Revamping The PCS Nitrogen 02 Plant in Trinidad
Revamping The PCS Nitrogen 02 Plant in Trinidad
Revamping The PCS Nitrogen 02 Plant in Trinidad
The 03 ammonia plant at PCS Nitrogen in Trinidad is an original Braun 1965 design plant.
A recent revamp of this plant has increased its capacity from 830 STPD to 1,050 STPD, achieving also a remarkable energy
saving and has converted the plant from a Braun 50% excess air operation to a conventional ammonia plant design. This
revamp involved the installation of the first Ammonia Casale Isothermal Converters in ammonia service.
9. Installation of a Hydrogen Recov- former, increasing the radiant box in- Primary Reformer
ery Unit. let temperature of the process gas to
1150ºF The primary reformer was an original
This is a used unit that was refurbished Foster Wheeler design side-fired re-
and was handled as a joint effort be- 2. To increase overall plant capacity. former. The tubes were at their end-
tween Air Products and PCS Trinidad. of-life and the frequent failures were
Mixed feed, desulphurized feed gas causing severe plant reliability issues.
10. Changes in the ammonia recovery and process steam, with a steam/ The upgrade of the primary reformer
section. carbon ratio of 3.2, flows through the was performed by Onquest Engineer-
mixed feed coil in the primary reformer ing and was done in tandem with the
a. Replacement of the MP ammonia convection section, is heated to 1,000 revamp requirements.
absorber with a high pressure absorb- oF and flows to the pre-reformer.
er. The major changes were:
b. Installation of a new HP Absorber The pre-reformer is an Ammonia Casa-
feed pump. le designed axial-radial adiabatic reac- • Tube arrangement changed from
tor loaded with a nickel based steam staggered to inline.
11. Replacement of the ammonia prod- reforming catalyst. Its low pressure
uct pumps. drop, of approximately 3 psig, is char- • Number of tubes increased from
This was handled as an internal proj- acteristic of the axial-radial design. 136 to 152.
ect at PCS.
The gas leaving the pre-reformer is • Extension of the radiant box, 20’.
12. Replacement/Addition of control partially reformed and has a methane
valves and PSVs. slip of 67%. Due to the endothermic • Installation of 40 additional burn-
nature of the reaction, the gas leaves ers.
13. Refurbishment of the Syngas com- at 820oF.
pressor turbine. • Replacement of the old burner
It then flows to the fired heater, which tips.
14. As general rule all the new/re- supplies the heat necessary to in-
vamped equipment have to be suit- crease the temperature to the reform- • Replacement of the mixed feed
able even for the following step at er tube inlet temperature, 1,150oF. coil.
1200 STD. Due to the problem in SS 304 Pres-
sure Vessel procurement in short • Replacement of the inlet header
time, as Pre-reformer vessel has been and pigtails.
Process Details utilized a CS pressure vessel internally
refractoried. • Replacement of the outlet header
and pigtails.
The reforming stage consists of three
main sections; • Change from counter weights to
spring support system.
1. Pre-Reforming
2. Primary Reforming The radiant box extension was shipped
3. Secondary Reforming in sections with insulation pre-in-
stalled, ready for assembly. The insu-
Pre-Reforming lation however was damaged in ship-
ping and was replaced on site.
The pre-reformer section was installed
to increase the total reforming capac- The new primary reformer design in-
ity of the plant. This became necessary let temperature is 1,150 oF while the
for two reasons: outlet temperature is 1,470 oF. This
corresponds to a radiant duty of 159
1. To compensate for the elimination mmBTU/hr and a convection duty of
of the excess air at the secondary re- Fig. 1 - PCS Axial-Radial Pre-Reformer 182 mmBTU/hr. The gas ex the re-
The revamp constraints at 1050 STD, ular constraints or inefficiency source;
particularly the tight schedule and the - the plant revamping is tailor-made
age of the plant, presented many chal- to Client’s expectations and requests.
lenges to both PCS and Ammonia Ca-
sale and indeed to all the other parties Such a complicated job can be done in
involved in the project. an efficient way only by an engineering
Several things made this project company owning an advanced technol-
unique including: ogy, the suitable know-how and the re-
quired flexibility.
• The very tight schedule, 12 months
from start of engineering to implemen-