Unit 4 Organizational Culture
Unit 4 Organizational Culture
Unit 4 Organizational Culture
Chapter 3
Influence of the External
Environment and the
Organization’s Culture
Exhibit 3.1 shows that external constraints come from the organization’s environment and
internal constraints come from the organization’s culture.
Exhibit 3.3 shows the different components that make up the external environment.
Exhibit 3.4 shows the different components that make up the specific environment.
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Organizational Culture
• Just as each individual has a unique personality, an
organization, too, has a personality.
***The original source of the culture usually reflects the vision of the founders
***Once the culture is in place certain organizational practices help maintain it
such as the selection process (the explicit goal of the selection process is to
identify and hire individuals with the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform
successfully). The final decision however includes a judgment call how well the
individual fit into the organization?
*** The action of top managers also have a major impact on the organization’s
culture. Through words and actions seniors executive establish norms that filter
through the organization about for example whether risk taking is desirable.
*** Organization helps employees to adapt to the culture through socialization. A
process that help new employees learn the organization’s way of doing things
(e.g.. Internships, formal orientation programs, training programs etc.)
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How Employees Learn Culture
As shown in Exhibit 3.8, a manager’s decisions are influenced by the culture in which he or
she operates.
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