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BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _

english Technical Description

User's Guide

Balluff GmbH
Schurwaldstrasse 9
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.
Phone +49 (0) 71 58/1 73-0
Fax +49 (0) 71 58/50 10
Servicehotline +49 (0) 71 58/1 73-3 70
E-Mail: [email protected]
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

Contents 1 Safety Advisory

1 Safety Advisory ..................... 2 Read this manual before installing ducer system. In particular, steps
1.1 Proper application .................. 2 and operating the Micropulse Trans- must be taken to ensure that should
1.2 Qualified personnel ................ 2 ducer. the transducer system become de-
1.3 Use and inspection ................ 2 fective no hazards to persons or
1.4 Scope ..................................... 2 1.1 Proper application property can result. This includes
the installation of additional safety
2 Function and The BTL5 Micropulse transducer is limit switches, emergency shutoff
Characteristics ..................... 3 intended to be installed in a ma- switches and maintaining the per-
2.1 Characteristics ....................... 3 chine or system. Together with a missible ambient conditions.
controller (PLC) it comprises a posi-
2.2 Function ................................. 3
tion measuring system and may
2.3 Available stroke lengths and 1.4 Scope
only be used for this purpose.
magnets ................................. 3 This guide applies to the model
Unauthorized modifications and
3 Installation ............................ 3 BTL5-A/C/E/G...B/Z... Micropulse
non-permitted usage will result in
3.1 Mounting ................................ 3 transducer.
the loss of warranty and liability
3.2 Transducer, Installation ........... 4 claims. An overview of the various models
3.3 Magnets, Installation .............. 5 can be found in section 12 Versions
1.2 Qualified personnel (indicated on product label) on
4 Wiring .................................... 5 page 12.
This guide is intended for special-
5 Startup ................................... 6 ized personnel who will perform the
5.1 Check connections ................ 6 Note: For special versions, which
installation and setup of the system. are indicated by an -SA_ _ _ des-
5.2 Turning on the system ............ 6
5.3 Check output values .............. 6 ignation in the part number, other
1.3 Use and inspection technical data may apply (affect-
5.4 Check functionality ................ 6
The relevant safety regulations must ing calibration, wiring, dimensions
5.5 Fault conditions ...................... 6 etc.).
be followed when using the trans-
6 Calibration procedure .......... 6
6.1 Selecting calibration mode ..... 7
6.2 Teach-in .................................. 7
6.3 Manual adjust ......................... 7
6.4 Reset ...................................... 7
6.5 Online-setting ......................... 7
7 Teach-in mode ...................... 8
8 Manual adjust mode ............ 9
9 Resetting all values
(Reset) ................................. 10
10 Online-setting mode .......... 11
11 Technical Data .................... 12
11.1 Dimensions, weights,
ambient conditions ............... 12
11.2 Supply voltage (external) ...... 12 The CE Mark verifies Emission tests:
11.3 Outputs ................................ 12 that our products meet RF Emission
the requirements of EN 55011 Group 1, Class A
11.4 Connection to controller ....... 12
EC Directive Noise immunity tests:
11.5 Included in shipment ............ 12
11.6 Magnets ............................... 12 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive) Static electricity (ESD)
11.7 Accessories (optional) .......... 12 EN 61000-4-2 Severity level 3
and the EMC Law. Testing in our
Electromagnetic fields (RFI)
12 Versions (indicated on EMC Laboratory, which is accred-
EN 61000-4-3 Severity level 3
product label) ...................... 12 ited by DATech for Testing Electro-
magnetic Compatibility, has con- Fast transients (Burst)
firmed that Balluff products meet EN 61000-4-4 Severity level 3
The following patents have been the EMC requirements of the fol- Surge
granted in connection with this lowing Generic Standards: EN 61000-4-5 Severity level 2
product: Line-induced noise induced by
EN 50081-2 (emission) high-frequency fields
US Patent 5 923 164
Apparatus and Method for Auto- EN 61000-6-2 (noise immunity) EN 61000-4-6 Severity level 3
matically Tuning the Gain of an Magnetic fields
Amplifier EN 61000-4-8 Severity level 4

2 english
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

2 Function and Characteristics

2.1 Characteristics net to generate a magnetostrictive Dimensions for installing the

torsional wave in the waveguide Micropulse transducer: ➥ Fig. 3-2
Micropulse transducers feature:
which propagates at ultrasonic Dimensions for installing the mag-
– Very high resolution, repeatability speed. net: ➥ Fig. 3-4
and linearity
The torsional wave arriving at the
– Immunity to shock, vibration, 2.3 Available stroke lengths
end of the waveguide is absorbed in
contamination and electrical noise and magnets
the damping zone. The wave arriv-
– An absolute output signal ing at the beginning of the wave- To provide for optimum fit in any
– Automatic signal regulation guide creates an electrical signal in application, a wide range of stan-
– 100 % adjusting range the coil surrounding the waveguide. dard stroke lengths and magnets in
The propagation time of the wave is various form factors are available.
– Removable calibration device used to derive the position. Depend- Magnets must therefore be ordered
– 2 kHz update rate ing on the version the corresponding separately.
– Error information via output signal value is output as a voltage or a cur-
rent either with rising or falling char- The following nominal stroke
– Pressure rated to 600 bar lengths are available:
acteristic. This process takes place
– IP 67 per IEC 60529 with measuring high precision and Stroke lengths Increments
repeatability within the stroke range [mm] [mm]
2.2 Function defined as nominal stroke length. 50 ... 500 25
The transducer contains a tubular At the rod end is a damping zone, 500 ... 1000 50
waveguide enclosed by an outer within which no reliable signal is
stainless steel rod. A magnet at- 1000 ... 2000 100
available, but which may be entered
tached to the moving member of by the magnet. 2000 ... 4000 250
the machine or to the cylinder pis-
ton is moved over the rod and its The electrical connection between Other stroke lengths on request.
position constantly updated. the transducer, the processor/con-
troller and the power supply is via a
The magnet defines the measured cable, which depending on the ver-
position on the waveguide. An inter- sion is either fixed or connected
nally generated INIT pulse interacts using a female connector.
with the magnetic field of the mag-

3 Installation

3.1 Mounting
When possible, use non-magnetiz-
able material for attaching the trans-
ducer and magnet ring. ➥ Fig. 3-1.

When attaching the transducer to

magnetizable materials, appro-
priate measures must be taken to
protect against magnetic disturb- non-magnetizable material
ances ➥ Fig. 3-1. Note the
recommended distance of the
transducer and cylinder from
strong, external magnetic fields.

➀ - ➂ for magnetizable materials a = Spacer made of non-mag-

➃ for non-magnetizable materials netizable materials
b = Magnet
Fig. 3-1: Mounting

english 3
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

3 Installation (cont.)

Electrical connection Mounting B: 30 mm Damping zone (unusable area)

Ø 6.5 surface Z: 2" Nominal length 60 ±0.5
= measuring range

Ø 10.2

BTL5...B/Z-S 32

Magnet Magnet

M4 × 4/6 deep
0.5 45

Blind hole
11 12 74 25 Thread size: B: M18×1.5 (includes nut) SW 46
Z: 3/4"-16UNF
~ 27 ~ 27 ~ 53



Fig. 3-2: Transducer BTL5...B/Z, Dimensions

Important Installation Notes: not exceed a tightening torque of cylinder rod should be at least
100 Nm. 13 mm.
The contact surface of the trans-
ducer must be completely con- For horizontal mounting of trans- When attaching the transducer to
tacted by the mounting surface. ducer with stroke lengths greater magnetizable materials, appropriate
The O-ring supplied must make a than 500 mm, the pressure tube measures must be taken to protect
perfect pressure seal, i.e. the bevel should be supported or attached at against magnetic disturbances,
for the O-ring must be configured its end. ➥ Fig. 3-1.
exactly as shown in Fig. 3-3. When installing in a hydraulic cylin- Note the recommended distance of
To achieve secure mounting, use der, do not allow the magnet ring to the transducer and cylinder from
the proper nut for the mounting rub against the pressure tube. The strong, external magnetic fields.
thread. When tightening the nut, do bore diameter in the piston and

3.2 Transducer, Installation Threaded hole

M18×1.5 per
The smallest permissible distance ISO 6149
between magnet ring and rod O-ring 15.4 × 2.1
mounting surface is shown in
Fig. 3-2.
The transducer has either a
M18×1.5 thread or a 3/4"-16UNF
thread for mounting. The sealing is
carried out with the O-ring supplied
at the flange facing.
Bevel for O-ring Threaded hole
Threaded hole
3/4"-16UNF per
SAE J475
O-ring 15.3 × 2.4

Fig. 3-3: Threaded hole for mounting the BTL with O-ring

4 english
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

3 Installation (cont.) 4 Wiring

3.3 Magnets, Installation Note the following when mak- The shield must be tied to the
ing electrical connections: connector housing in the BKS
A magnet is required for each trans-
connector (➥ Fig. 4-3); see in-
ducer. This must be ordered sepa- System and control cabi-
structions accompanying the
rately. ➥ Fig. 3-4. net must be at the same
ground potential.
For mounting the magnet we rec-
In the cable version the cable
ommend to use non-magnetizable To ensure the electromagnetic
shield is connected to the hous-
material. ➥ Fig. 3-1. compatibility (EMC) which Balluff
ing in the PG fitting.
warrants with the CE Mark, the
following instructions must be The cable shield must be grounded
BTL-P-1013-4R strictly followed. on the control side, i.e., connected
to the protection ground.
BTL transducer and the control
must be connected using Pin assignments can be found in
shielded cable. ➥ Table 4-1. Connections on the
controller side may vary accord-
Shielding: Copper filament
ing to the controller and configu-
braided, 80% coverage.
ration used.

not used YE
10...0 V PK
0...10 V GN
+24 V BN

BTL5-A11- Controller with

...KA_ _ analog input

Bild 4-1: BTL5-A11...KA_ _ with controller, wiring example


When routing the cable between the

transducer, controller and power
supply, avoid proximity to high volt-
age lines to prevent noise coupling.
Especially critical is inductive noise
caused by AC harmonics (e.g. from
phase-control devices), against
which the cable shield provides only
Fig. 3-4: Magnet (optional)
limited protection.
Cable length max. 20 m; Ø 6 to
8 mm. Longer lengths may be used
Cable entry (PG 9 fitting)

if construction, shielding and routing

are such that external noise fields right-angle BKS-S 33M-00
will have no effect on signal integrity. No. 99-5672-78-08 (Binder part no.)

straignt BKS-S 32M-00

BKS connector, view No. 99-5672-19-08 (Binder part no.)
towards solder side of
female BKS-S 32M-00
or BKS-S 33M-00

Fig 3-5: Spacer

Fig. 4-2: Pin assignments BKS,
connector type BTL Fig. 4-3: Connector (optional)

english 5
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

4 Wiring (cont.)

Output signals
Pin Cable BTL5-A_1 -C_0 -C_7 -E_0 -E_7 -G_1
1 YE yellow not used ➀ 0...20 mA 20...0 mA 4...20 mA 20...4 mA not used ➀
2 GY gray 0V
3 PK pink 10...0 V not used ➀ 10...–10 V
4 not used
5 GN green 0...10 V not used ➀ –10...10 V

Supply voltage (external)

Pin Cable BTL5-A/C/E/G1_ BTL5-A/C/E/G2_ ➀ Unused leads can be tied to
GND on the control side, but they
6 BU blue GND ➁ GND ➁
must never be connected to the
7 BN brown +24 V +15 V shield.
8 WH white do not connect –15 V ➁ Reference GND for supply
voltage and EMC!
Table 4-1: Wiring

5 Startup

5.1 Check connections Therefore make sure that no haz- 5.4 Check functionality
ards could result from these situa-
Although the connections are polar- The functionality of the transducer
ity reversal protected, components system and all its associated com-
can be damaged by improper con- ponents should be regularly
5.3 Check output values
nections and overvoltage. Before checked and recorded.
you apply power, check the connec- After replacing or repairing a trans-
tions carefully. ducer, it is advisable to verify the 5.5 Fault conditions
values for the start and end position
When there is evidence that the
5.2 Turning on the system of the magnet in manual mode. If
transducer system is not operating
values other* than those present
Note that the system may execute properly, it should be taken out of
before the replacement or repair are
uncontrolled movements when first service and guarded against unau-
found, a correction should be made.
turned on or when the transducer is thorized use.
part of a closed-loop system whose * Transducers are subject to modifi-
parameters have not yet been set. cation or manufacturing tolerances.

6 Calibration procedure

Please note: Any desired magnet position The buttons are automatically dis-
within the factory set nominal abled after approximately 10 min-
The calibration device is to be at-
stroke length can be assigned utes of non-use.
tached to the connection end of
with a null- or endpoint. Do not
the transducer as shown in Advantages:
however reverse the null- and
➥ Fig. 6-1. Connect the trans-
endpoints. The display will always indicate the
ducer to the controller. To monitor
the calibration procedure, a dis- Once the calibration procedure is current position value even during
play (controller or multimeter) concluded, the calibration device the calibration procedure.
which displays the BTL voltage or can be removed to prevent acci- The last programmed values re-
current levels is required. All set- dental changes and to store in a main stored, regardless of whether
tings are done with a magnet safe place for the next use. the programming mode is ended
within the stroke area. manually by pressing the buttons
The examples shown in this hand-
Please verify that the absolute book refer to the two versions with or automatically after 10 minutes.
null- and endpoints are always 0 to 10 V and 4 to 20 mA outputs.
within the maximum and mini- For all other versions the corre-
mum possible output values sponding values can be found in
(➥ value table 7-1 on page 8). the ➥ value table 7-1 on page 8.

6 english
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

6 Calibration procedure (cont.)

6.1 Selecting calibration mode To do this, the magnet is brought

alternately to the new start and end
System not running:
position, and the displayed values
Depending on the application use
are adjusted by keystroke or press-
either Teach-in or manual adjust.
ing the buttons until the desired
System running: values are reached.
In special situations the online set-
➥ Section 8 Manual adjust mode
ting mode may be used.

6.2 Teach-in Move magnet to new desired

The factory-set null- and endpoints start position.
will be replaced by the new null-
and endpoints. First move the mag-
net to the new null position, then to
1 2 the new end position, and press the New start
= Button 1 1 2 = Button 2 buttons to accept the correspond- value
blue gray ing value.
➥ Section 7 Teach-in mode before
Fig. 6-1: Calibration device
(shown on transducer) after
1st step: Move magnet to new
null position
Null point
Buttons Move magnet to new
disabled end position
1 / 2 Accept new
null value
1 + 2 fal New end
ling value
Buttons before
enabled value
ing after before
1 1 + 2 2
2nd step: Move magnet to new end
Reset position End
Teach-in Adjust
Fig. 6-4: Manual adjust procedure
Accept new
1 2 1 2 end value 6.4 Reset

Null End Null End The reset function can be used to

before restore the transducer to its factory
point point point point End
value default settings.
Buttons ➥ Section 9 Resetting all values
disabled (Reset)
New stroke 100 %
2 6.5 Online-setting
Fig. 6-3: Teach-in procedure Setting the start and end values is
1 + 2 2 + 1
done while the system is running.
Buttons 6.3 Manual adjust ➥ Section 10 Online setting mode
This method allows you to set a
Online- Online-
new start and/or end value. This
setting setting may be useful if the magnet can not
be brought to the null or end point
Null point End point
of the transducer.

Fig. 6-2: Selecting calibration mode

english 7
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

7 Teach-in mode

Enable buttons: BTL5-A... with magnet in stroke range

1. Press one of the buttons for at
least 3 s. Release button. Displayed values (example)
for 0...10 V for 4...20 mA
2. Within 1 s hold down buttons 1+2
simultaneously for at least 3 s. 5.39 Current position
V 9.15 mA

Enable buttons
Now the Error value remains stored value
as the output signal. Current position
>3 s 1 / 2 5.39 V 9.15 mA
In case of an error or a break in <1 s
the activation sequence of but- >3 s 1 + 2 10.50 V 3.60 mA Code = Error value
tons, wait for the duration of pro-
tection time of 12 s before start-
ing the sequence anew. 10.50 V 3.60 mA Code = Error value

Select teach-in:
Hold down button 1 for at least 2 s >2 s 1 4.00 V 12.00 mA Code for Teach-in
until the code for teach-in is dis-
played. Release button. Der aktuelle Current position
Positionswert wird angezeigt.
Teach- 5.39 V 9.15 mA
Set nullpoint:
Current position
1. Move magnet to exact desired 1.04 V 4.82 mA
2. Hold down button 1 for at least
2 s. The new nullpoint is set.
>2 s 1 0.00 V 4.00 mA Code = Null value
Set end point:
3. Move magnet to exact desired end 0.00 V 4.00 mA New null value
Current position
4. Hold down button 2 for at least 9.89 V 19.13 mA
2 s. The new end point is set.
End teach-in >2 s 2 10.00 V 20.00 mA Code = End value
and disable buttons:
Hold down buttons 1+2 simulta- 10.00 V 20.00 mA New end value
neously for at least 6 s to end the
calibration procedure until the Error
disable buttons

value is displayed. Then press one

of the buttons briefly to disable both
>6 s 1 + 2 10.50 V 3.60 mA Code = Error value

<1 s 1 / 2 10.50 V 3.60 mA Code = Error value

Check your new settings carefully
Current position
before you start up the machine 10.00 V 20.00 mA
or system.

Null point End point

Table 7-1: Value table for
teach-in and manual adjust

Value table for BTL5 M in. Null value Code for Code for End value M ax. Error
teach- in and adjusting version value (head end) adjusting teach- in (rod end) value value
rising A (Volt) –0.50 0 2.00 4.00 +10.00 +10.50 +10.50
G (Volt) –10.50 –10.00 2.00 4.00 +10.00 +10.50 +10.50
B (Volt) –5.25 –5.00 2.00 4.00 +5.00 +5.25 +5.25
C (mA) 0 0 6.00 12.00 20.00 >20 >20
E (mA) <4 4.00 6.00 12.00 20.00 >20 <4
falling A (Volt) +10.50 +10.00 8.00 6.00 0 –0.50 –0.50
G (Volt) +10.50 +10.00 8.00 6.00 –10.00 –10.50 –10.50
B (Volt) +5.25 +5.00 8.00 6.00 –5.00 –5.25 –5.25
C (mA) >20 20.00 14.00 8.00 0 0 >20
E (mA) >20 20.00 14.00 8.00 4.00 <4 <4

8 english
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

8 Manual adjust mode

Enable buttons: BTL5-A... with magnet in stroke range

1. Press one of the buttons for at
Displayed values (example)
least 3 s. Release button.
for 0...10 V for 4...20 mA
2. Within 1 s hold down buttons 1+2
simultaneously for at least 3 s. Now 5.39 V 9.15 mA Current position value

Enable buttons
the Error value remains stored as
the output signal. 5.39
>3 s 1 / 2 V 9.15 mA Current position value
Select adjust: <1 s
Hold down button 2 for at least 2 s >3 s 1 + 2 10.50 V 3.60 mA Code = Error value
until the code for manual adjust is
displayed. Release button. The cur-
rent position value is displayed. 10.50 V 3.60 mA Code = Error value

Adjust start value:

1. Move magnet to exact start posi- >2 s 2 2.00 V 6.00 mA Code for adjustment
2. Hold down button 1 for at least 2 s.
3. Shift null point (=start value) to- adjust 5.39 V 9.15 mA Current position value
wards flange or rod end with con-
stant slope: Briefly pressing the
buttons increases or decreases the 1.04 V 4.82 mA Current position value
actual value by approx. 1 mV or 2
µA. Holding a button down for Code for adjusting
>2 s 1 0.00 V 4.00 mA
start value = Null value
longer than 1 s increases the step
4. Exit calibration procedure for the ++ 1 1.34 V 4.82 mA Current position value
start value: Press buttons 1+2 less >1 s +
than 2 s. >1 s 1.00 V 4.40 mA New start value
Adjust end value: 2 –
5. Move magnet to exact end posi- –– 2
6. Hold down button 2 for at least 2 s. <2 s 1 + 2 2.00 V 6.00 mA Code for adjustment
7. Increase or reduce slope: Briefly
pressing the buttons increases or
decreases the actual value by
adjust 1.00 V 4.40 mA Current position value
approx. 1 mV or 2 µA. Holding a
button down for longer than 1 s 9.89 V 19.13 mA Current position value
increases the step size.
8. Exit calibration procedure for the Code for adjusting
end value: Press buttons 1+2 less >2 s 2 10.00 V 20.00 mA
end value = End value
than 2 s.
Additional notes: 9.89 V 19.13 mA Current position value
++ 1
Setting the end value (i.e. the slope) 1
>1 s +
and the start value can mutually
affect each other depending on the >1 s 9.00 V 19.00 mA New end value
stroke position. You will need to 2 –
repeat steps 1 to 8 over until the –– 2
start and end values agree with their
respective desired values. <2 s 1 + 2 2.00 V 6.00 mA Code for adjustment
End adjustment, disable buttons:
Hold down buttons 1+2 simulta- adjust 9.00 V 19.00 mA Current position value
neously for at least 6 s to end the
calibration procedure until the Error
value is displayed. Then press one
disable buttons

of the buttons briefly (<1 s) to dis- >6 s 1 + 2 10.50 V 3.60 mA Code = Error value
able both buttons.

Check your settings carefully be-

<1 s 1 / 2 10.50 V 3.60 mA Code = Error value
fore starting up the system.
9.00 V 19.00 mA Current position value

english 9
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

9 Resetting all values (Reset)

If an existing configuration needs to Displayed values (example)

be deleted, all values can be re- at 0...10 V at 4...20 mA
stored to the original factory set-
tings (Reset). 5.39 V 10.80 mA
position value

Enable buttons
Activate buttons:
1. Press one of the buttons for at >3 s 1 / 2 5.39 V 10.80 mA
position value
least 3 s. Release button. <1 s
2. Within 1 s hold down buttons 1+2 Code =
simultaneously for at least 3 s. Now >3 s 1 + 2 10.50 V 3.60 mA
Error value
the Error value remains stored as
the output signal. Code =
10.50 V 3.60 mA
Error value
If an error occurs or there is an

Code =
interruption while activating a >6 s 1 + 2 0.00 V 4.00 mA
Null value
button, please wait for an addi-
tional 12 s before starting over.
8.43 V 15.67 mA
position value
Perform reset:
(factory setting)
3. Hold down both buttons for at least
6 s. The Null value is displayed, and
the reset has taken place.
4. Release buttons. The current posi-
tion value is displayed and the
buttons are again deactivated.
The transducer is ready for new

10 english
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

10 Online-setting mode

The BTL output signal at a particu-

lar magnet position is set to the CAUTION! In this procedure the machine with the BTL system remains
desired value which is then stored operational, i.e., any change in the BTL output signal may
by the controller as a start or end cause the machine to respond.
value without having to power down Be sure that this response will not result in any risk to persons
the entire system. For this reason or equipment!
the safety advisory at right should
be especially noted. Maximum adjusting range for each adjustment procedure:
Start value = max. ±12.5 % of actual stroke,
Setting start value online: End value = max. ±12.5 % of actual output value.
1. Position system so that the mag-
Note: Between each adjustment procedure – also between setting of start
net ring is located at the start posi-
and end value – has to be exited by waiting 15 s (time out) until the next
adjustment can be carried out.
2. Activate buttons:
Hold button 1 down for at least 3 s When the desired value cannot be reached within the first adjustment pro-
and then – without releasing but- cedure because the adjustment range of ±12.5 % is exceeded, another ad-
ton 1 – hold both buttons down for justment can be carried out after 15 s. This can be repeated until the de-
at least 3 s. sired value is achieved.
3. Setting the value:
Briefly pressing the buttons in-
creases or decreases the actual BTL5-... with magnet in start position
value by approx. 1 mV or 2 µA. Displayed values (example)
Holding a button down for longer at 0...10 V at 4...20 mA
than 1 s increases the step size. current
4. Once the adjustment range or the position
desired start value is reached, the value

setup mode is automatically exited

if no button is pressed for at least
15 s. The buttons are again dis-
abled. Another adjustment proce- current
dure can be carried out. position
Setting end value online:
1. Position system so that the mag-
net ring is located at the end posi-
2. Activate buttons: new start
Hold button 2 down for at least 3 s value
and then - without releasing but-
ton 2 - hold both buttons down for
at least 3 s. The values shown here are examples only.
3. Setting the value:
Briefly pressing the buttons in- BTL5-... with magnet at end of stroke
creases or decreases the actual Displayed values (example)
value by approx. 1 mV or 2 µA. at 0...10 V at 4...20 mA
Holding a button down for longer current
than 1 s increases the step size. position
4. Once the adjustment range or the value

desired end value is reached, the

setup mode is automatically exited
if no button is pressed for at least
15 s. The buttons are again dis-
abled. Another adjustment proce-
dure can be carried out. value

new end

The values shown here are examples only.

english 11
BTL5-A/C/E/G_ _-M/U_ _ _ _-B/Z-S 32/KA_ _
Micropulse Linear Transducer - Rod Style

11 Technical Data

Typical values at DC 24 V and 25 °C. Ready for operation at once, full accuracy after warm-up. With magnet
BTL-P-1013-4R, BTL-P-1013-4S or BTL-P-1012-4R:

Resolution + Hysteresis 11.1 Dimensions, weights, 11.3 Outputs

= Repeatability ambient conditions
Voltage 0.3 mV
Nominal length < 4000 mm Output voltage 0...10/10...0 V
Current 0.6 µA
Dimensions ➥ Fig. 3-2 Load current < 5 mA
Minimum 0.05 mm
Weight ca. 2 kg/m Ripple < 5 mV
Sampling rate fStandard = 2 kHz Housing anodized aluminum BTL5-G...
Pressure tube Stainless steel 1.4571 Output voltage –10...10/10... –10 V
diameter 10.2 mm Load current < 5 mA
Nom. length < 500 mm > 500 mm
wall thickness 2 mm Ripple < 5 mV
in µm ±100 ±0.02 % FS e-modulus ca. 200 kN/mm2 BTL5-C...
Temperature coefficient Mounting thread M18×1.5 or Output current 0...20/20...0 mA
Voltage output: 3/4"-16UNF Load resistance < 500 Ohm
[150 µV/K + (5 ppm/K * P * V/NL)] * ∆T Operating temp. –40 °C to +85 °C BTL5-E...
Current output: Humidity < 90 %, non-dewing Output current 4...20/20...4 mA
[0,6 µA/K + (10 ppm/K * P * I/NL)] * ∆T Protection rating Load resistance < 500 Ohm
V = output voltage range in [V] per IEC 60529 IP 67
I = output current range in [mA] with connector attached 11.4 Connection to controller
NL = nominal length in [mm] Analog interface:
∆T = temperature coefficient in [K] 11.2 Supply voltage (external)
With S32 connector for shielded
P = magnet position in [mm] Regulated supply voltage cable (max. length, see "Wiring"),
Shock 100 g/6 ms BTL5-_1... DC 20 to 28 V diameter 6 to 8 mm, or with integral

No. 811 817 E • Edition 0110; specifications subject to changes • Replaces edition 9811.
per IEC 60068-2-27 1 Ripple < 0.5 Vpp cable (5 m long)
Continuous shock 100 g/2 ms BTL5-_2... DC ±14.7 to ±15.3 V
per IEC 60068-2-29 1 Current draw < 150 mA 11.5 Included in shipment
Vibration 12 g, 10 to 2000 Hz Inrush < 3 A/0.5 ms
Polarity reversal protection built-in Transducer ➥ Fig. 3-2
per IEC 60068-2-6 1 Calibration device ➥ Fig. 6-1
(take care to avoid inherent reso- Overvoltage protection
nances of protective tube) Transzorb diodes
Electric strength 11.6 Magnets
Pressure up to 600 bar (order separately)
when installed in a GND to housing 500 V
hydraulic cylinder Magnets BTL-P-1013-4R,
Individual specifications as per BTL-P-1013-4S, BTL-P-1012-4R
Balluff factory standard Dimensions ➥ Fig. 3-4
Weight approx. 10 g
Housing anodized aluminum
Operating temp. –40 °C to +85 °C
Magnets BTL5-P-4500-1
12 Versions (indicated on product label) (Electromagnet)
Weight approx. 90 g
Supply voltage: 1 = DC 24 V, 2 = DC ±15 V Housing plastic
Electr. connection, S 32: with connector, Operating temp. –40 °C to +60 °C
BTL5-A11-M0450-B-S 32 KA05: with 5 m cable
Rod Style, 11.7 Accessories (optional)
Linear Transducer

Mounting: B = metric thread M18×1.5

includes nut Connectors ➥ Fig. 4-3
Z = thread 3/4"-16UNF
Nom. length (4digits): M = metric in mm
U = inches in 1/10 Inch
Analog interface:
Voltage output A_1 = 10 ... 0 V and 0 ... 10 V
G_1 = 10 ... –10 V and –10 ... 10 V
Current output C_0 = 0 ... 20 mA E_0 = 4 ... 20 mA
C_7 = 20 ... 0 mA E_7 = 20 ... 4 mA

12 english

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