CH 1

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Chapter 1

1.1 a. Mass of soil retained Percent retained

Sieve no. on each sieve (g) on each sieve Percent finer
4 0.0 0.0 100.0
10 18.5 4.4 95.6
20 53.2 12.6 83.0
40 90.5 21.5 61.5
60 81.8 19.4 42.1
100 92.2 21.9 20.2
200 58.5 13.9 6.3
Pan 26.5 6.3 0
 S 421.2 g
The grain-size distribution is shown in the figure.



Percent finer



10 1 0.1 0.01
Grain size (mm)

b. D60 = 0.4 mm; D30 = 0.2 mm; D10 = 0.095 mm

D60 0.4
c. = = = 4.21
D10 0.095

( D30 ) 2 (0.2) 2
d. Cc
= = = 1.05
( D10 )( D60 ) (0.4)(0.095)

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1.2 a. The grain-size distribution curve is shown in the figure.



Percent finer


1 0.1 0.01 0.001
Grain size (mm)

b. Percent passing 2 mm = 100 GRAVEL: 100 - 100 = 0%
Percent passing 0.06 mm = 84 SAND: 100 - 84 = 16%
Percent passing 0.002 mm = 11 SILT: 84 - 11 = 73%

CLAY: 11 - 0 = 11%

c. Percent passing 2 mm = 100 GRAVEL: 100 - 100 = 0%
Percent passing 0.05 mm = 80 SAND: 100 - 80 = 20%
Percent passing 0.002 mm = 11 SILT: 80 - 11 = 69%

CLAY: 11 - 0 = 11%

d. Percent passing 2 mm = 100 GRAVEL: 100 - 100 = 0%
Percent passing 0.075 mm = 90 SAND: 100 - 90 = 10%
Percent passing 0.002 mm = 11 SILT: 90 - 11 = 79%

CLAY: 11 - 0 = 11%

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1.3 Gs = 2.60; temperature = 24°; R = 43; time = 60 min. Referring to Table 1.6, L = 9.2.


Eq. (1.6): D (mm) = K
t (min)

From Table 1.5 for Gs = 2.60 and temperature = 24°, K = 0.01321.
D = 0.01321
= 0.0052 mm

1.4 a. Total mass in the ternary mix = 8000  3  24,000 kg
Percent of each soil in the mix = 100  33.33%
24, 000

Mass of each soil used in the sieve analysis, mA  mB  mC  500 g
If a sieve analysis is conducted on the ternary mix using the same set of sieves, the percent
of mass retained on each sieve, mM (%), can be computed as follows:

m  m  m 
mM (%)  0.333  A 100   0.333  B 100   0.333  C 100 
 500   500   500 

The calculated values are shown in the following table.

Sieve size Mass retained Percent passing
(mm) mA (g) mB (g) mC (g) mM (%) for the mixture
25.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 100
19.0 60 10 30 6.66 93.34
12.7 130 75 75 18.65 74.69
9.5 65 80 45 12.65 62.04
4.75 100 165 90 23.64 38.4
2.36 50 25 65 9.32 29.08
0.6 40 60 75 11.65 17.43
0.075 50 70 105 14.98 2.45
Pan 5 15 15 2.33 ≈0

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b. The grain-size distribution curve for the mixture is drawn below.



Percent finer


100 10 1 0.1 0.01
Grain size (mm)

From the curve, D10 = 0.21; D30 = 2.5; D60 = 9.0;
D60 9.0 D302 2.52
Cu =
= 42.85
= ; Cx = = 3.31
D10 0.21 ( D60 )( D10 ) (9.0)(0.21)

 711.2  623.9 
1.5 a. w    (100)  14%
M 711.2
b.     1778 kg /m 3
V 0.4
c.  d   1559.75 kg /m 3
Gs  w
d.  d 
1 e
G (2.68)(1000)
e  s w 1   1  0.718
d 1559.75
e 0.718
e. n    0.418
1  e 1  0.718

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1.6 a.  d   = 15.6 kN /m 3
(1  w) (1  0.14)
Gs w (2.69)(9.81)
b. e  1   1  0.69
d 15.6
wGs (0.14)(2.69)
S = = 0= .545 54.5%
e 0.69
W 102.3 103
1.7 a.    3
 18.07 kN /m 3
V 5.66 10
b.  d 
  16.28 kN /m 3
1  w 1  0.11
Gs w (2.7)(9.81)
c. e  1   1  0.626
d 16.28
e 0.626
d. n 
1  e 1  0.626
wGs  (0.11)(2.7) 
e. S 
 (100)  47.4%
e  0.626 
W 102.3 103

f. Ws    92.19 103 kN
1 w 1  0.11
3 3 3
  Ww  102.3 10  92.19 10  10.11 10 kN
Ww 10.11103
Vw    0.001 m 3
w 9.81
 sat 19.8
1.8 a.  d    16.91 kN /m 3
1  w 1  0.171
Gs w (Gs )(9.81)
b.  d  ; 16.91  ; Gs = 2.44
1 e 1  0.171Gs
e wG
= s (0.171)(2.44) = 0.417

wGs (0.182)(2.67)
1.9 =e = = 0.607
S 0.8
G (2.67)(9.81)
d  s w  = 16.3 kN/m3
1 e 1.607
   d (1  w)  (16.3)(1.182) = 19.27 kN/m3

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Gs w (1  w) (2.7)(9.81)(1.1)
1.10 a.   ; 17.66  ; e = 0.65
1 e 1 e
 (G  e) (9.81)(2.7  0.65)
b.  sat
 w s  = 19.92 kN/m3
1 e 1.65
 w (Gs  Se) (9.81)(Gs  0.5e)
1.11 a.   ; 16.62 
1 e 1 e
Gs  1.694  1.194e (a)
(9.81)(Gs  0.75e)
17.71  (b)
1 e
From Eqs. (a) and (b),
(9.81)(1.694  1.194e  0.75e)
17.71  ; e = 0.81
1 e

b. From Eq. (a):
Gs  1.694  (1.194)(0.81)  2.66
Gs w (2.66)(9.81)
1.12 d   = 14.42 kN/m3
1 e 1  0.81
 (G  e) (9.81)(2.66  0.81)
 sat  w s  = 18.81 kN/m3
1 e 1  0.81
Water = (0.0708) ( sat   d )  (0.0708)(18.81  14.42)  0.311 kN
Gs w G
1.13 For the borrow pit,  d  borrow   s w  0.476Gs w
1  eborrow 1  1.1
Gs w G
For the compacted backfill,  d  backfill 
 s w  0.555Gs w
1  ebackfill 1  0.8

  0.555Gs w
Volume of borrow soil needed =  d  backfill  (V ) 
(1)  1.16 m3

 d  borrow  0. 476G 
s w

(1  w)Gs w (1  0.11)(2.7)(9.81)
1.14 a.  borrow   = 14 kN/m3
1  eborrow 1  1.1
wGs (0.11)(2.7)
b. S
= = = 0=.27 27%
eborrow 1.1
(1  w)Gs w (1  0.11)(2.7)(9.81)
c.  backfill 
 = 16.3 kN/m3
1  ebackfill 1  0.8

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1.15 e  emax  Dr (emax  emin )  0.78  (0.65)(0.78  0.43)  0.553
G (2.67)(9.81)
 s w
= 16.87 kN/m3
1 e 1  0.553
1.16 e  emax  Dr (emax  emin )  0.75  (0.78)(0.75  0.46)  0.524
G  (1  w) (2.68)(9.81)(1.09)
 s w  = 18.8 kN/m3
1 e 1.524
G (2.65)(9.81)
1.17  d (min)  s w ; 14.46  ; emax = 0.8
1  emax 1  emax
Gs w (2.65)(9.81)
 d (max) 
; 16.98  ; emin = 0.532
1  emin 1  emin
e  emax  Dr (emax  emin )  0.8  (0.6)(0.8  0.532)  0.639
G  (1  w) (2.65)(9.81)(1.08)
 s w
 = 17.13 kN/m3
1 e 1.639
Gs w (2.65)(9.81)
1.18 a.  d  ; 15.72  ; e = 0.654
1 e 1 e
wGs (0.184)(2.65)
=S = = 74.6%
e 0.654

b. This is when S = 100%, so e = wGs = (0.184)(2.65) = 0.488
Gs w (2.65)(9.81)
d   = 17.47 kN/m3
1 e 1  0.488
e e
1.19 a. Dr  max 1
emax  emin
e1  emax  Dr (emax  emin )  0.9  (0.4)(0.9  0.46)  0.724
Gs w (2.65)(9.81)
 d   = 15.08 kN/m3
1  e1 1  0.724
b. e2  emax  Dr (emax  emin )  0.9  (0.75)(0.9  0.46)  0.57
H e e  e H 0.724  0.57
  1 2; 
H 1  e1 1  e1 1.83 1  0.724
H  0.163 m = 163 mm

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Ch_03.indd 14 9/15/2020 1:25:14 AM

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