CFA RC Team-Eternals UFE Mongolia-1
CFA RC Team-Eternals UFE Mongolia-1
CFA RC Team-Eternals UFE Mongolia-1
Mongolian Society of Financial Analysts
Team Eternals-University of Finance and Economics
The CFA Institute Research Challenge is a global competition that tests the equity research and
valuation, investment report writing, and presentation skills of university students. The following report
was prepared in compliance with the Official Rules of the CFA Institute Research Challenge, is
submitted by a team of university students as part of this annual educational initiative and should not
be considered a professional report.
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The author(s), or a member of their household, of this report does not hold a financial interest in the securities of this
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Society of Financial Analysts, CFA Institute, or the CFA Institute Research Challenge with regard to this company’s stock.
Ticker GOV We suggest a SELL recommendation on GOBI JSC with a 12-month target price of MNT
Shares outstanding 780’112’500 272.18, an 18.4% decrease from GOV's closing price of MNT 333.51 on November 26,
Market cap [MNT] 254,893,958,250 2021, using valuation methods such as Discounted Cash Flow to Firm (70%) and
Market cap [USD] 89,458,449 Relative Valuation (30%) models. Furthermore, the residual income model supplements
52 week low [MNT] 198.7 our valuation in order to obtain a more accurate view of the stock price. In our
52 week high [MNT] 393.6 perspective, the key factors that will negatively affect the Gobi’s near future are (1)
Closing price [MNT] 333.5 Difficulties faced in expanding into overseas (2) Inconsistent long-term strategy (3)
Target price [MNT] 272.18 Unhealthy financial position makes the company vulnerable.
Downside % 18.4%
(1) Difficulties in expanding into overseas markets
Source: MSE, Team estimates
Gobi is an indisputable leader in the domestic cashmere garment sector with an 83%
market share, making expansion into new markets the sole option for considerable
future growth. As Gobi seeks to strengthen its position and to scale in the global
market, they have made massive marketing, growth-related capital expenditures in
300 recent years. In particular, Gobi puts a lot of effort into its e-commerce as an option to
enter new markets, therefore, the majority of the spending is directed toward website
development and online advertisements. However, online stores are a much more
100 suitable model for the markets that are familiar with the company’s products. In new
markets, the need to physically touch and feel the clothing products in-store are
1/2/2007 1/2/2011 1/2/2015 1/2/2019 essential for customers to determine the quality of newly introduced cashmere
Source: MSE products. Yet regardless of the necessity of traditional stores, Gobi’s international store
number has significantly dropped, from 4 branches and 53 franchises in 2019 to 1
FIGURE 2: STORE NUMBERS AND SALES branch and 24 franchise stores in 2020. Thus, the company’s expansive investments
that are oriented to new markets are not guaranteed to provide adequate return. In
essence, Gobi's choice of e-commerce as its core penetration approach to overseas
60 20%
markets and the current Covid-19 pandemic impact on tourism and logistics are posing
40 -20% challenges to expand its business internationally.
[2] Inconsistent long-term strategy
- -80% Vertical integration is a core competence of Gobi. But with poor planning and
2017A 2018A 2019A 2020A
insufficient market research, which led to overproduction, the company is left with a
Online store
Traditional retail store huge amount of surplus inventory. Despite the complete control over its resources and
Domestic sales growth manufacturing process, Gobi’s average inventory days was 572 days in the last five
International sales growth
- - Geographic Reach
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Franchise store
As one of the five biggest cashmere goods manufacturers in the world, Gobi JSC sells
Domestic store its products in many countries around the world [Figure 6] with 42% of its revenues
Total traditional retail store coming from the domestic market, 32% from EMEA, 18% from APAC and 6% from
Branch store Americas and the rest of the revenue from other regions in 2020. Currently, the
Online store
company operates 24 franchise stores and one branch in 19 cities across 8 countries.
Source: Company data
Company Strategy
Key competitive strategy
1,600,000 80%
The company’s main strategy is to become an internationally recognized and
competitive cashmere brand. Gobi has 2 core strategies: [1] to compete by utilizing low
1,200,000 60% labor costs and vertical integration, which provides the company with exceptional cost-
efficiency in comparison to its industry competitors, [2] to differentiate its products by
800,000 40%
enhancing the design and the quality of them for efforts as a competitive advantage.
400,000 20% Gobi targets three distinct sub-markets to become globally competitive: B2B
manufacturing cashmere goods by orders from other businesses, B2C selling products
2016A 2017A 2018A 2019A 2020A
0% through all types of retail stores, and D2C using the brand's own website as an online
Knitted product (pcs)
sales channel.
Woven product (pcs) Actions taken to changing macroenvironment
Coats and jacket (pcs)
Utilization rate Since a substantial portion (around 50%) of the company's domestic revenues come
Apparel industry capacity utilization rate
Source: Company data, NASDAQ data
from tourist purchases, travel restrictions caused Gobi to experience a 44% decline in
revenues in 2020. Thus, the company saw its three-year-old e-commerce as a
potential solution. Gobi's subsidiaries in three regions, its warehouse and website are
REVENUE GROWTH RATE the fundamentals in the company's successful triple of online sales (from MNT 9.6
billion in 2019A to MNT 31.6 billion in 2020A)[Figure 9]. Pandemic has pushed the
160,000 80%
company to speed up the improvement of its e-commerce. However, brick-and-mortar
120,000 40% stores play a more important role in introducing cashmere products to new markets,
80,000 0% therefore, e-commerce can not adequately compensate for the losses of other sales
channels. We believe that, in a long-term strategy, it is appropriate to encourage online
40,000 -40%
shopping to support its traditional stores.
0 -80%
2016A 2017A 2018A 2019A 2020A Expanding into new foreign markets
Domestic sales Gobi’s effort to expand its operation to new markets has been present for a while. They
International Sales
Online sales began entering the international market in 2016, and by 2018, they had 61 franchise
Revenue growth rate stores and five branches. While they are currently collaborating with Ogilvy in European
Source: Company data
34% 34%
25% 50% 50%
16% 22% 22% Gobi JSC has a high reputation as one of the largest firms in Mongolian agriculture
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
industry. But the agriculture industry is expected to face strong social and
environmental influences throughout the following years due to the rise of organic,
Tavanbogd Trade LLC Hide Inter LLC cruelty-free and vegan attitudes around the world. Therefore, the company’s initiatives
FCI LLC Ulemj Ikh LLC towards the environment and society will be taken more seriously over time. For
Free Float environmental and social assessment, we adhered to “Key Sustainability Factors For
Source: Company data
ESG Evaluations of Consumer Goods” by S&P Global. As a consequence, we are
convinced that Gobi’s social and environment-oriented activities were not enough as a
massive manufacturer. On the other hand, the company’s governance is relatively well
FIGURE 12 : ESG SCORECARD structured with adequate divisions and tiers of the board, protecting shareholders'
rights by the company’s policies, even though the executive management team is
Score Weightings
inconsistent. Hence, we estimated an overall score of 2.73/4 for Gobi JSC’s ESG
Environmental 2.2 23.2%
evaluation using the weights [Figure 12] provided by “ESG Industry Materiality Map”
Social 2.6 41.5% from MSCI.
Governance 3.23 35.3%
Overall score 2.73 100% Cashmere is an integral part of Gobi’s business operation which belongs to an industry
Source: MSCI, Team estimates
that produces huge amounts of greenhouse gas and has a significant effect on climate
change. One of the main concerns is that cashmere goats have a notable contribution
to the rangeland degeneration, overgrazing, because 90% of Mongolia is made up of
drylands that, if not maintained, might turn into deserts. As aware of this situation, Gobi
JSC has been funding and implementing the Sustainable Cashmere Project since 2018
71% with the partnership of Sustainable Fibre Alliance using environment-friendly cloth
bags and creating a brand collaborating with herders who restrain the number of goats
of Total
employees to prevent possible dangers to rangeland. However, we believe that these activities do
not outweigh the adverse effects of its operation on the environment such as
55% droughting water usage, greenhouse and carbon emission [Appendix D-3]. Gobi does
not compute the most climate-impacting factors produced by its operation and did not
of Board of
Directors report any future plans for such concerns while its peers already started implementing
strategies to operate environmentally friendly.
53% Social
of Executive
For CSR purposes, Gobi has made contracts with over 25 thousand herder households
team 29% to sustain their livelihoods and donates 1,000 MNT of every cashmere coat and jacket
of Total
sales for the welfare of society. And the company makes effective use of new
technological advances, such as social media, website, e-mail, etc, to engage with
customers. However, the company has an unbalanced female gender ratio of 71%
45% [Figure 13] owing to the industry's distinctiveness and we suppose that the
of Board of commitments to social responsibility are not enough as a massive manufacturer which
utilizes an abundant amount of workforce [Appendix D-2]. In the last 2 years, the
47% number of employees has substantially reduced by 42% as the company faced financial
and operational difficulties caused by the pandemic. In terms of safety management,
of Executive
management the company has some bad records, such as a fire breakout in 2017 and a tragic
Source: Company data
industrial accident in 2019, indicating inadequate implementation of the Occupational
Health and Safety management system ISO 45001:2018 standard.
Gobi belongs to the consumer discretionary sector and apparel industry. The global
2018A 2019A 2020A 2021E 2022F 2023F apparel industry heavily relies on physical capacity and has mature characteristics due
-5% to its one-digit growth for the past decade. According to Mckinsey's State of Fashion
2022, Global non-luxury fashion sales are expected to grow 5% at maximum in 2022,
while the Asian apparel industry is expected to grow 2% more. Its surviving players have
USA both brand loyalty and economies of scale which creates significant barriers for new
Euro area
entrants like Gobi to grow. Thus, we believe that it would be difficult for Gobi to
compete and grow in the global cashmere apparel industry.
Source: World bank, Deloitte, European Union
Demand drivers
In the past 2 years, demand for cashmere goods has been seriously impacted by Covid-
FIGURE 16 : RECOVERY OF AIR TRAFFIC 19 lockdowns. Thus sales of the company are likely to be defined by global economic
FLOWS , INDEX [2019=100]
recovery, tourist traffic, and e-commerce conditions in the upcoming post-pandemic
2023 Private consumption is going to return to its normal level
During the Covid-19 pandemic, private consumption diminished tremendously, meaning
that consumers were unlikely to spend money on secondary needs. Households savings
and unemployment rates around the globe, which have strong negative correlations
with private consumption, significantly increased. To be specific, the household savings
rate peaked at 12.82% from its pre-pandemic level of 5.95% along with the
unemployment rate to 7.14% according to OECD [Figure 17]. However, the sudden
outcome is deemed to revert to its normal level in the upcoming years [Figure 15 & 17].
For this reason, we are convinced that private consumption around the world will
0 25 50 75 100
experience strong growth in the near future, recovering from the pandemic situation.
Asia-North America Asia-europe Intra asia This revival will help Gobi to regain its lost revenue.
Source: McKinsey’s State of Fashion 2022 Tourism is unlikely to recover quickly
Tourist purchases account for 49% of domestic sales; hence, a significant drop in the
FIGURE 17: UNEMPLOYMENT AND number of tourists as a result of the pandemic has tremendously declined the
company's revenues. Unfortunately, international travel is not likely to fully rebound
15% until 2023-2024 [Figure 16]. Specifically, Inter-regional travel flows are expected to
recover only half of 2019’s flow in 2022. If this happens, the company's domestic sales,
10% which diminished by 63.28% in 2020, are not going to heal enough in 2022. This
enormous factor, tourist traffic, is unlikely to sustain Gobi’s profitability.
E-commerce industry
0% Gobi JSC entered e-commerce during the pandemic since it certainly was the solution
2017A 2018A 2019A 2020A 2021E 2022F 2023F
to lockdown for physical retail sales. The E-commerce industry is currently entering its
World households savings rate shakeout stage after its enormous 50% YoY growth in 2019-2020 and is expected to
World unemployment rate grow at a CAGR of 16% in 2022-24 [Figure 18]. For companies planning to grow by e-
Source: OECD data
commerce such as Gobi, the direct to customers (D2C) strategy provides
Sweaters & Cardigans
Dresses & Skirts
Domestic and
Raw cashmere Carding Trousers & Leggings International market
Coats & Blazers
Spinning into Yarn
ROE Asset runover Operating Margin 12.4% -15.3% -5.1% 1.1% 15.9% 14.0% 19.7% 21.2%
GOBI GOBI 2018 Industry avg. GOBI GOBI 2018 Industry avg. Pretax Margin 2.0% -40.6% -24.3% -15.3% 2.6% 3.4% 11.7% 15.3%
-70.73% 15.1% 17.93% 0.31 0.7 1.21
Net Margin 1.2% -39.4% -23.6% -14.8% 1.9% 2.5% 8.8% 11.4%
Asset Turnover 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.2
GOBI GOBI 2018 Industry avg.
5.82 2.11 1.82 Pretax ROA 1.2% -12.5% -9.9% -7.6% 1.5% 2.6% 10.6% 17.5%
Source: Team estimates
ROE 3.1% -70.7% -92.7% -95.4% 10.5% 21.0% 43.4% 60.1%
Liquidity Indicators
Quick Ratio 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3
15 20%
Current Ratio 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0
0% Leverage Indicators
-20% Assets/Equity 4.4 5.8 9.6 13 9.2 11 5.5 4.6
5 Debt/Equity 3.4 4.8 8.6 12 8.2 10 4.5 3.6
Operating Efficiency Indicator
0 -60%
Inv Turnover 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 1 1.2 1.4
Avg. Inventory Days 458.0 985.8 665.3 553.1 426.6 352.2 300.5 257.8
D/E ratio Net Margin Fixed Asset Turnover 1.6 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.6
Source: Company data, Team estimates Source: Company data, Team estimates
P/E 18 344
52 week High/Low 199 394 We are suggesting a SELL recommendation on GOBI JSC with a 12-month target price
of MNT 272.18, an 18.4% downside from GOV’s closing price of MNT 333.51 on 26
November, 2021, using the valuation methods such as Discounted Cash Flow to Firm
Target price: Prior close:
MNT 272.18 MNT 333.5 (70%) and Multiples valuation models (30%) [Figure 29]. Analysts usually prefer to use
the residual income model for financial institutions since it values the sum of its book
Source: MSE, Team estimates
value per share and the present value of expected residual incomes. However, we used
this method to support our SELL recommendation because the manufacturing
company has massive tangible assets and its book value gives a suitable sight on our
Method Share price Weightings Revenue projection
FCFF 299.39 70%
Our team forecasted GOV’s revenues for each of its regions such as Mongolia, APAC,
208.72 30%
Europe, Russia and North America and divided its revenues by 3 product lines. We used
RIM 179.02 0%
the “Three Horizon” method from the book "The Alchemy of Growth" to examine Gobi's
Target price 272.18
growth [Figure 34]. With the mature horizon in the domestic market, Gobi tends to be
to last price
innovative in horizon 2 with the new brands such as Yama, Kid Goyo, Goyo Cashmere,
Source: Team estimates Herders, Gobi Organic and Gobi. Geographically Gobi’s growth is declining in Mongolia,
Positive Negative
Base price Changes New target price Changes New target price Change to Buy
Domestic RGDP growth 272.18 1% 356.44 -1% 213.07 1.1%
International RGDP growth 272.18 1% 381.03 -1% 190.95 0.9%
Domestic inflation rate 272.18 -3% 405.07 1% 309.41 -2.3%
YoY growth on Knitted wear 272.18 10% 447.59 -5% 206.32 6%
YoY growth on Sewn 272.18 15% 388.59 -15% 204.17 13%
Source: Team estimates, Damodaran 13.5% 297.6 308.63 323.73 332.78 346.02
14% 277.31 287.17 300.6 308.63 320.34
14.7% 252.17 260.66 272.18 279.04 289
15% 242.68 250.69 261.53 267.97 277.31
SENSITIVITY 15.5% 227.77 235.05 244.87 250.69 259.11
Source: Company data, Team estimates Sell Hold Buy
International RGDP growth
Sell range
Domestic inflation rate 200
Buy range
Change Target price Price change 150
-2% 353.38 30% 100
-1% 309.41 14% 50
0% 272.18 0% 0
1% 240.84 -12% <80 300.15 366.8 >640
2% 214.59 -21% Source: Team estimates
Appendix A-4: Income statement assumption Appendix B-4: Value chain analysis on Gobi
ESG Environment, Social and Governance WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital
FCFF Free Cash Flow to the Firm YoY Year over year
Real GDP growth 5.2% -5.3% 5.2% 7.5% 6.5% 6.0% 5.5% 5.0%
Inflation 5.2% 2.3% 13.4% 7.3% 7.3% 6.7% 6.3% 6.0%
Revenue growth 25.9% -62.3% -6.3% 44.5% 34.8% 32.8% 29.8% 26.4%
Revenue (In Million MNT) 128,253 48,341 45,295 65,442 88,227 117,162 152,120 192,296
Real GDP growth 3.2% -3.0% 5.9% 4.9% 3.7% 3.6% 3.4% 3.4%
Knitted(In Million MNT) 115,440 80,242 91,899 102,575 125,289 155,418 194,221 241,819
Woven(In Million MNT) 36,013 11,436 11,470 11,505 13,117 15,314 18,122 21,301
Sewn(In Million MNT) 50,926 24,091 32,123 37,002 48,903 64,487 82,714 107,583
Total Revenue (Hybrid approach) 135,696 160,515 202,981 258,613 326,315 410,644
Gross profit 67,796 45,556 54,202 72,403 97,185 126,888 166,250 215,902
Other Income -3,713 -6,035 -26,104 -27,765 -28,233 -28,991 -27,408 -26,013
Interest expense -21,811 -29,542 -26,104 -26,823 -27,746 -28,247 -26,819 -25,400
Income tax expense -1,631 1,328 922 699 -1,347 -2,260 -9,864 -16,164
Net profit 2,456 -46,155 -32,045 -24,294 4,040 6,779 29,591 48,493
Cash and cash equivalents 10,642 12,799 8,562 16,182 40,917 27,074 35,018 14,670
Trade and other receivables 12,976 5,996 8,778 10,582 13,462 17,225 21,772 27,411
Prepayments and advances 4,215 3,001 9,528 11,101 9,380 13,848 15,226 19,508
Inventories 178,136 193,208 148,662 138,294 129,760 134,645 140,340 146,973
Corporate income tax receivables 267 265 240 289 368 471 595 750
Total non-current assets 139,699 163,899 156,282 154,679 160,913 160,877 160,877 160,877
Total assets 346,500 379,814 332,052 331,127 354,800 354,140 373,828 370,189
Trade and other payables 41,557 25,534 20,507 22,944 27,913 35,079 42,864 52,310
Borrowings from banks 189,268 267,714 209,132 216,670 222,449 218,226 191,707 162,584
Total current liabilities 230,825 293,248 229,638 239,614 250,362 253,305 234,571 214,894
Long term lease liability 1,866 1,901 1,736 1,690 1,685 1,755 1,818 1,908
Borrowings from banks 32,560 4,458 52,926 51,528 51,355 53,512 55,433 58,167
Long term other payables 2,086 14,955 13,182 12,833 12,790 13,327 13,806 14,487
Total non-current liabilities 36,511 21,315 67,844 66,052 65,829 68,594 71,057 74,562
Total liabilities 267,337 314,562 297,483 305,666 316,191 321,899 305,628 289,456
Share capital 780 780 780 780 780 780 780 780
Revaluation surplus 15,648 48,975 48,975 48,975 48,975 48,975 48,975 48,975
Foreign currency translation reserve -279 -1,362 0 0 0 0 0 0
Retained earnings 63,014 16,859 -15,186 -24,294 -11,146 -17,515 18,445 30,978
Total owners equity 79,163 65,252 34,569 25,461 38,609 32,240 68,200 80,733
Total liabilities and Owners equity 346,500 379,814 332,052 331,127 354,800 354,140 373,828 370, 189
Source: Company data, Team estimates
Trade and other receivables This item is forecasted by account receivables ratio of past 5 years average, which is 15.4.
Share capital We believe this item will remain constant in upcoming years.
Revaluation surplus We believe this item will remain constant in upcoming years.
Profit for the year 2,456 -46,155 -32,045 -24,294 4,040 6,779 29,591 48,493
Depreciation and amortization 10,653 12,820 8,345 8,662 10,247 9,739 9,870 10,013
Income tax expense 1,631 -1,328 -922 -699 1,347 2,260 9,864 16,164
Interest expense 21,133 28,829 26,104 26,823 27,746 28,247 26,819 25,400
Operating Profit before WC changes 37,852 3,466 1,483 10,493 43,379 47,025 76,145 100,070
Increase in accounts and other receivables -763 10661 -2782 -1804 -2880 -3763 -4547 -5640
Increase in prepayments and advances 3652 1215 -6527 -11101 148 -2747 -5846 -5660
Increase in inventories 27436 -15653 44546 10368 8533 -4885 -5695 -6633
Increase in accounts and other payables -884 -4777 -5027 2437 4969 7166 7785 9446
Interest paid -20,798 -29,586 -26,104 -26,823 -27,746 -28,247 -26,819 -25,400
Net cash flows used in operating activities 42,191 -34,762 5,588 -16,429 26,403 14,549 41,022 66,183
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment -34,809 -914 -39 1,602 -6,233 36 0 0
Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities -34,809 -914 -39 1,602 -6,233 36 0 0
Proceeds from borrowings 248,766 303,033 286,580 294,463 304,602 310,102 294,426 278,847
Repayment of borrowings -244,761 -264,471 -296,366 -272,016 -300,038 -338,529 -327,505 -365,378
Net cash flows from financing activities -1,732 37,833 -9,787 22,447 4,565 -28,428 -33,078 -86,531
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents 5,701 2,157 -4,237 7,621 24,734 -13,843 7,944 -20,348
Cash and cash equivalents, at the beginning of the year 4,941 10,642 12,799 8,562 16,182 40,917 27,074 35,018
Cash and cash equivalents, at the end of the year 10642 12799 8562 16182 40917 27074 35018 14670
-75% -50% -25% 0% 25% 50% ROE
GOBI 15.1% 3.1% -70.7%
2018A GOBI
Current ratio
Threat of 2 Threat of 2
Competitive rivalry Competitive rivalry
substition substition
1 1
0 0
Gobi’s proprietary processing and product design add value to cashmere, helping to increase its selling value. The
company does not outsource its procurement, ensuring quality standards from the point of raw cashmere selection.
Through their after-sales services, Gobi fosters brand loyalty. Outsourcing is used in international marketing and online
sales delivery, allowing the company to quickly adapt to the market and provide qualified service.
Source: Team estimates
RIM 179.02 0%
Source: Team estimates Source: Team estimates Target price: Prior close:
MNT 272.18 MNT 333.5
Gobi launched its
e-commerce platform at
1/2/2007 1/2/2008 1/2/2009 1/2/2010 1/2/2011 1/2/2012 1/2/2013 1/2/2014 1/2/2015 1/2/2016 1/2/2017 1/2/2018 1/2/2019 1/2/2020 1/2/2021
Source: MSE, Company data
Working capital investment 22,980 -30,881 -9,380 -12,264 6,053 3,960 7,262
GOV Gobi JSC Mongolia 60,069 4,007 -70.7% 48.8 2.3 9.7
2313.HK Shenzhou International Group Holdings LTD Hong Kong 33,131,022 46,324 19.5% 37.7 7.1 27.2
LUXIND.NS LUX Industries LTD India 670,173 1,901 31.1% 19.4 4.4 11.2
105630.KS HANSAE CO LTD South Korea 549,353 31,489 19% 8.8 1.6 8.8
Implied P/E multiple 19.4 Implied P/BV multiple 4.39 Implied EV/EBITDA multiple 11.21
GOV EPS 2021-2026F average 6.96 Gov BV 44.3 GOV EBITDA in 2021-2026F ave. 46,432,253
Price 208.72
Net income (Million MNT) -46,155 -32,045 -24,294 4,040 6,779 29,591 48,493
Shares outstanding (Thousand) 780.1 780.1 780.1 780.1 780.1 780.1 780.1
Book value per share 83.6 44.3 32.6 49.5 41.3 87.4 103.5
Cost of equity capital 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22% 22%
Equity charge 22 18 10 7 11 9 19
Residual income -80 -60 -40 -2 -2 30 40
PV of TV 134
Total PV 134.71
Implied share price MNT 179.02
Model. With the 8.06% of risk-free rate, ERP of 15.29% and 17.1% in forecast U.S risk free rate (T-bill) 1.63%
and terminal horizons and 0.911 of beta we calculated cost of equity of 22%. Country risk premium (Damodaran) 6.43%
Gobi’s stock price and TOP-20 index, 2)Damodaran beta of the Apparel Weighted beta 0.911
tax cost of debt for GOBI, including the tax shield, is estimated to be 7%. Source: Team estimates
Whether financial reports adhere to international best practices. 4 The financial reports meet international standards and are audited.
The company should have ethical code and designate someone Gobi JSC has an ethical code and established ethical committee which
who is responsible for the implementation of the code. promotes the code internally and requires employees to follow it.
Members established and are divided into Risk and Audit, Compensation,
Divisions 4
Nominee committees.
Choices of the new board member rely on the advice of the other
Way the nominee committee finds prospective board members 2 members. For instance, one-third of the current members are executives
of Tavan Bogd Group.
Nominee Committee
The report of the committee which contains the number of meetings
Transparency of the committee 4 held, attendance by committee members, and the committee’s policies
and procedures is regularly included in annual operational reports.
The audit committee's members are all independent members of Out of 3 board members serving on the audit committee, 2 members are
the board. independent.
The compensation pack to senior management has variable The company's present remuneration package for senior management
instruments. does not include any stock options.
Executive compensation is linked to the long-term profitability of Net income of the company does not have any correlation with
the company. executive compensation based on the last five years of data.
Remuneration Committee Members of the committee regularly attended meetings during the
4 Members of the committee were present at all meetings.
previous year
Each common share of the company has one vote by the company’s
One share, one vote right principle 4
• E-mail registration of customers to inform them about new products, events, discounts on the official web page
• Focusing intensively on online sales channels, resulting 27% of revenues generated online in 2020
Customer engagement 40 % 3
• Active and Influential social media pages.
• New product collections are released every season
• Although Gobi JSC has been implementing Occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001:2018 standard since
Safety management 20% 2
2019, some serious accidents still occurred such as fire outbreak in 2017 and fatal accident in 2019 at factory.
• Aiming for enhanced and enduring relationship with herding communities within the sustainable cashmere project
• During the pandemic, the company provided food and fuel assistance to 179 household-head employees and civil servants who
Communities 20% 3
were working at hazardous, overloaded conditions.
• A 1,000 MNT of every cashmere coat and jacket sales is spent on donations and charities for the welfare of society.
• Due to the uniqueness of the garment production industry, the company’s female gender ratio is 71%.
Workforce and Diversity • The manufacturing requires an abundant amount of workforce. 20% 2
• The company greatly decreased the number of employees in 2021 by 42% compared to 2019.
• In 2019, 31% of the total waste was recycled and each and every waste was sorted.
• The company uses environmentally-friendly cloth bags which are decomposed in 90 days outdoors instead of plastic bags.
• Only 20-30% of the raw cashmere is pure cashmere and it has lots of natural waste including outer coat of coarse hair therefore
Waste and pollution 40% 2
Gobi donates the waste after its dehairing process to the other felt manufacturers.
• Due to the coloring stage of cashmere products Gobi has chemical waste that can produce certain pollution to the environment
but the company does not have any specific eco-friendly policy on the chemical waste that is open to the public.
• Even though the manufacturing process of cashmere goods requires a tremendous amount of water, and given the situation that
Mongolia is one of the countries that are at risk of facing fresh water crisis, the company does provide any specific information
Water 20% 2
about the use of water and its approach to it.
• The company is installing water recycling equipment in the factory to use recycled water for its manufacturing.
• Gobi JSC has been funding and implementing the Sustainable Cashmere Project that tends to sustain cooperation with herding
communities and prevent possible dangers to rangeland and wildlife such as soil degradation, wildlife extinction with the
partnership of Sustainable Fibre Alliance.
• The “Herders” brand, created as part of the Gobi’s Sustainable Cashmere Project, only makes cashmere goods that only receives
Land use and biodiversity 20% 4
and supports raw cashmere from herders who support the government's policy by restraining the number of goats to protect the
rangeland from degradation.
• Gobi JSC has been implementing a traceability measurement system which helps them to track the process from beginning to end.
• Environmentally-friendly production management system ISO 14001:2015 standard
• The company does not compute the amount of energy consumption for the manufacturing of cashmere goods and there is no
Greenhouse gas emissions research about the company’s greenhouse gas emission intensity. 20% 1
• Gobi JSC does not use any renewable energy source for the manufacturing process.
• Member of BoD,
• Bachelor of telegraph engineering, the Polytechnic University of Japan
BAATARSAIKHAN Tsagaach Male • Member of the nomination committee
• Bachelor of electronic engineering, the Denki Tsushin University of Japan