First-Principles Investigation of Bilayer Fluorographene
First-Principles Investigation of Bilayer Fluorographene
First-Principles Investigation of Bilayer Fluorographene
more, it is found that bilayer fluorographene is almost as strong as graphene, as its 2D Young’s
modulus is approximately 300 N m−1 .
line we distribute the F atoms equally on both sides of the leads to interlayer bonding and in which a high fluorine
bilayer because it is more energetically favorable as dis- concentration can be reached.
cussed above. Four prevalent configurations are known
for the fluorination of graphene: chair, boat, zigzag and
armchair. The chair configuration can be readily ex- a)
tended to the fluorination of bilayer graphene discussed
above. The remaining three configurations share as a
from Table II, the C-F bond length decreases even more So the band gap of bilayer fluorographene has been found
to 1.38 Å for fully fluorinated bilayer graphene. The to be intermediate between fluorographene and bulk di-
source of this behaviour can be attributed to the ionic amond. In this sense diamond can be considered as the
character of the C-F bond and a gradual transformation limit of multilayer fluorographene. This tendency was
from sp2 to sp3 hybridization of the C atoms. [40] observed before — for theoretically proposed graphite
fluoride materials involving carbon atoms with sp3 hy-
bridization. [46]
TABLE II: Properties of single layer and bilayer fluoro- The absolute value of the formation energy of bilayer
graphene: the unit cell length (a), the distances (d) and angles fluorographene is smaller than the one of the monolayer
(θ) between neighboring atoms. Distances are given in Å and
but still larger than the one of diamond. The main rea-
angles in deg.
son for the observed weakening of the formation energy
fluorographene bilayer diamond is the drop of the ratio of the amount of fluorine atoms
fluorographene per carbon atom in going from monolayer to bilayer fluo-
LDA GGA LDA GGA LDA GGA rographene. Overall, the qualitative image of the sta-
a 2.555 2.596 2.525 2.563 2.499 2.527 bility of the fluorinated materials corresponds to that
of graphane and bilayer graphane in terms of the afore-
dC−C 1.553 1.576 1.541 1.563 1.531 1.547
mentioned formation energy and the presence of covalent
dC−C 0 n/a n/a 1.537 1.554 1.531 1.547
bonds between the graphene layers which stabilize the
dC−F 1.365 1.382 1.361 1.377 n/a n/a structure. Nevertheless there is a large quantitative dif-
θCCC 110.7 110.9 110.0 110.2 109.5 109.5 ference, the fluorinated materials are much more stable
θCCC 0 n/a n/a 108.9 108.7 109.5 109.5 structures than the hydrogenated ones. [20]
θCCF 108.2 108.0 108.9 108.7 n/a n/a
TABLE III: Electronic band gap Egap and formation energy
The electronic properties of monolayer and bilayer fluo- per atom (Ef /atom) of monolayer and bilayer fluorographene
rographene are given in Table III: we calculated the band and diamond using LDA and GGA calculations. All the en-
gap of these materials together with the formation energy ergies are given in eV.
per atom (in contrast to previously used formation en- fluorographene bilayer diamond
ergies per fluorine atom). For comparison, the values of
these quantities are also given for diamond.
The calculated band gap for monolayer fluorographene
is in good agreement with previously published results Egap 2.960 3.089 3.951 4.040 5.618 5.572
when using GGA calculations. [42] Although the com- Ef /atom -1.057 -0.944 -0.722 -0.593 -0.011 0.132
puted band gap value for fluorographene is close to ex-
perimental measured values [14], this should be seen as The band structure of bilayer fluorographene is dis-
a coincidence. LDA and GGA calculations are known to played in Fig. 4 together with a diagram of the density
largely underestimate the value of the band gap. The cal- of states. The depicted band structure is seen to be qual-
culated band gaps are in fact two times lower than more itatively similar to the one of monolayer fluorographene
accurate results of many-electron GW calculations. [23] [22] with the size of the band gap as the only obvious
This apparent discrepancy is attributed to the presence difference. We also calculated the effective masses of the
of a considerable amount of defects in the experimental charge carriers around the Γ-point in order to find other
samples which induce midgap states (similar to defected differences or similarities between the two materials.
graphane [43]). The obtained effective masses of electrons, and heavy
The band gap of bilayer fluorographene is found to be and light holes for both studied materials, can be found
larger than the one of monolayer fluorographene by ap- in Table IV. It should be noted that these masses were
proximately 1 eV. This is different from the case of hy- calculated within the DFT formalism with usage of the
drogenated graphene where monolayer graphane is found LDA for the exchange-correlation functional which has
to have a slightly larger band gap than bilayer graphane. been shown to give reasonable results. [47]
[31] In fact, within LDA and GGA calculations, graphane The effective mass of charge carriers in crystalline ma-
has a larger band gap than monolayer fluorographene terials usually depends on the direction in reciprocal
[44, 45] but this observation does not apply to bilayer space. Therefore we have chosen two common directions
compounds where bilayer fluorographene surpasses bi- for the hexagonal lattice at the Γ-point, namely: Γ → K
layer graphane in the size of the energy gap. Although and Γ → M . The results for these two directions were
our calculations are not accurate enough to provide the found to be indistinguishable and so we can conclude
real band gap, it is probable that this difference in the that the effective masses at the Γ-point are isotropic.
size of the band gap between monolayer and bilayer fluo- The direction independence for the effective masses that
rographene is qualitatively correct. This follows from the we observe contradicts previous results in which the ef-
fact that LDA and GGA usually produce correct trends fective masses of monolayer fluorographene were found
in the variation of the band gap among similar systems. to be highly anisotropic. [48] Our statement about the
TABLE IV: Effective masses of holes and electrons (in units
Energy (eV)
Energy levels (eV)
As an extension to previous work [22, 31] we studied
-0.05 the potentially interesting case of bilayer fluorographene.
We demonstrated that fluorination of bilayer graphene
results in more stable structures than hydrogenation.
-0.15 This can be clearly observed by a comparison of the for-
mation energies of the final structures [20] and is accen-
tuated by the fact that the formation energy of partially
-0.25 fluorinated bilayer graphane is always negative in distinct
contrast to partially hydrogenated bilayer graphene. The
creation of interlayer chemical bonds occurs at higher
-0.35 amounts of fluorination as compared to hydrogenation.
The calculated band gap of bilayer fluorographene
shows a 30% increase over the one of bilayer graphane,
-0.45 and we also observed quantitatively significant differences
between monolayer and bilayer fluorographene. From the
FIG. 5: Energy levels of the highest valence band of mono-
value of the Young’s modulus, we can conclude that bi-
layer fluorographene in reciprocal space. The displayed region layer fluorographene is substantially stronger than mono-
is a squared portition of the Brioullin zone with a side length layer fluorographene and is almost as strong as graphene.
0.22 of the Γ-M distance. The Γ-point is taken as the origin
and the x-axis directed towards the M -point. Contour lines
are displayed for a better notion of the symmetry. Acknowledgments
When we compare the effective masses of monolayer This work is supported by the ESF - Eurocores pro-
and bilayer fluorographene, we observe only a small dif- gram EuroGRAPHENE (project CONERAN) and the