CFAS PAS 32 Financial Instruments and PFRS 9 Measurement of F Asset Topic 5
CFAS PAS 32 Financial Instruments and PFRS 9 Measurement of F Asset Topic 5
CFAS PAS 32 Financial Instruments and PFRS 9 Measurement of F Asset Topic 5
Initial Recognition
- Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized only
when the entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions of
the instruments.
- Always measured at FAIR VALUE
Transaction Cost (Incremental Cost) - Brokerage fees and
commissions, levies by regulatory agencies (SEC free on
transaction value and PSE), transfer taxes and duties.
Financial Asset at FV through OCI - Capitalized as cost of
financial asset
Financial Liability at FV through OCI - FV minus Transaction
Financial Asset/Liability at FV through P/L held for trading -
Expensed outright NOTES:
➢ Only debt instruments can be classified under amortized
Subsequent Measurement cost or FVOCU measurement categories
After initial recognition, an entity shall measure a financial asset ➢ Equity instruments are measures at FVPL unless the entity
at; makes an irrevocable election on initial recognition to
1. FV through P/L (e.g. Investment on Equity / Debt Securities- measure them at FVOCI (election)
Trading FVPL) ➢ Debt instruments that are not measured at amortized cost
2. FV through OCI (e.g. Investment in Equity / Debt Instruments or at FVOCI are measured at FVPL
@FVTOCI) ➢ Business model and SPPI tests are relevant only to debt
Basis of Classification ➢ Equity instruments do not have contractual cash flows that
PFRS 9 requires an entity to classify financial asset on the basis are solely payments of principal and interest
of both: ➢ Equity instruments are classified as FVPL unless they are
1. The entity’s model for managing the financial asset; and irrevocably elected to be classified as FVOCI
2. The contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset Gains and Losses
Derecognition - Classification
Financial assets are derecognized when;
1. The contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial
asset expire
- Collected, canceled, or when they become uncollectible
because of loss events
2. The financial asset are transferred and the transfer qualities
for derecognition.
- Transfer of substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership
of the financial asset, entity derecognize
- Retains substantially all the risks and rewards - financial asset
- Neither retains or transfers (partial transfer and partial
retention)- determine whether there is control.
No control - derecognize
Retained control - financial asset