moving on to the next aspect of teaching for deep understanding, we must consider
the importance of using questioning as a teaching strategy, and according to Siemon
et al. (2013) posing questions to students in a mathematics class is significant, as
this assists in promoting an in-depth comprehension of the course of study in various
ways, this includes helping students to think rationally when it comes to analysing
problems, which in turn will assist students in coming up with various strategies
when dealing with mathematical equations, instead of having them commit to
memory all of the formulas without grasping the essence of said formulas. In posing
questions, teachers are able to get their students to actively participate in the
procedure of learning, which in turn will inspire them to openly take part in all
classroom dialogues. Moreover, the procedure of posing questions will assist
teachers in addressing any areas of struggles or misunderstanding learners might
have while learning a concept. By tackling these areas of struggle sooner rather than
later, teachers are able to put a stop to any obstacles that will restrain any
advancement of students in the subject. Additionally, through posing questions
teachers are able to consistently measure how well students are grasping the
concepts as well as check if there are any advancements.

Another key element of teaching for deep understanding is problem-solving, and

according to Killen (2015) problem solving is regarded as a very crucial element of
mathematics, as it further contributes towards students getting an in-depth
comprehension of the essence of mathematics and its concepts. By having learners
responsible in solving mathematical equations, educators have the ability to assist in
fostering vital expertise that their students can solicit in different mathematics
problems. Problem solving motivates learners to think logically as well as analytically
when tackling mathematical problems, which these two skills are amongst the
significant skills required in order to foster an in-depth comprehension for
mathematics. By giving learners complicated equations, they are able to examine as
well as recognize necessary information, as well as to put in place suitable
mathematical ideas in order to discover answers. By doing so, students are then
able to interact with the material in a more purposeful sense and most importantly
getting the students to have a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of

Moreover, according to Siemon et al. (2013) generalizing is a significant factor in the

procedure of teaching, this is due to the fact that generalizing offer’s students an
opportunity to apply concepts taught to them in class to a wider range of real-life
circumstances. For instance, cooking involves plenty of measuring and converting
between units. Students can utilise mathematics concepts such as fractions,
decimals and percentages in order to measure ingredients. By promoting the idea of
learners associating concepts such as fractions, decimals and percentages to real
life situations, learners are able to have an in-depth comprehension of these
concepts and their practical implementations. Additionally, the process can also
assist students in thinking analytically and logically, as they scrutinize as well as
assess data, and try to link the relationships among different facts. Furthermore,
generalizing can assist students in figuring out particular sequences and connections
they may have, which can result in new revelations.

Finally, according to Siemon et al. (2013) Justifying is an important aspect of

mathematics, as it assists learners to better comprehend the underlying logic and
motive of mathematics ideas. It further gives students an opportunity to see the
associated links between certain mathematics concepts and their relationships, as
well as figuring out how said concepts can be applied to real world circumstances.
By justifying maths ideas, teachers can foster an in-depth sense of comprehension in
their learners of these ideas as well as improve upon their students analytical
thinking. Moreover, justifying also assists learner’s in improving on their problem-
solving skills, and makes it easier for them to deal with a wide range of complex
concepts. Furthermore, justifying is a great tool for educators to utilise in order to
create a strong substructure for their students in mathematics, while getting them
ready for other mathematical ideas.

In conclusion, as mathematics proceeds to play a significant part in shaping the

world we live in, it is essential that teachers adapt their teaching practices to meet
the ever-evolving requirements of their learners. By including mathematical thinking,
justifying, problem solving and generalizing into their teaching strategies, teachers
can provide learners with the necessary tools and skills needed to succeed in an
ever-changing, information driven society.
Activity 2

The IIE Lesson Plan Template




QUALIFICATION B.Ed Intermediate Phase



A. Lesson Details

GRADE Grade 4

SUBJECT (CAPS) Mathematics

TOPIC Estimate lengths

DATE OF LESSON 6 September 2023



B. Caps-Specific Focus

References CAPS Specific Focus

Department of basic education. 2011.  Leaners should be exposed to a

National curriculum statement (NSC): wide range of different
curriculum and assessment policy statement measurement activities.
(CAPS), Grade 4-6 Mathematics. Pretoria:  Learners should be introduced to
Department of education. the use of standardised units of
measurement and appropriate
instruments for measuring.
Bowie, L. Gleeson-Baird, C. Jones, R.  Learners should be able to
Morgan, H. Morrison, K. and Smallbones, M. estimate and verify results through
Platinum Mathematics: Learner’s book accurate measurements.
grade 4. Cape town: Pearson South Africa.  Learners should be able to select
and convert between appropriate
units of measurements.
C. Summary of the content to cover

Briefly describe ‘what’ content you need to cover. This will inform the lesson objectives and
choice of teaching strategy.

The aim of this lesson is to ensure that learners have an in-depth understanding of how
we estimate the lengths of various objects and how we measure these estimations to find
the accuracy of said objects.

D. Lesson Objective

1. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to explain what the term estimation
2. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to estimate the lengths of various
3. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to utilise the ruler in order to measure
the accuracy of all the various estimated objects.
4. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to convert the estimated lengths of
objects measured into different measuring units.

E. Rationale for Lesson Design

The main idea of this lesson is building the students understanding on lengths. The aim of
this lesson is to ensure that students are able to understand how we estimate the lengths
of various objects, how to measure the lengths of said objects in order to find the accuracy
of our estimations and how to represent these findings in different measuring units.
Utilising various teaching strategies which include discussion, will help to promote active
learning and critical thinking, allowing the students to develop a deeper understanding of
the concept. The textbook will be used to check learners understanding of the concept
being taught through questioning, which will further help in deepening the student’s
comprehension of the concept. The strategy of direct instruction will help to engage the
learners further, which will help learners to apply their knowledge of these learnt concepts
on real-life scenarios.

The nature of this lesson will ensure that all students are provided the chance to be
actively involved in the topic of length estimations within the classroom setting. The
discussion will provide a dynamic and interactive learning environment and will allow
students a chance to learn from one another, share ideas and think critically about the
topic while trying to find answers, which in turn will lead to fostering a deeper
understanding and appreciation of the topic. This lesson will include all kinds of learners
whether slow or quick learners, students will be able to be actively involved in the lesson.
If there happens to be students who have visual problems, there will be pictures from the
textbook that are clear enough for the students to see, which will ensure that students with
visual problems are able to feel accommodated in the lesson.

F. Teaching and learning strategies

Questioning, Discussion and Direct In the beginning of the lesson, the teacher
Instruction. will start by using the strategy of
questioning by posing questions to the
learners about the understanding of the
word estimation. The teacher will use this
strategy as means of finding out what the
learners already know about the concept at

After posing questions to find out the

student’s prior knowledge, the teacher will
then introduce the new topic on length
estimations through discussion, where the
teacher will feed the learners information on
the new topic and giving learners a chance
to listen and pay close attention to the
information being shared. which by doing
so, will allow the learners the chance to
actively engage in the teaching and
learning process of the topic at hand, while
also helping them to link any prior
knowledge they have to the new topic being
discussed, and further helping them to build
on what they already know.

As a way of concluding the lesson, the

teacher will use the strategy of direct
instruction as means of guiding learners
through the class activity given out in order
to assess the students understanding of the
concept being discussed.
G. Lesson Phases

Lesson Steps Resources

Phases Required

INTRODUC- In the introductory phase, the lesson will begin with the Chalk
TORY teacher greeting the learners as means of creating a warm
PHASE and welcoming environment where the learners feel safe
and free enough to engage the topic without any judgement. Textbook
The teacher will then proceed with the lesson by posing
questions to the students about what they understand about
the term estimation? As a way of testing learner’s prior Chalkboard
knowledge on the word. Which will assist the teacher in
addressing any misconceptions the students might have on
the concept.

Time Allocation: 10 minutes

In this section the teacher will start the lesson by introducing Chalk
the name of concept being learnt about to students.
Following that, will be the teacher giving an in-depth
explanation of what are estimations? The teacher will then Textbook
go into detail about the various ways we can measure our
findings on the objects we have estimated, as a way of
assuring the accuracy of those estimations. Furthermore, Chalkboard
the teacher will explain to students how a ruler is used to
TEACHIN find the accuracy of the estimated objects, and he will do so
G& by measuring different lines that he drew on a poster he will
be presenting to students in class. The teacher will then
G PHASE teach learners how we represent the various measuring
units in all the objects being measured and or estimated.

Time Allocation: 25 minutes

To close off the topic, the learners will be given a class Pen
activity, which will be in their textbook, where learners will
have to measure different things such as each other’s
heights and lengths of lines. This activity will be given as a Notebook
way of check whether the students have understood the
CLOSURE concept of measuring and recording lengths. Based on the
PHASE results found from the learners doing the activity, the Textbook
teacher will then quickly address the results, by providing
students with corrections.

Time Allocation: 25 minutes

ASSESSMENT In order to assess the extent of the learner’s knowledge, learners will be given
a class-activity, which they will do in groups of 3 members in each group.

Question 1

You will need 3 members in each group in order to do this part of the activity.

Step 1- Try and estimate each member of the group’s height and write down your
estimations of each height. [1]

Step 2-Take a metre stick and measure each person in the groups height to check if
your estimations were correct or at least close to the correct answer. [2]

Step 3- Once each person’s height has been measured and recorded on a neat
piece of paper, convert each person’s height from metres to centimetres. [2]

Step 4- After seeing the results of each person’s height, who would you say is the
tallest member in the group? Justify your answer by using the answers found when
measuring each learner’s height to back up you’re answer. [5]

Question 2

2.1 Estimate the following lengths in centimetres. [1]



2.2 Using a ruler, measure the lines estimated above in centimetres to find out if your
estimations were correct or at least closer to the measured results. [2]

2.3 Convert both answers found in 2.2 from centimetres to millimetres. [2]

2.4 Which line is bigger between line 1 and line 2? Justify your answer using the
measured answers. [5]


Bowie, L. Gleeson-Baird, C. Jones, R. Morgan, H. Morrison, K. and Smallbones, M.

Mathematics: Learner’s book grade 4. Cape Town: Pearson South Africa.

Department of basic education. 2011. National curriculum statement (NSC):

curriculum and assessment policy statement (CAPS), Grade 4-6 Mathematics.
Pretoria: Department of education.

Killen, R. 2015. Teaching strategies for outcomes-based education. 2nd ed.

Newcastle: Juta and company.

Siemon, D. Adendorff, S. Austin, P. Fransman, J. Hobden, S. Kaino, L. Luneta, K.

J. Van der Wal M, Van Putten, S. Beswick, K. Brady, K. Clark, J. Faragher, R. and
E. 2013. Teaching mathematics. Cape Town: Oxford University Press.

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