VP02 5 BuildingApp-Lab5

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VisionPro Advanced

Section 2: Lab 5: Implementing Custom Behavior

The following may be used as a reference on the basic steps for building a VisionPro application in Microsoft
Visual Basic .NET. This should be used in conjunction with the notes presented in Section 2 of the class.


 Add Custom functionality to enable a user to re‐train a pattern.

Add The Controls

 Start by adding a new CheckBox to your form:

o Change the “Appearance” property to be “Button”.
o Change the button text to “Show Training Image”.
o Change the button name to “chkShowTrain”.
 Also add a new Button to your form:
o Change the button text to “Retrain”.
o Change the button name to “btnRetrain”.
o Change the “Enabled” property to “False”.

Disable Controls When Running

 We’ve disabled our Retrain button by default.

 Now let’s add some code so that our CheckBox is disabled whenever our CJM is running:
o Inside btnRunOnce_Click() add:

chkShowTrain.Enabled = False

o Inside chkContinuous_CheckedChanged() add:

chkShowTrain.Enabled = False

o Inside myJobManager_Stopped() add:

chkShowTrain.Enabled = True

More Button Logic

 Double‐click on the “Show Training Image” CheckBox and add the following code:

If (chkShowTrain.Checked) Then
btnRunOnce.Enabled = False
chkContinuous.Enabled = False
btnRetrain.Enabled = True
btnRunOnce.Enabled = True
chkContinuous.Enabled = True
btnRetrain.Enabled = False
End If

Use two new Assemblies

 So, add references to:

• Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup, and
• Cognex.VisionPro.PMAlign
 Add the appropriate Imports at the top of your code:

Imports Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup
Imports Cognex.VisionPro.PMAlign

Declare global variables

Private myTG As CogToolGroup

Private WithEvents myPMTool As CogPMAlignTool

Display the Training Image

 To bottom of Form_Load() add:

'Creating ToolGroup object

myTG = New CogToolGroup
myTG = myJob.VisionTool

'Creating PMTool object

myPMTool = New CogPMAlignTool
myPMTool = myTG.Tools("CogPMAlignTool1")

 In chkShowTrain_CheckedChanged(), below the first half of the IF statement add:

Dim tmpRecord As Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord

'Extract the "TrainIMage" record and replace it with the "InputImage"

If myPMTool.InputImage IsNot Nothing Then
'Make the last acquired image the image to be used for training
myPMTool.Pattern.TrainImage = myPMTool.InputImage
tmpRecord = myPMTool.CreateCurrentRecord()
tmpRecord = tmpRecord.SubRecords.Item("TrainImage")
CogRecordDisplay1.Record = tmpRecord
stlStatus.Text = "Set the region/origin and click Retrain to train a
new pattern."

stlStatus.Text = "There is no input image to load as a train image."
End If

 This code drills into the CJM to extract the “TrainImage” inspection record from the PMAlignTool.
 This record is shown in the display.

Erase the Training Image

 When the user pushes the “Show Training Image” button for a second time, we should erase the
training image.
 In chkShowTrain_CheckedChanged(), below the ELSE add:

'Release use of the CogRecordDisplay

CogRecordDisplay1.Record = Nothing
stlStatus.Text = "Ready"

Allow the User to Retrain

 Double‐click the “Retrain” button and type:

'Traing the new pattern

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

If myPMTool.Pattern IsNot Nothing Then

stlStatus.Text = "Pattern trained successfully."
stlStatus.Text = "Pattern NOT trained successfully."
End If

 For extra credit: Add a label to your application that always displays the “Trained”, or “Not Trained”
status of the PMAlignPattern in the CJM.
Complete Solution

Imports Cognex.VisionPro
Imports Cognex.VisionPro.QuickBuild
Imports Cognex.VisionPro.ToolGroup
Imports Cognex.VisionPro.PMAlign

Public Class Form1

Private WithEvents myJobManager As CogJobManager

Private myJob As CogJob
Private myIndependentJob As CogJobIndependent
Private myTG As CogToolGroup
Private WithEvents myPMTool As CogPMAlignTool

Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing

'Explictly dispose of all VisionPro controls


'Shut down the CogJobManager to clean up threads properly


End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

'Load your QuickBuild application
myJobManager = CType( _
CogSerializer.LoadObjectFromFile( _
"C:\Documents and Settings\mperez\My
Documents\Temp\Cognex\VisionPro\Demos\DemoPlate.vpp"), _

'Initialize variable
myJob = myJobManager.Job("CogJob1")
myIndependentJob = myJob.OwnedIndependent

'Flush queues

'Connect the status bar to the CogRecordDisplay

CogDisplayStatusBarV21.Display = CogRecordDisplay1

'Creating ToolGroup object

myTG = New CogToolGroup
myTG = myJob.VisionTool

'Creating PMTool object

myPMTool = New CogPMAlignTool
myPMTool = myTG.Tools("CogPMAlignTool1")
'Run inspection once on startup

End Sub

Private Sub btnRunOnce_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnRunOnce.Click

'Disable buttons while running application

btnRunOnce.Enabled = False
chkContinuous.Enabled = False
ControlBox = False
chkShowTrain.Enabled = False

'Attempt to run the application


Catch ex As Exception
'If there is a problem show the error message
End Try

End Sub

'Delegate whose signature matches CJM events.

Delegate Sub myJobManagerDelegate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

Private Sub myJobManager_Stopped(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

Cognex.VisionPro.QuickBuild.CogJobManagerActionEventArgs) Handles myJobManager.Stopped

'Check to see if we are calling Windows forms from other threads

If InvokeRequired Then
' Create a pointer to this function
Dim myDel As New myJobManagerDelegate(AddressOf myJobManager_Stopped)

' Call this same function on the correct thread

Dim eventArgs() As Object = {sender, e}
Invoke(myDel, eventArgs)

End If

'Enable the buttons after running application

btnRunOnce.Enabled = True
chkContinuous.Enabled = True
ControlBox = True
chkShowTrain.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub chkContinuous_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles chkContinuous.CheckedChanged
If (chkContinuous.Checked) Then

'Disable buttons while running application

btnRunOnce.Enabled = False
ControlBox = False
chkShowTrain.Enabled = False

'Attempt to run the application continuously

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Enable buttons when stopping continuous execution
chkContinuous.Enabled = True
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If

End Sub

Private Sub myJobManager_UserResultAvailable(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

Cognex.VisionPro.QuickBuild.CogJobManagerActionEventArgs) Handles
'Check to see if we are calling Windows forms from other threads
If InvokeRequired Then
'Create a pointer to this function
Dim myDel As New myJobManagerDelegate(AddressOf

'Call this same function on the correct thread

Dim eventArgs() As Object = {sender, e}
Invoke(myDel, eventArgs)

End If

'Declare and assign local ICogRecord variable

Dim topRecord As Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord = myJobManager.UserResult

'Populate status label with application information

stlStatus.Text = _
topRecord.SubRecords("UserResultTag").Content & ": " _
& topRecord.SubRecords("JobName").Content & " --> " _
& topRecord.SubRecords("RunStatus").Content.ToString

Dim tmpRecord As Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord

' Assume the required record is present and get it
tmpRecord = topRecord.SubRecords("ShowLastRunRecordForUserQueue")
tmpRecord = tmpRecord.SubRecords("LastRun")
tmpRecord = tmpRecord.SubRecords("CogFixtureTool1.OutputImage")
CogRecordDisplay1.Record = tmpRecord

End Sub

Private Sub chkShowTrain_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles chkShowTrain.CheckedChanged

If (chkShowTrain.Checked) Then
'User toggles "Show Train Image" down
btnRunOnce.Enabled = False
chkContinuous.Enabled = False
btnRetrain.Enabled = True

Dim tmpRecord As Cognex.VisionPro.ICogRecord

'Extract the "TrainIMage" record and replace it with the "InputImage"

If myPMTool.InputImage IsNot Nothing Then
'Make the last acquired image the image to be used for training
myPMTool.Pattern.TrainImage = myPMTool.InputImage
tmpRecord = myPMTool.CreateCurrentRecord()
tmpRecord = tmpRecord.SubRecords.Item("TrainImage")
CogRecordDisplay1.Record = tmpRecord
stlStatus.Text = "Set the region/origin and click Retrain to train a new

stlStatus.Text = "There is no input image to load as a train image."
End If

'User toggles "Show Train Image" down
btnRunOnce.Enabled = True
chkContinuous.Enabled = True
btnRetrain.Enabled = False

'Release use of the CogRecordDisplay

CogRecordDisplay1.Record = Nothing
stlStatus.Text = "Ready"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnRetrain_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles btnRetrain.Click

'Traing the new pattern

Catch ex As Exception
'If there is a problem show the error message
End Try

If myPMTool.Pattern IsNot Nothing Then

stlStatus.Text = "Pattern trained successfully."
stlStatus.Text = "Pattern NOT trained successfully."
End If
End Sub
End Class

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