Plyometric Versus Pilates
Plyometric Versus Pilates
Plyometric Versus Pilates
based on special scientific bases especially we technique suitable breathing to re improve the
take into account the speed of the ball, the relation between mind and body.8
smallest area of the court and the necessity that Plyometrics, also known as “jump training” or
every player should defend and attack at any “plyos”, are exercises based around having
time on changing the position with every point muscles exert maximum force in as short a time
he scores. 2 as possible, with the goal of increasing both
The ability to jump plays an effective and speed and power. This training focuses on
important role in volleyball, it has to be said thatlearning to move from a muscle extension to a
its development leads to showing its effecti- contraction in a rapid or “explosive” way, for
veness when the competitors are on equal example with specialized repeated jumping.
level. 3 Because jump skills are greatly Plyometrics are primarily used by athletes to
complicated that it is nearly the outcome of improve performance, and are used in the fitness
vertical force and horizontal speed besides field to a much lesser degree.
harmony and synchronization of the work of The effects of plyometric training, also referred
arms and feet (swings and pushing). There is to as ballistic training or stretch-shortening
also total harmony related to the skill and plan exercise, have been studied rather extensively
achievement during attack and block. in both athletic and nonathletic populations.
It has become necessary that perfecting jump Benefits from this type of training include
(which is a skill in its self) should develop the improved measures of muscular strength and
use of Fartleks and Plyometrics and Pilates and power , joint function and stability, reduced
others through non stop continuous training incidence of serious knee injuries, and running
that’s because it is one of the most important economy . That have employed jump-specific
necessities and requirements of the game.4 plyometric exercises (i.e., depth jumps or drop
Pilates technique is regarded one of the modern jumps) have reported significant improvements
techniques in training in general and volleyball in vertical jump.8, 9, 10 These increases in have
training in particular. 5 been associated with factors such as increased
power output and maximum rate of force
Pilates technique is regarded of exercises that development as well as increased muscle fiber
helps to give the right form of body without size characteristics likely attributed to the stretch
prominent muscles and strengthen weak reflex, high eccentric loading, and explosive
muscles. He looks upon it as an exercise which nature of plyometric exercises.
helps elongate the short muscles through
concentrating on one muscular set without There is a no of evidence which is more effective
causing intense of other muscles of the body.6,7,8 exercises among Pilates and plyometric for
athletes. And there is no evidence which training
Therefore, these exercises focus on structure more effective for jumping and volleyball
correctly with following rationed technique of players.
breathing thus an individual feeling of his body
is improved. One of the basic principles of the Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine
Pilates technique is the correct breathing the Effect of Plyometric VS. Pilates Exercises on
accompanying every exercise brings out the Muscular Ability and Components of Jumping
expansion of the two sides and the relaxation to Volleyball Players.
of abdominal muscles with breathing in and MATERIALS AND METHODS
controlling the abdominal muscles and
intensifying them towards the back on breathing Study design: Experimental Study (Compara-
out. tive).
Pilates Exercises: It is a set of exercises defined Source of Data: Study was conducted at parul
to build muscular power, flexibility, muscular institute of physiotherapy and parul group of
endurance and achieving the whole bodily institutes. And parul fitness center.
balance through motor performance with the Sample Size & Technique: Convenient Sampling
Method, Study was done on 30 subjects who
Int J Physiother Res 2014;2(6):799-98. ISSN 2321-1822 794
were fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria · Relief at the end of every training unit.
in volleyball players. Warming-up in all training units:18
Materials Used: · Doing 10 laps around the court.
· Swiss ball · Running with rotating arms forward around the
· foam rollers, court.
· Pilates circle. · Jump with rotation arms backward around the
· Balance boards. court.
· Box drill. · Jump aside the face towards around the court.
· Medicine ball (2kg, 3kg, 5kg). · Jump aside the face outside around the court.
· Stop watch. · Running with high lifting of the knees around
· Measure tap. (centi) the court.
Inclusion Criteria: · Running with the touch of rump with heels
· Age group : 18 to 25 years around the court.
· College level volleyball players. · Forward jump around the court.
· Without musculo-skeletal, metabolic, · Forward jump without bending knees around
· cardiovascular/respiratory, hematological or the court.
endocrine disorders · Running with pushing legs forward.
Exclusion Criteria: Relaxation:18
· Any muscle skeletal injury and disorder. · (Lying down opening the legs) deep breath (fast
· Presence of cardio vascular disease breathing in followed slow breathing out).
· Except college level volley ball players. · ( Lying down) bending the two legs against the
· Any participant who has a musculoskeletal
injury in the last six-months or a leg length GROUP A
discrepancy (< 3cm) · 15 subjects under plyometric training.19
METHODOLOGY · Lower body plyometric
There were 30 Subjects who fulfiled inclusion · Upper body plyometric
and exclusion criteria were selected from the · Trunk plyometric .
population and divided into two Groups(A&B). GROUP B
Subjects will be explained about the Research 15 subjects under pilate training 5,6,18.
and treatment protocol. Inform consent form was
· (Linear sitting) lifting legs upwards.
be signed by the subject before the treatment
started. · (Balance sitting) exchanging the opening of
Subjects were screened using an Assessment
Form and Outcome measures before and after · (Lying down aside) lifting arms and legs
the Program Schedule of 3 Sessions alternately backward.
in 1 week up to 6week. · (Lying down arms aside) gathering legs with
The components of the training course being clapping backward. .
used: · (Resting heels on a box and shoulders on
· Duration of training course is six weeks another) with lowering rump. ,
· Weekly training units were four. · (Leaning lying down) exchange lifting legs
· Time of unit was determined by matching to
the number of training units. · (Leaning lying down) exchange lifting the arm
with the leg adversely.
· Warming-up before the beginning of every
training unit. · (Lying down arms upward) exchange lifting the
Int J Physiother Res 2014;2(6):799-98. ISSN 2321-1822 795
Graph 4: Showing the Pre-test and Post-test diffeences effectiveness of plyometric training for
in Block jump test scores in Group A and Group B. improving vertical jump height Jump distance,
the Block jump, and the attack jump reported.11
Here concluded that plyometric training was
more effective than regular practice of volley
ball in improving strength balance, jumping
power, and sports specific skill of volley ball
Pilates exercises led to improvement of nervous
system in functioning muscles work between
working muscles in motor performance7. Pilates
training examined the effect of Pilates training
Table 2: Comparison of Pre test and Post test on 6week. 15 moderately to well-trained male
diffeences in Vertical jump height, Agility t test, Attack
jump, Block jump scores in Group A and Group B.
volleyball players endurance, It was improve
agility t test, improving vertical jump height
Mean of differences Pre test
and Post test
Mean SD t value p value Jump distance, the Block jump, and the attack
Vertical jump height
Group A 3.266 0.88372
2.351 0.026
Group B 2.4 1.12122
Group A 0.8667 0.6114
Here both groups were more effective in volley
Agility t test 1.434 0.163
Group B 0.5 0.7792 ball players .hence Nevertheless even when
Attack jump height
Group A 1.9333 1.16292
1.088 0.286 both groups (A & B) were effective in agility t
Group B 1.4667 1.18723
Group A 1.9333 0.88372
test, improving vertical jump height Jump
Block jump height 2.301 0.029
Group B 1.2 0.86189 distance, the Block jump, and the attack jump
in volley ball players.
The results, thus indicate that both the groups
improved in Muscular ability of Sargent (Verti- CONCLUSION
cal Jump distance), the Block jump, and the
In this study, we conclude that both groups (A &
attack jump, Agility T test but, there was no
B) were effective in agility t test, improving
significant difference between plyometric
vertical jump height Jump distance, the Block
(Group A) and Pilates (Group B) for volleyball
jump, and the attack jump in volley ball players.
But we used recommended plyomertic training
DISCUSSION in volleyball players.
Limitations of study:
These finding showed that Both Groups i.e
· The study was not conducted on a large scale
plyometric (Group A) and Pilates (Group B) for
and study sample was considerably less.
volleyball players improved jumping as well as
agility to their sports, Vertical Jump distance, · Psychological and environmental factors were
the Block jump, and the attack jump, Agility T not taken into consideration.
test. · Only males were included as subjects in the
Here plyometric (Group A) training examined the study.
effect of plyometric training on 6week. 15
Conflicts of interest: None
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