The Kastler-Kalau-Walze Type Theorem For 6-Dimensional Manifolds With Boundary
The Kastler-Kalau-Walze Type Theorem For 6-Dimensional Manifolds With Boundary
The Kastler-Kalau-Walze Type Theorem For 6-Dimensional Manifolds With Boundary
In this paper, we define lower dimensional volumes of spin manifolds with boundary. We compute the lower
dimensional volume Vol6 for 6-dimensional spin manifolds with boundary and the gravity on boundary is
derived by the noncommutative residue associated with Dirac operators. For 6-dimensional manifolds with
boundary, we also get a Kastler-Kalau-Walze type theorem for a general fourth order operator .
Keywords: lower-dimensional volumes; noncommutative residue; gravitational action; perturbations of
Dirac operators.
2000 MSC: 53G20, 53A30, 46L87
1. Introduction
The noncommutative residue plays a prominent role in noncommutative geometry [1][2]. Connes [3]
used the noncommutative residue to derive a conformal 4-dimensional Polyakov action analogy. Connes [4]
proved that the noncommutative residue on a compact manifold M coincided with the Dixmier’s trace on
pseudodifferential operators of order −dimM . Several years ago, Connes made a challenging observation
that the noncommutative residue of the square of the inverse of the Dirac operator was proportional to the
Einstein-Hilbert action, which we call the Kastler-Kalau-Walze theorem. Kastler[5] gave a brute-force proof
of this theorem. Kalau and Walze [6] proved this theorem in the normal coordinates system simultaneously.
Ackermann [7] gave a note on a new proof of this theorem by means of the heat kernel expansion.
Recently, Ponge defined lower dimensional volumes of Riemannian manifolds by the Wodzicki residue
[8]. Fedosov et al defined a noncommutative residue on Boutet de Monvel’s algebra and proved that it
was a unique continuous trace [9]. Wang generalized the Connes’ results to the case of manifolds with
boundary in [10] [11] , and proved a Kastler-Kalau-Walze type theorem for the Dirac operator and the
signature operator for lower-dimensional manifolds with boundary[12] [13]. The purpose of papers [12] [13]
is to derive the gravitational action by the noncommutative residue associated with Dirac operators for spin
manifolds with boundary, but the boundary term vanished in Wang’s results. The motivation of this paper
is to derive the gravitational action on boundary by the noncommutative residue associated with Dirac
operators. In other words, we want to get a nonvanishing boundary term. In [12] [13], Wang computed
] + D−1 ◦ π + D−1 ] and Wres[π
Wres[π ] + D−2 ◦ π + D−2 ], where the two operators are symmetric. In this paper,
] + D−1 ◦π + D−3 ]. Since D−1 and D−3 are not
for 6-dimensional manifolds with boundary, we compute Wres[π
symmetric, the boundary term is the integral of the extrinsic scalar curvature and the gravitational action
on boundary emerges. We also get a generalized Kastler-Kalau-Walze theorem associated with a general
fourth order operators for 6-dimensional spin manifolds.
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we define lower dimensional volumes of spin manifolds
with boundary. In Section 3, for 6-dimensional spin manifolds with boundary and the associated Dirac
In order to define lower dimensional volumes of spin manifolds with boundary, we need some basic
facts and formulae about Boutet de Monvel’s calculus and the definition of the noncommutative residue for
manifolds with boundary. We can find them in Section 2,3 [11] and Section 2.1[12].
Let M be a n-dimensional compact oriented spin manifold with boundary ∂M . We assume that the
metric g M on M has the following form near the boundary,
gM = g ∂M + dx2n , (2.1)
h(xn )
where g ∂M is the metric on ∂M . Let D be the Dirac operator associated to g on the spinors bundle
S(T M )[12]. Let p1 , p2 be nonnegative integers and p1 + p2 ≤ n.
Definition 2.1. Lower dimensional volumes of spin manifolds with boundary are defined by
] + D−p1 ◦ π + D−p2 ]
Voln(p1 ,p2 ) M := Wres[π (2.2)
Z Z +∞ ∞ X
X (−i)|α|+j+k+1
Φ = × traceS(T M) [∂xj n ∂ξα′ ∂ξkn σr+ (D−p1 )(x′ , 0, ξ ′ , ξn )
|ξ ′ |=1 −∞ j,k=0 α!(j + k + 1)!
×∂xα′ ∂ξj+1
∂xkn σl (D−p2 )(x′ , 0, ξ ′ , ξn )]dξn σ(ξ ′ )dx′ , (2.4)
3. A Kastler-Kalau-Walze type theorem for 6-dimensional spin manifolds with boundary
In this section, We compute the lower dimensional volume Vol6 for 6-dimensional spin manifolds with
boundary and get a Kastler-Kalau-Walze type theorem in this case.
Firstly, we compute the symbol σ(D−3 ) of D−3 . Recall the definition of the Dirac operator D [9][14].
Let ∇L denote the Levi-Civita connection about g M . In the local coordinates {xi ; 1 ≤ i ≤ n} and the fixed
orthonormal frame {ee1 , · · · , f
en }, the connection matrix (ωs,t ) is defined by
∇L (ee1 , · · · , f
en ) = (ee1 , · · · , f
en )(ωs,t ). (3.1)
Then, we obtain
σ3 (D3 ) = −1c(ξ)|ξ|2 , (3.5)
1 X
σ2 (D3 ) = c(ξ)(2σ k − Γk )ξk − |ξ|2 ωs,t (eel )c(el )c(ees )c(eet ), (3.6)
4 s,t
Xn X
σ1 (D ) = c(eel )hel , dxl i − ∂l (g i,j )(2σi ∂j − Γki,j ∂i )
i=1 i,j
+ g ∂l (Γki,j )∂i − g i,j 2(∂l σi )∂j
i,j i,j
h X 1 i
+ − g i,j (∂i σj ) + σi σj − Γki,j σk + s ∂l
1X h X i
− ωs,t (eel )c(el )c(ees )c(eet ) − g i,j (2σi ∂j − Γki,j ∂i ) , (3.7)
4 s,t i,j
Xn X 1
σ0 (D3 ) = c(eel )hel , dxl i − ∂l (g i,j ) (∂i σj ) + σi σj − Γki,j σk + ∂l s
i=1 i,j
X 1
− g i,j ∂l (∂i σj ) + σi σj − Γki,j σk + ∂l s
1 X h X 1 i
− ωs,t (eel )c(el )c(ees )c(eet ) − g i,j (∂i σj ) + σi σj − Γki,j σk + s . (3.8)
4 s,t i,j
Dxα = (− −1)|α| ∂xα ; σ(D3 ) = p3 + p2 + p1 + p0 ; σ(D−3 ) = q−j . (3.9)
Then we obtain X
q−3 = p−1 −1 −1
3 ; q−4 = −p3 [p2 p3 + ∂ξj p3 Dxj (p−1
3 )]. (3.11)
Lemma 3.1.
σ−1 (D−1 ) = ; (3.12)
c(ξ)σ0 (D)c(ξ) c(ξ) X
σ−2 (D−1 ) = + c(dx j ) ∂xj [c(ξ)]|ξ| 2
− c(ξ)∂ xj (|ξ| 2
) ; (3.13)
|ξ|4 |ξ|6 j
σ−3 (D−3 ) = ; (3.14)
c(ξ)σ2 (D3 )c(ξ) −1c(ξ) 4
σ−4 (D−3 ) = + |ξ| c(dxn )∂xn c(ξ ′ ) − 2h′ (0)c(dxn )c(ξ)
|ξ|8 |ξ|8
+2ξn c(ξ)∂xn c(ξ ′ ) + 4ξn h′ (0) , (3.15)
where σ0 (D) = − 14 s,t ωs,t (eei )c(eei )c(ees )c(eet ).
Since Φ is a global form on ∂M , so for any fixed point x0 ∈ ∂M , we can choose the normal coordinates
U of x0 in ∂M (not in M ) and compute Φ(x0 ) in the coordinates U e = U × [0, 1) ⊂ M and the metric
1 ∂M 2 M e
+ dxn . The dual metric of g on U is h(xn )g ∂M 2
+ dxn . Write gijM ∂
= g M ( ∂x ij
, ∂ ); gM =
h(xn ) g i ∂xj
∂ ∂
c(eei ) = [(σ, c(Ei ))]; c(eei )[(σ, fi )] = [(σ, c(Ei )fi )]; = [(σ, )], (3.18)
∂xi ∂xi
then we have ∂xi c(eei ) = 0 in the above frame. By Lemma 2.2 in [12], we have
Lemma 3.2. [12] For n-dimensional spin manifolds with boundary,
where ξ = ξ ′ + ξn dxn .
Next we compute σ0 (D)(x0 ). By Lemma 2.3 in [12], we have
Lemma 3.3. [12] For 6-dimensional spin manifolds with boundary,
σ0 (D)(x0 ) = − h′ (0)c(dxn ). (3.21)
Now we can compute Φ (see formula (2.4) for the definition of Φ), since the sum is taken over −r − l +
k + j + |α| = 5, r ≤ −1, l ≤ −4, then we have the following five cases:
case a) I) r = −1, l = −3 k = j = 0, |α| = 1
From (2.4) we have
Z Z +∞ X
case a) I) = − trace[∂ξα′ πξ+n σ−1 (D−1 ) × ∂xα′ ∂ξn σ−3 (D−3 )](x0 )dξn σ(ξ ′ )dx′ . (3.22)
|ξ ′ |=1 −∞ |α|=1
c(ξ ′ ) + ic(dxn )
∂ξn πξ+n σ−1 (D−1 )(x0 )||ξ′ |=1 = − . (3.31)
2(ξn − i)2
By (3.14), we obtain
h (1 − 5ξ 2 )c(dx ) √
√ n 6ξn c(ξ ′ ) i 4 −1ξn ∂xn c(ξ ′ )(x0 )
∂ξn ∂xn σ−3 (D−3 )(x0 )||ξ′ |=1 = −2 −1h′ (0) n
− − . (3.32)
(1 + ξn2 )4 (1 + ξn2 )4 (1 + ξn2 )3
Z Z +∞
−4i + 16ξn + 4iξn2
case a) III) = h′ (0) 5 4
dξn σ(ξ ′ )dx′
|ξ ′ |=1 −∞ (ξn − i) (ξn + i)
2πi h −4i + 16ξn + 4iξn2 i(4)
= h′ (0) |ξn =i Ω4 dx′
4! (ξn + i)4
25 ′
= πh (0)Ω4 dx′ . (3.34)
case b) r = −1, l = −4, k = j = |α| = 0
In the normal coordinate, g ij (x0 ) = δij and ∂xj (g αβ )(x0 ) = 0, if j < n; = h′ (0)δβα , if j = n. So by Lemma
A.2 in [12], we have Γn (x0 ) = 25 h′ (0) and Γk (x0 ) = 0 for k < n. By the definition of δ k and Lemma 2.3 in
[12], we have δ n (x0 ) = 0 and δ k = 41 h′ (0)c(eek )c(f
en ) for k < n. Then by (3.15), we obtain
c(ξ)σ2 (D3 )c(ξ) c(ξ) X −1c(ξ)
σ−4 (D−3 ) = − ∂ξj [c(ξ)|ξ| 2
]D xj [ ]
|ξ|8 |ξ|4 j |ξ|4
1 1 X 5 ′ 5 ′
′ 2
= c(ξ) h (0)c(ξ) ξk c( ee k )c(f
e n ) − h (0)ξ n c(ξ) − h (0)|ξ| c(dx n ) c(ξ)
|ξ|8 2 2 4
−1c(ξ) 4 ′ ′ ′ ′
+ |ξ| c(dx )∂
n xn c(ξ ) − 2h (0)c(dx n )c(ξ) + 2ξ n c(ξ)∂ xn c(ξ ) + 4ξ n h (0)
1 1 5 5
= 8
c(ξ) h′ (0)c(ξ)c(ξ ′ )c(dxn ) − h′ (0)ξn c(ξ) − h′ (0)|ξ|2 c(dxn ) c(ξ)
|ξ| 2 2 4
1 4 ′ ′
+ 8 i|ξ| c(ξ)c(dxn )∂xn c(ξ ) − 2ih (0)c(ξ)c(dxn )c(ξ)
+2iξn c(ξ)c(ξ)∂xn c(ξ ′ ) + 4iξn h′ (0)c(ξ)
1 11
= ( ξn (1 + ξn2 ) + 8iξn )h′ (0)c(ξ ′ )
(1 + ξn2 )4 2
7 15
+ − 2i + 6iξn2 − (1 + ξn2 ) + ξn2 (1 + ξn2 ) h′ (0)c(dxn )
4 4
−3iξn (1 + ξn2 )∂xn c(ξ ′ ) + i(1 + ξn2 )c(ξ ′ )c(dxn )∂xn c(ξ ′ ) . (3.36)
Z Z +∞
7 + 6i − (20 − 15i)ξn + (7 − 6i)ξn2 + 15iξn3
case b) = ih′ (0) dξn σ(ξ ′ )dx′
|ξ ′ |=1 −∞ (ξn − i)5 (ξn + i)4
2πi h 7 + 6i − (20 − 15i)ξn + (7 − 6i)ξn2 + 15iξn3 i(4)
= ih′ (0) |ξn =i Ω4 dx′
4! (ξn + i)4
25 35i
= (− − )πh′ (0)Ω4 dx′ . (3.38)
8 16
case c) r = −2, l = −3, k = j = |α| = 0
By (2.2.34) , (2.2.37) and (2.2.40) in [13], we have
h c(ξ)p (x )c(ξ) + c(ξ)c(dx )∂ [c(ξ ′ )](x ) i
0 0 n xn 0
πξ+n σ−2 (D−1 )(x0 )||ξ′ |=1 = πξ+n
(1 + ξn2 )2
h c(ξ)c(dx )c(ξ) i
−h′ (0)πξ+n
(1 + ξn )3
:= B1 − B2 . (3.40)
B1 = [(2 + iξn )c(ξ ′ )p0 c(ξ ′ ) + iξn c(dxn )p0 c(dxn )
4(ξn − i)2
+(2 + iξn )c(ξ ′ )c(dxn )∂xn c(ξ ′ ) + ic(dxn )p0 c(ξ ′ ) + ic(ξ ′ )p0 c(dxn ) − i∂xn c(ξ ′ )]
1 h5 5i ′ i
′ ′ ′ ′ ′
= h (0)c(dx n ) − h (0)c(ξ ) − (2 + iξ n )c(ξ )c(dxn )∂ξ c(ξ ) + i∂ξ c(ξ ) ; (3.41)
4(ξn − i)2 2 2 n n
By (3.14), we obtain
−4iξn c(ξ ′ ) + (i − 3iξn2 )c(dxn )
∂ξn σ−3 (D−3 ) = . (3.43)
(1 + ξn2 )3
By (3.27), (3.42) and (3.43), we have
Similarly, we have
Since Φ is the sum of the cases a), b) and c), so
15 35i
Φ=( − )πh′ (0)Ω4 dx′ . (3.47)
16 16
Now recall the Einstein-Hilbert action for manifolds with boundary [12][13][14],
IGr = sdvolM + 2 Kdvol∂M := IGr,i + IGr,b , (3.48)
16π M ∂M
where X i,j
K= Ki,j g∂M ; Ki,j = −Γni,j , (3.49)
and Ki,j is the second fundamental form, or extrinsic curvature. Taking the metric in Section 2, then by
Lemma A.2 [12], for n = 6, then
K(x0 ) = − h′ (0); IGr,b = −5h′ (0)Vol∂M . (3.50)
Then we obtain
Theorem 3.4. Let M be a 6-dimensional compact spin manifold with the boundary ∂M and the metric g M
c, then
as above and D be the Dirac operator on M
Vol6 ] + D−1 ◦ π + D−3 ] = − 5Ω5
= Wres[π
7i 3
sdvolM + ( − )πΩ4 KdVol∂M . (3.51)
3 M 8 8 ∂M
] b [π + D−1 ◦ π + D−3 ]
Z Z Z +∞ X ∞ X
= × traceS(T M) [∂xj n ∂ξα′ ∂ξkn σr+ (D−1 )(x′ , 0, ξ ′ , ξn )
∂M |ξ ′ |=1 −∞ j,k=0 α!(j + k + 1)!
×∂xα′ ∂ξj+1
∂xkn σl (D−3 )(x′ , 0, ξ ′ , ξn )]dξn σ(ξ ′ )dx′ (3.54)
] + D−1 ◦ π + D−3 ].
denote the interior term and boundary term of Wres[π
Combining (3.48), (3.51) and (3.52), we obtain
Corollary 3.6. Let M be a 6-dimensional compact spin manifold with the boundary ∂M and the metric
c, then
g M as above and D be the Dirac operator on M
−3 ] + −1
IGr,i = Wresi [π D ◦ π + D−3 ];
16 ] b [π + D−1 ◦ π + D−3 ].
IGr,b = Wres (3.55)
(7i − 3)πΩ4
Nextly, for 5-dimensional spin manifolds with boundary, we compute Vol5 . By Proposition 2.2 (2) in
[13], we have Z
] + D−1 ◦ π + D−3 ] =
Wres[π Φ. (3.56)
By (2.4), when n = 5, we have r − k − |α| + l − j − 1 = −5, r ≤ −1, l ≤ −3, so we get r = −1, l = −3, k =
|α| = j = 0, then
Z Z +∞
Φ= traceS(T M) [σ−1 (D−1 )(x′ , 0, ξ ′ , ξn ) × ∂ξn σ−3 (D−3 )(x′ , 0, ξ ′ , ξn )]dξn σ(ξ ′ )dx′ . (3.57)
|ξ ′ |=1 −∞
Since Φ is a global form on ∂M , so for any fixed point x0 ∈ ∂M , we can choose the normal coordinates
U of x0 in ∂M (not in M ) and compute Φ(x0 ) in the coordinates U e = U × [0, 1) ⊂ M and the metric
1 ∂M 2
h(xn ) g + dx n . For details, see Section 2.2.2[12]. Now we can compute Φ (see formula (2.4) for the
definition of Φ), since the sum is taken over −r − l + k + j + |α| = 5, r, l ≤ −2, then we have the following
five cases:
case a) I) r = −2, l = −2 k = j = 0, |α| = 1
From (2.4) we have
Z Z +∞ X
case a) I) = −f trace[∂ξα′ πξ+n σ−2 (D−2 ) × ∂xα′ ∂ξn σ−2 (D−2 )](x0 )dξn σ(ξ ′ )dx′ . (4.5)
|ξ ′ |=1 −∞ |α|=1
σ−2 ((D2 + f )−1 ) = σ−2 (D−2 ); σ−3 ((D2 + f )−1 ) = σ−3 (D−2 ). (4.19)
Then we obtain
q̃−4 = p̃−1
4 ; (4.23)
q̃−5 = −p̃−1
4 [p̃3 q̃−4 + ∂ξj p̃4 Dxj (q̃−4 )]; (4.24)
0 = p̃4 q̃−6 + p̃3 q̃−5 + p̃2 q̃−4 + ∂ξj p̃3 Dxj q̃−4 + ∂ξj p̃4 Dxj q̃−5
j j
+ ∂ξi ∂ξj p̃4 Dxi Dxj q̃−4 . (4.25)
Remark 4.6. When fi = 0 (i = 1, 2, 3), we get the classical Kastler-Kalau-Walze type theorem.
On the other hand, it is straightforwardR to see from (4.19) we can directly get the same results with
Theorem 1 in [13]. Hence we conclude that ∂M Φ = 0. In summary, we have proved
Theorem 4.7. let M be a 6-dimensional compact spin manifold with the boundary ∂M and the metric g M
c, then
as Section 2 and D be the Dirac operator on M
] + 2 −1 + −2 5
Wres[π (D + f ) ◦ π D ] = −Ω5 ( s + 8f )dvolM . (4.28)
M 3
This work was supported by Fok Ying Tong Education Foundation under Grant No. 121003 and NSFC.
11271062. The author also thank the referee for his (or her) careful reading and helpful comments.
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