Ravikanth, G. Et Al. Identifying The Potential Global Distribution and Conservation Areas For Terminalia Chebula, An Important Medicinal Tree Species Under Changing Climate Scenario. Trop Ecol

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Tropical Ecology International Society

https://doi.org/10.1007/s42965-022-00237-x for Tropical Ecology


Identifying the potential global distribution and conservation

areas for Terminalia chebula, an important medicinal tree species
under changing climate scenario
B. R. Kailash1,2 · Bipin Charles3 · G. Ravikanth2 · Siddappa Setty2 · K. Kadirvelu4

Received: 4 November 2020 / Revised: 9 March 2022 / Accepted: 20 March 2022

© International Society for Tropical Ecology 2022

Terminalia chebula Retz. (Combretaceae), commonly-known as chebulic myrobalan is one of the important Non-Timber
Forest Product (NTFP) species which is harvested for its fruits and galls. The species known as the “King of medicines” is
used widely in Ayurveda, Sidda, Unani, and traditional Chinese medicines for curing a wide variety of diseases in Asia and
Africa. Terminalia chebula is an important ingredient of Triphala (Ayurvedic medicine) along with Terminalia bellirica
and Phyllanthus emblica. The fruits of the tree also yields a dye which is used as an organic dye in the textile industries. In
recent years, there is an increasing demand for herbal remedies and organic dyes, resulting in extensive extraction of fruits
and galls from T. chebula. In this study, the major objective was to identify sites for the conservation of T. chebula and to
identify important environmental variables determining its distribution. Based on the existing species distribution records
(primary and secondary), along with a suite of climatic variables, the present and future distribution of the species were
predicted. The study identified ecological niches that are suitable for the cultivation of the species; the species occurs in
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, China, Laos, Thailand, Bhutan, Taiwan, Nepal and Bangladesh
under the current climatic scenario. Within India, our results suggest that the central and south India are highly suitable in
the current scenario. The mean annual temperature, temperature seasonality and isothermality seem to be the most important
variables determining the distribution of the species which is directly influenced by climate change. Overall, the study indi-
cated that under the future climate change scenarios the distribution of T. chebula is likely to decrease. The results indicate
that T. chebula is highly vulnerable to climate change. Considering the economic importance of the species, it is important
to understand how the species distribution will alter in the wake of climate change to develop effective conservation strate-
gies. The study also provides important environment variables that determine the species distribution which could aid in
identifying areas where the species could be cultivated.

Keywords Conservation · Conservation sites · Ecological niche models · Maximum entropy

* B. R. Kailash
[email protected] Climate change is one of the major factors influencing the
distribution of plant species. The Intergovernmental Panel
Environmental Sciences, Bharathiar University, on Climate Change (IPCC) in its fifth annual report (2014)
Marudhamalai Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641046, India has indicated that the mean annual temperature of the
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology & the Environment, earth’s surface increased by 0.85 °C over the past 130 years
Royal Enclave, Sriramapura, Jakkur Post, Bangalore 560064, (1880–2012). However, the mean temperature increased
Karnataka, India
by 0.72 °C between the years (1951–2012) and the mean
Institute for Biodiversity Conservation and Training, #5, 7th global surface temperature is predicted to increase by an
Main Road, Shankar Nagar, Bangalore 560096, Karnataka,
India additional 0.3–4.8 °C by the end of the twenty-first century
4 (IPCC 2013). Climate change has resulted in an increased
DRDO‑BU Centre for Life Sciences, Defence Research &
Development Organisation, Ministry of Defence, Bharathiar temperature and irregular rainfall patterns, both droughts,
University Campus, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641046, India and floods, which has led to uncontrolled insect infestations

Tropical Ecology

and dominance of invasive species, increased fire vulner- and Bhattacharyya 2007). In Myanmar, T. chebula sparsely
ability, and severely impacting biodiversity, as well as the occurs in degraded and timber harvested forests (Oo and Lee
livelihood of the people (Ravindranath et al. 2006; Mukho- 2007). In Sri Lanka, T. chebula occurs in mixed deciduous
padhyay 2009, Shresta 2019). With an average rise in tem- forests and scrubs (APFSOS II). Besides deciduous forests
peratures of about 2–3 °C globally, there is an increased in Cambodia, Laos, Southern Laos and northeastern Thai-
risk of upto 20–30 percent of species extinction (Warren land, T. chebula is grown in between paddy fields (Natuhara
et al., 2010; Stocker et al. 2014). Several studies have shown et al. 2012). In South-eastern China, T. chebula is present in
that climate change can cause significant change to ecologi- open deciduous and bamboo forests, along forest margins,
cal processes including change in the distributional range and cultivated near villages. It is distributed across India
of species (Priti et al. 2016; Subba et al., 2018; Rana et al. from Arunachal Pradesh to Punjab and from Tamil Nadu to
2021) as well as impacting the phenology of tree species Jammu & Kashmir. With the increasing demand for herbal
(Piao et al. 2019). Assessing and predicting the potential remedies and organic dyes, there is extensive extraction of
change in the distributional range of species is crucial for fruits and galls from the T. chebula from the various forests
developing optimum conservation and management plans. across India.
In recent years, ecological niche modelling (ENM, also In this study using distribution data, we have mapped
known as species distributional modelling, SDM) have been the geographical distribution of the species, predicted the
widely used to infer the environmental variables required possible sites of occurrence of T. chebula in India using
for the survival of a species. The ENMs use biophysical Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM). The major objective
methods and environmental variables taken from the known of the study was to identify sites for the conservation of
distribution areas of the species to predict their ecological this economically important medicinal tree species. We also
niche as well as their potential future distribution (Elith et al. intended to identify the environmental factors that are criti-
2009; Shivaprakash et al. 2013). The ENM is widely used cal for the distribution of the species both in the present as
for assessing the distribution of species (Sen et al. 2016a; well as in future climate change scenarios. Based on these,
Kumar et al. 2020), for assigning conservation areas (Joshi we intend to determine ecological niches that are suitable
et al. 2017; Sumangala et al. 2017), for predicting invasion for the cultivation of the species both in India as well as in
risk (Sen et al. 2016b) and in assessing impacts of climate other South Asian countries.
change on species distributions (Priti et al. 2016; Subba
et al., 2018; Rana et al. 2021).
Terminalia chebula Retz. (Combretaceae) is an impor- Materials and methods
tant plant used in traditional medicine not only in India and
China but also in South Asia and in Africa. The plant is Species occurrence records
widely used for curing multiple ailments such as digestive
disorders, urinary diseases, diabetes, skin diseases, heart Global occurrence data for T. chebula were collected by
diseases, irregular fevers, constipation, ulcers, vomiting, primary and secondary sources (See Table 1). Primary data
colic pain, and haemorrhoids (Muhammad et al. 2012; sources were collected by field survey’s using GPS, where
Nigam et al. 2020). The plant is considered as the “King the actual location of the species was recorded. Totally 49
of medicine” due to the presence of a large number of phy- primary data points were collected from the field. The sec-
tochemicals that are used for treating a variety of disorders ondary data were collected from multiple resources which
(Gupta 2012). The plant is extensively used in Indian tradi- include free and open access viz., 167 points from Global
tional medicine such as Ayurvedic, Sidda, Unani. Terminalia biodiversity information system (GBIF), 386 points from
chebula is an important ingredient of Ayurvedic medicine the India Bioresource Information network (www.​ibin.​gov.​
“Triphala” for curing many diseases. The fruits of T. chebula in), 50 points from the Indian Biodiversity Portal. Further,
have been used as a household remedy since time immemo- the distribution records were also obtained from floras (273
rial (Bag et al., 2013). This species has a profound impact points), from the Herbarium records collected from Central
on human health in the Asian tropics. In Southeast Asia, T. National Herbarium (CAL, 91 points), Botanical Survey of
chebula fruits are widely used in traditional medicine, dye- India (BSI), Calcutta, Northern Regional Centre, Dehradun
ing, and are also traded (Nigam et al. 2020). The dried galls (NRC, 10 points), Western Regional Centre, Pune (WRC, 15
of T. chebula are considered to have anti-aging properties, points) and Southern Regional Centre, Coimbatore (SRC, 51
are astringent, purgative, and boost immunity and are widely points). In all, up to 1092 records were collected.
used in Thai Lanna, Tibetan, and Chinese medicine. They The secondary resources often tend to have spatial sam-
are sold at markets across Southeast Asia (Manosroi et al. pling biases (Aiello‐Lammens et al. 2015; Sumangala et al.
2010). Terminalia chebula occurs in mixed deciduous forests 2017; Ahmad et al. 2019; Hamid et al. 2019). Addressing
and irregularly in teak forests in Malaysia (Chattopadhyay the effects of sampling bias remains an important issue. For

Tropical Ecology

Table 1  Distribution of Terminalia chebula in other Southeast Asian countries

Sl Countries Distribution References

1 Bangladesh Rare in Moulvibazar, Chittagong and Mymensingh districts of Kabir et al. (2014); Akbar (2020)
2 Bhutan Goshing, Ngangla and Phangkhar Gewogs of Kheng region in Purna and Tenzi (2012); Phurpa et al (2017)
Bhutan. Deciduous forests
3 Cambodia Virachey National Park, Veun Sai-Siem Pang National Park, Siem, Philip (1999); Loveridge et al. (2017)
Pang Khang Lech Wildlife Sanctuary in Cambodia
Deciduous forests and cultivated
4 China Native in West Yunnan, cultivated in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi Flora of China
5 Indonesia Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia Catalogue of Life; Mahyar et al. (1991)
6 Laos Nakai-Nam Theun National Park, Laos.Dry deciduous forests and Philip (1999)
degraded savannas in northern Thailand and Laos
7 Malaysia Sarawak Rathinamoorthy and Thilagavathi (2014); Nicholson 1965
8 Myanmar Bago, Kachin, Mandalay and Yangon of Myanmar Rathinamoorthy and Thilagavathi (2014)
Deciduous forests
9 Nepal Rasuwa and Jhapa District, Nepal. Deciduous forests Annotated checklist of Flowering Plants of Nepal; Saru
et al 2020; Yadav et al 2010; Raut et al 2018
10 Pakistan North West Frontier Province, Pakistan and also cultivated Arshad et al. (2010); Flora of Pakistan
11 Sri Lanka Gal Oya National Park of Badulla and Wilpattu National Park of Forest Department Government of Sri Lanka (2009); San-
Anuradhapura and Puttalam districts jeewa et al 2013; Green (1990); Wilpattu National Park
Dry and open forests. Occur Naturally in Intermediate zones and
cultivated in agro-climatic zones
12 Taiwan Nantou Tsien, Chushan Town and Kaoshiung Hsien of Taiwan, Taiwan Plant names; Database of Native Plants of Taiwan
also cultivated
13 Thailand Chae-Son district, Lampang, Thailand Philip (1999); Wilart (2020)
Dry deciduous forests and degraded savannas
14 Vietnam Buon Ma Thuot, Dak Lak Province, Vietnam Philip (1999); Nguyen (2016)
Dry deciduous forests and degraded savannas Tropicos.org

many datasets of occurrence records (especially from muse- distribution of the species. Bioclimatic data used for mod-
ums and herbaria), geographic sampling bias is pervasive elling had a spatial resolution of 1 ­km2 (30 arc seconds).
(Hijmans et al. 2000; Reddy and Dávalos 2003; Graham The environmental variables often have a high correlation.
et al. 2004; Kadmon et al. 2004; Hijmans 2012). Ideally, Hence, we tested for collinearity by examining pairwise
spatial thinning of occurrence records is inevitable to sub- correlations between the variables. Among the pair of vari-
stantially reduce the effects of sampling bias whilst simulta- ables, those variables having Pearson’s correlation coeffi-
neously retaining the greatest amount of useful information. cient r > 0.7 were excluded from the analysis (Dormann et al.
The spatial thinning can be done manually; however, this is 2013; Sarma et al., 2018). The final set of variables used for
prohibitively time consuming for large datasets. Therefore, modelling T. chebula are Bio1, Bio2, Bio3, Bio4, Bio12,
we used the randomization approach, i.e., the ‘thin’ function Bio14, Bio15, Bio18 and Bio19 (Appendix S1).
in the spThin R package to obtain an occurrence dataset
with the maximum number of records for thinning distance Species distribution modelling
of 10 km. The output of this exercise was used to develop
a robust species distribution model for the target species. We used the maximum entropy implemented in Maxent
which simulates the potential geographical distribution of a
Climatic variables species using its current distribution as well as by employ-
ing various environmental data (Phillips et al. 2006, 2017).
Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) require a suite of the Maxent is the most favoured model as it is simple and quick
climatic representative dataset that influence distribution of to run, provides stable operation results, and allows predic-
species. Hence, ecologically meaningful variables i.e., bio- tion results to be tested (Ortega-Huerta et al. 2008). Max-
climatic variables i.e., Bioclim1—19 V1.4 (Hijmans et al. ent, requires the presence only data and background data
2005) were downloaded from WorldClim (Table 1, https://​ for modelling the ecological niches. The performance of the
www.​world​biocl​im.​org) and were used for modelling the model is robust and relatively better than other modelling

Tropical Ecology

algorithms (Elith et al. 2006; Rahimian et al. 2019; Ghar- type as ‘cloglog’ and other features were default. We used 70
eghan et al. 2020) and is hardly influenced by small sample percent of the occurrence points for model calibration and 30
sizes (Pearson et al. 2007). We used maxent and ran the percent for model testing with independent validation as per
model for Current, and different Representative Concentra- Bohl et al. (2019). The variable importance was measured
tion Pathway (RCP) such as RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 6.0 & using the Jack-knife test to determine the dominant climatic
RCP 8.5 for 2070. The year 2070 was taken for the analysis factors (Raman et al. 2020), and all other default settings
as the annual temperature increase in 2070 has been pre- based on Elith et al. (2010).
dicted to be over 7.5 °C across most of Asia (Xu et al. 2020).
The various RCP’s used in the study describe different plau- Model evaluation
sible climate futures, all of which are likely possible depend-
ing on the extent of greenhouse gas emissions. IPCC has The model was evaluated by Area under Receiver Operating
adopted these four different climate change scenarios under Curve (ROC) popularly known as AUC (Swets 1988). The
the various Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). AUC values vary from 0 to 1 where the value < 0.5 signi-
fies that the model is worse than random, 0.5–0.7 signifies
Model development and selection poor performance, 0.7–0.9 signifies moderate performance
and > 0.9 signifies high performance (Kumar et al., 2020).
Ranges of models were developed for mapping the climatic The final model obtained showed high performance value
niche of T. chebula. Further, to assess the model complex- indicating that the performance was good. The final pre-
ity, we additionally fit the MaxEnt models using the exist- dicted Model of habitat suitability were divided into four lev-
ing default settings, which enabled the implementation of els: unsuitable regions (0.00–0.25), poorly suitable regions
more complex feature classes such as (L-linear, Q-quadratic, (0.25–0.50), moderately suitable regions (0.50–0.75), and
H-Hinge) depending on the occurrence records. We used highly suitable regions (> 0.75).
LQH (= linear, quadratic, hinge), LQ (= linear, quadratic),
LQH, LQ and H (= hinge) and regularization multipliers
0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0. We used randomly generated Results
10,000 points and default settings to calibrate the models.
The outputs i.e., predictions and lambdas file were down- A total of 1092 was obtained from various sources. After
loaded (Radosavljevic and Anderson 2014) and used for spatial thinning, a total of 1002 occurrence records were
model selection in ENM Tools. Maxent also produces con- retained which showed uniform distribution across the sam-
tinuously varying, non-negative suitability scores for each pling landscape. The distribution of the species using both
cell in a specified geographic region. The ENM Tools uses primary and secondary data within India shows that the spe-
this suitability scores and occurrence points and estimates cies is widely distributed with higher densities in the West-
the likelihood of observing the occurrence records under a ern and Eastern Ghats (Fig. 1). These points were used in
selected model. Once observed, a suite of parameters cap- building a model for current and future distribution (Fig. 2).
tured in lambdas file counting any parameter with weightage After correlation analyses and jack-knife tests (Fig. 3), nine
having non-zero will be estimated and produces an output environmental variables were used to construct the mod-
with criterion-based model selection using Akaike Informa- els. The variables that contributed significantly to a model
tion Criterion (AIC), Akaike Information Criterion corrected for the current distribution for Asia are Bio1 (Annual Mean
for small sample sizes (AICc) and Bayesian information Cri- Temperature) having a contribution of 35.1%, Bio4 (Tem-
teria (BIC) (Warren et al. 2010). The AIC, AiCc and BIC are perature Seasonality) with 24.6% and Bio3 (Isothermality)
quality metrics that are generally used to ensure the accuracy with 10.9% contribution (Table 2). The result of the jack-
of the modelling outcome. These metrics help at selecting knife test of variable importance shows that the environmen-
the “best model” which is a key step in ensuring the model- tal variable with the highest gain, when used in isolation, is
ling outcome. To accomplish this we used a script with a Bio4 (Temperature seasonality), which appears to have the
relative path to the files (predictions and lambdas). Previ- most useful information by itself.
ous studies indicate that AICc outperforms BIC in selecting
models on simulated data and hence we selected the mod- Model evaluations and current distributions
els having low AIC value (Warren et al. 2010). The model
selected for final distribution modelling features LQHP The predicted distribution model had mean AUC of
with Regularization Multiplier 1.5 (Appendix S2). The final 0.884 ± 0.006, which indicate that the performance of the
model was calibrated using the following settings: number of model was good (Fig. 4). As per the predictions, T. chebula
iterations were set to 5000, and 10,000 random background occurs in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar,
points, replicated type as “sub-sample”, 10 replicates, output Vietnam, China, Laos, Thailand, Bhutan, Taiwan, Nepal

Tropical Ecology

Fig. 1  Distribution of Termina-

lia chebula in India

and Bangladesh under the current climatic scenario. Under favourable for the species. The model predicts, Bhutan
the current climatic scenario, the MaxEnt predicted India, with moderate to highly favourable climatic conditions.
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, The Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Viet-
Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Pakistan as favourable nam, Laos, is largely moderately favourable and intermit-
for the sustenance of the T. chebula. In India, the Dec- tent with highly favourable conditions. The South Pakistan
can plateau, central India, Western Ghats, are extremely shows mixture of moderate and high favourable zones. The
favourable whilst the North, and Eastern parts are highly northern part of the Sri Lanka showed intermittent high,
favourable. The other parts of the country are moderately medium and excellent habitats.

Tropical Ecology

Fig. 2  Distribution of Terminalia chebula under different projected climate change scenarios

Fig. 3  Results of Jackknife test,

using AUC on test data

Future projections Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam face significant

decline i.e., moderate to low habitats. Under the RCP
The distribution of T. chebula, across future projec- 4.5—2070, the Deccan plateau and Central Parts of the
tions, showed significant decline under all RCPs (Fig. 5, India shows significant loss of the habitat when compared
Table 3). The RCP 2.6—2070, RCP 4.5—2070, RCP to current climatic scenario and the RCP 2.6. The Bang-
6.0—2070 and RCP 8.5—2070 projections reveal a sig- ladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
nificant decline in the suitable habitats in India, Pakistan, Cambodia and Vietnam face further significant loss when
Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, China, Laos, compared to Current and RCP 2.6—2070 scenarios. The
Thailand, Bhutan, Taiwan, Nepal and Bangladesh. The climatically suitable habitat under RCP 6.0—2070 in the
MaxEnt model for RCP 2.6—2070 shows significant loss Deccan plateau, central parts of India and Sri Lanka expe-
in the climatically suitable habitats in the central and west- riences significant loss when compared to current scenario
ern parts of the India. The Bangladesh, Bhutan, Laos, Sri and RCP 2.6—2070 however, these regions experience

Tropical Ecology

Table 2  Contribution of environmental variables compare to Current, RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5 and RCP 6.0. In gen-
Variable Description Percent eral, the studied species T. chebula is highly vulnerable to
contribu- climate change in all the projected climate change scenarios.

bio1 Annual mean temperature 35.1

bio4 Temperature seasonality 24.6
bio3 Isothermality 10.9
A number of factors such as climate change, habitat dis-
bio15 Precipitation seasonality 8.8
turbance, overharvesting, invasive species and pollution
bio18 Precipitation of warmest quarter 5.8
are viewed as major threat to global biodiversity in general
bio12 Annual precipitation 5.4
and the medicinal plant species in particular (Hirch 2010).
bio19 Precipitation of coldest quarter 4
Climate change results in increased temperatures, disrupt-
bio2 Mean diurnal range 3.7
ing precipitation patterns and in increasing extreme climate
bio14 Precipitation of driest month 1.8
events. These factors are known to affect growth and repro-
duction, alter phenological patterns of trees as well as influ-
ence the distribution of species at a regional scale (Priti et al.
2016). The current measures used for the conservation of
medicinal plant species such as the establishment of medici-
nal plant conservation areas (MPCA’s) within the protected
areas network are based on the current distribution of spe-
cies. But these areas would face increasing challenges as the
effects of climate change increase (Sen et al. 2016a; Joshi
et al. 2017). In the light of climate change altering species
distributions and impacting native plant populations, using
niche modelling approach to map the potential distribution
of species can aid in the development of effective restoration
and conservation management plans (Adhikari et al. 2018).
The T. chebula has become endangered locally in sev-
eral regions of India (Jagdish 2014) and the status of this
Fig. 4  Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for the same tree remains largely unknown. We used Maxent and opti-
data, again averaged over the replicate runs mized factors known to influence the prediction results of
the model. The performance of the ENM is significantly
influenced by the number of records as well as the vari-
increase in the moderately suitable habitat when compared ables selected. It is suggested that at least 100 point records
to RCP 4.5—2070. should be used in the Maxent model to ensure optimum
The other countries Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangla- results (Saatchi et al. 2011). The outcome of the model is
desh, Pakistan, Laos, and Cambodia too face significant loss also influenced by the input variables and the accuracy of the
in the moderate, highly suitable and excellent habitats when datapoints. In this study, we used a large data set (up to 1002

Fig. 5  Area change analysis 9,00,000.00

using MaxEnt in Asia 8,00,000.00
Current Rcp2.6 Rcp4.5 Rcp6.0 Rcp8.5

Not Suitable Low Suitable Moderately Suitable Highly Suitable

Tropical Ecology

Table 3  Change in the area Range Description Current RCP2.6 RCP4.5 RCP6.0 RCP8.5
range under different climatic
scenario (in Square kilometre) 0.0–0.25 Not Suitable 7,15,207.00 7,54,495.00 8,11,714.00 7,85,952.00 8,16,547.00
0.25–0.5 Low Suitable 1,26,171.00 1,24,440.00 99,399.00 1,11,487.00 1,17,325.00
0.5–0.75 Moderately Suitable 95,253.00 60,164.00 46,600.00 47,117.00 25,835.00
0.75–1.0 Highly Suitable 36,856.00 34,388.00 15,774.00 28,931.00 13,780.00

records after filtering) to reduce any errors and also ensured phenological changes are likely to vary among species (Shel-
that the data points reflect the actual distribution of the spe- don 2019). Thus, though the study shows that the suitable
cies. We used the nine bioclimatic variables that contributed areas of T. chebula would vastly decrease in the dry tropical
significantly for modelling and mapping. Among the nine areas; the impact of climate change on the phenology of
variables, the Annual Mean Temperature, Isothermality and the species cannot be predicted. Most species in the trop-
Temperature Seasonality are the three variables that largely ics show variable capacity to adjust physiologically to tem-
determine the distribution of T. chebula. perature changes. Shifts in phenology could lead to tropic
Our data adequately covered the entire distributional mismatches between pollinators and dispersal agents and
range of the species across India, China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, could have cascading effect on the species (Sheldon 2019).
Nepal and other south Asian countries. The predictive accu- Terminalia chebula is one of the tropical forest species
racy of the distributional models are estimated using the in high trade that has been listed as a priority species that
AUC (Lobo et al. 2008). The high AUC values in the present needs management intervention (Goraya and Ved 2017).
study for training and testing (0.884) indicate that the niche Considering that the suitable area for this species would
model has a good ability to differentiate between presence vastly decrease, various countries in which this tree is dis-
and absence areas for the species. AUC value (> 0.8) exhib- tributed should further strengthen the governance to provide
its that the model performance has been satisfactory and that adequate protection to T. chebula. Within India, both the
the prediction of the species distribution has been accom- RCP 4.5 as well as RCP 8.5 predict decrease in the overall
plished with higher discrimination of the input data (Lobo distribution especially in Southern India (Fig. 2). However,
et al. 2008). The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) in the northern regions, more areas are likely to become suit-
curve summarizes the model performance over all condi- able areas especially in the state of Uttar Pradesh. In most of
tions. The niche model successfully predicted the distribu- Asia, it is predicted that climate change would have drastic
tion of the species in the Indian sub-continent. The species impact with temperatures set to increase by 7.5 °C (Xu et al.
has its core distribution in Southern and Central India, where 2020). This increase in temperatures especially in Central
the model predicts very high suitability. These areas could India could lead to shift in suitable habitats towards northern
be ear-marked for conservation of the species and population and more cooler latitudes. The results predicted here need
of the species in this region could be enriched. to be assessed in the background that a number of other
The overall distribution of T. chebula under different RCP variables have not been taken into account. For example,
scenarios shows a drastic decline indicating that it is highly we have not considered the possible change in the land-use
vulnerable to climate change. The mean annual tempera- categories. Any regions that are predicted to be highly suit-
ture, temperature seasonality and isothermality seem to be able here may not be actually available for the species if the
the most important variables determining the distribution of land is utilised for other purposes. However, our study has
the species which is directly influenced by climate change. identified areas both with India as well as across South Asia,
Lower degree of prediction in the future (Fig. 5, Table 3) regions that are likely to become highly suitable or excellent
also hints at the possibility of a niche shift for the species habitats in the future. These regions could be overlaid with
in future, which needs to be studied further. The study also other layers of information such as threat status, vegetation
found that there is a significant loss of suitable habitat in all type and levels of protection. Based on that, suitable areas
the countries in which T. chebula is distributed. can be considered for the conservation of the species.
The impacts of climate change depends on species vul- The study also provides geographical perspective of the
nerability to change, which is expected to be far greater in distribution of species across wide landscapes and habitats
the tropics (Deutsch et al. 2008). Tropical regions with less both in the present as well as under different scenarios in
than 1 °C of warming, are projected to experience extreme future. Based on this information, decision could be taken
conditions much earlier than rest of the world (Beaumont for conservation of the species as well as for collection
et al. 2011). Climate change is known to impact phenol- of germplasm of the species. Considering the economic
ogy including leafing, flowering, and fruiting in seasonally and medicinal potential of the species, it is inevitable that
dry tropical areas; however the magnitude and direction of large-scale cultivation of the species need to be taken up

Tropical Ecology

and establishing the arboreta with diverse germplasm gains a detail conservation action plan. Based on the niche maps,
importance. conservation, as well as cultivation of the species, can be
It is necessary to intensify the efforts to conserve (in- taken up.
situ and ex-situ conservation) and cultivate the T. chebula
to prevent it from further depletion. We also recommend Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 42965-0​ 22-0​ 0237-x.
in-situ conservation by enriching their densities in nature
reserves as well as ex-situ conservation through medicinal Acknowledgements We sincerely thank Dr. K.N. Ganeshaiah for
plant gardens, in botanical gardens and arboreta especially providing us the co-ordinates of T. chebula of entire Western Ghats,
in Southern and Central India, where the model predicts as Dr. M. Sanjappa for giving us access to BSI Herbariums at Kolkota,
the excellent niche for the species. These steps would also Dehradun, Pune and Coimbatore, we also thank Harisha, Vikram and
Arunima for providing co-ordinates of T. chebula from their field sites.
reduce the supply constraints as well as meet the industrial SS and GR acknowledge the support of DBT for undertaking the study
and the domestic demand. (BT/PR29859/FCB/125/23/2018). The authors thank the anonymous
The species also requires a stringent assessment of pop- reviewers for the detailed comments which has helped in vastly improv-
ulation size and the threatened status. The tropical region ing the manuscript.
within the country where the species is distributed also
Author contributions KBR, SS, GR & KK led the manuscript writing
offers diverse niches for the species and provides an oppor- with inputs from all the authors. KBR, gathered data, BC developed
tunity to assess the role of biotic factors that determine its methodology for modelling, KBR and BC performed analysis. GR
distribution (Dash et al. 2020). Efforts should also be made revised the manuscripts with inputs from all the authors. All the authors
among local farmers in various countries for their com- gave final approval for publication.
mercial cultivation. The study provides a useful means for
identifying species hotspots for prioritizing conservation.
The ecological niche maps generated in this study could be
overlaid with other factors such as demographic data, threat
status etc. so that a comprehensive map for the conserva-
tion of the species could be arrived at. Similarly, different
measures such as conservation status, risk factors, economic Adhikari D, Reshi DBK, Samant SS, Chettri A, Upadhaya K, Shah MA,
values, expert opinion and measure of species preference Singh PP, Tiwary R, Majumdar K, Pradhan A, Thakur ML, Salam
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worth of a given habitat for conservation and sustainable and characterization of new populations through ecological niche
modelling improve threat assessment. Curr Sci 114(3):519–531
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