Lean Manufacturing traces its origins back to early pioneers like Eli Whitney and Henry Ford. It was further developed by Toyota into the Toyota Production System following World War II. Toyota recognized shortcomings of previous mass production systems and focused on eliminating waste and incorporating flexibility. Their approach emphasized just-in-time production, continuous flow, and respect for workers. It gained recognition in the West in the 1980s and became more widely known as Lean Manufacturing following James Womack's 1990 book on automotive manufacturing. Lean aims to maximize value and minimize waste.
Lean Manufacturing traces its origins back to early pioneers like Eli Whitney and Henry Ford. It was further developed by Toyota into the Toyota Production System following World War II. Toyota recognized shortcomings of previous mass production systems and focused on eliminating waste and incorporating flexibility. Their approach emphasized just-in-time production, continuous flow, and respect for workers. It gained recognition in the West in the 1980s and became more widely known as Lean Manufacturing following James Womack's 1990 book on automotive manufacturing. Lean aims to maximize value and minimize waste.
Lean Manufacturing traces its origins back to early pioneers like Eli Whitney and Henry Ford. It was further developed by Toyota into the Toyota Production System following World War II. Toyota recognized shortcomings of previous mass production systems and focused on eliminating waste and incorporating flexibility. Their approach emphasized just-in-time production, continuous flow, and respect for workers. It gained recognition in the West in the 1980s and became more widely known as Lean Manufacturing following James Womack's 1990 book on automotive manufacturing. Lean aims to maximize value and minimize waste.
Lean Manufacturing traces its origins back to early pioneers like Eli Whitney and Henry Ford. It was further developed by Toyota into the Toyota Production System following World War II. Toyota recognized shortcomings of previous mass production systems and focused on eliminating waste and incorporating flexibility. Their approach emphasized just-in-time production, continuous flow, and respect for workers. It gained recognition in the West in the 1980s and became more widely known as Lean Manufacturing following James Womack's 1990 book on automotive manufacturing. Lean aims to maximize value and minimize waste.
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Lean Manufacturing is the latest buzzword in Just In Time and
manufacturing circles. It is not especially new. It The Toyota Production System
derives from the Toyota Production System or The Allied victory and the massive quantities of Just In Time Production, Henry Ford and other material behind it (see "A Bomber An Hour") predecessors. caught the attention of Japanese industrialists. They studied American production methods with The lineage of Lean manufacturing and Just particular attention to Ford practices and the In Time (JIT) Production goes back to Eli Statistical Quality Control practices of Ishikawa, Whitney and the concept of interchangeable Edwards Deming, and Joseph Juran. parts. This article traces the high points of that long history. At Toyota Motor Company, Taichii Ohno and Shigeo Shingo, began Early Developments to incorporate Ford production Eli Whitney is most and other techniques into an famous as the inventor of approach called Toyota the cotton gin. However, Production System or Just In the gin was a minor Time . They recognized the central role of accomplishment inventory. compared to his perfection of The Toyota people also recognized that the interchangeable parts. Ford system had contradictions and Whitney developed this shortcomings, particularly with respect to about 1799 when he took employees. With General Douglas MacAurthur a contract from the U.S. Army for the actively promoting labor unions in the manufacture of 10,000 muskets at the occupation years, Ford's harsh attitudes and unbelievably low price of $13.40 each. demeaning job structures were unworkable in post-war Japan. They were also unworkable in For the next 100 years manufacturers the American context, but that would not be primarily concerned themselves with evident for some years. America's "Greatest individual technologies. During this time our Generation" carried over attitudes from the system of engineering drawings developed, Great Depression that made the system work in modern machine tools were perfected and large spite of its defects. scale processes such as the Bessemer process for making steel held the center of attention. Toyota soon discovered that factory workers had far more to contribute than just muscle As products moved from one discrete process power. This discovery probably originated in to the next through the logistics system and the Quality Circle movement. Ishikawa, within factories, few people concerned Deming, and Juran all made major contributions themselves with: to the quality movement. It culminated in team development and cellular manufacturing. What happened between processes How multiple processes were Another key discovery involved product arranged within the factory variety. The Ford system was built around a single, never changing product. It did not cope How the chain of processes well with multiple or new products. functioned as a system. Shingo, at Ohno's suggestion, went How each worker went about a task to work on the setup and This changed in the late 1890's with the work of changeover problem. Reducing early Industrial Engineers. setups to minutes and seconds allowed small batches and an almost Frederick W. Taylor continuous flow like the original Ford concept. It began to look at individual introduced a flexibility that Henry Ford thought workers and work he did not need. methods. The result was Time Study and All of this took place between about 1949 and standardized work. Taylor 1975. To some extent it spread to other was a controversial Japanese companies. When the productivity figure. He called his ideas and quality gains became evident to the outside Scientific Management. world, American executives traveled to Japan to The concept of applying science to management was sound but Taylor simply study it. ignored the behavioral sciences. In addition, he had a peculiar attitude towards factory workers. They brought back, mostly, the superficial aspects like kanban cards and quality circles. Frank Gilbreth (Cheaper By The Dozen) added Most early attempts to emulate Toyota failed Motion Study and invented Process Charting. because they were not integrated into a Process charts focused attention on all work complete system and because few elements including those non-value added understood the underlying principles. elements which normally occur between the "official" elements. Norman Bodek first published the works of Shingo and Ohno in English. He did much to Lillian Gilbreth brought psychology into the mix transfer this knowledge and build awareness in by studying the motivations of workers and how the Western world. Robert Hall and Richard attitudes affected the outcome of a process. Schonberger also wrote popular books. There were, of course, many other contributors. These were the people who originated the idea World Class Manufacturing of "eliminating waste", a key tenet of JIT and By the 1980's some American manufacturers, Lean Manufacturing. such as Omark Industries, General Electric and Kawasaki (Lincoln,Nebraska) were achieving The Ford System success. And then, there was Henry Ford. Consultants took up the campaign and acronyms sprouted like weeds: World Class Starting about 1910, Ford Manufacturing (WCM), Stockless Production, and his right-hand-man, Continuous Flow Manufacturing (CFM), and Charles E. Sorensen, many other names all referred to systems that fashioned the first were, essentially, Toyota Production. comprehensive Manufacturing Strategy. Gradually, a knowledge and experience base They took all the elements developed and success stories became more of a manufacturing system-- frequent. people, machines, tooling, and products-- and Lean Manufacturing arranged them in a continuous system for In 1990 James Womack wrote a book called manufacturing the Model T automobile. Ford "The Machine That Changed The World". was so incredibly successful he quickly became Womack's book was a straightforward account one of the world's richest men and put the world of the history of automobile manufacturing on wheels. Ford is considered by many to be combined with a study of Japanese, American, the first practitioner of Just In Time and and European automotive assembly plants. Lean Manufacturing. What was new was a phrase-- "Lean Ford's success inspired many others to copy his Manufacturing." methods. But most of those who copied did Lean Manufacturing caught the imagination not understand the fundamentals. Ford of manufacturing people in many countries. assembly lines were often employed for Lean implementations are now commonplace. products and processes that were unsuitable for The knowledge and experience base is them. expanding rapidly. It is even doubtful that Henry Ford himself fully The essential elements of Lean Manufacturing understood what he had done and why it was are described at our page "Principles of Lean so successful. When the world began to Manufacturing." They do not substantially differ change, the Ford system began to break from the techniques developed by Ohno, down and Henry Ford refused to change the Shingo and the people at Toyota. The system. application in any specific factory does For example, Ford production depended on a change. Just as many firms copied Ford labor force that was so desperate for money techniques in slavish and unthinking ways, and jobs that workers would sacrifice their many firms copy Toyota's techniques in slavish dignity and self esteem. The prosperity of the and unthinking ways and with poor results. Our 1920's and the advent of labor unions produced series of articles on implementation includes a conflict with the Ford system. Product "Mental Model" to assist the thinking process proliferation also put strains on the Ford and guidance on strategy and planning. system. Annual model changes, multiple There is no cookbook for manufacturing. colors, and options did not fit well in Ford Each firm has its own unique set of products, factories. processes, people, and history. While certain principles may be immutable, their application is At General Motors, Alfred P. Sloan took a more not. Manufacturing Strategy will always be a pragmatic approach. He developed business difficult, uncertain, and individual and manufacturing strategies for managing very process. Strategy ("The General's Art") is still, large enterprises and dealing with variety. By largely, an art. But, that should not prevent us the mid 1930's General Motors had passed from bringing the available science to bear on Ford in domination of the automotive market. the problem. Yet, many elements of Ford production were sound, even in the new age. Ford methods Developing your Manufacturing Strategy is what were a deciding factor in the Allied victory of this site and Strategos is all about. World War II. _____________________________ Special thanks Norman Bodek who contributed details about Ironically, Henry Ford developments at Toyota and the transfer of these discoveries to the West. hated war and refused to SORENSEN, CHARLES E., My Forty Years With Ford. New build armaments long York: W.W. Norton, 1956. after war was inevitable. KANIGAL, ROBERT, The One Best Way, New York: Penguin, However, when Ford 1997. LACEY, ROBERT, Ford: The Men and plants finally retooled for war production, they did so on a fantastic scale as epitomized by the Willow Run Bomber plant that built "A bomber An Hour." A Lean Manufacturing Timeline Click To Enlarge>>