River Nagavali Priority V
River Nagavali Priority V
River Nagavali Priority V
Approved by:
Submitted to:
Executive Summary
Executive Summary of Action Plan for Restoration of Water Quality of Nagavali River
3 Major Towns on the banks of the river with : Local Body Population
population Srikakulam 1,25,953 (2011 census).
4 a. Sewage generation & Treatment in MLD : Total Expected Sewage Generation- 22MLD
Total STP Capacity- nil
b. No. of industries having captive ETPs : ETP with a total capacity of 300 KLD
and their treatment capacity in MLD
c. No of CETP’s and their treatment : Nil
d. Gaps in treatment of industrial effluent : Nil
Waste Management :
6 a. Solid Waste Generation & processing : Solid waste generation - 70TPD(Srikakulam) and
22.08 TPD Parvathipuram
Out of the 63 number of bedded hospital (there are 25
beds and above hospitals are 12 nos. out of which 5
HCFs are having STP
estimated cost of Rs.91.22 crores and submitted to
GoI to support under NRCP
The present action plan has been prepared in compliance to the directions given by Hon’ble
NGT for taking remedial action for rejuvenation of polluted river stretches in Andhra Pradesh.
The Hon’ble NGT noted that there are 351 river stretches in the country in their Order dated
28th September, 2018 in O.A. No.673/2018 regarding monitoring and restoration of water
quality of identified polluted river stretches and inter alia directed all States and Union
Territories to prepare action plans within two months for bringing all the polluted river
stretches to be fit at least for bathing purposes (i.e. BOD< 3 mg/L and FC< 500 MPN/100ml)
within six months from the date of finalization of the action plans.
In compliance of the directions of Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, Principal Bench, New
Delhi in the matter of news published in “The Hindu” authored by Shri Jacob Koshy, Titled
“More river stretches are now critically polluted CPCB”, Government of Andhra Pradesh
constituted River Rejuvenation Committee (RRC) for effective abatement of pollution,
rejuvenation, protection and management of the identified polluted River stretches for
bringing the polluted river stretches to be fit at least for bathing purposes within six months
from the date of finalization of the action plans. Due care has been taken to prepare the action
plan in accordance with the following directions given by NGT.
1.2 Hon’ble NGTs Specific Directives for preparation of action plan
An attempt has been made that the components of the action plan incorporates and addresses
to the extent possible, the points mentioned below
Identification of polluting sources and dilution of pollutants in the rivers/streams as per
prescribed norms.
• Interception and diversion of sewage carrying drains to the STPs with emphasis on
utilization of treated sewage so as to minimise extraction of ground or usage of surface
• Interventions on watershed and catchment area for conservation and recharge of
The following five river stretches have been identified by CPCB for rejuvenation in State of
Andhra Pradesh
The objective/goal of the action plan is that the quality of river water
should meet with the required value as given under:
Quality Parameter Standard to be achieved
BOD < 3.0 mg/l.
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) More than 5.0 mg/l.
Faecal Coliform Less than 500 MPN/100ml.
1.4 Introduction:
Nagavali River originates from a hill near Lakhbahal village in Thuamul Rampur block
of Kalahandi District. It touches Nakrundi, Kerpai areas of Kalahandi, Kalyansinghpur and
Rayagada of Rayagada district of Odisha and merged in Bay of Bengal near Kallepalli
village near Srikakulam after crossing by the side of Srikakulam of Andhra Pradesh.
It is an independent river with its own basin. The total length of the river is about 256
kilometers (159 mi), of which 163 kilometers (100 mi) are in Odisha and the rest in
Andhra Pradesh out of which 68 KM in Srikakulam District and 25 KM in Vizianagarm
The catchment area of the basin is 9,510 square kilometers (3,670 sq mi). Nagavali is an
interstate river with 4,462 square kilometers (1,723 sq mi) and 5,048 square kilometers
(1,949 sq mi) river basin area located in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh respectively. The
river basin receives 1,000 millimeters (39 in) average rain fall annually.
The uplands of the river basin are hilly areas with predominantly tribal populated. It drains
parts of the Kalahandi, Rayagada and Koraput districts of Odisha
and Srikakulam, Vizianagaram districts of Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram is the main city of the Vizianagaram District of North Eastern Andhra Pradesh in
Southern India. Vizianagaram district was formed on 1 June 1979, with some parts carved from
the neighbouring districts of Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam. Vizianagaram District lies
between latitude 17°-15'-00" to 19°-15'-00" and longitude 83°00' 00" to 83° 45' 00". The
boundaries of the District are Bay of Bengal and Srikakulam District on East, Orissa state and
Visakhapatnam District on West, Orissa state on North and Visakhapatnam District on South.
Thotapalli Regulator
The existing Thotapalli Regulator is the first diversion work on Nagavali River constructed in
1908 in Andhra Pradesh territory, most of the catchment area (Total Catchment area 4455
sq.km) of the river is on Orissa State. The Nagavali River originates in Eastern Ghats in Orissa
state in "Payakapadu" village in Kalahancii Koraput District.
The Nagavali River after traversing a length of 125 Kms in Orisa state enters in Andhra
Pradesh near "CHEDEPALEM" (Village) of Komarada Mandal of Vizianagaram District and
flows further 24 Kms upto existing Thotapalli Regulator and from there onwards travels south
eastern direction and Joins in Bay of Bengal near "DIBBAPALEM" Village in Srikakulam
The existing ayacut of 25,900 HA (64,000 AC) i.e. 8,715 Ac in 3 Mandals of Vizianagaram
District and 55,285 Ac in 4 Mandals of Srikakulam District.The Nagavalli basin mostly in hilly
and the rainfall in the catchment is erratic with high peeks of Discharge occurs in mansoon
The old Thotapalli regulator was constructed across the Nagavali River with a 64,000 acres
irrigation potential. The regulator was replaced by the current barrage which has a
2.51 Tmcft storage capacity and an additional 56,000 acres irrigation potential in Vizianagaram
District, 13 Mandals and in Srikakulam District,7 Mandals) and providing drinking water
supply to 24 Villages en route of the canal by feeding 42 Nos. of tanks.
No Salient Features of Town Data
1. Source River Nagavali (Langulya)
Thotapalli(v), Garugubilli
2. Location (M), Vizianagaram District
3. Catchment area 4455 sqkm
4. Geographic location 18° 47' 30'' N
5. 83° 25' 24'' E
Total available yield from
6. catchment area: 44.000 TMC.
Proposed yield to be utilized in 15.890 TMC
7. this Thotapalli Barrage Scheme
8. Gross Storage 3.003 TMC
2.509 TMC (71.05
9. Storage capacity of Barrage M.Cum)
To restore the quality of this priority -V polluted stretch (Nagavali river along Thotapally) to
be fit for at least bathing purposes. Accordingly of action plan was prepared as directed by
Hon'ble National Green Tribunal vide its order dated 20th September 2018 passed in the
original Application No 673/2018 in the matter of News Item Published In 'The Hindu'
Authored By Shri Jacob Koshy Titled " More River Stretches Are Now Critically
Polluted: CPCB.
1.6 Identified Polluted River Stretch:
Based on the water quality data for the year 2016, 2017 and 2018 which was submitted
to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), in Vizianagaram District along the
Totapally Reservoir, River Nagavali has been identified as polluted river stretch based on
slight accidence of concentration of BOD.
1.7 Major Drains Contributing Pollution into River Nagavali:
There is no underground planned sewerage system in Srikakulam and similar situation exist
in other towns of the catchment of River Nagavali, thus sewage management is being done
with natural slope in open drain system leading to valleys. Means of night soil disposal is
mostly through septic tanks, two pit privies
In order to assess the water quality in the state, the A.P. Pollution Control Board in
collaboration with the Central Pollution Control Board under the National Water Quality
Monitoring Programme (NWMP) monitors 2 (two) stations in the river Nagavali, which are
monitored on a monthly basis. Groundwater quality from 03 stations is monitored in
Srikakulam on a half yearly basis. The NWMP locations with coordinates
Table 3: Water Monitoring Stations at River Nagavali and its tributaries:
Latitude &
District Monitoring Location
Srikakulam 18˚32.391' N Nagavali River near
83˚88.414' E NH-16 Bridge, Srikakulam.
There are no major polluting industries in Srikakulam that discharges effluents to cause
contamination of river Nagavali.
Therefore, the main source of pollution is due to domestic waste and municipal sewage
which is being dumped and flows into the nullahs & river. All sorts of waste and
untreated sewage are released into the Nagavali River. The details of the River Nagavali
are as follows:
Table 5: The average BOD & DO at upstream and downstream of River Nagavali for
the year 2019
(April to October).
River Nagavali
Sl. Up stream of Downstream of
No. Year Parameter of annual
Srikakulam, Srikakulam, after
average value
before confluence of confluence of town
town Sewage (4346) sewage (4347)
2019 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) 6.8 5.8
1. (April to
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
October) 1.9 2.14
River Nagavali
All the Stations in Srikakulam District the BOD has reported below 3.0 mg/l. As stated
by the designated best use, BOD should be below 3mg/l however, the discharge of
domestic wastewater/sewage mostly in untreated form and the municipal waste thrown
directly into the water bodies/nullahs/drains has been identified as prime source for this
contaminates. The other reason for high BOD level may be due to increased runoff from
urban and agricultural fields.
The water analysis data for all the stations along the river Nagavali
Table 6: Water Analysis Report showing Average Value of different
parameters during the year 2019 (April-October) is given below:
Monitoring frequency:
Fig 1: Topo Map showing the Nagavali stretch(along Thotapally)
1.9 Major Towns and Industrial Pockets in the Catchment of River Nagavali:
The major towns located on the catchment of River Nagavali parts of the districts of
Kalahandi, Rayagada, Koraput of Odisha State and Vizianagaram and Srikakulam districts
of Andhra Pradesh State.
There are no major industrial areas along the catchment of River Nagavali, however,
isolated industries are present in the catchment areas. The water polluting industry along the
catchment of River Nagavali is the M/s. KVR Paper Industry which has an ETP with a total
capacity of 300 KLD and most of the treated water is being recycled in the process and
remaining is utilized for irrigation/gardening. Industrial effluents are not discharging into the
River Nagavali.
Detail gap analysis with regard to sewage, waste (Municipal Solid Waste,
Biomedical Waste, Plastic Waste, Construction and Demolition Waste) waste
management are detailed below:
census). Main source of water supply for this city is river Nagavali, groundwater
supply i.e. ring wells and bore wells. Sewage generation of Srikakulam town is
about 22 MLD.
Srikakulam Municipal Corporation has taken up the construction of 10 MLD
capacity STP to treat about 40% of sewage being discharged into the river Nagavali,
which is expected to complete by March 2020. One more STP of 12 MLD capacity
is proposed with estimated cost of Rs. 91.22 Crs and report submitted to GoI to
support under NRCP.
1 Srikakulam 125953 --- 70TPD 1(dump yard) --
M/s. Jindal Urban Waste Management Ltd., is establishing a Waste to Energy Plant at
Visakhapatnam to operate the same with solid waste generated in Visakhapatnam,
Vizianagaram, Srikakulam and Nellimarla municipal corporations / municipalities as fuel.
The plant is expected to be commissioned by Aug, 2020
About 1.5 Lakh MTs of legacy waste is existing in the site. ULB is in the process of
investigation & analysis to take up bio-remediation/bio-mining. As per the information
from Srikakulam Municipal Corporation, AP SAC has been addressed for volumetric
analysis. Inspection is awaited and DPR will be prepared before April, 2020.
There are about 63 numbers of bedded and 64 numbers of Non bedded Clinics/Laboratory
Hospitals/ Nursing Homes operating in Srikakulam city. It is estimated that about 210
Kg/day biomedical waste is generated from these healthcare facilities
Out of the 63 number of bedded hospital, 12 hospitals have capacity of 25 beds and above.
Out of 12 HCFs, 5 HCFs provided STPs to treat the waste water generated.
Table 09: List of Hospitals with Effluent Treatment Plant.
Sl. No Capacity of the Waste water
Name of the hospital
ETP (Liters/day) generation
Great Eastern Medical School &
1 Hospital (GEMS), Ragolu, 700KLD 380KLD
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of
Medical Sciences (RIMS)
2 (District Head Quarters 120KLD 100KLD
Hospital), APVVP, Balaga
KIMS Sai Seshadri Hospital( A
unit of Arunodaya Hospital Pvt
3 Ltd) New Bridge Road,Near 45KLD 10KLD
Datta Temple, P.N.Colony
Junction, Srikakulam.
M/s. Dr. Golivi Hospitals Pvt.
Ltd, Plot No.G-5,D.No.2-1-
4 30KLD 23KLD
17/8,APIIC, Industrial Estate,
Balaga Rural, Srikakulam.
Baggu Sarojini Devi Hospitals,
5 D.No.2-2-131, Illisipuram West, 15KLD 10KLD
disposing off the construction and demolition waste
APPCB is monitoring ground water quality at 3 locations in the District under National
Water Qual`ity Monitoring Programme (NWMP) regularly twice a year, April (before
monsoon) and October (after monsoon). No significant organic or inorganic pollution due
to anthropogenic activities was observed from the results. At certain locations higher
concentrations of TDS, Hardness, Fluoride, Nitrate, etc. was observed, and this could be
attributed to soil chemical composition. The number of ground water quality monitoring
stations have been increased from 18 to 33 since April, 2019 under NWMP.
The details of the sampling station along with location and the annual average value of
different parameters are provided
Table 10: The list of NWMP stations monitoring the ground water quality is
given below:
Location District Type
1522 Open Well, Ponnada (V), Srikakulam W
Etcherla(M), Srikakulam District.
3092 Borewell at Arinam Akkivalasa, Srikakulam W
4350 Borewell at Z,P.High School, Srikakulam W
Amalapadu (V), Vajarapu
Kotturu(M), Srikakulam District.
Table 11: Groundwater analysis report showing Average Value of different parameters during
the year 2019 (Jan to June) is given below:
3 Conductivity (µS/cm) 597 967.0 -
6 Turbidity (NTU) 0.78 4.0 7.20 1
The groundwater quality in comparison with the drinking water norms IS 10500; 2012
shows that most of the parameters monitored/analyzed are within the permissible limit.
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and its design should be based on its full utilization
capacity and ensuring simultaneous house connections to sewers as applicable to each
drain and town.
Sewage Treatment Plan should also consider treatment and disposal of sewage from
Villages including discharges from toilets constructed under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
prepared for Crores
e sewerage
system in the
3 STP Sludge Covered under 31-03- 100% Axellary
management 10 MLD STP 2021 programmes
being have to be
executed by proposed after
the PHMED completion of
4 septage Covered under 31-03- 100% This activity is
management 10 MLD STP 2021 included in the
being on going 10 0.00
executed by MLD STP
5 Utilization of Programme 31-03- 100% Axellary
treated sewage will be started 2021 programmes
after have to be
completion of proposed after 10.00
10 MLD STP completion of
i.e. 31-03- STP
6 Ensuring proper The SPT of 10 31-03- 100% Operation and
operation and MLD as 2021 maintenennce for
maintenance of proposed a period o f7
STPS under the years is included
programme of in the
AMRUT programmeof 10 0.00
includes 7 MLS STP
years of O&M
completion of
7 Maintenance of 100% Under 0% It is a regular
drains and sewage regular activity being
network including maintenan done in the
periodic cleaning ce corporation
8 Awareness and 100% Regular 0% It is a regular
training for the awareness activity being
concerned and done in the
authorities training corporation
es being 0.00
at the level
of ward
Source: Action plan submitted by MA&UD Dept. Gov.t of A.P
2. Action Plan for Management Of Industrial Effluents
There are no major industrial areas along the catchment of River Nagavali, however,
isolated industries are present in the catchment areas. The water polluting industry along
the catchment of River Nagavali is the M/s. KVR Paper Industry which has an ETP with
a total capacity of 300 KLD and most of the treated water is being recycled in the process
and remaining is utilized for irrigation/gardening.
1 The Board has not --- Ongoing nil Total capacity of 300
given any consent for KLD and most of the
direct discharges into treated water is being
River Nagavali recycled in the
process and
remaining is utilized
• compost, pellets making as well as sanitary landfill with leachate treatment provision in
• Bio-mining and capping of existing municipal dumpsite in accordance with the Solid
Waste Management Rules, 2016.
ACTION PLAN: Srikakulam Municipality
ther was one
leachet noticed
londe time ago
and cleared in
full shape.
4. Action Plan For Management of Drains & Flood Plain Zone (FPZ):
Department of Water Resources should identify /demarcate Flood Plain Zone and regulate the
activities. Such regulations would also cover the following
• Plantation in Flood Plain Zone (FPZ).
• Checking and removal of encroachments periodically.
• Prohibition of disposal of municipal and bio-medical waste particularly in drains;
• Notification of the Flood Plain Zones
2 Restoration of natural
storm water drains for Not applicable
ensuring natural flow.
3 Adoption of Good Performing optimum utilization of Water to existing ayacut under Irrigation
Irrigation Practices Projects duly adopting good Irrigation practices.
4 Flood Plain Zone Flood banks at venerable reaches are being formed along Nagavali River to
Protection and its protect the existing ayacut lands and surrounding villages from inundation and
management submersion of flood waters.
7 Removal of
encroachments to
maintain natural flow in No encroachments are identified on Nagavali River
S.No Action Plans for Achievable Time targets for Present Remarks
Restoration of Target Compliance Status and
Identified Polluted or
River Stretches in pendency
States/UTs in terms of
Heavy regular
penalities are being
imposed on plastic
sellers and user
venders by special
team regularly.
Action Plans for Achievable Time Targets Present Status and or Remarks
Sl. Restoration of Target for pendency in terms of %
No Identified Polluted Compliance
River Stretches in
1 Greenery or plantation on
Afforestation Forest Department -
both side of the river on both sides
of the river
and in the
private land
and individual
land owner
2 Area to be covered under Dec 2021 Plantation at Public Health Engg. Dept
plantation at STPs STPs.
The APPCB follows the Monitoring Protocol as recommended by the Central Pollution Control
Board and the Results are referred according to the Indian Standard Drinking Water
Specification (Second Revision), BIS 10500:2012.
S. No. Code year pH TDS Nitrate Hardness F
2013 -14 7.2 547 2.6 210 1.9
2014 -15 7.7 597 1.05 365 0.62
Open well at
2015 -16 7.8 521 1.5 300 0.56
2016-17 Ponnada (V), 7.3 321 0.8 200 0.45
1 Srikakulam,
2017-18 Srikakulam
district. 7.6 433 1.9 245 0.59
2018-19 7.5 354 1.0 197 0.28
2019-20 7.7 1128 5.3 608 0.32
2013 -14 Bore well at 7.6 587 4.5 290 0.7
2014 -15 Arinama 7.7 265 2.27 265 0.77
2015 -16 Akkivalasa, 7.7 424 0.36 255 0.78
2016-17 Ranastalam 7.7 467 4.1 340 0.75
2 3092
2017-18 (M), 7.8 621 4.3 385 0.94
2018-19 Srikakulam, 7.4 670 4.3 320 0.53
2019-20 district 7.9 743 9.3 304 0.57
New station:
Sl. Action Plans for Achievable Time Present Status and Remarks
No Restoration of Target Targets for or pendency in
Identified Polluted Complianc terms of %
River Stretches in e
1 Capping of contaminated
Ground water sources –
Hand pumps, Tube wells
and alternate water No
-- -- contamination
supply arrangements for required
of ground water
drinking purpose in GW
affected areas
3.2 Monthly BOD values for 2016-19
m 2.5
2.5 2.4 2.4
/ 2.2 2.2
2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1
l 2 2 2
2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 2016
1.8 1.8
1.8 1.81.8
1.7 1.7 1.7 2017
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
1.4 2018
1.3 1.3 1.3
1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 2019
1 1
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Year wise
8 Average DO values in River Nagavali
6 5.7
Thotapally (9999)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Year wise
MPN/100 ml
20 Thotapally (9999)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Year wise
12.PERT Chart: Timelines for Action Plan Implementation after the Approval of
Action Plan
Action Plan March June Sep- Dec March June- Sep- Dec March-
- May - Nov 2020 - May Aug Nov 2021- May
2020 Aug 202 - Feb 2021 2021 2021 Feb 2022
2020 0 2021 2022
of location for
proposed STPs
Preparation of
award of work
Set up of STPs
Water Quality
sampling after
set up of STPs
Preparation of
final report
after the
of the action
• Rehabilitation of slums along the river stretch Frequent checking of
encroachments of the catchment areas around the freshwater lakes/ Cleaning of
the storm water drains before meeting the River
• Checking of constructions on flood plains and reallocation of all the settlements
on the flood plain zone
• Plantation along the banks of the polluted river stretch
• Involvement of the public, private and Industrial sector in maintaining the river
water quality
• Inspection on the proper management of the waste management to avoid public
health problems
As per the NWMP data for the years from 2014-19, it was observed that F.Coli levels are
less than 500 MPN/100 ml. The BOD levels recorded are less than 3 mg/l except in the
month of June, 2016. As the BOD and F. Coli levels are within the outdoor bathing
standards during the years 2017, 2018 & 2019, it is requested that Nagavali River Stretch
may be deleted from the list of 351 Polluted River Stretches identified.