Chapter III Four Parts

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In this chapter, the researchers explained the type of research method and design used in

the course of the study. This chapter includes the sources of data, population of the study, ethical

considerations, evaluation and scoring, and treatment and analysis of data. It also includes the

research instruments, validation and the procedures used in gathering the data.

Research Design

This study employs a descriptive research design in order to accurately and thoroughly

describe a population, situation, or phenomenon. In this case, descriptive quantitative research is

used to determine the Analysis of Schools' Preparedness on Face-to-Face Classes and their

Implications for the Covid 19 crisis response.

This type of Research Design depicts the measurement of two variables that exist in the

subject matter but are not to be manipulated. Instead, the results of the data collected in the study

will be thoroughly evaluated and observed.

Sources of Data

In this study, both primary and secondary data were collected. The primary and

secondary data were acquired using appropriate methods. In order to execute accurate analysis

and produce informed findings and judgements, a great deal of emphasis was placed on

acquiring precise and reliable data.

Questionnaires were used to collect the primary data. The questionnaires were created

and given to the school director, coordinator, and faculties under the senior high school

department at Perpetual Help College of Manila. On the other hand, the secondary data was

gathered through media articles, previous studies, and books.

Population of the Study

The participants of the study will be the school director, coordinator, and faculties under

the senior high school department at Perpetual Help College of Manila. The study covers the

strategies used by the respondents pertaining to the steps that will be made to guarantee that the

faculty and students are prepared for face-to-face classes. A total of (21) twenty-one faculties

including the school director and coordinator will be the respondents of the study which is equal

to (100%) faculty, director, and coordinators' population of the said educational institution

The said population of the study will greatly help in gathering, determining, and

identifying the precautionary measures that the educational institution will implement to ensure

the smooth process of resuming face-to-face classes.

Instrumentation and Validation

In the data collection of the study, a survey-questionnaire was utilized by the researchers

of the study which the respondent served as a research tool used to meet the objectives of the

research study such as assessing the readiness of schools in conducting a face-to-face class as a

COVID response during the pandemic. The survey-questionnaire adopted the 5-point Likert
rating scale in which the respondent can choose the degree of their preparedness in administering

a face-to-face class. The questionnaire composed of three (3) parts: Part 1 is the demographic

data of the respondent; Part 2 is the safety assessment of the School and Part 3 is the

Contingency Plan which evaluates if the respondent has provision for any unforeseen events or


The questions are based on the guidelines and recommendation of the Department of

Education in implementing face-to-face classes (DepEd, 2020). A modified School Safety

Assessment Tool (SSAT) issued by the Department of Education last October 18, 2021 (DepEd,

2021) was also used to further appraised their respective institution readiness in transitioning to

the new normal way of holding a face-to-face class.

Before the actual data collection occurred, the questions were first approved by the

research adviser, Ms. Jasmine Salanga to ensure that the researchers’ instrumentation met the

research objectives and purpose in conducting the study. The research tool helped the researchers

to obtain accurate data relevant in determining the focus of this study despite the use of an online

platform due to the existing health protocols of the current pandemic.


● Department of Education (2021). Preparation for the Pilot Face-to-Face, Expansion and

Transitioning to the New Normal: DepEd Memorandum No. 71 Series of 2021. Retrieved


● Department of Education (2020). Shared Responsibility: Recommendation on Face-to-

Face. Retrieved from:



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