6-Spinal Cord
6-Spinal Cord
6-Spinal Cord
Primary Curves
- present at birth
• Thoracic = concave anteriorly
• Sacral = concave anteriorly
Secondary Curves
- develops later in life
• Cervical = concave posteriorly = develops when the baby starts holding his head up
• Lumbar = concave posteriorly = develops when the baby starts walking
Curve Deviations
• Kyphosis = exaggeration of thoracic curve (hunchback)
• Lordosis = exaggeration of lumbar curve (may be due to obesity, pregnancy)
• Scoliosis = deviation from the midline
Vertebral Ligaments
• Anterior Longitudinal Ligament = runs the entire length of the spine anteriorly
• Posterior Longitudinal Ligament = runs the entire length of the spine posteriorly
• Intertransverse Ligament (R&L) = connects adjacent transverse processes along the entire length of the spine
• Interlaminar Ligament / aka: “Ligamentum Flavum” = connect adjacent laminae along the entire length of the spine
• Interspinous Ligament = connect adjacent spinous processes along the entire length of the spine
• Supraspinous Ligament / aka: ”Ligamentum Nuchae” = especially strong in the neck region
CNS (brain + spinal cord) = finishes development before skeletal components finish growing…
Therefore, the adult spinal cord does not extend the entire length of the vertebral column
The spinal cord ends b/t L1 – L2, but since the spinal nerve #4 must emerge b/t L4 – L5 …
All lumbar nerves must descend to a certain level before they can emerge
Cauda Equina
Meningeal Coverings
• Dura Mater (tough mother)
• Arachnoid Mater (very thin, flimsy, weblike)
• Pia Mater (clingy mother) = can’t be peeled from spinal cord
• Denticulate Ligament (21-22 pairs) = the triangular-shaped Pia Mater
where it gets pulled out & attaches to Dura Mater
landmark of separation b/t dorsal & ventral roots
• Epidural Space = b/t the outer dura mater and bone (vertebral canal) – contains protective fat
• Subdural Space = b/t dura & arachnoid (this is only a potential space that opens only when there is subdural hemorrhage)
• Subarachnoid Space = b/t arachnoid & pia
contains cerebral spinal fluid
spinal tap = below L2 (best b/t L3 – L4)
His Drawing
• Conus Medullaris = where the spinal cord ends b/t L1 & L2
• Filum Terminale Internum = where the Pia Mater collects at conus medullaris, then continues elongating down as a string
- Arachnoid finishes its continuation downward and connects to S2 vertebra
- Dura Mater also runs downward, connects to S2 vertebra,
then makes a turn (sleeve) towards the middle,
then meets in the middle w/ the Pia Mater at the coccyx level
• Filum Terminale Externum = where the Dura Mater ends Compiled for you by:
• Sacrococcygeal Ligament = filum terminale’s internum (PIA) + externum (DURA) running from sacral to coccyx
Ann Nguyen -- NYUCD 2008
D1 Anatomy Notes -- Spring '05
• Grey matter = inside this is opposite • Dorsal Root / Spinal Ganglion = collection of sensory afferent cell bodies in the intervertebral foramina
• White matter = outside in the brain • Dorsal Root = sensory afferent fibers going towards CNS
• Dorsal Horn = sensory afferent fibers • Ventral Root = motor efferent fibers going away from CNS
• Ventral Horn = motor efferent cell bodies • Spinal Nerve (mixed) = the union of both Dorsal + Ventral Root fibers… splits into DPR + VPR…
• Dorsal Median Sulcus • Dorsal Primary Ramus
• Ventral Median Fissure - motor = muscular branches = supplies Erector Spinae deep muscles of the back
- sensory = posterior cutaneous branch (medial + lateral) = supplies skin of the central back
• Ventral Primary Ramus
- motor = muscular branches = supplies the neck, trunk, limb muscles
- sensory = lateral cutaneous branch (anterior + posterior)
- sensory = anterior cutaneous branch (medial + lateral)
• Dermatome = a particular region of skin that every spinal nerve will specifically innervate Ann Nguyen -- NYUCD 2008
D1 Anatomy Notes -- Spring '05
• Herniated Disc = when the intervertebral disc bulges under chronic stress, causing compression of spinal nerves parasthesia, tingling, pain, paralysis
Descending Aorta Intercostal Arteries large venous plexus anterior and posterior to the spinal cord
VPR of thoracic spinal nerves Intercostal Nerves