Humss: Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

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Capsulized Self-Learning
Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

Subject & 11-
Grade Level 12 dd/mm/yyyy
CONTENT Concepts and Principles of Major Social Science Ideas
MOST 6. Apply the social science ideas and its importance in
ESSENTIAL examining socio-cultural, economic, and political

IMPORTANT: Do not write on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s Activity and
Assessment Sheets provided separately.


CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and
approaches in the social sciences

CHECKPOINT: How can we apply the social science ideas in examining

socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions?

Hello there! Last week you had a short encounter with

the basic concepts and principles of the major social science
ideas. Today, we are going to revisit those concepts and focus on
applying those social science ideas to examine socio-cultural,
RECALL! economic, and political conditions. So, what are you waiting for?
Buckle up and enjoy the journey toward learning.

Important Concepts :

Sociocultural conditions- refer to the social or cultural aspects of the people. Examples may
include family traditions, ethnic practices, religion, and the like.
Economic conditions- refer to the factors or events regarding the current state of the economy
in a place or a country. Examples may include increased income, OFW remittances, booming
businesses, increased employment and the like.
Political conditions- generally refers to the issues/events involving government officials,
government policies and the like. Examples may include corruption, election, and the like.

Application of the Social Science Ideas and Importance in examining Socio-cultural,

Economic and Political Conditions

Psychoanalysis is the term applied to a specific method of investigating unconscious mental

processes and to a form of psychotherapy.

 Socio-Cultural Conditions: Jack's mother left his family when he was a child. Ever since
then, he has had a very difficult time trusting people because he is afraid they will
abandon him.
 Economic Conditions: If a brand (e.g. Nike, Apple, Ducati) can appeal to a deep wish,
fantasy, aggression or some escape from life, then consumers may equate a brand or
specific line of products with a desire. Thus, increasing the sales and profiteering.
 Political Conditions: Japan and South Korea are two of the most developed economies
in Asia. Generally political leaders advanced their countries’ interests over personal
gains. They, although not all, are expected by their societies to advanced national
interest and public scrutiny (superego) over personal interests (Id). These conditions
guided leaders to be careful to survive and succeed (ego) in office.

Rational Choice Theory is a product of scarcity and demands people to make the right and
rational choice to maximize the use of its resources. In many ways, it advocates the concept
called rational self-interest, which is the pursuit of what is best for oneself, based on the
exercise of reason.
 Socio-Cultural Conditions: In Chinese Confucian thinking, frugality is a priority. People
save a part of their income for future use, like buying a house, raising a child or paying
for medical services.
 Economic Conditions: Farmers in Baguio were forced to increase the price of vegetables
due to extreme freezing temperatures in the province. This way, they can somehow
recover from the sustained losses in their farming business due to extreme
 Political Conditions: The Philippine Government created the “sin taxes” to collect larger
tax to increase government revenue and at the same, discourage people from buying
alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

Institutionalism refers to the movement and approach that views institutions as humanly
devised constraints that arrange or organize political, economic, and social interactions.
 Socio-Cultural Conditions: In the Philippines, it has been a tradition (informal institution)
for suitors to ask for the blessing of the bride's family for their wedding.
 Economic Conditions: For many, banking is an institution where an individual can
deposit his/her savings without being anxious about security.
 Political Conditions: You stop moving whenever the national anthem is played because
it is mandated by law (formal institution) and over time being practiced as part of
national identity (informal institution). In the same manner, you place your right hand
on your chest while singing the “Lupang Hinirang.”

Feminism refers to that which (1) emphasizes gender as key basis of structured inequality,
(2) challenges conventional distinctions between public and private, and (3) problematizes
the fundamentally political relationship between gender and power.
 Socio-Cultural Condition: Martha, like her brothers, left the countryside to enroll in a
university of her choice because she believes that men and women should have equal
access to education.
 Economic Condition: Women, like men, can be productive at work. Thus, wage gap
(gender inequality) between the two genders should be abolished.
 Political Condition: In the past women are expected to stay and fulfil their roles at home
(gender ideology) but today several women challenge male-dominated politics and
have become elected leaders of the country.

Hermeneutical Phenomenology is preoccupied with the life world or human experience as it

is lived. The emphasis is toward daily details and aspects within experience that may be

taken for granted in our lives, with an aim of generating meaning and realizing a sense of
 Socio-Cultural Condition: Bob is a Filipino-American who grew up in the US. He dislikes
anything that has something to do with his Filipino ancestral roots especially Filipino
dishes because he sees it as unsanitary. But one day, after eating the chicken/pork
adobo of his auntie Celly, he begins to appreciate Filipino culture and later as he
discover more about it, he begins to developed (hermeneutic loop) his sense of Filipino
 Economic Condition: Based from the positive feedbacks and the personal experiences of
John’s friends in owning an iPhone, he decided to buy himself the same unit thinking
that he is “in” the group. However, he realizes that buying the latest gadgets are not
the basis of being part of the group but friendship.
 Political Condition: Displeased with their barangay captain’s performance in his previous
term, the residents of barangay A pledged not to re-elect him and realizes that grand
speeches, parties, and giveaways are not the basis for a true leadership.

Human-Environment Systems refer to systems which combine both human and natural
components to show complex interactions, and feedback between them.
 Socio-Cultural Condition: Japan has high regard of nature. It can be seen in its endeavors
to produce renewable energy sources, environment-friendly products, and preservation
of its natural environment from urbanization (spatial distribution). This behaviour
maybe associated to Japan’s Shinto religion (spatial process) which is based on animism
or the belief that natural objects, natural phenomena, and the universe itself possess
 Economic Condition: Motorcycle manufacturers of today only manufacture motorcycles
with engine that is Euro-4 compliant. Which means that these engines have cleaner
emissions and results in lesser pollution.
 Political Condition: To minimize the solid waste problem in the community and the
surrounding environment, barangay Santa Maria has intensified its compliance of the
Republic Act (RA) 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 provides
which states that it is incumbent upon households to segregate their waste at their
residences to ensure only segregated garbage is brought out and dumped in the
identified pick-up points in the barangays.

Guide Questions:

1. How does learning the Social Science ideas help you examine the socio-cultural,
economic and political conditions of the country?
2. What is the importance of learning the Social Science Ideas?

The learners shall be able to apply the social science ideas and its importance in examining
socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions.

Let’s Practice! Checkpoint #1: Figure it Out!

Home – Based LoT (Individual Activity)

Direction: Think of situations where you can apply the following concepts when
examining the socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions of
your community.

1. Id, Ego, Superego (Provide Example for Socio-Cultural Conditions)

2. Scarcity and choice (Provide Example for Economic Conditions)
3. Gender ideology and gender inequality (Provide Example for Political Conditions)
4. Human-Environment Systems (Provide Example for Economic Conditions)
5. Formal and Informal Institutions (Provide Example for Economic Conditions)
6. Hermeneutic loop (Provide Example for Socio-Cultural Conditions)

Practice pa more! Checkpoint #2: Think Outside the Box

Direction: Apply the social science approaches when trying to examine
each situation (condition) below.

1. Using Feminist Theory, examine women empowerment in terms of political conditions.

2. Using the concepts of Psychoanalysis, examine the socio-cultural condition of the
residents of your barangay during the Enhanced Community Quarantine.
3. Using Rational Choice Theory, examine the economic conditions of your neighbors
during the pandemic.
4. Under Institutionalism, explain how informal and formal institutions (and their actors)
constrain socio-cultural conditions/behavior.
5. Cite some ways by which human-environment interactions shape/mold the economic
condition of your community.
6. Using Hermeneutical Phenomenology, explain how people born in a society that have
biases can learn and reinterpret them gaining new experiences that change their biases.

Let’s see how much you have learned today!

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully and thoroughly before answering.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which theory is most suited when examining the reason for the increase in price of primary
a. Rational choice c. Feminism
b. Institutionalism d. Human-Environment System

2. Which meaning is involved in the assignment of roles for women and men within the household
and outside of it as well as their attitudes regarding their appropriate roles, rights, and
responsibilities in the society?
a. Gender ideology c. Masculinity
b. Gender inequality d. Feminism

3. Which theory/Idea is most suited when examining the migration of OFWs in foreign lands?
a. Phenomenology c. Human-Environment Systems
b. Hermeneutics d. Rational choice

4. Which theory/idea is most suited when examining the reason behind an orphaned child’s
hesitance to trust other people?
a. Hermeneutical phenomenology c. Psychoanalysis Theory
b. Rational Choice Theory d. Institutionalism

5. Which theory/idea is most suited when examining the Filipino tradition of “pagmamano” as a sign
of respect whenever meeting elderly relatives?
a. Institutionalism c. Rational Choice Theory
b. Psychoanalysis Theory d. Hermeneutics

Jens Micah De Guzman. Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences Malabon
City: MUTYA Publishing House Inc., 2017,117-157
REFERENCES For further readings:
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Prepared by:

John Philip M. Eijansantos


Subject & Grade
Level dd/mm/yyyy
CONTENT Concepts and Principles of Major Social Science Ideas
MOST 6. Apply the social science ideas and its importance in
ESSENTIAL examining socio-cultural, economic, and political


CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and
approaches in the social sciences

The learners shall be able to apply the social science ideas and its importance in examining
socio-cultural, economic, and political conditions

CHECKPOINT: How can we apply the social science ideas in examining socio-cultural,
economic, and political conditions?

Guide Questions:
1. How does learning the Social Science ideas help you examine the socio-cultural,
economic and political conditions of the country?
2. What is the importance of learning the Social Science Ideas?

Let’s Practice! CHECKPOINT #1: Figure it Out!

Home – Based LoT (Individual Activity)

Direction: Think of situations where you can apply the following concepts when
examining the socio-cultural, economic and political conditions of

your community.
7. Id, Ego, Superego (Provide Example for Socio-Cultural Condition)
8. Scarcity (Provide Example for Economic Condition)
9. Gender ideology and Gender Equality (Provide Example for Political Condition)
10. Human-Environment Systems (Provide Example for Economic Condition)
11. Formal and informal institutions (Provide Example for Economic Condition)

12. Hermeneutical Phenomenology (Provide Example for Socio-Cultural Condition)



Direction: Apply the social science approaches when trying to examine

each situation (condition) below.
1. Using Feminist Theory, examine women empowerment in terms of political conditions.

2. Using the concepts of Psychoanalysis, examine the socio-cultural condition of the

residents of your barangay during the Enhanced Community Quarantine.

3. Using Rational Choice Theory, examine the economic conditions of your neighbors during
the pandemic.

4. Under Institutionalism, explain how informal and formal institutions (and their actors)
constrain socio-cultural conditions/behavior.

5. Cite some ways by which human-environment interactions shape/mold the economic

condition of your community.

6. Using Hermeneutical Phenomenology, explain how people born in a society that have
biases can learn and reinterpret them gaining new experiences that change their biases.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully and thoroughly before answering.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which theory is most suited when examining the reason for the increase in price of primary
a. Rational choice c. Feminism
b. Institutionalism d. Human-Environment System

2. Which meaning is involved in the assignment of roles for women and men within the household
and outside of it as well as their attitudes regarding their appropriate roles, rights, and
responsibilities in the society?
a. Gender ideology c. Masculinity
b. Gender inequality d. Feminism

3. Which theory/Idea is most suited when examining the migration of OFWs in foreign lands?
a. Phenomenology c. Human-Environment Systems
b. Hermeneutics d. Rational choice

4. Which theory/idea is most suited when examining the reason behind an orphaned child’s
hesitance to trust other people?
a. Hermeneutical phenomenology c. Psychoanalysis Theory
b. Rational Choice Theory d. Institutionalism

5. Which theory/idea is most suited when examining the Filipino tradition of “pagmamano” as a sign
of respect whenever meeting elderly relatives?
a. Institutionalism c. Rational Choice Theory
b. Psychoanalysis Theory d. Hermeneutics

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