Cve423 Environmental - Engineering
Cve423 Environmental - Engineering
Cve423 Environmental - Engineering
This is the application of scientific principle to the environmental issues and their
solution. Generally, it includes supply of water disposal and recycling of waste drainage
of community control of water soil and atmospheric pollution and environmental input
of different activities carried out in our environment.
Environmental engineer has helped us to improve the natural environment such as air,
water and land resources to provide heaLth, water, air and land for human habitation
and for other organisms and to remediate polluted site. Environmental engineer
conduct hazardous waste manages studies to evaluate the significance of such hazard,
advice on treatment. It also designs municipal water supply and industrial waste water
treatment system, as well as address locations and worldwide environmental issues
such as the effect of acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution and air
pollution from automobile exhaust and industrial sources.
Environmental civil engineer focuses on hydrology, water resources management, bio-
remediation and water treatment plant design. While the environmental chemical
engineer focuses on environmental chemistry, advance air and water treatment
technology and separation processes.
It is the water which infiLtrate into the ground and it is stored underneath the ground
surfaces typically below the water table. Ground water constitute up to 95% of available
fresh water reserves. It is reported up to 2 billion people depend directly on ground
water supply for drinking. The major advantage of ground water is that sources of
ground water supply e.g. springs, wells, bore hole) include
1. Consistent and adequate yield
2. It is relatively easy to use as bore holes can be drilled close to point of consumption
3. It has high quality due to natural attenuation (fiLtration particularly in porous aquifer
system). This mitigate the effect of pollution hence minimal treatment is required in
comparison with surface water resources.
Some disadvantages include
1. Ground water may contain high concentration of iron & manganese
2. Ground water may be hard in situation where the sources have limestone formation
3. There is an increased threat to ground water quality in recent times due to misuse
and mismanagement disposal of waste and chemicals to land resuLting in the
underlining aquifer
4. Nitrates and pesticides from agricuLtural activities and chlorinated solvent from
industrial activities may be found in contaminated ground water sources
5. In the event of extensive contamination, ground water remediation is difficuLt,
expensive and may be impractical in some areas. Hence, the need for effective
monitoring, surveillance and careful management of aquifer systems and ground water
Waste water that is treated before discharge can be reclaimed through the water
treatment processes before entering the water supply system.
It is a water supply process in areas with extreme rainfall and limited water sources. It is
generally of good water quality but can be affected by air pollution of contamination
through the air quality system.
Water use can be classified into three major categories
1. Consumption – Imgation
2. Partial consumption - Domestic
- Institutional
- Industrial
- Thermal power plant
- Fire fighting
3. Non consumptive - Recreational
- Navigational
- Pollution control
- hydro elastic power plant
Rain water can be collected from house roof tops made of tiles, corrugated, galvanized
pipes or iron, aluminum or asbestos roofing sheets. The use of asbestos for roof
catchment requires some caution. The roof gutter should slope uniformly towards the
down pipe because if it sags, there would be formation of stagnant water. To slope
guard, the quality of rain water, the roof of the rain water, the roof and gutter should be
cleaned regularly. The size of the roof would depend on the size of the house, the
quantity of rainwater that can be collected through roof catchment depends on the area
of the rof and the annual rainfall.
Hence Q = C A P
Q = Quantity of water collected annually in m3
C = Collection efficiency
A = Area of roof in m2
P = Total annual rainfall in mm/annum
A farming settlement in Iyekogba housing estate is made up of 20 persons each with an
average water consumption of 150litres/day. The average annual rainfall in the
community is 1200mm. Estimate the minimum horizontal roof area required to collect
enough rainwater to meet the need of the community each year. Assume efficiency of
collection is 80%, select a suitable size of storage tank to store 50% of the collection
Given P= 1200mm, A= ?, C= 80%
Q = 20 X 150 X 365
= 1095000
Q = = 1095 m3
Substituting Q = C A P
1095 = 0.8 x A x
1095 = 0.96A
A = = 1140.625m2
A = 1141m2
50% of Q
= x 1095 = 547.5m3
Use regular tank (Assume 2 – 3 m) 2m depth
Note: When length is too long divide again Q by 2 or 3 or 4
i.e. depending on the calculation
Assuming 2m depth,
Area = = 237.75m2
L: W = 2: 1
W2 = 136.875
W = 11.70
L = 2W
L = 2 x 11.70 = 23. 40m
23.40m is large hence provide 10 tanks - = 2.34
For a rod measuring 5m x 8m in plan and assuming an annual rainfall of 1750mm. What
is the amount of rainfall that can be collected in a year if the collection efficiency is 75%.
What is the dimension of the storage tank rectangular in shape with a length to breadth
ratio of 2:1 required to store 70% of total collection?
Given Area = 5m x 8m = 40m2
Annual rainfall = 1750mm
Collection frequency = 75%
Dimension of storage tank = ?
Breadth ratio = 2:1
Recall Q = C A P
Q = 0.75 x 40 x
Q = 52.5m3
70% of the total collection
= 0.7 x 52.5
= 36.75m3
Assuming 2m depth
Area = = 18.375m2
L:W = 2:1
2W:W = 18.375
W2 = 9.1875, W = 3.03m
L = 2W
L = 2 x 3.03
L = 6.06m
Hence, provide 3 tank of 2.1m
L = = 2.02m
Osmoscope: is used to test for odour in water.
Microbial Standards.
The indicator organism is total coliform present in faecal matter. Ecole indicates the
presence of faecal contamination. Total coliform indicates the presence of soil or
organic matter.
The weight of an empty evaporating dish is determined to be 40.525g. After a water
sample is fiLtered, 100ml of the sample is evaporated from the dish. The weight of the
dish + dry residue is found to be 40.545g. Compute TDS concentration.
The concentration of TDS is expresssed in mg/L
TDS = (A - B) X 100
A = Weight of dish + residue(mg)
B = Weight of empty
C = Volume of fiLtered sample(mL)
A = 40.545g - 40545mg, B = 40.525 - 40525mg C = 100mL
TDS = (40545 - 40525) X 100 = 200mg/L
Waste Water
Human activities resuLt in the production of several waste flows which are
harmful to the environment. in areas without sewerage system, this can be divided
into toilet wast and waste water from bath and kitchen. Toilet waste goes into septic
tank. The water from kitchen and bathroom are commonly discharged into store
water drain. In many urban areas, house hold waste are combined to domestic water
sewage which is discharged into a sewerage. The major waste flows that may enter a
sewerage are:
1. Domestic Waste Water:
This originate primarily from residential, commercial, instutional and public
building. Water used for domestic purposes collect impurities and become waste
water hence domestic waste water consist of faecal matter and used water from bath,
kitchen etc. These waste water consist of 99% water and 1% solid. The amount of
domestic waste produced per capital, per day is usually a fraction or say 80 - 90% of
domestic water consumption and may range from 60Lpc per day to 250LPC per day.
2. Storm Water: It is commonly collected seperately and discharged directly without
treatment into receiving water body. This storm water may be contaminated by traffic
emulsions like oils, hydrocarbons, heavy metals or with chemical pesticides and
3. InfiLtration of ground water: This may be considerable in areas with high ground
water table as it may penetrate sewer pipes. InfiLtration may be reduced by water
tight joints and good workmanship.
4. Industrial waste water: This is waste water resuLting from industrial activities. It is
characterised by hourly flows, bad variations(depending on whether the process is a
continous or batch operation). The decision whether to accept the discharge of
industrial waste water into the municipal or public sewer depends on.
1. Waste water composition because toxic and corrosive compounds may damage
sewer pipes and stress biological treatment.
2. The design capacity of sewer and treatment plant. Regulatory agencies often set
quality criteria for accepting industrial waste water into sewer system to minimize
damage to the system.
6. Contamination with pathogenic organisms.
1. A BOD test was done on a 6ml sample in a 300ml standrad BOD bottle. The initial
dissolved oxygen of the sample and the dilution water was 8.42mg/L. The dissolved
oxygen of the sample after 5days of the incubation at 20oC was 4.28mg/L. What is the
BOD5 of the sample.
2. The dissolved oxygen in a sample of dilute waste wate havind an initial Do of 9mg/L is
measured to be 3mg/L after 5 days. The dilution factor is 0.003. What is BOD5?
1. Di = 8.42mg/L Df = 4.28mg/L, P = 6/300
BOD5 = 8.42 - 4.28 = 207mg/L
2. BOD5 = 9 - 3 = 200mg/L
The dissolved oxygen in a sample of dilute waste water having an intial dissolved
oxygen of 9mg/L is measured to be 3.0mg/L. The dilution factor is 0.03 and the
reaction rate factor/ constant K is 0.22/day.
1. What is the 5day BOD of the waste.
2. What is the remaining oxygen demand after 5days
BOD5 = Doi - Dof = 9-3 = 200mg/L
P 0.03
Lt = Loe-kt
BODt = Lo (1 - e-kt)
200mg/L = Lo (1 -e-0.22 x 5)
Lt = 99.792mg/L
The BOD5 of a waste has been measured to be 600mg/L. If k = 0.023, what is the
BODu (ultimate BOD of the waste)?. What proportion of the waste will remain
unoxidized after 20days?
A waste has UBOD of 300mg/L at 20oC, the BOD5 = 200mg and the reaction rate
constant is 0.22 per day. What will be the BOD5 of this waste at 25oC.
LrQr + LwQw = Lm(Qr + Qw)
Lm = Lr + Qr + LwQw
Qr + Qw
This relationship holds for the complete and instanteneous mixing of the waste.
Read up: Effect of oxygen demanding waste
BOD waste discharged into riverine system exact demand on the oxygen levels
and may draw the oxygen down to levels too low to sustain aquatic life (<3mg/L). The
concentration of Do is represented as the result of two principal computing process.
The deoxygenation is caused by microbial decomposition of waste and
reoxygenation is caused by re-aeration of stream or river. These two process are
simultaneously removing and adding oxygen to the river.
Rate of deoxygenation = K1Loe-kt 1
Rate of re-aeration = K 2D 2
combining equation (1) and (2)
we have rate of increase of O2 deficit
= Rate of reoxygenation - rate of re-aeration
dD = K1Loe-kt - K2D
D = Oxygen (O2) deficit at any time t = DO5 - DOn
Lo = BODu at discharge point
Dn = initial O2 deficit at BOD discharge point
From the equation
t = time of travel or flow in the stream from point of discharge to point in question
downstream. If the stream has constant cross - section and travelling at a speed V,
then time t and distance X down stream are related by X = Ut
Do reaches a minimum at a particular location and time called critical point. At this
point, rate of deoxygenation = rate of re-aeration.
Beyond the critical point, re-aeration exveeds reoxygenation and the stream recovers
naturally. The location of the critical point in the corresponding minimum dissolved
oxygen are very important, it is at this point, the stream is at its worst condition.
Setting the derivative of the oxygen deficit to O and solving for the critical time is given
tc = 1 Ln[K2 (1- Do (K2 -K1)]
K2-K1 K1Lo
1. Just below the point where a continous discharge of pollution mixes with a river,
the BOD is 10.9mg/L and Do is 7.6mg/L, the river and waste mixture has a temp of
20oC; The deoxygenation rate constant of 0.20/day. An average speed of 0.32m/s and
average depth of 3m. The re-aeration rate constant = 0.4/day.
The saturation value of Do at 20oC is 9.1mg/L.
1. Find the time and distance downstream at which th stream deficit is maximum,
2. Find the minimum value of dissolved oxygen.
2. A stream flows through an industial and residential area discharges some effluent into
its as shown below.
BOD of mixture = QwLw + QrLr = 5 X 1 + 25 X 2 = 7.857mg/L
Qw + Qr 5+2
Similarly Do of mixture = (0.2 X 5) + ( 5 X 2) = 8mg/L
Therefore Do = 9.2 - 8.0 = 1.2mg/L
Distance from A to B = 20km
t = x/v = 20 X 1000 = 0.77days
0.36 X 60 X 60 X 24
D = K1Lo (e-k1t - e-k2t) + Doe-k2t
K2 - k1
D = 143mg/L
Do entering Pt B
pt B
L = Loe-k1t
= 7.857e-0.1 X 0.77
= 7.275mg/L
BODmax = 7.275 (5 + 2) + 10(2) = 7.88
(5 + 2) + 2
DOmax = 7(2) + 1.43(5 + 2) = 2.71
(2 + 7)
Do = 9.2 - 2.71
= 6.53mg
It can be defined as the ocntrol of solid waste generation, stograge, collection,
transfer, transport, processing and disposal based on engineering principles at
minimum environment impact and cost.
A household generate a certain amount of waste daily bottles and cans represent 15%
by weight and are recycled by the family. Paper forms 35% of the whole waste while
5% of the peaper waste is burnt. The rest of the paper waste is solid to scavengers.
What is left of the waste are put into the dust bin for collection by sanitation agency.
On a particular day, 15kg of consumer goods (food, newspaper, magazine etc) were
brought into the house. 5kg and 2kg of the food were consumed and stored
respectively. if all the magazine recieved constitute 5% of the paper waste, determine
the amount of solid waste disposed off that day.
Inflow = 15kg
Bottles and cans 15% of 15kg = 2.25kg
Paper = 35% of 15kg = 5.25kg
Burnt paper = 5% of 5.25 = 0.26kg
magazines = 5% of total paper (5.25) = 0.26kg
Scavengers = 5.25 - 0.26 - 0.26 = 4.73
consumed = 5kg
Stored = 2kg
Actual waste remaining for collection.
= Total amount - Incinerated waste- stored item - used - reused - scavenger.
= 15 - (0.26 -(2 + 0.26) - 5 - 2.5 - 4.73)
15 - (0.26 +(2 + 0.26) + 5 + 2.25 + 4.73)
= 0.5kg
It involves the removal of solid waste and transfer from stored facilities directly
to disposal site or transfer stations from where they are finally transported to the
disposal site. Waste collection essentially has components.
1. Pick up and loading process
2. Transportation.
There are different methods of waste collection which depend on the type of
containers where the waste are deposited. The 3 methods are:\
1. The conventional mode or system.
2. The halved container system.
3. Stationery container system.
This involved the transfer of waste from smaller collection vehicles to larger
transport equipment where necessary and the transport of waste over long distance
to processing and disposal site.
Explain the rate of solid waste management.
It may be defined as the emission into the atmosphere of any matter that
interfers with the amenties of life. Air is said to be polluted when substances present
in it are in concentration that can cause harm or damage to plant, animals, properties
and human health.
Pollution By Automobiles
1. By taxation aimed at penlizing inefficiency in soil consumption
2. Developing more efficient fuel consumption systems
3. Installation of systems to control motor vehicle exhausts
4. Encouraging mass transits.
Pollution By Industries
1. Polluting industries may be regulated to emit pollutants only during favourable wind
movement and direction.
2. Erection of extremely tall stacks which usually also have high velocities in them.
3. Mounting devices (foot scribbers, gravitational precipilators) in the industry for the
removal of pollutants.
4. Adoption of cleaner production technique aimed at modifying the process to achieve
zero pollution.
5. Reduction in the burning of fossil fuels and resorting to enviornmentally clean energy
Noise is an unwanted sound produced by a source causing vibrations in a
medium around it. Vibrations are waves in the form of pressure. Vibration and termed
sound waves if they fall within the range capable of exciting the sense of hearing.
What constitute noise is subjective since individual percieves noise differently.
Sources Of Noise.
1. Automobiles, commercial activities like trading and hawking, human activities such as
parties, social functions, playing of musical instruments, operation of factories and
2. Use domestic kitchen gadgets e.g. grinders.
Types Of Noise
There are three (3) different types of noise.
1. Steady level noise: It is constant over a period of time and it is often experienced in
factories. Permissible exposure.
2. Mixed noise: it consists of several layers of steady level noise and is experienced by
factory supervisors as they move from one section of the factory to another.
3. Impact noise: It is a sound of very short duration produced by the operation of some
tools e.g. forge hammer, punch - press
ti = actual exposure time at a given noise level.
T = permissible exposure time at that level using table 1
n = number of discrete periods of exposure above 90dB.
NOTE: For no noise pollution for any individual D<1
The data on daily noise exposure of machine operator is given below
Noise level(dB) Duration of exposure(Hrs)
100 0.6
105 0.25
95 1.2
92 0.2
is the noise permissible level exceeded?
6. Enclosing rooms where noise are generated with sound insulator materials.
construction of floors with smooth hard surface sealing with acoustic ties and walls
even fabric will enhance noise reduction through absorption.
7. By introducing appropriate enlightment programme on dangers and impact of noise.
Noise Measurement
Noise measurement is expressed as
SPL = 8.69ln(P/Po)
SPL =sound pressure level (dB)
P = Sound pressure (Vbar)
Po = reference pressure (0.0002Vbar)
Noise is measured with a sound level meter. This meteer consists of a microphone,
amplifier, a frequency weighing circuit (filters) and their output sede. The meter is
located in a desired position with no obstruction from sound source and reading is
taken. Sound pressure first reaches the microphone where a diaphragm mimics the
pressure pattern of the source and converts the signal to a small electric current. The
signal is then amplified in a pre amplifier. The purpose of the weighing network is to
filter specific frequencies which makes the response more characteristic of human
hearing. These measurement are based on scales A, B and C.
Scale A is good approximation for not very loud noise
C better approximation for very loud noise
B fits inbetween
In order to encourage.
If the sound pressure level(dB) of a certain noise is 92 and the reference pressure
is 0.0002. Determine the sound pressure.
92 = 8.69 In P/0.0002
92/8.69 = In P/0.0002
10.587 = InP/0.0002
P/0.0002 = e10.587
P = 0.0002 X e10.587
P = 7.9Vbar
Onsite Disposal System
- Sewerless Toilets (Latrines)
- Septic tank
- Soak Away.