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Criteria Exceptional Proficient Average Needs Improvement

(8 points) (6 points) (4 points) (2 point)
 Words used throughout the  Words are correct, accurate and  Majority of the words are  A lot of words are misused
composition are precise and generally acceptable. adequate, but there are and vague.
appropriate for the audience  There are some redundant words that sound too  Phrasing is redundant and
Diction and purpose. expressions and jargon but flowery or inappropriate. jargon is overused, which
 The writer has avoided these are minimal.  Redundancies and jargon affects the overall
redundancy, jargon, and are glaring. comprehensibility of the
flowery language. composition.
 The thesis and topic  The thesis and topic sentences  The thesis and topic  The thesis and topic
sentences are clear. are clear. sentences are generally sentences are unclear.
 The writer supports each  There is sufficient support to clear, but the reader should  The writer does not support
Idea point/argument concretely each point, although some exert some effort to find the his points well.
Development and vividly. supports lack concreteness. equivalence between the  There are many run-ons and
 Sentences vary in structure  There is some variation in two. fragments.
and length. sentence structure.  Sentences are either too
long or choppy.
 The language and tone of the  The language and tone of the  No conscious effort was  The language and tone of the
composition are well suited to composition are well suited to made to suit the language essay are inappropriate for
Style the purpose for writing. the purpose for writing. and tone of the essay to the the purpose.
 The writing shows passion.  The writing contains moments of purpose for writing.  The writer doesn’t seem to
 Clearly, the essay belongs to individuality, but there are some  The writing is generally care about the topic or the
this writer and to no other. parts of the composition that functional but lacks passion audience.
need more emphasis and focus. and individuality.
 Spelling, punctuation,  Spelling, punctuation,  There are a number of  There are glaring errors in
capitalization and grammar capitalization and grammar are errors in spelling, spelling, punctuation,
Conventions are correct. generally correct except for a punctuation, capitalization capitalization and grammar
few minor errors, which do not and grammar which which make it difficult for the
affect the essay’s sometimes affect reader to understand the
comprehensibility. comprehensibility. writer’s points.
 An inviting lead draws the  The introduction and conclusion  The introduction and  The introduction and
reader in; a satisfying are recognizable and generally conclusion, though not conclusion are generally
Organization conclusion brings proper functional. striking, are functional. unrecognizable and non-
closure.  Sentences follow a logical  There is effort to link ideas functional.
 Sentences follow a logical sequence but there may be a and statements, but  Ideas seem loosely
sequence and each idea is better way of arranging some connections are sometimes connected or even unrelated.
smoothly linked to the next. sentences. unclear and too formulaic.


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