Machinist Lesson Plans 1.1

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Institute Industrial Training Institute, BAPOLI
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Safety precaution
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Safety chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

1) State the causes of accidents.
Objectives 2) State about general safety.
3) State about personal safety.
4) State about machine safety.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about accidents & causes of accidents.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Causes of  Unawareness of danger
accidents  Disregard of safety
 Negligence Ask questions
 Lack of understanding of proper safety
 Untidy condition of work place
 Inadequate light & ventilation
 Improper use of tools
 Unsafe conditions

General safety  Keep the gangways clean & clear.

 Wipe out spilt oil immediately.
 Almost think about safety awareness Show Charts
 Ensure adequate light in the workshop
 Don’t leave machine, which is in motion.
 Don’t walk under suspended work.
 Don’t cut practical jokes while on work.
 Move with care in the workshop, don’t run.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Personal safety  Wear a one-piece overall or boiler suit.
 Don’t use ties & scarves.
 Don’t use any faulty electrical equipment. Ask questions
 Cut the hair short.
 Not to wear a ring, watch, chain etc.
 Wear safety shoes or boots and goggles.
 Don’t clean hand in the coolant fluid.
 Don’t use cracked or chipped tools.
 Don’t try to stop running machine by hands.
वन-पीस ओवरऑल या बॉयलर सूट पहनें।
Machine safety  टाई और स्कार्फ का प्रयोग न करें।
 किसी भी खराब विद्युत उपकरण का उपयोग न करें।
 बाल छोटे करें।
 अंगूठी, घड़ी, चेन आदि न पहनें।
 सुरक्षा जूते या बूट और चश्मा पहनें।
 शीतलक द्रव में हाथ साफ न करें।
Ask questions
 टू टे हुए या चिपके हुए उपकरणों का उपयोग न करें।
 चलती मशीन को हाथों से रोकने का प्रयास न करें

 Don’t start machine without full information

about machine
 Switch off the machine immediately if
something goes wrong.
 Keep the machine clean.
 Stop the machine before changing the
 Check the oil level before starting the
 Don’t remove chips by hand
 Don’t clean the machine when it is running
 Don’t operate machine without guard
 Don’t use faulty equipment & machine tools

Questions : 1) What is accident?

2) What is safety?

Summery : Explain the causes of accidents & safety precautions in shortly.

Assignment : 1) State causes of accidents.

2) State Safety precautions in briefly.

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic First aid
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Safety chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

1) Treat about electric shock & electric burn.
2) Treat about burns, bleeding & large wound.
Objectives इस पाठ के अंत में प्रशिक्षु सक्षम होंगे
1) बिजली के झटके और बिजली से जलने का इलाज करें।
2) जलने, रक्तस्राव और बड़े घाव का इलाज करें।

In the previous lesson, we took the information about

पिछले पाठ में हमने इसके बारे में जानकारी ली थी

Motivation Motivate about accidents & causes of accidents.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Electric shock Severity of electric shock will depends on
level of current which passes through the body
& length of time of contact. Ask questions
If assistance is close at hand, send for
medical aid. Switch off current. Otherwise,
remove victim from contact using dry non-
conducting materials.
Electric burns A person may also sustain burns when
current passes through his body. Don’t waste Ask questions
time by applying first aid to the burns until
breathing has been restored.
Burns & scalds Burns are very painful. If a large area of
body is burnt, give no treatment, except to Ask questions
exclude air, by covering with water & clean
paper. This relieves the pain.
Large wound Apply a clean pad & bandage firmly in
place. If bleeding is very severe apply more Ask questions
than one dressing.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Severe bleeding Any wound, which is bleeding profusely,

must be considered serious. Pressure on
wound itself is best means of stopping Ask questions
bleeding. Always in case of severe bleeding
 Make the patient lie down & rest.
 Raise injured part above level of body.
 Apply pressure to the wound.
 Summon assistance

Questions : 1) On which severity of electric shock depends?

2) What immediate action is taken on severe bleeding?

Summery : Explain first aid for electric shock, burns, bleeding & large wound in shortly.

Assignment : 1) Explain treatment for electric shock & burns.

2) Explain treatment for burns, bleeding & large wound.

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Fire & Fire Extinguisher
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books NIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

1) State the fire and the causes for fire in a workshop.
2) State various ways of extinguishing of fire.
3) Explain various types of fire extinguisher.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about causes of fire.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Fire and causes  Fire – Burning of combustible material. It
for fire in a damages or destroys property and
workshop material.
 Fuel – Any substance liquid, solid or gas will
Ask questions
 Heat – Fuel will burn at a certain
temperature, some liquid vapors burn at
normal room temperature.
 Oxygen – Exists in sufficient quantity in air
to keep fire burning.

Various ways of By preventing fires

extinguishing of  All refuse should removed to collection
fire points
 Prevent overheating of electric equipment.
 Clothing should be kept away from heaters. Ask questions
 Highly flammable material should be stored
in stronger area.
By extinguishing fire

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Various types of Different types are available with different
fire extinguisher extinguishing agent.
1) Water fields extinguishers – Gas cartridge
type & stored pressure type. With both
methods discharge can be interrupted.
2) Foam extinguishers – May be of stored
pressure or gas cartridge type. Used for
flammable liquids and running liquid fires
3) Dry prowler extinguishers – fitted with dry Show Chart
powder. Distinguishing feature is fork
shaped nozzle.
4) Carbon dioxide (CO2) – Easily distinguished
by discharge horn. Suited where
contamination by deposit must be
5) Halon extinguishers – May be filled with
carbon tetrachloride & BCF. Used on
electrical equipment.

Questions : 1) Name various types of fire extinguishers.

2) Explain fire.

Summery : Explain about fire, causes of fire, various ways of extinguishing fire and types
of fire extinguishers in shortly.

Assignment : 1) State various types of fire extinguishers and their use.

2) State various ways of extinguishing of fire.

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Steel rule
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 0.5 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

1) State the purpose of steel rule.
Objectives 2) State material of steel rule.
3) State sizes of steel rule.
4) State precautions to be taken while using a steel rule.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about requirement of measurement & system of units.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Purpose of steel Are used for measuring linear dimensions
rule of work pieces. Reading accuracy is 0.5 mm.

Material of steel Steel rules are made of spring steel or

Show model
rule stainless Steel.

Sizes of steel rule Available in length of 150 mm, 300 mm &

600 mm.

Precautions  Do not place a steel rule with other cutting

tools or hand tools.
 Apply a thin layer of oil when not in use.
 Its edges & surfaces are protected from Ask questions
damage & rest
 Necessary to read vertically to avoid errors.

Questions : 1) Which material is used for making steel rule?

2) What is the reading accuracy of steel rule?
Summery : Explain the purpose, material, sizes & uses of steel rule in shortly.

Assignment : 1) State uses of steel rule.

2) What precautions are to be taken while using a steel rule?

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Try square
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 0.5 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) Name the parts of try square.
Objectives 2) State material of try square.
3) State sizes of try square.
4) State the uses of try square.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about necessity of squareness & flatness of work piece.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Parts of try square Precision instrument consists of a blade
with parallel surfaces and the stock fixed to
each other at 900. The measuring accuracy of Show Model
a try square is 0.002 mm per 10 mm length.

Material of try Are made of hardened steel. Blade is thin

square and long than stock.

Sizes of try square Try squares are available in length of blade

i.e. 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm etc.

Uses of try square  For checking squareness.

 For checking flatness.
 For marking lines at 900 to the edges of Ask questions
work piece.
 For setting work piece at right angle.

Questions : 1) Which material is used for making try square?

2) What is the measuring accuracy of a try square.
Summery : Explain the parts, material, sizes & uses of try square in shortly.

Assignment : State the uses of try square.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic File
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Safety chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) State application & parts of file
2) State classification & use of file
3) Cleaning of file

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about material removing & assembly fitting.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Application & parts  Method of removing excess material by file
of file is known as filing. Files are made of high
carbon steel or high grade cast steel.
Show Chart / model
 Length portion is hardened & tempered.
 Main parts are body, tang & handle.

Length – files are available in different

Classification & lengths. (Distance from the tip to a heel)
use of file Grade – determined by spacing of the teeth.
1) Rough – for removing rapidly large quantity
2) Bastard – for heavy reduction of material
3) Second cut – for give good finish on metal
4) Smooth – for remove small quantity
Ask questions
5) Dead smooth – for high degree of finish
Cut – determined by cross section of file.
1) Single cut – for filing soft metals like brass,
aluminium, bronze & copper
2) Double cut – removes material faster than
single cut by Manoj Dole

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Classification & 3) Rasp cut – for wood, leather & other soft
use of file material & only available in half round
4) Curved cut – deeper cutting action for
aluminium, tin, copper & plastic
Shape – files are different shapes
1) Flat file – rectangular cross section. 1/3 rd
edges are taper towards point. For general
purpose work.
2) Hand file – similar to hand but edges are
parallel. One edge is safe edge. For Ask questions
already finished right angle surfaces.
3) Square – for square holes, internal square
corners, rectangular openings & keyways.
4) Round – for enlarging circular holes & filing
profiles with fillets.
5) Triangular – for filing corners & angles
more than 600.
6) Knife-edge – for filing narrow grooves &
angles above 100.

Cleaning of file Metal chips will clog between teeth of files is

known as pinning of file. This will produce
scratches and will not bite well. Pinning is
removed by file brush or file card.

Questions : 1) Which file is used for heavy reduction of metal?.

2) What is the use of safe edge?.
3) Which device is used for cleaning the file?

Summery : Explain the parts, types & uses of various file in shortly.

Assignment : 1) Draw the neat sketch of file & show the parts.
2) Classify the files & state its uses.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Bench vice
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Safety chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) State the parts & uses of bench vice
2) State the size of a bench vice.
3) State the uses of vice clamps

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about holding the job & purpose of holding jobs.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Parts & uses of  Made of cast iron or cast steel.
bench vice  Used for holding work pieces in bench work.
 Used to hold work for filing, sawing,
Show Chart / model
threading & other hand operations.
 Main parts are fixed jaw, moveble jaw hard
jaws, spindle, handle box nut and spring.

Size of the bench The size of the vice is stated by the width of
vice the jaws.

Vice clamps Soft jaws are used to hold a finished work over
the regular jaws to protect the work surface
and made of aluminium.
Questions : 1) State the parts of bench vice.
2) How bench vice is specified?
3) Why soft jaws are used?

Summery : Explain the parts, uses, specification of bench vice in shortly.

Assignment : 1) Draw the neat sketch of bench vice & show the parts.
2) State uses vice clamps.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Caliper
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Safety chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) State use, material & size of caliper.
2) State the classification of caliper.
3) State the types of caliper.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about measurement & measuring instruments.

Tepics Information Points Spot Hints

Use, material &  It is an indirect measuring instrument. Used
size of caliper for measuring length, width, and height with
the help of steel rule.
Ask questions
 Made of High carbon steel or mild steel.
 Its size is specified with the distance
between rivet center and gauging point.

Classification of Calipers are classified according to their joints

caliper  Firm joint caliper – this type of joint made by
a rivet and a washer to joint two legs of
caliper. These calipers are frequently used.
For setting these calipers, tap lightly on a Show models
wooden surface.
 Spring joint caliper – this type of joint is
made by a spring and pivot pin with the help
of screw and nut. These are accurate and
mostly used. These have advantage of
quick setting with an adjusting nut.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Types of caliper  Out side calipers – used for measuring
outside dimensions.
 Inside caliper – uses for measuring inside
 Jenny calipers/odd leg caliper – have one
leg with divider point and other is a bent leg. Show models
Used for marking lines parallel to inside and
outside edges & finding center of round bar.
Are also known as hermaphrodite caliper or
leg & point caliper.
 Divider – used for scribing circles, arcs and
transferring and stepping off distances.

Questions : 1) State the types of calipers.

2) Why gauging points of calipers are hardened and tempered.

Summery : Explain the use, material, size, classification & types of calipers in shortly.

Assignment : Draw the neat sketch of all types of calipers & state its uses.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Surface Gauges and Scriber
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Black board, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) State the construction feature’s of surface gauges
Objectives 2) Name the types of surface gauge
3) State the features of scribers
4) State the uses of surface gauges & scribers

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivate about importance of marking on the job, importance of truing

the job on lathe & importance of setting the job on machine.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Construction  Base – Heavy flat or Vee type
features of surface  Spindle–Attached to base in vertical position
gauge  Scriber – Attached with snug on spindle
 Champ Nut – To lock the position of scriber
 Rocker arm – To set quickly the position of Show Chart / model
spindle in any position
 Fine adjustment screw – To make fine
adjustments of spindle
 Guide pins – To scribe parallel lines from
any datum surface

Types of surface  Fixed Type – Consists of heavy flat base &

gauge fixed spindle used for general work
 Universal Type – Consists of Vee type base Show model
that helps to seat on circular jobs. The
spindle can be set to any position Used
for fine & precession work.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Features of scriber  Tool used for scribing lines to Indicate the
Use of black board
 Made of High Carbon Steel & hardened
 The point should ground & sharpen
 Available in different shapes & sizes like
plain scriber & bent scriber

Uses of surface  Scribing lines parallel to a datum surface

gauge & scriber  Setting job’s on machines
 Setting circular jobs concentric to the
Ask questions
machine spindle
 Checking the height of the jobs
 Checking the parallelism of the jobs

Questions : 1) State the types of surface gauge.

2) State the parts of surface gauge.
3) How will you protect the sharp points of a scriber from causing injury when it is
not in use?

Summery : Explain the parts, types & uses of surface gauge & scriber in shortly.

Assignment : 1) Draw the neat sketch of surface gauge & show the parts.
2) State uses of surface gauge & scriber.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Hammer
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Black board, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) Identify the parts of an engineer’s hammer
Objectives 2) Name the types of an engineer’s hammer
3) State the uses of an engineer’s hammer
4) Specify an engineer’s hammer

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about general uses of hammer in our daily life

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Parts of an  Face – Hardened striking portion. Slight
engineer’s convexity is given to avoid digging. Used
hammer for chipping, bending & punching.
 Pein – Other hardened end of the head used
Show Chart / model
for shaping & forming.
 Cheek – Middle soft portion of the head.
Weight of hammer is stamped here.
 Eyehole – For fixing handle. Shaped to fit
the handle rigidly by wedges.

Types of an Hammer’s peins are of different shapes

engineer’s  Ball pein – Shape is like ball. Used for
hammer riveting.
 Cross pein – Shape is cross to handle. Used Show models
for spreading the metal in one direction.
 Straight pein – Shape is straight to handle.
Used at the corners.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Uses of an  Used for striking while chipping, bending,
engineer’s punching etc.
hammer  Used for shaping & forming while riveting & Ask questions
 Used for spreading the metal.

Specification of an Specified by weight & shape of pein

Ask questions
engineer’s  Weight – From 125 gms to 1500 gms.
hammer  Shape of pein – Ball, cross & straight.

Questions : 1) For what purpose ball pein hammer is used?

2) What is the weight of making purpose engineer’s hammer?
3) What is used to fix the handle in a eyehole?

Summery : Explain the parts, types & uses of an engineer’s hammer in shortly.

Assignment : 1) Explain the parts of an engineer’s hammer.

2) State uses of an engineer’s hammer by their shape of pein.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Marking Punches
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 0.5 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Models, Black board, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
Objectives 1) Introduce features of marking punches.
2) State the features of different marking punches and its uses.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about importance of job lay out & its permanent mark.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Features of  Use - To make certain dimensional features
marking punches of the lay out paramagnet.
 Material – High carbon steel & points are
Ask questions
hardened & tempered.
 Size – 100 mm, 150 mm & 200 mm.
 Parts – Head, Body & point.

Types of marking There are three type’s of punches

punches  Center Punch – Point angle 900. Mark made
by it is wide but not very deep. Used for
locating holes. Good seating for starting
the drill.
 Prick punch 300 – Point angle 300. Mark Show models
made by it is light. Used to seat position
of the dividers.
 Prick punch 600 – Point angle 60 0. Mark
made by it is thick. Used for marking
witness marks.

Questions : 1) Why center punch is used for locating holes?

2) What are the angles of prick punches?

Summery : Explain the parts, types & uses of the marking punches in shortly.

Assignment : Explain the types of marking punches & its uses.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Angle plates
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 0.5 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Chart, Pointer, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) State the constructional features of Angle plates.
Objectives 2) Identify the different types of angle plates & its uses.
3) State the grades of angle plates.
4) State the sizes of angle plates.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about general work holding or supporting devices.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Constructional  Two plane surfaces, machined perfectly flat
features of Angle & right angle to each other.
plates  They have ribs on the unmachined part for Show Chart
good rigidity.
 Material – Closely grained cast iron or steel.

Different types of There are four types of angle plates

angle plates & its  Plain solid angle plate – Commonly used.
uses Two plain surfaces machined at 900.
Smaller in size. Used for supporting work
Show Charts
pieces in lay out.
 Slotted type angle plate –Two plane
surfaces have slots milled. Bigger in size.
Slots are used for clamping bolts. Used
to hold job for marking or machining.
 Swivel type angle plate – Two surfaces can
be adjustable in angle by graduation
marked on one surface. Bolt and nut are
provided for locking. Used to hold job in
angular position.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Different types of  Box angle plate – All the faces machined
angle plates & its square to one another. After setting, the Show Charts
uses work can be turned with box.

Grades of angle Available in two grades

plates  Grade 1 – More accurate. Used for very
accurate tool room type work. Ask questions
 Grade 2 – Used for general purpose
machine shop work.
 Precision angle plate is also available for
inspection work.

Sizes of angle Available in different sizes. Sizes are Indicate

plates by numbers Show table of sizes

Questions : 1) Why slots are provided on angle plates?

2) Which device is used for supporting work pieces in lay out?

Summery : Explain the types, its uses, grades & sizes of the angle plates in shortly.

Assignment : Explain the various types of angle plates & its uses.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Surface plate & Marking table
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Lesson plan, Information sheet

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

1) State the necessity of surface plates.
Objectives 2) State the material & construction of surface plates.
3) State the classification & specification of surface plates.
4) State the constructional features of marking off table.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about importance of accurate datum surface while marking.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Necessity of  Used as a plane datum surface for accurate
surface plates marking & lay out.
 Used for checking accurate level.
 Used for checking accurate flatness of work Ask questions
 Used for checking dimensions of work
Material &
construction of  Made of good quality cast iron which are
surface plates stress relieved to prevent distortion.
 The work surface is machined & scraped.
 Under size is heavily ribbed to provide
rigidity. Explain distortion
 Three-point suspension is given for
steadiness & leveling.
 Smaller plates are placed on benches.
 Larger plates are placed on stand.
 Having dense & stable material granite is
also used

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Classification & Classification
specification of Grade1 – Inspection use
Example -
surface plates Grade2 – Tool room use
2000 x 1000
Grade3 – Production use
Gr1 I.S.2285
Specified by length, breadth, grade & Indian
standard number.

Constructional  Cast iron tables fitted with strong rigid legs.

features of  Top surface is accurately machined flat & Ask questions
marking off table the sides square.
 Used for marking on heavy components.
 Parallel lines are engraved in both

Questions : 1) Why surface plate is necessary in work shop?

2) Which device is used as a datum surface in marking?

Summery : Explain necessity, material, construction, grade & specification of surface

plate & marking off table in shortly.

Assignment : Difference between surfaces plate & marking off table.

Next Lesson :
Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Hacksaw frame & Blade
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) State the construction & parts of hacksaw frame.
2) Name the different types of hacksaw frame.
3) Name the different types of hacksaw blade.
4) State the different types of hacksaw teeth setting.
5) Specify the selection of blade.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about metal cutting & its necessity.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Construction &  Used along with a blade to cut metal and
parts of hacksaw specified by the maximum length of blade.
frame  Main parts are
1) Handle
Show model
2) Frame
3) Tubular frame with holes
4) Retaining pins
5) Fixed blade holder
6) Adjustable blade holder
7) Wing nut
Types of hacksaw
frame  Solid frame – only a blade of a particular
Ask questions
length can be fitted to this frame.
 Adjustable frame (flat) – different lengths of
blades can be fitted to this frame.
 Adjustable frame (tubular) – most commonly
used. Gives a better grip and control,
while sawing.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Types of hacksaw  All hard blade – Full length is hardened &
blade used for harder metals such as tool steel,
die steel & HCS.
 Flexible blade – only teeth are hardened. Use black board
Useful for cutting along curved lines.
Should be lighter than all hard blades.

Types of hacksaw  Staggered set – alternate teeth or groups of

teeth setting teeth are staggered. This helps for free
cutting and provides good chip clearance. Use black board
 Wave set – teeth are arranged in a wave
form for free cutting action.

Selection of blade Blades are classified by its pitch. Selection of

blade depends on shape & hardness of
material to be cut.
 1.8 mm (coarse) – for soft materials such as
brass, soft steel, cast iron, angles etc.
 1.4 mm (medium) – for tool steel, high Ask questions
speed steel etc.
 1.0 mm (medium) – for angle iron, brass
tubing, copper iron pipe etc.
 0.8 mm (fine) – for conduit and other thin
tubing, sheet metal work etc.

Questions : 1) Name the types of hacksaw frame.

2) What is pitch of blade?
3) Which pitch of blade is used for thin tubing?

Summery : Explain construction, parts, types & selection of hacksaw frame and blade.

Assignment : 1) Explain briefly the types of hacksaw blade.

2) Explain different pitches of blade & its uses.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,

Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR


Lesson / Topic Marking media

Lesson Plan & No.

Time (Required) 01 Hrs.

Proposed Date Week No.

Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Lesson plan, Information sheet

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

Objectives 1) Name the common types of marking media.
2) State different uses of marking media.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about necessity of marking.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Types & uses of  Whitewash – prepared in chalk powder with
marking media water or with mentholated spirit or white
lead with turpentine. Applied to rough
forgings and castings. Not recommended
for high accuracy.
 Prussian blue – used on filed or machine
finish surfaces. Gives very clear line.
Ask questions
Takes more time for drying.
 Copper sulphate – prepared by mixing
copper sulphate in water and a few drops
of nitric acid. Used on filed or machine
finish surfaces. Sticks to the finished
surfaces well. It is poisonous so needs to
be handle carefully.
 Cellulose lacquer – commercially available
marking medium. Made in different colors.
Dries very quickly.

Questions : 1) Name the types of marking media.

2) What is the purpose of marking media?

Summery : Explain types & uses of marking media in shortly.

Assignment : Explain briefly the types & uses of each marking media.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Chisel
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) State the parts & uses of chisel.
2) State the different types of chisel.
3) Specify the different angles of chisel.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about removing excess material.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Parts & uses of  Hand cutting tool used for chipping & cutting
chisel off operations.
 Chipping is an operation of removing excess
metal with chisel & hammer.
 Main parts are head, body & point or cutting Show model
 Made from high carbon steel or chrome/
vanadium steel.
 Cross section is hexagonal or octagonal.
 Cutting edge is hardened & tempered.
 Specified according to length, width & type.

Types of chisel  Flat chisel – used to remove metal from

large flat surfaces and chip excess metal
of welded joints & castings.
 Cross cut chisel – used for cutting keyways, Use chart
grooves & slots.
 Half round nose chisel – used for cutting oil
 Diamond point chisel – used for squaring
materials at the corner.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Types of chisel  Web chisel – used for separating metals
after chain drilling.

Different angles of  Point angle – angle between the two faces

chisel of chisel. The correct point angle depends
on material to be chipped. Sharp angles
are used for soft materials & wide angles
for hard materials. Show table of material
 Rake angle – angle between the top face of & its correct angle
the cutting point and normal to work
surface at the cutting edge. If rake angle
increases, chisel will slip & cutting edge
cannot penetrate into the work.
 Clearance angle – angle between the
bottom face of the point and the tangent
to the work surface. If clearance angle
increases, the cutting edge digs in & the
cut will become deeper & deeper.

Questions : 1) What is chipping?

2) Which material is used for chisel?
3) How chisels are specified?

Summery : Explain construction, parts, types & angles of chisels in shortly.

Assignment : 1) Explain briefly the types & uses of each chisel.

2) Explain different angles of chisel & its uses.

Next Lesson :

Institute Industrial Training Institute,

Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR


Lesson / Topic Bench & Pedestal grinders

Lesson Plan & No.

Time (Required) 01 Hrs.

Proposed Date Week No.

Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

1) State the purpose of off-hand grinding.
2) State the machines for off-hand grinding.
3) State the features of bench & pedestal grinders.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about removing material & resharpening of hand tools.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Purpose of off-  Operation of removing material in size and
hand grinding shape is known as off hand grinding.
 This is carried out by pressing work piece
Ask questions
against a grinding wheel.
 This is performed for rough grinding of jobs
& resharpening of scribers, punches,
chisels, twist drills, cutting tools etc.

Machines for Off hand grinders are fitted to a bench or

off-hand grinding pedestal grinders.
 Bench grinders – are fitted to a bench or
Use chart
table and useful for light duty work.
 Pedestal grinders – are mounted on a base
which is fastened to the ground. Used for
heavy-duty work.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Features of bench  These consist of an electric motor and two
& pedestal spindles for grinding wheels.
grinders  On one spindle a coarse grained wheel is
fitted. Use chart
 On other spindle a fine grained wheel is
 Wheel guards are provided for safety.
 A coolant container is provided.
 Adjustable work rests are provided to
support the work while grinding.

Questions : 1) What is off hand grinding?

2) Which machines are used for off hand grinding?

Summery : Explain purpose & machines used for off-hand grinding in shortly.

Assignment : Explain briefly the features of bench & pedestal grinders.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Combination set
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
Objectives At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) State semi precision angular measuring instruments & its uses.
2) State the uses of each attachment in a combination set.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about angular measuring & its accuracy.

Topiques Information Points Spot Hints

Semi precision Instruments used to check angles are
angular measuring  Bevel gauge – cannot measure angle
instruments directly. It is indirect angular measuring
instrument. Angle can set & measured
Show models
with other instrument.
 Universal bevel gauge – it has an additional
blade for measuring angles, which cannot
be checked with bevel gauge.
 Bevel protector - it is a direct angular
measuring instrument. Has graduations
marked from 00 to 1800. Measures angles
within an accuracy +/- 10.

Combination set Used for layout work, measurement and

checking angles. This has a . . .
 Rule – all parts of combination set are fitted
on it. Has graduation of metric & inches Use model
on both sides.
 Center head – along with the rule is used for
locating the center of cylindrical jobs.

Topiques Information Points Spot Hints

 Square head – has one measuring face at
900 & another at 450 to the rule. Used to
mark & check 900 & 450 angles. Can be
used to set work pieces on the machine Use model
and measure the depth of slot.
 Protector head – can be rotated and set to
an required angle. Used for marking &
measuring angles within an accuracy of
+/- 10. For setting jobs, spirit level is
attached to this.

Questions : 1) Name semi precision measuring instruments?

2) what is the purpose of combination set?

Summery : Explain semi precision angular measuring instruments & parts of combination
set in shortly.

Assignment : Explain parts of combination set & its uses.

Next Lesson :
Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Drilling machine, its types & parts.
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
Objectives 1) State the various types of drilling machine
2) Identify the parts & construction of drilling machine.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about fabrication work & sheet metal work.

Topiques Information Points Spot Hints

Types of drilling Drilling machine is a most important
machine machine tool in a workshop. Holes may be
drilled quickly and at a low cost on drilling
machine. The different types of drilling
machine are
 Sensitive bench drilling machine – is a small
machine used for light duty work. Machine
may be mounted on bench or floor.
Capable of drilling holes up to 12.5 mm.
The table can be tilted for drilling holes at
an angle. No arrangement for automatic Show charts
feed. Different spindle speeds are
achieved by stepped pulley.
 Pillar drilling machine – is an enlarged
version of sensitive bench drilling
machine. Mounted on the floor and driven
by powerful electric motor. Used for light
duty work & large diameter holes.
Provided with a rack & pinion mechanism
to raise the table. Heavy and odd size
work may be supported directly on the
base of machine.

Topiques Information Points Spot Hints

 Radial drilling machine – intended for drilling
medium to large & heavy work pieces.
Consists of a heavy, round, vertical
column mounted on a large base.

Parts of drilling Different parts of pillar drilling machine are

machine  Base
 Column
 Table Use chart
 Head
 Spindle
 Spindle drive & feed mechanism

Questions : 1) What is the purpose of drilling machine?

2) Name the parts of pillar drilling machine.

Summery : Explain different types & parts of drilling machine in shortly.

Assignment : Explain different types of drilling machine & state its uses.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Types of drill
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 00.30 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
Objectives 1) State the different types of drill
2) State the function of each type.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about carpenter work & fabrication work.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Types of drill & its Drilling is a process of making holes on
function work pieces. Drill is a tool used for drilling.
Main types of drill are
 Flat or spade drill – is used where required
size of twist drill is not available. Made
from round steel piece, which is forged &
ground. This type is used for hand drilling
or with a ratchet brace.
 Straight fluted drill – has grooves parallel to Show models & chart
drill axis. It is used in drilling brass,
copper or soft materials. Also used to drill
sheet metals & cores in castings.
 Twist drill – two spiral flutes run lengthwise
around the body of drill. Most common
type of drill used for all-purpose. It is used
especially for faster drilling of accurate
holes and for harder materials. Made out
of high carbon steel. Also there are drills
with carbide tips, brazed at the lips of the

Questions : 1) Which material is used for flat drill?.

2) Name the different types of drill.

Summery : Explain types of drill & its function in shortly.

Assignment : Name the different types of drill & give function of each type.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Parts of drill
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01.30 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
Objectives 1) Identify the parts of twist drill & state the function of each part.
2) Identify the various angles of twist drill and state its functions.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about drilling process.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Parts of twist drill & Main parts of twist drill are
its function  Point – is the cone shaped end, which does
the cutting. Consist of dead center, lips or
cutting edge & heel.
 Tang – provided on taper shank drills, for
driving the drill.
 Flutes – are the spiral grooves on the length
of drill. Helps to form cutting edges, to curl
the chips & to flow the coolant.
 Shank – driving end of the drill, which is Show models & chart
fitted on the machine. Taper shank is
used for large diameter drills & straight
shank is used for small diameter drills.
 Land/margin – is the narrow strip, extends to
the flutes of drill. The diameter of the drill
is measured across the land.
 Body clearance – is the part of the body,
which is reduced in diameter to cut down
the friction.
 Web –separates the flutes. Increases in
thickness towards shanks.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Angles of twist drill Like all cutting tool the drills are provided
and its functions with certain angles for efficiency in drilling
 Point/cutting angle – is the angle between
the cutting edges. The angle varies
according to the material. For general-
purpose drill, it is 1180.
 Helix angle – determines the rake angle at Show chart of
the cutting edge. The angle varies recommended drills
according to the material. Three types are for different materials
used as per IS. Type N (130-160) for
normal low carbon steel, Type H (100-130)
for hard & tenacious materials and Type S
(350-400) for soft & tough materials.
 Rake angle – is the angle of flute.
 Clearance angle – is meant to prevent the
friction. Help in the penetration of the
cutting edges. If the angle is too much,
cutting edges will be weak & if it is too
small, drill will not cut.
 Web angle – is the angle between the chisel
edge & the cutting lip.

Questions : 1) Name the main parts of twist drill.

2) Name the various angles of twist drill.

Summery : Explain parts of twist drill, its various angles & its function in shortly.

Assignment : 1) Name the main parts of twist drill & give function of each part.
2) Name the various angles of twist drill & give function of each angle.
Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Drill holding devices
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 01.00 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

1) Name the different types of drill holding devices.
2) State the features of drill chuck.
3) State the functions of drill sleeves & drift.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about holding of tool.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints
Different types of For drilling holes, the drills are to be held
drill holding accurately & rigidly. Main devices used to hold
devices drill are
 Drill chucks – used to hold straight shank
drills. Provided with key or ring for fixing &
removing drills. Held on the machine
spindle with an arbor.
 Taper sleeves & sockets – used to hold Show models & chart
taper shank drills. The sleeves & sockets
are provided with five different sizes of
Morse tapers from MT1 to MT5.when the
drill taper shank is bigger than the
machine spindle; taper sockets are used
to hold the drills. While fixing the drill, the
tang portion should align in the slot.
 Drift – used to remove drills, sleeves &
sockets from the machine spindle.

Questions : 1) What is use of drill chuck?

2) what is the difference between sleeve & socket?

Summery : Explain drill holding devices & its function in shortly.

Assignment : State the different drill holding devices & its functions.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Cutting speed, Spindle speed & Feed for drilling
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02.00 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) Define cutting speed.
2) Determine spindle speed.
3) State meaning of feed & determine feed rate.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about necessity of correct speed & feed.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

To give satisfactory performance, drill
must operate at correct speed & feed.

Cutting speed Cutting speed is the speed at which the

cutting edge passes over the material while
cutting. It is expressed in meters per minute. It Show table of cutting
is also stated as surface or peripheral speed. speed for different
The selection of cutting speed depends materials
on material to be drilled and the tool material.
Formulae for cutting speed is ( x d x n) / 1000
Spindle speed The revolution per minutes at which the
spindle rotates is determined as a spindle
speed. Spindle speed is determined by cutting Give examples for
speed being used. calculation of spindle
The cutting speed being same, larger speed.
diameter drills have lower spindle speed &
smaller diameter drills have higher spindle
speed. Formulae for spindle speed is
(Cutting speed x 1000) / (d x )

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Feed Feed is the distance a drill advances into
the work in one complete rotation. Feed is
Show chart of
expressed in millimeters per revolution.
Feed is depended upon required finish, recommended feed
drill material and job material. The feed for different diameters
increases with the increase in drill size.

Questions : 1) What is cutting speed?

2) What is the unit of cutting speed?
3) What is feed?

Summery : Explain cutting speed, spindle speed & feed in shortly.

Assignment : Calculate the spindle speed to drill on mild steel by 24 mm drill.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Tap & Tap wrenches
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02.00 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) State features & uses of hand taps.
2) State types of taps in a set.
3) Name the different types of tap wrenches & state its uses.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about thread cutting & nut bolts.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Features & uses of Are used for internal threading of
hand taps components.
Made from high carbon steel or high
speed steel and hardened & ground. Flutes
are cut across the thread to form cutting edge. Show chart
End of shank is made of square shape
for holding & turning. Other end is chamfered
for assisting, aligning & starting of the thread.
The size & type of tap is marked on the shank.
Types of taps in a Taps are available as a set consisting three
set pieces & are identical in all features except in
the taper lead
 First or taper tap – is to start the thread so
that the threads are formed gradually. The
tapered end has about 6 threads tapered. Show model & chart
 Second or intermediate tap – used after the
first tap. The tapered end has about 3-4
threads tapered.
 Plug or bottoming tap – used to finish the
work. No threads are tapered.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Types of tap Are used to align and drive taps correctly
wrenches into the hole to be threaded. The different
types of tap wrenches are
 Double ended adjustable tap wrench – is
most commonly used type of tap wrench.
More suitable for large diameter and can
be used in open places. Available in sizes
Show model & chart
of 175, 250, & 350 mm long.
 T-handle tap wrench – are small, adjustable
chucks and a handle to turn the wrench.
Useful to work in restricted places. Most
suitable for smaller sizes of taps.
 Solid tap wrench – are not adjustable. Can
take only certain sizes of taps. This
prevents damage to the taps.

Questions : 1) Why one end of tap is tapered?

2) What is use of tap?
3) Name the types of taps in a set.

Summery : Explain features, uses, types of taps & tap wrenches in shortly.

Assignment : Name the types of tap wrenches & state its features.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Tap drill size
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02.00 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
Objectives 1) State what is tap drill size?
2) Calculate the tap drill sizes for ISO metric & ISO inch.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about necessity of correct hole for tapping.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Tap drill size A hole is to be drilled before tapping. It
should have sufficient material in the hole for
the tap to cut the material.

Tap drill sizes for For ISO metric thread tap drill size is
ISO metric calculated as
Tap drill size = Major diameter – (2 x depth)
Depth of thread = 0.6134 x pitch of thread
Example: - Calculate tap drill size for M10x1.5
Show table for
For M10 x 1.5
standard tap drill size
Major diameter = 10 mm
Pitch of thread = 1.5 mm
Depth of thread = 0.6134 x pitch
= 0.6134 x 1.5
= 0.9201 mm
Tap drill size = M.D. – (2 x depth)
= 10 – (2 x 0.9201)
= 10 – 1.8402
= 8.1598 or 8.2 mm

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Tap drill sizes for For ISO inch thread tap drill size is
ISO inch calculated as
Tap drill size = Major diameter – (1 / TPI)
Show table for
Example: - Calculate tap drill size for 5/8”
standard tap drill size
For 5/8”
Major diameter (M.D.) = 5/8”
Threads per inch (TPI) = 11
Tap drill size = M.D. – (1/11)
= 0.625 – 0.091
= 0.534”
Next drill size is 17/32 (0.531”)

Questions : 1) What is the thumb rule for metric tap drill size?
2) A thread is designated as M8 x 1.25. What is meaning of 1.25

Summery : Explain tap drill size for ISO metric & inch in shortly.

Assignment : Calculate tap drill size for

1) M12 x 2
2) BSW 3/8

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Die & die stock
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02.00 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI 1st year Theory, Page No. 50 & 51
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Model, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
1) Identify the different types of dies, state its features & uses.
2) State types of die stock.
3) Determine blank size for dieing.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about thread cutting & nut bolts.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Types of dies, its Dies are used to cut external threads on
features & uses cylindrical work pieces. Main types of dies are
 Circular split (button) die – has a slot to
permit slight variation in size. Adjustable
screws are provided in die stock to make
variation in size.
 Half die – are stronger in construction. Show models & chart
Available in matching pairs & adjustments
can be made easily by adjusting the
screw of the diestock.
 Adjustable screw plate die – another type of
a two-piece die as half die. Provides
greater adjustment than the split die. The
die pieces can be adjusted using the
adjusting screws on the collar.

Die stocks Diestocks are used for holding & turning

the threading dies. Button pattern diestock is Show model
used for split die & quick cut diestock is used
for adjustable screw plate die.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Blank size for After threading by die, diameters are
dieing increased in size. Thus it is difficult for
Ask questions
To overcome this, the diameter of the
blank is reduced before threading. It is reduced
by 0.1 x pitch.

Die nut The die nut is used for chasing or

reconditioning the damaged threads and
available in different standard sizes.

Questions : 1) What is dieing?

2) Why blank size is reduced before dieing?
3) What is purpose of die nut?.

Summery : Explain features, uses, types of dies & diestocks in shortly.

Assignment : Name the types of dies & state its features.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Thread terminology
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02.00 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
Objectives 1) State the uses of screw threads.
2) State the elements of screw threads.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about thread cutting & nut bolts.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Screw thread & its A screw thread is a ridge of uniform
uses section formed helically on the surface of a
cylindrical body.
An external screw thread is formed on
the outer surface & internal on an inner Show chart
surface. Together are assembled for different
engineering uses like:
 As fasteners to hold together and dismantle
components when needed.
 To transmit motion on machines from one
unit to another unit.
 To make accurate measurement.
 To apply pressure.
 To make adjustments.

Parts of screw  Crest – top surface joining the two sides of

thread adjacent threads.
 Root – bottom surface joining the two sides
Show chart
of adjacent threads.
 Flank – surface joining crest & root.
 Thread angle – included angle between the
flanks of adjacent threads.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Parts of screw  Depth – perpendicular distance between the
thread root & crest.
 Major diameter – diameter by which the
sizes of screw are stated. In external
thread, diameter of the blank & in internal
thread, largest diameter after threading.
 Minor diameter – In external thread, is the
smallest diameter & in internal thread,
diameter of the hole.
 Pitch diameter – diameter at which thread Show chart
thickness is equal to half of the pitch.
 Pitch – distance from a point from one
thread to the corresponding point on the
adjacent thread parallel to the axis.
 Lead – distance a threaded component
moves in one complete revolution.
 Helix angle – angle of inclination.
 Hand – direction in which the thread is
turned to advance. Right hand thread is
turned clockwise to advance & left hand
thread is turned anticlockwise to advance.

Questions : 1) What is screw thread?.

2) State uses of screw thread.
Summery : Explain uses & elements of screw thread in shortly.
Assignment : Explain elements of screw thread.
Next Lesson :
Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Introduction & parts of Lathe machine
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02.00 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
Objectives 1) Identify the main parts of lathe.
2) State features & uses of each part of center lathe.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about giving round shapes to metals.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Center lathe Turning is a machining process to bring
the raw material to required shape & size. This
is done by feeding a cutting tool against a Ask questions
rotating work. The machine on which turning is
carried out is known as a lathe.
Parts of center  Head stock – provides work holding device.
lathe Transmit drive from main motor to work.
Accommodate gear train for varying
speed. Two types are
1) All geared – box section casting. Has an
input shaft connected to main motor. The Show chart
main spindle is driven by gear train. The
outside nose of spindle is for work
holding devices.
2) Cone pulley – has a stepped cone pulley
mounted on a main spindle & connected
by a flat belt to a similar cone pulley.
 Bed – consists of single casting. Absorbs
shock & vibration. Provides working
height for lathe. The bed-ways assist in Show chart
accurate location. Some lathes have
detachable section of the bed. Mostly
made up of close-grained gray cast iron.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

 Carriage – provides the method of holding &
moving the cutting tool. Consists of two
1) Apron – bolted to the front end of saddle.
Contains mechanism for moving carriage.
2) Saddle – fits the bed slide ways & moves Show chart
along the bed. Consisting following parts.
A) Cross-slide – mounted on the top of
saddle & moves perpendicular to bed.
B) compound rest – fitted on top of cross
slide & may be swiveled through 3600.
C) Top slide – connected to compound
rest. It has short travel on compound rest
to turn tapers.
D) Tool post – fitted on the top slide. Holds
& supports the tool.
 Tail stock – sliding unit situated on the right
hand side of the lathe. Can be clamped at
any position on the bed. Used to support Show chart
lengthy works, to hold cutting tools & to
turn external taper.

Questions : 1) Name main types of head stock.

2) Name the different parts of carriage.

Summery : Explain main parts of lathe machine in shortly.

Assignment : Explain briefly main parts of lathe machine.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Types of lathe machine
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02.00 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date
Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.
& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II
Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Chart, Lesson plan, Information sheet
At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to
Objectives 1) State the different types of lathes & their uses.
2) State the method of specifying a centre lathe.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about different applications of lathe.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Types of lathes Different types of lathes are employed for
different applications
 Speed lathe – simplest lathe. Operate at
high spindle speeds. No other parts so
tool can be controlled by hand. Used in
wood working, spinning & polishing.
 Engine or center lathe – mostly used in
industries. Used for general turning
operations like turning, facing, drilling, Ask questions
boring & threading.
 Bench lathe – similar to engine lathe but
smaller in size & fitted on bench. Used for
simple, small & accurate work.
 Tool room lathe – similar to engine lathe but
more accurate with high range of speeds,
feeds and has various attachments.
 Capstan & turret lathe – tailstock is replaced
with turret head which have number of
tools. Multiple tools can be fed sequence.
Used in mass production where number
of operations done in sequence.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

 Special purpose lathe – specially designed
to manufacture a particular part. These
are mass production lathes.
 Automatic lathe – most of the actions are
performed automatically. Used only for
mass production.

Specification of The size of a lathe is specified by

lathe  The length of the bed.
 The maximum diameter of the work that can Ask questions
be turned.
 The length between centers.
 The pitch of the lead screws.

Questions : 1) State main types of lathes.

2) How center lathe is specified?

Summery : Explain main types of lathe machine & specification in shortly.

Assignment : Explain briefly types of lathe machine.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Vernier caliper
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Chart, Model, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

1) State the principle of vernier caliper.
Objectives 2) Identify the parts of vernier caliper.
3) Determine the least count of vernier caliper.
4) Read vernier caliper measurements.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about importance of measurement & accuracy of job.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Principle of vernier Precision measuring instrument used to
caliper measure up to an accuracy of 0.02 mm. The They should never be
difference between two sliding parts is taken mixed with any other
for fine measurements. Available in sizes of tool.
150, 200, 250, 300 & 600 mm.

Parts of vernier  Fixed jaws – part of beam scale. One jaw for
caliper internal & other for external measurements
 Movable jaws – part of vernier slide. One for
internal & other for external measurements
 Vernier slide – moves over the beam & can Show charts & model
be set in any position. Vernier scale
graduations are marked on it.
 Beam – vernier slide & depth bar attached
to it and slides over it. Main scale
graduations are marked on it.
 Depth bar – used to measuring depth.
 Thumb lever – spring loaded lever helps to
set vernier slide in any position.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Least count of Least count determined by graduations

vernier caliper of main scale & vernier scale. In commonly
used vernier caliper, 49 main scale divisions Show chart
are divided into 50 vernier scale divisions.
One main scale division = 1 mm
One vernier scale division = 49/50 = 0.98 mm
Least count = 1 MSD – 1 VSD = 1.00 – 0.98
= 0.02 mm

Reading of vernier To read vernier caliper reading following

caliper steps are to be followed.
 First take main scale reading before zero of
vernier scale. Give assignments
 Read vernier division coinciding with main
scale division. for vernier scale reading.
 Multiply by least count of vernier caliper to
vernier scale for vernier scale reading.
 Add main scale reading into vernier scale

Questions : 1) What is accuracy of vernier caliper?

2) What is principle of vernier caliper?

Summery : Explain the principle, parts, least count & reading of vernier caliper in shortly.

Assignment : 1) Determine least count for a vernier caliper which has 9 main scale divisions
coinciding with 10 vernier scale divisions.
2) Explain briefly parts of vernier caliper.

Next Lesson :
Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Outside micrometer
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Chart, Model, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

1) State the functions of parts of an outside micrometer.
Objectives 2) State working principle of micrometer.
3) Determine the least count of outside micrometer.
4) Read micrometer measurements.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about producing of good surface finish.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Parts of an outside  Frame – made of drop- forged steel & all
micrometer other parts are attached to this.
 Barrel/sleeve – fixed to frame & datum line Show chart / model
& graduations are marked on this.
 Thimble – graduations are marked on the
beveled surface & spindle is attached to it.
 Spindle – one end is measuring face & other
is threaded & passes through a nut.
 Anvil – one of measuring faces fitted on
micrometer frame.
 Lock nut – used to lock spindle in position.
 Ratchet stop – ensures uniform pressure.

Working principle Screw & nut. Longitudinal movement of

spindle in one rotation is equal to pitch of Ask questions
screw. This distance or its fractions can be
accurately measured on barrel & thimble.
Outside micrometers are available in
range of 25 mm i.e. 0-25, 25-50, 50-75 etc.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Least count of an Pitch of spindle thread is o.5 mm. In one

outside rotation of thimble, spindle advances 0.5 mm.
micrometer On barrel 25 mm datum line is marked. Ask questions
This line is further graduated to millimeters &
half millimeters and numbered as 0, 5, 10, 15,
20 & 25 mm.
Circumference of bevel edge of thimble
is graduated into 50 equal divisions & marked
as 0, 5, 10, 15 . . . . . .40, & 45 in CW direction.
 Movement of one division of thimble
= 0.5 x 1/50 = 0.01 mm

Reading of an  Note minimum range of micrometer For 25-

outside 50 micrometer minimum range is 25 mm.
micrometer  Read complete millimeters on barrel
graduations & add it.
 Read whether half millimeter is completed Give assignment
after complete millimeters & add it.
 Read thimble graduations in line with
datum line. Multiply this by 0.01 mm & add it.

Questions : 1) What is working principle of micrometers?

2) What is accuracy of an outside micrometer?

Summery : Explain parts, working principle, least count & reading of outside micrometer.

Assignment : How least count is determined in micrometer?

Next Lesson :
Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Cutting tool material
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Chart, Model, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

Objectives 1) State the composition & uses of various cutting tool materials.
2) Classify cutting tools according to its construction.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about cutting a material.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Cutting tool The different cutting tool materials are:

material  High carbon steel (HCS) – contains 0.8 to
1.8% of carbon. Cheap, easily fabricated
& hardened. Low hot & wear resistance.
Hardness is retained up to 200 0 to
2500C. Used only at low cutting speed. Show table & ask
(10 to 12 meter/min.) questions
 High-speed steel (HSS) – it contains 18%
tungsten, 1% vanadium, 4% chromium &
cobalt. Hot hardness & wear resistance.
Hardness is retained up to 550 0 to
6000C. & 2 to 3 times higher cutting
speed than HCS. (20 to 36 meter/min.)
 Cemented carbides – pressed at high
pressure 1000 to 4200 kg/cm2 & contain
tungsten, carbide, carbon & cobalt.
Available in form of tips. Hardness is
retained up to 9000 to 10000C. & 4 to 6
times higher cutting speed than HSS.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Cutting tool  Stellite – special alloy consisting 40-48%

material cobalt, 30-35% chromium, 12-19%
tungsten & 1.8-2.5% carbon. Good
shock resistance. Hardness is retained Show table & ask
up to 8000 to 8500C. & 2 times higher questions
cutting speed than HSS.
 Ceramics – main constituent is aluminium
oxide & cheaper than cemented carbide.
Hardness is retained up to 11000 to
12000C. high brittleness & low bending
strength. Used for finishing operations.
 Diamond – hardest material. Low shock
resistance, low coeffcient of friction, high
wear resistance & high cost. Used on
lapping wheels.

Types of cutting  Solid forged type – made from tool steel &
tools forged to required shape. It is hardened
& tempered. Used for heavy work.
 Tool bit – to be mounted in strong cutter Ask questions
bar. Should be held short for rigidity.
 Tipped tool – external hard tip is attached
to low carbon steel shank. Withstand
much higher cutting speeds than other.

Questions : 1) Name different cutting tool materials?

2) Which are the types of cutting tools?

Summery : Explain different cutting tool materials, its uses & types in shortly.

Assignment : Explain different cutting tool materials & its uses.

Next Lesson :
Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

Institute Industrial Training Institute,
Name of Instructor AMAN KUMAR
Lesson / Topic Cutting tool angles
Lesson Plan & No.
Time (Required) 02 Hrs.
Proposed Date Week No.
Conducted Date

Reference Books CIMI Theory, Page No.

& Page No. Workshop Technology Part II

Teaching Aids Chalk, Duster, Chart, Model, Lesson plan, Information sheet etc.

At the end of this lesson trainees shall be able to

Objectives 1) Identify & name the angles of cutting tool.
2) State characteristics of each angle.

In the previous lesson, we took the information about


Motivation Motivate about cutting a material.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Cutting tool angles The different cutting tool angles are:
 Side cutting edge angle – ground on the
side of cutting tool. Angle ground may be
range from 250 to 400. The cutting will be
oblique. More depth of cut is to be given.
 End cutting edge angle – ground at 300 to Show charts & ask
the axis of tool. Side cutting & end questions
cutting angle form nose angle of 900.
 Top rake angle – controls the geometry of
chip formation & mechanics of cutting
action. Slope is ground on top of tool. If
slope is from front to back, it is known as
positive rake & if back to front, it is
known as negative rake. Negative rake
tools have more strength.
 Side rake angle – 0 to 200 slope is from
cutting edge to rear side of tool. Top &
side rake controls chip flow.
 Front clearance angle – slope is from top to
bottom of tool. It permits only the cutting
edge to contact the work & avoids
rubbing action.

Topics Information Points Spot Hints

Cutting tool angles  Side clearance angle – slope is from top to

bottom of side face. It also permits only
the cutting edge to contact the work & Show charts & ask
avoids rubbing action. questions
 Side relief angle – ground on parting &
undercutting tools to provide width of
cutting edge broader than back of cutting
edge. Relief is kept minimum.

Questions : 1) Name different cutting tool angles?

2) What is use of clearance angle?

Summery : Explain different cutting tool angles & its uses in shortly.

Assignment : Explain different cutting tool angles & state its uses.

Next Lesson :

Instructor Group Instructor Vice Principal / Principal

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