Personal Pronouns Lesson 2
Personal Pronouns Lesson 2
Personal Pronouns Lesson 2
a).The pronoun for 1st Person singular is mina (I) Shona ini
You use mina when you are referring to yourself
The subject marker for 1st person singular is Ngi- e.g Ngi-hlala - Ngihlala (I stay)
d.) The pronoun for 2nd person plural is lina (You) Shona imi
You use lina when you are talking to two people or more.
The subject marker for 2nd person plural is li
e.g lina lihlala eGweru (you stay in Gweru)
Absolute pronouns
Absolute pronouns may stand on their own, in contrast to subject and object concords, which are
always attached to a verb. Please note personal pronouns are also part of absolute pronouns, its
only that absolute pronouns also include various nouns e.g animal names e.t.c
All absolute pronouns for the noun classes (except ‘yena’ end in-‘ona’, with the first letter of the
concord to begin with, for example, BA-… bona.
Concords U-and A give ‘wona’,; concordI- gives ‘yona’. A concord is a prefix which agrees with
the subject.
Task :
1. Choose 3 Ndebele pronouns and provide their Shona equivalences.
2. Construct 5 Ndebele sentences using 5 Ndebele personal pronouns and their subject