Air System Design Output Data

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Air System Sizing Summary for FCU - 7 Pax / Board Room

Project Name: Everstone 06/08/2023

Prepared by: Alex & Coldwell 01:59PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ............. FCU - 7 Pax / Board Room Number of zones ............................................................ 1
Equipment Class ........................................... CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................. 43.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... SZCAV Location ........................... Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing ................... Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing ............... Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load .......................................................... 5.9 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jun 0900
Sensible coil load .................................................... 5.0 kW OA DB / WB .................................................... 38.6 / 27.5 °C
Coil L/s at Jun 0900 ............................................... 439 L/s Entering DB / WB ............................................ 23.2 / 17.4 °C
Max block L/s ......................................................... 439 L/s Leaving DB / WB ............................................. 13.8 / 13.2 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ............................................ 439 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 12.7 °C
Sensible heat ratio .............................................. 0.840 Bypass Factor ......................................................... 0.100
m²/kW ..................................................................... 7.3 Resulting RH ................................................................ 60 %
W/m² ................................................................... 137.4 Design supply temp. .................................................. 13.5 °C
Water flow @ 9.0 °K rise ....................................... 0.16 L/s Zone T-stat Check .................................................. 1 of 1 OK
Max zone temperature deviation ................................. 0.0 °K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ....................................................... 439 L/s Fan motor BHP ......................................................... 0.50 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................... 438 L/s Fan motor kW ........................................................... 0.40 kW
Actual max L/(s-m²) ............................................. 10.20 L/(s-m²)

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s ....................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................. 0.00 L/s/person
L/(s-m²) ................................................................. 0.00 L/(s-m²)

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Zone Sizing Summary for FCU - 7 Pax / Board Room
Project Name: Everstone 06/08/2023
Prepared by: Alex & Coldwell 01:59PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ............. FCU - 7 Pax / Board Room Number of zones ............................................................ 1
Equipment Class ........................................... CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................. 43.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... SZCAV Location ........................... Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing ................... Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing ............... Individual peak space loads

Zone Sizing Data

Maximum Maximum Zone

Cooling Design Minimum Heating Floor
Sensible Airflow Airflow Time of Load Area Zone
Zone Name (kW) (L/s) (L/s) Peak Load (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1 4.4 439 439 Jun 0900 0.3 43.0 10.20

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system.

Space Loads and Airflows

Cooling Time Air Heating Floor

Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1
Board Room 1 3.3 Jun 0900 323 0.3 26.0 12.43
7Pax Meeting Room 1 1.2 Jan 2000 115 0.0 17.0 6.79

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Air System Sizing Summary for FCU - CEO
Project Name: Everstone 06/08/2023
Prepared by: Alex & Coldwell 01:59PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ....................................... FCU - CEO Number of zones ............................................................ 1
Equipment Class ........................................... CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................. 25.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... SZCAV Location ........................... Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing ................... Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing ............... Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load .......................................................... 5.2 kW Load occurs at .................................................. Jun 0900
Sensible coil load .................................................... 4.9 kW OA DB / WB .................................................... 38.6 / 27.5 °C
Coil L/s at Jun 0900 ............................................... 436 L/s Entering DB / WB ............................................ 23.2 / 16.9 °C
Max block L/s ......................................................... 436 L/s Leaving DB / WB ............................................. 13.9 / 13.3 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ............................................ 436 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 12.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio .............................................. 0.951 Bypass Factor ......................................................... 0.100
m²/kW ..................................................................... 4.8 Resulting RH ................................................................ 56 %
W/m² ................................................................... 207.3 Design supply temp. .................................................. 13.5 °C
Water flow @ 9.0 °K rise ....................................... 0.14 L/s Zone T-stat Check .................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Max zone temperature deviation ................................. 0.2 °K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ....................................................... 436 L/s Fan motor BHP ......................................................... 0.50 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................... 436 L/s Fan motor kW ........................................................... 0.40 kW
Actual max L/(s-m²) ............................................. 17.45 L/(s-m²)

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s ....................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................. 0.00 L/s/person
L/(s-m²) ................................................................. 0.00 L/(s-m²)

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Zone Sizing Summary for FCU - CEO
Project Name: Everstone 06/08/2023
Prepared by: Alex & Coldwell 01:59PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ....................................... FCU - CEO Number of zones ............................................................ 1
Equipment Class ........................................... CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................. 25.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... SZCAV Location ........................... Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing ................... Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing ............... Individual peak space loads

Zone Sizing Data

Maximum Maximum Zone

Cooling Design Minimum Heating Floor
Sensible Airflow Airflow Time of Load Area Zone
Zone Name (kW) (L/s) (L/s) Peak Load (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1 4.5 436 436 Jun 0900 0.4 25.0 17.45

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system.

Space Loads and Airflows

Cooling Time Air Heating Floor

Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1
CEO 1 4.5 Jun 0900 436 0.4 25.0 17.45

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Air System Sizing Summary for FCU - Server/ Reception
Project Name: Everstone 06/08/2023
Prepared by: Alex & Coldwell 01:59PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................ FCU - Server/ Reception Number of zones ............................................................ 1
Equipment Class ........................................... CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................. 30.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... SZCAV Location ........................... Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing ................... Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing ............... Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load .......................................................... 6.7 kW Load occurs at ................................................... Jul 1500
Sensible coil load .................................................... 6.5 kW OA DB / WB .................................................... 46.0 / 29.0 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1500 ................................................. 589 L/s Entering DB / WB ............................................ 23.0 / 16.7 °C
Max block L/s ......................................................... 589 L/s Leaving DB / WB ............................................. 13.8 / 13.2 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ............................................ 589 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 12.8 °C
Sensible heat ratio .............................................. 0.972 Bypass Factor ......................................................... 0.100
m²/kW ..................................................................... 4.5 Resulting RH ................................................................ 56 %
W/m² ................................................................... 223.0 Design supply temp. .................................................. 13.5 °C
Water flow @ 9.0 °K rise ....................................... 0.18 L/s Zone T-stat Check .................................................. 0 of 1 OK
Max zone temperature deviation ................................. 0.1 °K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ....................................................... 589 L/s Fan motor BHP ......................................................... 0.50 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................... 588 L/s Fan motor kW ........................................................... 0.40 kW
Actual max L/(s-m²) ............................................. 19.62 L/(s-m²)

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s ....................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................. 0.00 L/s/person
L/(s-m²) ................................................................. 0.00 L/(s-m²)

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Zone Sizing Summary for FCU - Server/ Reception
Project Name: Everstone 06/08/2023
Prepared by: Alex & Coldwell 01:59PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ................ FCU - Server/ Reception Number of zones ............................................................ 1
Equipment Class ........................................... CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................. 30.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... SZCAV Location ........................... Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing ................... Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing ............... Individual peak space loads

Zone Sizing Data

Maximum Maximum Zone

Cooling Design Minimum Heating Floor
Sensible Airflow Airflow Time of Load Area Zone
Zone Name (kW) (L/s) (L/s) Peak Load (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1 6.0 589 589 Jul 1500 0.0 30.0 19.62

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system.

Space Loads and Airflows

Cooling Time Air Heating Floor

Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1
Reception 1 2.4 Jul 1600 239 0.0 24.0 9.94
Server 1 3.6 Jul 1500 350 0.0 6.0 58.34

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Air System Sizing Summary for FCU - Workstations / Exe. Cabin
Project Name: Everstone 06/08/2023
Prepared by: Alex & Coldwell 01:59PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ... FCU - Workstations / Exe. Cabin Number of zones ............................................................ 1
Equipment Class ........................................... CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................. 89.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... SZCAV Location ........................... Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing ................... Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing ............... Individual peak space loads

Central Cooling Coil Sizing Data

Total coil load .......................................................... 9.9 kW Load occurs at ................................................... Jul 1600
Sensible coil load .................................................... 8.9 kW OA DB / WB .................................................... 45.7 / 28.9 °C
Coil L/s at Jul 1600 ................................................. 822 L/s Entering DB / WB ............................................ 22.8 / 17.0 °C
Max block L/s ......................................................... 822 L/s Leaving DB / WB ............................................. 13.9 / 13.3 °C
Sum of peak zone L/s ............................................ 822 L/s Coil ADP .................................................................... 12.9 °C
Sensible heat ratio .............................................. 0.898 Bypass Factor ......................................................... 0.100
m²/kW ..................................................................... 9.0 Resulting RH ................................................................ 59 %
W/m² .................................................................... 111.3 Design supply temp. .................................................. 13.5 °C
Water flow @ 9.0 °K rise ....................................... 0.26 L/s Zone T-stat Check .................................................. 1 of 1 OK
Max zone temperature deviation ................................. 0.0 °K

Supply Fan Sizing Data

Actual max L/s ....................................................... 822 L/s Fan motor BHP ......................................................... 0.50 BHP
Standard L/s ........................................................... 822 L/s Fan motor kW ........................................................... 0.40 kW
Actual max L/(s-m²) ............................................... 9.24 L/(s-m²)

Outdoor Ventilation Air Data

Design airflow L/s ....................................................... 0 L/s L/s/person ................................................................. 0.00 L/s/person
L/(s-m²) ................................................................. 0.00 L/(s-m²)

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Zone Sizing Summary for FCU - Workstations / Exe. Cabin
Project Name: Everstone 06/08/2023
Prepared by: Alex & Coldwell 01:59PM

Air System Information

Air System Name ... FCU - Workstations / Exe. Cabin Number of zones ............................................................ 1
Equipment Class ........................................... CW AHU Floor Area ................................................................. 89.0 m²
Air System Type ............................................... SZCAV Location ........................... Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months .................................... Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing ................... Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data ................................................. Calculated Space L/s Sizing ............... Individual peak space loads

Zone Sizing Data

Maximum Maximum Zone

Cooling Design Minimum Heating Floor
Sensible Airflow Airflow Time of Load Area Zone
Zone Name (kW) (L/s) (L/s) Peak Load (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1 8.1 822 822 Jul 1500 0.3 89.0 9.24

Zone Terminal Sizing Data

No Zone Terminal Sizing Data required for this system.

Space Loads and Airflows

Cooling Time Air Heating Floor

Zone Name / Sensible of Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(s-m²)
Zone 1
Work Stations 1 5.7 Jul 1700 554 0.0 72.0 7.69
Cabin 1 2.8 Jun 0900 269 0.3 17.0 15.81

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