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Business Plan 2023/24


Cross-cutting priorities

Strategic Priorities

Practice|Care Patient|Care Future|Care Home|Care

Financial Plan

Chair's Summary
CEO Foreword

PCS continues to do what it can to support its shareholders as

well as system partners, flexing our existing capacity or rapidly
mobilising new initiatives to absorb some of the pressure and
meet patient need. We are only able to provide such support
because of the infrastructure we’ve built through a diverse
range of services. Our business plan for 2023/4 is aimed at
building on these existing foundations, growing the scope and
scale of what we do, to make PCS more resilient and therefore
more able to meet the needs of shareholders.

Dr Andy Hilton
Chief Executive
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Some of the people who will benefit from this plan
Diane Priya Grace Yan
GP Partner Practice Manager Patient Allied Health Professional

I feel like there aren't enough I've been a practice manager for I have mobility issues that led to I'd like more professional
hours in the day to get everything 10 years and love my job. me having to take leave from my development opportunities and
done! On top of that it is really However, it is becoming job. Since then I have been to feel a sense of belonging to
difficult to attract new partners to increasingly difficult to fill team finding it harder to get out of the the team I work in and i need an
join the practice and to afford to vacancies and make sure our house and socialise like I used to. appropriate level of supervision. I
pay for the lease and employees have everything they That's making me feel isolated know that my skills can help busy
maintenance on the practice need to be able to work safely. and has made my mental health practices provide world class care
buildings. My biggest concern is Making sure we are achieving as problems worse. to their patients.
making sure my patients can many QOF points as we can is
access the care they need when very time consuming!
they need it!
What we do
Primary Care Sheffield is a GP-led company set up and developed by General Practices in
Sheffield to provide support in delivering excellent patient care. We do this by supporting
practices and by working at scale when it makes sense. Together, across Sheffield, we
strive to provide high quality patient care which through innovation is responsive to
changing population needs. This has been highlighted by our collective response to the
ongoing pressures across primary care since the Covid pandemic, flexing capacity to
demand and rapidly mobilising new services at scale, from on the day capacity to home
visiting services and vaccine services, whilst supporting practices or PCNs to deliver their
core business.
What we do
Primary Care Sheffield is a GP-led company set up and developed by General Practices in
Sheffield to provide support in delivering excellent patient care. We do this by supporting
practices and by working at scale when it makes sense. Together, across Sheffield, we
strive to provide high quality patient care which through innovation is responsive to
changing population needs. This has been highlighted by our collective response to the
ongoing pressures across primary care since the Covid pandemic, flexing capacity to
demand and rapidly mobilising new services at scale, from on the day capacity to home
visiting services and vaccine services, whilst supporting practices or PCNs to deliver their
core business.

continue this flexible, rapidly responsive approach in our ongoing delivery and development of
services; we know that the ongoing pressures alongside the cost-of-living crisis will place a
heavy need on the support we can offer.
Our Business Plan
Our annual business plan sets out PCS’s priorities for the coming year and is developed
with consideration of the national landscape for health and care through the engagement
of our shareholding practices, our PCNs and our staff. In doing so PCS ensures it
continues to meet the needs of its shareholders whilst remaining responsive to the
changing NHS environment.

The plan sets out to staff, shareholders and patients how, during 2023-24, we intend to
deliver, improve, and develop our services, our priorities for growth and further
partnership working and the way in which we will achieve this, from an inclusive and
transparent approach to measuring success.

We know that this will be a challenging year for our shareholders, our practices, our staff
and primary care and the NHS in general. We are committed to working together to find
innovative and ambitious solutions that offer primary care the best support for resilience,
staff the best experience and satisfaction in what they do and patients the best access to
the best quality care, outcomes, and experience.
Our vision, mission,
and values
Vision Mission
What ultimate success looks like for A high-level statement of how
PCS and its shareholders. we will achieve the vision

We will achieve our vision through our work in four areas:

World-class Practice|Care . Patient|Care Future|Care Home|Care
primary care We support practices
in Sheffield to deliver
We deliver a range of
primary care services to
We push for We help people live
improvements to shape independent and fulfilled
which helps people the best care possible the people of Sheffield. the future of care. lives in their own homes

live healthier and

happier lives Values
How we will act as we work
to deliver our vision

Goals What are the specific aims we will pursue to

achieve our vision and mission We are innovative
We are empowering
Improve patient outcomes, taking account of impact on inequalities
Increase General Practice resilience We are ambitious
Develop integrated services through partnership working
We are person-centred
Improve quality of care through robust governance
Giving our team the tools, training and support they need to deliver our vision We are open
Ensure financial sustainability through efficient use of resources
Our Cross-Cutting Principles
As in our 22/23 business plan there are some overarching principles that are
integral to the plan, like our values and organisational culture, these run like a
golden thread, defining, and holding together our approach. These are:

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Layers of Scale
The South Yorkshire ICS Primary Care Strategy is in the process of being refreshed, however we continue to recognise from the strategy the
value of the layers of delivery across primary care. These interdependent layers optimise our resources and maximise our shared impact on
patient outcomes and experience.

The Fuller Report describes the tension between the need for people to access same-day urgent care balanced against the need for GPs to be
able to provide continuity of care to those patients who need it most. For primary care teams to have capacity to deliver the continuous care to
complex, frail patients with multiple morbidity we need to create a resilient infrastructure that enables single episodic, same-day and urgent
care to be delivered at scale leaving practices and PCNs to deliver continuity and long-term condition management.

Every year we recognise the increased and greater pressures across the health system and this year is no different; Primary Care has never
been under more pressure than it is now and realising this strategy and the resources that are required to deliver it is a critical part of our
focus both by continuing to deliver and improve our existing services as well as working with commissioners and practices to design and
develop new ones. Primary Care Sheffield was established for exactly these reasons and the need as well as opportunities are greater than
ever. By working with practices and PCNs we can maximise our collective impact on the escalating pressures being seen across General
Practice whilst building models of care for the future that are sustainable and attractive to a future workforce.
Tackling Health Inequalities
The impact of Health Inequalities across the city remains a significant and growing challenge, following what has been an incredibly difficult 2
years for people as we have simultaneously seen the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and now the spiralling cost of living
disproportionately impacting on our poorest communities. The historic underinvestment in Primary Care along with fundamental flaws in
core contract that adversely impact on those looking after the most deprived, means managing shared resources in a way that recognises
the different needs of our populations across the city is more important than ever. Primary care and healthcare organisations cannot tackle
health inequalities alone– the solutions lie further upstream. However, through this Business Plan we ensure we embed processes and
methodologies that recognise them and as far as possible seek to reduce the gap in access to healthcare, putting people at the centre of
our service delivery and design.

Use a range of tools and population intelligence to support us to deliver our services, allowing us to consider how best to engage different populations in
designing and accessing our services.

Furthermore, through our Research links we will keep seeking out opportunities for innovation in design and research on impact relating to delivery
models that are designed to engage and link with different populations, maximising people able to access our services and therefore providing greater
equality of access across practices.
PCS is committed to delivering its services in such a way that does not disadvantage anyone, particularly individuals or groups that are
underserved or who have a protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010. Our Equality Impact Assessment process is
designed to ensure that equality and diversity is considered at all stages of service design, change, implementation, and delivery. In
implementing this approach PCS will ensure that its services, processes, and development are relevant to all, embedding a culture of
fairness, inclusivity, and person centredness.

Look at initiatives that allow us to increase diversity in our decision making and create opportunities to secure greater involvement
from our staff, shareholders, and communities.
Managing risk and
Measuring Success
Our Risk and Performance frameworks are now in place and embedded. As part of supporting next year’s business plan, we will complement
our existing frameworks with a Programme Management Framework that will, in the face of a rapidly growing organisation, provide further
assurance that we are on track to deliver the commitments we have made.

The continued development of our frameworks will further facilitate the delivery of safe, high performing, high quality services that meet the
needs of our patients, practices, staff, and commissioners. The frameworks will promote our organisational values and a culture as a
learning organisation, encouraging continuous learning and improvement and empowering our workforce to develop through experience.

Our Board and its Sub-Committees will be integral to the process, and we will develop clear benchmarking to understand how we
compare (to previous performance and, where applicable comparable providers) and to support a cycle of continuous improvement.
We will be developing and refining our performance reporting to help us keep practices and patients informed and involved in how
our services are performing.
Strategic priorities
The Business Plan sets out the following key priorities for this year:

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Strategic priorities
1. Practice|Care
a. PCS|Network Support
b. PCS|Resilience Team
c. Workforce Development
2. Patient|Care
a. PCS|Practices
b. Integrated Urgent Care
c. Mental Health Transformation
d. Elective Pathways
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Strategic priorities
1. Practice|Care 3. Future|Care
a. PCS|Network Support a. PCS|Research
b. PCS|Resilience Team b. Digital
c. Workforce Development c. Estates
2. Patient|Care d. Leadership
a. PCS|Practices 4. Home|Care
b. Integrated Care a. Homecare services
c. Mental Health Transformation 5. Developing PCS
d. Elective Pathways
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Practice Care
We support practices in Sheffield
to deliver the best care possible.

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PCS | Network Support
In response to practices and PCNs, last year we were able to put in place, through our established Cost Sharing Group, Cost
Sharing Agreements. These support PCNs access Human Resources and Financial Services.

work with PCNs to further develop our menu of support to establish a development plan that ensures that practices and PCNs are
able to get the maximum support available through the PCS.

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will mean for me Diane Priya Grace Yan Allied Health
GP Partner Practice Manager Patient Professional
We will continue to support the PCNs in their work, facilitating development across a range of areas as illustrated below:
PCS | Resilience Team
Last year we provided support to six practices in a range of ways, working with our CCG (now ICB) and LMC Colleagues through
a coordinated, impactful, and confidential offer of practical support. We know how important this is and we know that there will
be an increasing need for such report. We have committed to further work with the ICS to increase the robustness and
resilience of the support we offer ensuring that it is fully resourced and available on a consistent and equitable basis.

continue to work through the SY Primary Care Provider Alliance to ensure that a proactive approach to practice and PCN resilience is
coordinated and resourced, and rescue support is rapidly available where necessary.

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Diane, GP Partner
will mean for me Diane, GP Partner
& Priya, Practice Manager
Workforce Development
We recognise the workforce challenges facing general practice and wider primary care over the medium to longer term.

continue our work with system partners to develop a longer-term shared workforce strategy. In the coming year we will:

Work with practices and PCNs to take forward the recommendations of the Natalie Jones report to release the full potential of
ARRS roles.

Alongside the South Yorkshire ICB Primary Care Provider Alliance, we will strengthen the links with the ICB workforce hub
developed through Primary Care Doncaster to ensure that Sheffield practices are able to access the full benefits of the support

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will mean for me Diane Grace Yan Allied Health
GP Partner Patient Professional
Patient Care
We deliver a range of primary care
services to the people of Sheffield.

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We will continue our commitment to deliver safe, effective, and financially balanced services through PCS|Practices building
on the significant work to improve quality, patient experience and staff morale in recent years. Along with our new Clinical
Director we will work with our practices to harness their talent and expertise and ensure a supporting infrastructure that
allows them to be the best they can be for our patients. Where we innovate and develop more efficient ways of working, we will
share our learning with our shareholders.

As increasing numbers of practices seek to join the PCS family, we will work with our practices to develop our operational model to
take account of the rapidly changing context we are working within. We will strive to create an environment that engages and
empowers our staff in the work that they do as well as ensuring they benefit from the well-deserved rewards that they deserve.

Yan Allied Health Grace

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will mean for me
Integrated Care
Having successfully transitioned to the new Enhanced Service we will continue our journey towards developing the General
Practice 24/7 model through integrated primary care. We have, alongside STH, committed to working in partnership to secure
the best possible use of our combined resource in order the optimise the access we are able to offer to primary care.

continue to innovate with workforce solutions that increase the range of care people are able to access and we are able to provide
through our integrated care.

In line with the Sheffield Health and Care Partnership our priorities for integration will be:
community diagnostics
referrals optimisation
integrated pathways starting with respiratory care.

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will mean for me
Priya Grace
Practice Manager Patient
Mental Health Transformation
This enhanced service offer delivered via a partnership between PCS, Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Trust
(SHSCFT) and Sheffield Mind is designed as a holistic integrated health and care service coordinated by Primary Care in Primary
Care Networks. Last year we worked with the SHSCFT community teams, Primary and Community Mental Health teams and the
PCNs to continue the redesign of our services. This year we will be taking the outputs of that work and working with all these
teams to fully establish the 15 PCN PCMH MDTs and ensure they are each supported at PCN and at Citywide level through the
PCS/SHSCFT partnership.

In partnership with the ICB and our Sheffield PCNs we will continue to work to develop and embed multidisciplinary working, ensuring full
recruitment and support to the ARRS roles, optimising the full MDT capacity for each PCN’s population and establishing agreed pathways for
wider mental health provision. The work will include:

Developing our workforce through a strong training and development offer

Working with Community Mental Health teams and Primary Care Networks to design and mobilise the full multi-Disciplinary offer to the
remaining Primary Care Networks
Working closely with the HCP Primary Care Board programme of work to ensure that PCN MDT development is a shared priority
Further development of the integrated working to ensure professionals are empowered to deliver the care for patients that secures the
best outcomes
Delivering and supporting citywide SMI and LD physical health checks

Diane Grace
GP Partner Patient
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will mean for me
Elective Pathways, Enhanced Care and Diagnostics
Sexual Health
Having been able to work with commissioners to improve the contract in 2023/24 we will continue to develop the Sexual Health service
to increase access, with a particular focus on reducing inequalities in this area by targeting the populations who we would expect to be
accessing sexual health services more than they are and those most in need of access.

CASES Evaluation and Expansion

We have committed to securing an independent evaluation of the CASES service, which we will use in conjunction with commissioners
to ensure that the CASES model continues to offer value for money through: optimising patient pathways; GP recruitment and
retention resulting from portfolio career opportunities; GP education; integration across primary and secondary care interfaces; and
reducing administration as a result of referrals not suitable for primary care being sent back.

Community Hub Development

We will work with the HCP partnership and new commissioning arrangements to progress priority community hub developments
based on the evidence generated by the CASES data collection alongside population health data. A first priority will be gynaecology
In addition, we will build upon the work of our GPs and secondary care consultants to develop an integrated approach to
managing referrals.
Future Care
We push for improvements to
shape the future of care.

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Expand the research offer, working closely with practices and stakeholders to increase research activity in Sheffield Primary Care,
both via direct delivery in Clover and by supporting our shareholders in their patient recruitment.

Respond to the request from South Yorkshire ICB and support the Federations across South Yorkshire to become research active

Establish a clear research infrastructure associated with Health Inequalities

Develop a clear approach to commercial research

Market and mobilise the tiered research model

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will mean for me
Priya Diane
Practice Manager GP Partner

Develop and bring to market, with our strategic partner, Artificial Intelligence for Planned Primary Care; improving practice
efficiency and improving patient outcomes.

Work with digital providers to develop a solution to measure primary care demand in order to quantify the level of pressure in
primary care and the scale of risk that is currently hidden from the national radar and associated action

form the infrastructure and produce a test environment for product development, progressing the resolution to form a Joint
Venture company. This will include integration with other providers and engagement with shareholders in our approach.

Diane Grace
GP Partner Patient
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will mean for me
If agreed by shareholder vote we will launch our joint venture vehicle for primary care estates, in response to significant interest from
our shareholder practices. We will offer a range of solutions to practices including consultancy and sale and lease back, and we will
develop and launch the PCS Estates Strategy.

GP Partner
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will mean for me
Leadership in a transforming system
Over the last 6 years PCS has established itself as a key strategic partner within the Sheffield Health and Care Partnership as well
as within the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, in addition we are present in National forums. This allows us to channel the
feedback we receive through our shareholder practices and through our delivered services in order to influence local, regional
and national agendas and the resources that are allocated to primary care.

In partnership with practices, PCNs, LMC and ICB colleagues, we have worked hard to position Sheffield Primary Care in the best
possible place for the future. We will continue to build upon the strengthened ICB and HCP governance to ensure meaningful
engagement at every level of primary care scale.

To realise this, we will continue to provide leadership in:

The emerging Sheffield Health and Care Partnership; including driving four key programmes of work: Mental Health, Primary Care,
Integrated Urgent Primary Care and Planned Care.

The South Yorkshire Integrated Care System including our role within the Integrated Care boards Primary Care Provider

At a national level through a range of forums including our role with NHS Confederations Primary Care Network
Home Care
We help people live independent and
fulfilled lives in their own homes

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Homecare services
We will continue to work with Sheffield City Council to develop new models of domiciliary care which work to improve the standard of
patient outcomes. We will grow and develop Serenta’s private business as part of our approach to sustainability.

Diane Grace
GP Partner Patient
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will mean for me
Developing PCS

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PCS People Plan
PCS recognises the talent that we have in the people we have in our team. Nurturing and developing our staff is one of our most
important priorities for the coming year and as part of delivering this we will be working with staff to develop our first People

This is important because as the organisation grows the way in which we value, support, and develop our staff involves every
person working with and for PCS; we are co-producing a plan that promotes our shared values and supports and develops
people to be the best they can be in a job that they enjoy.

This year we will be working to continue the implementation of our People plan to ensure that the talented people working for PCS feel
the full benefit of it. The Plan will provide a strong background to looking at optimising the capacity of our primary care workforce, with
the right structures and support in place to secure that.
There are four priority areas within the plan:
1. Looking after our workforce: ensuring that everyone has quality health and wellbeing support and a workplace
environment that promotes it.
2. Developing our PCS culture: everyone will feel they contribute to a positive PCS culture. Staff will feel an ease in sharing
their ideas, their worries, and their reflections. Every member of staff is critical to the organisations and to delivering the
best care and experience to practices and to patients.
3. New ways of working and delivering care: we will ensure that we use the full range of people’s skills and experience
creating opportunities within roles and across services. We will celebrate diversity in every aspect of our workforce and
harness it to enable creative and innovative solutions to the way in which we work and the way in which we deliver care and
4. Growing our workforce for the Future: we will be an organisation that attracts, retains and welcomes back people to
our team. We will ensure a good package of training and development, a flexible approach to working and we will empower
our workforce to be the best that they can. Job satisfaction will be key, with staff and patient experience and outcomes at
the heart of the way we work.
Expanding our services
Explore developing new services either through tender or contracting opportunities where these align with our strategic goals

Expand existing services where there is a robust reason to do so.

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will mean for me Priya Yan Allied Health
Practice Manager Practitioner
Engagement with our shareholders, partners, and our service users
As in previous years, we will support the delivery of this business plan by continuing to improve the way we engage and
communicate with people. Our focus will be on making sure that our shareholder practices and the population we serve are
able to influence decisions and shape our services. We will do this by ensuring we are open and that we improve the quality of
information we provide about our work. Our strategy will include:


Make constant improvements in the impact that engagement feedback has on the design/development of PCS services and

Increase the representation of service users, with representation from the diversity that exists within them, to maximise their direct
input / involvement in decision-making and development of PCS services and initiatives.

Work towards implementing as many long-term partnerships as possible (rather than short term questioning/input) with
community groups / organisations.

Ensure full engagement with shareholders at an early stage as services or initiatives are developed. So adequate opportunity is
built in, and we are able to factor in any developments based on their feedback.

Expand our approach to engagement to include wider system partners.

Clinical and Managerial Networking – Building Relationships
We understand the value of networking to build relationships, share learning and to have space and time to think.

Continue our Commitment to Host:
Primary and Community Services Operational Group; a group attended by PCN Clinical Directors, PCN Managers, PCS Operations
Team (Physical and Mental Health), STH Community Services and relevant HCP transformation leads
The Network Managers Huddle
The PCN CD Operational Meetings
Re-establishing the PCN Learning Network (formerly referred to as Neighbourhood Learning Network)

Patient Engagement
In the last year PCS has made significant progress with direct engagement with our patients and the communities in which
they exist. Working directly with all the Sheffield GP Practices, we obtained detailed feedback from over 8500 patients on their
views relating to the future of Enhanced Access. We also engaged directly with a number of community groups on specific
primary care research projects, some of which targeted specific seldom heard ethnic populations.

In the coming year we will work with our partners across primary care, to build on these strong foundations. This will include an
agreed programme to engage with community groups on an ongoing basis, so we actively hear their voice, and are able to engage
more deeply as opportunities present to develop services, undertake research, or progress other activities. PCS is committed to
having patient input from across all our communities in Sheffield, with their varying needs, being ever better understood and
factored into everything that we do.

Launch a new and improved website and intranet site
Increase the number of people accessing information about PCS services.
Ensure more people are aware of the opportunities available to take part in co-design of services.
Meaningfully connect our staff and shareholders to the work of the Sheffield HCP and the South Yorkshire ICB.

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will mean for me Patient
Financial Plan

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Financial Plan 2023/24
Any annual business plan needs to be underpinned by robust financial planning which takes into consideration
current contracts and services and our longer-term commercial strategy for growth. We will work with our most
significant Commissioners – the ICB and Sheffield City Council to determine the level of investment into our
services based on their commissioning intentions and the future of individual contracts along with the evolving
needs of the local population.

We are committed to ensuring that our financial planning supports high performing quality services and the
ongoing development of a sustainable primary care workforce. We will continue to put in place at scale
solutions to support the health system in Sheffield whilst remaining committed to ensuring practice income
streams are maintained. In agreement with our shareholders we will continue this approach and, by delivering
via practices, a significant proportion of activity and therefore income will be directed to practices participating
in delivery.

Our future financial sustainability will be a balance between growth in scale and scope of our contracts,
maximising shareholder income streams and efficient use of corporate overheads that minimise the cost of
contract management, payroll, and clinical, corporate and system governance. We will always work with our
shareholders and PCNs to design the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions for each service or activity.
Chair's Summary
In my first year as Chair of PCS, on behalf of everyone, I would firstly like to pay tribute to John Boyington,
retiring Chair. During the last six years, he has presided over the transformation of PCS, from a fledgling
organisation to one of significant leadership and influence in Sheffield & South Yorkshire.

As the pace of change increases and the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board establishes new governance
arrangements in Sheffield, our business plan demonstrates our ambition to grow our influence still further and
remain at the forefront of Primary Care leadership, innovation, and collaborative partnership in the city.

At a time of unrest and uncertainty, both in the NHS and wider economy, we need to build better resilience in
our environment through appropriate and innovative ‘at scale services’, investment in the development of our
people, research as well as both the digital and physical infrastructure that is key to delivering our services.

Growth & Sustainability for PCS and our partners are key to establishing our vision of building world class
primary care provision and I hope that together this business plan helps us make another step in that

Thank you for your support

Colin Beresford Return to

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ANNEX - How will I benefit
from the different aspects
of this plan?
ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Network Support
Diane GP Partner
PCS|Network Support will help me by...

...freeing up my practice and PCN to

focus on patient care. The support
will allow us to maximise our
workforce and share resources across
our network more effectively.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Network Support
Priya Practice Manager
PCS|Network Support will help me by...

...saving our practice money and time

which we can then reinvest into
services. Access to a 'centralised' HR
and Finance team will be helpful as we
grow our team and increase the variety
of services we provide.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Network Support
Grace Patient
PCS|Network Support will help me by...

...allowing my practice's PCN to grow this

means I'm getting access to a whole range
of new services all of which are centred
around me! That means i don't keep having
to repeat my details to lots of different
people and my community connector is
linking up all the different professionals
who are involved in my care!


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Network Support
Yan Allied Health Professional
PCS|Network Support will help me by...

A growing PCN team means I am part of

varied team making a real difference to our
patients, i can link in with colleagues to
discuss progress and plan next steps. An
centralised HR and Finance system means
that I can rely on standardised policies
and access the necessary supervision and
support that my profession requires.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Resilience Team
Diane GP Partner
& Priya Practice Manager
PCS|Resilience Team will help us by...
We are so busy at the moment we could
really use a fresh pair of eyes to look
at the practice and make sure it is
running as effectively as possible. The
resilience team can come in and trouble
shoot if there are any particular
issues and find solutions to some of
our biggest problems.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Workforce Development
Diane GP Partner
Workforce Development will help me by...
...helping us implement a population
health approach. ARRS enables
recruitment of different roles into the
practice teams including Clinical
Pharmacists, Occupational Therapists,
Social Prescribers, and Health and
Wellbeing Coaches. By helping this
workforce reach its full potential my
practice can move into a new model of
team-based working, giving patients
access to a wider range of help, and
freeing me up to focus on the patients
who need me most.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Workforce Development
Grace Patient
Workforce development will help me by...

...allowing me to be seen earlier and get

my issues dealt with closer to home... I
don't have to go to hospital as much unless
i have a real crisis. In the last week i
have seen my occupational therapist and
have had my medication review done by the
practice pharmacist.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Workforce Development
Yan Allied Health Professional
Workforce development will help me by...
...enabling me to contribute to the team
more effectively by improving the
supervision and support around my role and
increasing the opportunities for effective
team working. It will give me clear
governance and reporting processes
including agreed performance indicators and
outcome measurement across the wider team.
Having a matrix of supervision and support
will improve my professional development
and the impact I can make for patients.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Practices
Yan Allied Health Professional
Development of PCS|Practices will help me by...

Working in the PCS|Practice team already means

that I have a wider range of opportunities for
development and possibilities to access
different experiences within my role. The
development of PCS|Practices over the next year
will give me improved job satisfaction and huge
sense of proud in being part od a world class


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Practices
Grace Patient
Development of PCS|Practices will help me by...

My practice has already improved from being

rated as 'requires improvement' by the CQC
to being 'excellent'. The practice will
continue to improve, putting me at the
centre of care and making sure that they
take a holistic approach to my health and


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Integrated Care
Priya Practice Manager
Integrated Care will help me by...
...simplifying access to care for our
patients, making sure that more
services are available in the
community. Continued integration of
urgent primary care services will
provide extra capacity for my practice
allowing us to care for thos who need
planned care


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Integrated Care
Grace Patient
Integrated Care will help me by...

...improving coordination of the different

services - primary care, secondary care, and
social services - that i rely on so heavily
these days. These changes will mean that i have
to spend less time in hospital and can get more
treatment closer to home. There will be a team
of people built around me with a care-cordinator
helping me to navigate the system.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Mental Health Transformation
Diane GP Partner
Mental Health Transformation will help me by...
...supporting my patients with serious and enduring
mental illness and other complex needs, whose needs
cannot be met by IAPT, but that do not present the
level of need for referral to secondary care

It means I can lead care for my patients supported

by new multi-disciplinary teams of mental health
professionals. who work with me to provide holisitic

At the same time as improving access to care for my

patients it saves time and resources for my practice


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Mental Health Transformation
Grace Patient
Mental Health Transformation will help me by...
... improving access to a wide range of mental
health service through my GP. It means that i
can get support BEFORE I reach crisis point and
need to get help from secondary care. The
support is all tailored around my needs... there
is a care-coordinator who brings together all
the different services involved in looking after
me so that can plan together and make sure i am
getting the help that i need.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Research
Priya Practice Manager
PCS|Research will help me by...
...providing my practice with the support we
need to take part in research studies. We
know that taking part in research has huge
benefits for our patients, and for the NHS,
and brings in extra income for the practice.
We find that our staff really enjoy research
when they have sufficient funded time for it,
which helps with recruitment and retention of


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Research
Diane GP Partner
PCS|Research will help me by...
...allowing my team and my patients to get involved
in research projects that would have been
inaccessible to us in the past. As a GP I want to
get involved in research that will improve patient
care and also allows me to improve my knowledge of
my patients and their conditions. The expertise of
the PCS team in research governance, finance and
training, plus the research staff that they can
deploy to support us, makes it much easier to
undertake research.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Digital JV
Diane GP Partner
The digital JV will help me by...

...providing a new automated tool which will make

my practice more efficient and help me achieve by
QOF targets, and freeing up my team to focus on
patient care. It will also create revenue which
can be invested into primary care services in


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Digital JV
Grace Patient
Digital JV will help me by...
... giving my practice an even better way to
keep in touch with me. I can do more things -
like planning an booking appointments and
reviews - online and in my own time.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Estates JV
Diane GP Partner
Estates JV will help me by...

...helping come up with maintenance solutions on

my surgery building. We can also get help to
create a proper estates plan for my Primary Care
Network which allows us to work out what estates
we need for the services we deliver in the
future. The Estates JV will also buy and lease
back properties for GP partners who want to
divest themselves of liabilities particularly as
they approach retirement.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Homecare
Diane GP Partner
PCS|Homecare will help me by...

...improving the integration between health and

social care in the city. This means that more
people will be able to get the care they need in
their own home, improving outcomes and reducing
the pressure on the City's health services.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? PCS|Homecare
Grace Patient
PCS|Homecare will help me by...
...improving access to homecare help has allowed
me to increase my independence and means that I
am less likely to fall or have another problem
that means I need to use my GP or other
healthcare servcices. The homecare company I use
is much better at linking up with my GP's team
when I do have a problem.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Expanding Services
Priya Practice Manager
Expanding PCS service will help me by...
...increasing the range of services
available to our patients and
increasing the income streams for the
practice at the same time.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan? Expanding Services
Yan Allied Health Professional
Expanding PCS service will help me by...

...increasing the range of opportunities and

experiences available to me within my current
role. As the range of services available
surrounding each patient are increased I get
increased job satisfaction working in an
effective MDT which can really meet the needs of
the individual.


ANNEX - How will I benefit from the
different aspects of this plan?
Communications and Engagement

Grace Patient
Better engagement will help me by...
...really giving me a say in the way that
services are designed and delivered. That means
that the services will meet my needs better and
improve my ability to access them


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