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The ONYX is a state of the art electro- EUT or if the ESD simulator itself will be
static discharge simulator available in turned-off by the user (bleed-off).
16 kV or 30 kV versions. It is the most
ergonomic ESD simulator without any The smart key button, integrated into the
additional base control unit that can be trigger button has various functions that
battery or mains operated. The easy can be defined by the user including po-
to use touch screen, ergonomic design, larity switching, LED light, counter reset,
modular RC units, multilingual inter- voltage stepping up/down and others.
face, remote control software, built-in
LED light and temperature & humidity The ONYX also features a unique self
display allows for trouble-free use of test which verifies all of the main com-
the ONYX in all types of test sites. The ponents of the unit are working correctly.
ONYX also includes a bleeder resistor This ensures that accurate and reliable
which is connected in parallel with the tests are performed every time the gun
output of the high-voltage power sup- is used.
ply circuit. This ensures that the high
voltage power supply is completly dis-
charged after each injected pulse to an
Electrostatic Discharge Simulator 3



Flexibility – enables users to meet many Full-compliance and pre-compliance

different test specifications with maxi- testing to a wide variety of standards:
mum cost effectiveness.
 IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Edition 2 (2009)
Quick and simple – one touch operation
and simple on screen menu structure.  IEC/EN 61326

Mobility – the most ergonomic 30 kV ESD  IEC/EN 61000-6-1 & -6-2

gun on the market without an external
base control unit.  IEC 61340-3-1

Reliable and economical – A Swiss made  IEC/EN 60601-1

product, reliability, service and support
in a budget-friendly package.  ISO 10605

 GMW 3097
 Ford AB/AC
 User defined ‘smart key’ function
 ANSI C63.16
 Touch screen interface
 PSA B21 7110
 Ergonomic design
 ISO 14304
 All-in-one design (no base unit)
 ITU-T K.20
 Predefined tests according to
standards  MIL-STD-331 / -464 / -883 / -1512 /
-1514 / -1541 / -1542
 Define, store and load tests
 RTCA/DO-160
 User changeable RC networks
 JEDEC 22-A114
 Automatic polarity switching
 GR-78-CORE
 Remote control
 GR-1089-CORE
 Battery or mains operation, long
battery life  and others

 Multilingual


Air discharge voltage 1 .. 16 kV or 1 .. 30 kV Voltage resolution 100 V steps
Cont. discharge voltage 1 .. 16 kV or 1 .. 30 kV Discharge polarity positive & negative
Discharge repetition single/0.1/0.2/0.5/1/2/5/10/20 Hz Operating modes single & continuous
Discharge counter 1 .. 9999 Battery life > 16 hrs
Default R/C – network 150 pF / 330 Ω Power consumption 17 VA
Dimensions W x H x D 290 x 270 x 110 mm Weight 1.7 kg


ONYX ESD simulator carrying case including:

Test tip air discharge, test tip contact discharge, 2 rechargeable battery packs, ground
cable, battery charger unit incl. country-specific mains plugs, R/C module 150 pF/330 Ω
according to IEC 61000-4-2, quick start guide, manual on CD, calibration certificate

ONYX 30 Part no. 2499982

ONYX 16 Part no. 2499980
Electrostatic Discharge Simulator 5


R/C Modules Pulse shape forming modules:

4700531 150 pF / 2’000 Ω (ISO 10605)
4700532 330 pF / 2’000 Ω (ISO 10605)
4700618 330 pF / 330 Ω (ISO 10605)
4700622 100 pF / 1’500 Ω
4700620 150 pF / 150 Ω
4700619 500 pF / 500 Ω
4700621 500 pF / 5’000 Ω
4700633 50 pF .. 1 nF / 50 Ω .. 5’000 Ω (custom)

30 kV AD Tip Air Discharge tip 30 mm diameter for improved air discharge

4700526 testing up to 30 kV

Fast Rise Time Tip Reduces the rise time of the ESD-pulse to 0.3 ns for reliablility
4700527 testing

ONYX Balancer Balancing tool with mounting system up to 2.3 kg

The ONYX balancer is an economical choice for a balancing
tool weighing up to 2.3 kg. The molded ABS housing has a
smooth exterior with rounded edges designed for maximum
appeal. The ONYX balancer is the most modern, easiest to
adjust and reliable balacing tool for an ESD simulator currently
on the market.

AC Mains Adapter Power supply replaces the rechargeable battery pack for
2490214 continuous testing

PET 4000
4700480 ESD Verification Set according to IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Ed. 2
 2 Ω Target/ 4 GHz
 Attenuator 20 dB
 Coax cable
 User manual

HCP Horizontal coupling plane 1.6 m x 0.8 m for indirect application

2496881 of the ESD. Includes cable with 2 integrated 470 kΩ

VCP Vertical coupling plane 0.5 m x 0.5 m, for indirect application

2495581 of the ESD. Includes cable with two integrated 470 kΩ

Test Table Table 160 x 80 cm, made of wood without any metallic parts,
2496871 as required by IEC 61000-4-2

Remote Control Package of fibre optical RS 232 interface and control & report
2490216 software

Accredited Accredited calibration according to ISO/IEC 17025

Calibration requirements
Electrostatic Discharge Simulator 7


Why to use software to perform EDS tests?

Because it makes your life easier and helps to make tests more reliable and


 Windows 7 and Windows 8 compatibility

 Support of USB and optical USB interfaces

 Easy-to-use and intuitive creator for test plans and test procedures

 Enhanced and highly flexible reporting capabilities

 Up-to-date design and navigation

 Intuitive operation

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